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Tlioro wore present at tho fortnightly mooting of tho City Council last evening— Tho Mayor, and Councillors Fraser, Harris, Potherick, Andorson, Barber, Harconrt, Tatura, Dovino, Penty, Tanner, and Levoi. An apology for Councillor Willeston's abaenco was received. In reply to Councillor Anderson, the Mayor said that no replyjiad been received from tho Premier in reference to tho paolio baths site. Councillor Anderson urged that tho Counoil Bhould again move in the matIt was deciilod that consideration Bhould bo given at tho noxt meeting to the question of au oleotric light oppoßito the Post Office. The odor of tho Hoe pitulTrusteos to grant a Bito in Upper Mulesworth-stroot for a hoso-rrel station was accoptod, and it was decided to instruct tho Captain of tho tiro Brigado to piocoed with tho orection of tho station. , , 'J he Counoil decidod to obtain a report from tho City Survoyor rolfttivo to tho quality of some bouldora aaid to bo by Mr. H. B. Keals to bo suitable tor road motal. Tho Road Metal Committee roportod as follows:— "1. Tho Committee beg to report that thoy have oxamined the road motal supplied by Messrs. B. Doaly & Co., and recommend that tho action of the City Survoyor in rofusing to accept any more of tho metal as suppliod by tho contractors bo approved, and that inasmuch as 20 per oont. of that alroady suppliod ia second-olass instead of first-class, tho City Survoyor be authorisod to rofuße dolivory unlesß the oontraotora ooeopt payment for the inforior class at sooond-alass rates ; but inasmuch as tho contractors state that thoy are ready and able to provido tho balance of their contract with good first-class stono, they bo allowed to proceed with their contract as long as tho first-class metal is supplied. 2. The Commit, too Lave examined tho tenders for sprawls, also the samples sent in by the tondorors, and beg to report that they have accepted tho following :— E. Dealy & Co , lOOOydB at 5s lOd, to bo delivered on Reclaimed Land ; G. H. Baylis, 500 yds at 4s lid, to bo delivered at the Esplanade and printing office ; C. Lamberg, 1000 yds at 5s sd, to be delivered on Reclaimed Land. Tho metal supplied to be of the qnality exhibited by the tenderers as samples. Councillor Tanner, in moving the adoption of tho report, said tho investigations of the Committee had proved that the accusations against the City Surveyor by tho contractors were quito unfounded. The motion was seconded by Councillor Ponty, and agreed to. The Wards Revision Committee reported as follows :—": — " The Committee report that they have held a further meeting, and heard the statements of Messrs. Jas. Martin and Eb. Gray, who attended on behalf of the petitioners. Having given full consideration to the representations of the petitioners, the Committee are of opinion that no valid reasons have been shown why any alteration in the wards of the city should be made. They therefore recommend that the Council do not take any action in the matter. For information of the Council, the Committoo attach particulars as to tho number of ratepayers, number of properties, and rateable" value of tho wards as at present constituted, viz. — Thorndon, SCS ratepayers, 1140 properties, .£48,065 rateable value ; Lambton, 790 ratepayers, 159 C properties, £141,944 rateable value ; To Aro, 1260 ratepayers, 2909 properties, .£81,474 rateable value ; Cook, 1220 ratepayers, 2272 properties, .£64,268 rateable value. Total ratepayers, 3835 ; total properties, 7918 ; total rateable value, .£339,671. Councillor Tatnm, in moving the adoption of the report, said he was in a peculiar position, as he was in favonr of a revision. Councillor Tanner seconded. Councillor Fraser said he did not believo in the report, and he moved as an amendment that it should be referred back to the Committee. The amendment was carried on the easting vote of the Mayor. Tho City Reserves Committee recommended :— ' That the Wellington Amateur Athletio Club be granted the use of the Basin Reserve for their sports on the afternoons of the 24th November and the 9th March next on the usual conditions. That about 3 chains of fencing be erected between the Newtown Park and the property of Ah Hen, Euasell-terrace, Messrs. Bothuno & Hunter, as agent 3, having undertaken to pay half the cost of same. That sections 2 and. 3 of Block 5, Te Aro Reclamation, be reserved from lease for 12 months, with tho view of thon deciding whether the sections shall be permanently set apart for a Central Firo Brigade Station." Councillor Harm urged the desirableness of having a central Firo Brigade Station, mid thought that instead of tho two sections on tho Te Aro roclaimed land being only ro. served for twelve months thoy should be reserved for all timo. Ho moved to that effect. Councillor Barber seconded. Councillor Potheriok was of opinion that the central station should be on the sito of the present station in Manners - street. The amendment was lost, and tho report ac read was adopted. The Pnblio Baths Committee reported that it was deferring its report until a reply had been reoeived from the Premier regarding a site. The report was adopted. The Building By-law Committee recommendod that Mr. W. Dear, inventor of an improved system of ereoting buildings, should be given an opportunity of showing tho public a specimen of his work by allowing him to erect a house in accordance with Ms own design. The Mayor said it was wrong to allow anyone to break the by-laws, and he therefore opposed the adoption of tho report. If Mr. Bear thought his system a good one, he could get some experts to make a report upon it. Councillor Harris pointed out that the proper course for the Committee was to have recommended that the by-law should be amended so as to allow of the erection of a honse according to Mr. Dear's plans. He agreed with the Mayor that the by-law should not be broken. Councillor Anderson nrged that the application of Mr. Dear shou'd be granted. Councillor Devine Bnggested that the report should be referred back so as to onable the Committee to amend the by-law, in order to meet Mr. Dear's case. Councillor Tanner moved as an amendment that Mr. Dear should be requested to draw up a specification of his system ir. order that the City Surveyor might report upon it. The amendment, which was seconded by Connoillor Fraser, and supported by Councillor Tatum, was carried. " The Vehicles By-law Committee bronght up a long report, and consideration was deferred until next meeting so as to allow a deputation of cab proprietors to interview the Public Works Committee. The Public Works Committee report, which has already been published, was considered. Councillor Levoi moved that clause 1, recommending the payment; of .£25 a year to tho olork of the Wellington Licensing Committee, should be strnok out. 1 his was seconded by Councillor Barber and lost by one voto. Tho clause was then passed. All the other clauses in the report were also adopted. Accounts amounting to .£9413, were passed for payment. Consideration of Councillor Devine's motion that the artificial lake in Newtown Park be improved and enlarged was deferred in order that the Ctty Surveyor might bring np a report. Councillor Barber moved — " That, owing to tho very bad state of the principal streets on the Te Aro Flat, caused by drainage operations and continued wet weather, the City Surveyor furnish a report on the condition of streets in the locality, together with an estimate of the cost of placing them in order." Councillor Fraser seconded the motion. The words " Cook Ward, Lambton Ward, and Thorndon Ward " were inserted after the words " Te Aro Flat." The motion aa amended (against Councillor Barber's wish) was then put and lost. It was also moved by Councillor Barber — " That the City Surveyor be instructed to report on the necessity of a footpath in Waripori-street, and to fnrnish an estimate of tho cost of construction." Councillor Fraser seconded the motion, whioh was carried. Councillor Tatum's motion to set np an enquiry into the circumstances connected with tbe deviation from the original plans for pile foundations for the Public Library was seconded by Councillor Tanner. Further consideration of tho matter was deferred till next meeting of the Counoil. In the course of the disousaion Councillor Penty stated his intention to move that certain documents forwarded to the Town Clerk by the referees in connection with the designs, and marked " not to be opened," should be made public. The Counoil deoided to call for fresh tonders for the wall at Clyde-qnay. Councillor Barber moved — " That the City Survoyor bo instructed to report on the necessity of a footpath in Waripori-street, and to tnrnish an estimate of the cost of construction." Councillor Fraser seconded the motion, whioh was carried. Owing to the lateness of the hour, consideration of several motions was deferred.

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Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 53, 31 August 1894, Page 4

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CTTY COUNCIL. Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 53, 31 August 1894, Page 4

CTTY COUNCIL. Evening Post, Volume XLVIII, Issue 53, 31 August 1894, Page 4