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A SUCCESSFUL SHOW. Sdooopb wnß assurod for tlio Autumn Show of tho WollitiKlon Horticultural and Fioi ialfs' Hooioty from llio nionipnt llio doom wtro ononed. llio attendance of tho pnl>lio w:u largo in tlio afternoon, nnil particularly ac> at niijbt. Visitors woro loud in tbuir prais . of tho oxeollent display of fruit, flowers, and vrgotalilcH, and tho improvoinont upon pro vious shows in rugard to tho arrangement of oxhihitH. Minifio'o string band onlivonnl tbo procoodinga with muaio throughout th<) owning. The Prijje-mut, whioh wo woro obliged to hold over yosterday, is as follows: — Pot Plants. (Judges— Moßsrs. P. Cooper. G. Gibb, and H. R. Illman ) Opon Class— Spocimon plant, in (lower— Mrs. J. Johnston, 1 ; A. M'Kay, 2 ; lira. Burno, 3. Throo foliage plants, variolated —Mrs. Bnrno, 1; A. M'Kay, 2. Tbreo foliage plants, not variegated— A. M'Kay, 1 ; Alra. Uurno, 2 ; Mrs. J. Johnßton, 3 Ihtoo greenhouse plants, in ilowor — A. AT'Kay, 1; Mrs. Burno, 2; W. H 'j'aylor, 3, Three ovorgroen. plants, in Ilowor-Mca. C Johnaton, 1. Throo coloua — Airs. C. Johnston, 1; Mrs. Bnrne,2. Tbreo bogoniaß, foliage— W. Taylor, 1 ; Mrs. Uurno, % Three begonias, taboroua— Mrs. Bunic, 1. Six bogoniaa, tuborona — Airs. Burno, 1. Tbroo bogonias, tuberous— Alra. Burno, 1 Throo gloxinias— Mrs. Burno, 1. Sixgloxijias—Airs. Bnrne, 1. Three aohimones— Airs. Burne, 1 ; W. Jay, 2. Threo petunias —A. Al'Kay, 1. Poor oxotio ferns — A ' M'Kay, 1 , Mrs. Burno, 2; Mra C. John? c^ 3 bix native forna-G. J. Taylor, V. *' Al'Kay. 2. Ono orohid-Mra. P^, ' j Three fuohsias-Alra. C. J. Johnston Four zjualo geraniums— Alra, Bur:,* i , Mrs (" J. Johnston, 2. Special pti*> fVa'gfoup of greenhouse plants, to oator CO super. /' nf ° J. Earland, 1 ; A . M'Kay, 2; Mr* „1 et 7 Macdonald,3j VY. fl. Taylor, hf' v mended. Special pr i r . e for a - f^y comtaborous b^/onias; not leu* ' """S^ 1 ? 11 , to bo arranged for offeot V than 30 p l a , n Buraa, 1 ; A. M'Kay, 2j, . exhibitor-Mrs Amateur Classes. -I* , , flower— H. C. YonW Spooimen plant, in 2. Two foliagij, ' „1; Mian Ellie Clay tou, I'lva Dixon, 1 ; V .Wants, variegated — Alias 8 Twofplia/ »• C. Young, 2; W. Phillips, T. K. Maadr ,c plants, not variegated— Airs begonias, .maid, 1 ; H. C. Young, 2. Two MjiocW tuberous, in flowor— Mrn. T. K. g.Hiar .vld, 1; H. 0. Young, 2. Two bell, r .. foliage-Afra. T. K. Alacdonald, 1 ; r-~ Yonng, 2 ; W. Phillips. 3. Two oolou* u\ Wills, 1 ; W. Phillips. 2 ; H. 0. Young, 3. Two oxotio forns— Alra.T. K. Alacdonald, 1; Alra. F Wills, 2 j W. Phillips, 3 Throo a*tivo forna-F. Wills, 1 i 11. C. Young, 2. Two achimeuea— H. C. Young. CUT FLOWERS. (Judges— Mesar*. W. Jay, F. Boaher, and W. H. Taylor ) Open Class — Twelve liliuma, 6 varieties — D. N. Wilfcinaon, 1 ; R. fil'Nab, 2. Twelve verbenas, 3 trusses oaoh— W. D. WilkinsoD, 1 ; W. H. Moorhouae, 2. Twelve double zinnias -B. M'Nab.l ; F. Cooper, 2. Twelve phlox Drummondi— R. M'Nab, 1; D. N. Wilkinson, 2. Twelve dianthna (Japan pink) — R. M'Nab, 1. Twolvo antirrhinumß— J. England, 2. Twulvo asters, not lesß than G varieties— R. M'Nab, 1 ; F. Cooper, 2. Twolvo gladioli, not less than 6 varioties -D. N. Wilkinßou, 1. Twelvo dahliaa, distinct nainodvariotiea-R. Al'Nab, 1 ; D. N. Wilkinson, 2. Colloetion of dahlias— R. M'Nab, 1; D.N.Wilkinson, 2. Sixstooks-R. M'Nab 1 ; I). N. Wilkinaon, 2. Six roses, diatinot nimfld variotioa— Blra. Bell, 1; R. M'Nab, 2. Twelve marigolds, not leaa than 6 varieties — A. M'Kay, 1 ; R. M'Nab, 2 Collection of out flowers— R. M'Nab, 1. Amatour Class. — Six pansles, show — C. J. Hill, 1 ; H. C. Yoang, 2 ; six panaies, fanoy— C J. Hill, 1 ; F. Wills, 2 ; six marigold, three varieties— W. Jonea. 1 ; W. Phillipa, 2 ; Bix phlox Drummondi, diatinot varieties— H. C. Young, 1 ; W. ilazlewood, 2 ; six dianthus, Japan pink — W. Hazlowood, 1 ; six asters, not leaa than throe varieties— il. C. Young, 1 ; W. Phillips, 2 ; six gladioli, not less than three varieties — R. Clark, 1 ; threo roses, diatinot varioties— W. Hazlewood, 1; (No Name), 2 ; oolleotion of out ilowers. orrown by exhibitor— W. Pbillipß, 1 ; H. C. Young, 2. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. (Judgea— Aleasra. A. Al'Kay, N. Wilton, and W. Bramley.) Open Claaa.— Twelve kitohen applos-J. Blomquiat, 1 ; R. Al'Nab, 2 ; F. Cooper, 3. Twelve deaaort apples— J. Blomquißt, I ; 11. M'Nab, 2 ; F. Ceoper, 3. Six peara— W. H. Taylor, 1 ; W. H. a. Aloorhouao, 2. Twelve Plnms-W. 3. Prior, lj R M'Nab, 2; W. H. Taylor, 3 Twelve peaohos— D. N. Wilkinson, 1 j R. M'Nab, 2 j J. Nelson, 3. Two bunohea of white grapoa — W. Jay and D. N. Wilkinaon, equal. Two bunohea of blaok (Trapes— W. Jay, 1 ; D N. Wilkinaon, 2 j W. H. Taylor, 3. Ono bunoh of grapes— D. N. Wilkinson, 1 ; W. Jay, 2 ; W. H. Taylor, 3. One dessert melon— o. Duncan, 1; — Hunter, 9. One tray of fruit, not exoeoding 3ft x 2ft — R. M'Nab, IjD. N. Wilkinaon, 2. Speoial prize offered for best oollootion of fruit, not leas than 40 varieties— R. M'Nab, 1 ; D. N. Wilkinson, 2 ; J. Blomquist, 3 ; C. Duncan, 4. two ououmbors, Mrs. C. J. Johnaton, 1 ; twenty-five kidney beans, dwarf, W. H. 8. Moorhouao.l) L. G. William, 2; W. Jury, 3 ; twenty-five kidney beans, rnnners, W. H. S. MoorhoußO, 1 ; J. Nelson, 2 ; fifty pods peas, W. Jury, 1 j W. H. S. Moorehouse, 2 ; G. Taylor, 3; twelve potatoes, rouud, F. Cooper, 1 ; L. G. William, 2 ; T. Bramloy, 3; t. reive potatoes, kidney, T. Bramley, 1; L. G. William, 2; T. Bramley, 3; thrse cabbages, F. Cooper, 1 ; W. H, Taylor, 2 j T. Bramley, 3 ; threo red cabbages, F. Cooper, 1 ; L. G. William, 2 ; six turnips, L. G. William, 1 ; T. Bramley, 2 ; F. Cooper, 3 j six oarrots, W. H. 8. Moorhonae, 1; R. M'Nab, 2 s W. Jay, 3; six parsnips, L. G William, 1 ; six rhubarb, F. Cooper, 1 : Alra. D. T. Stnart, 2j W. H. Taylor, 3; three heads celery, L. G. William, 1 ; threo red boot, L. G. William, 1 j W. H. S. Moorchouae,2; T. Bramley, 3; three lettnoo, Mrß. Burne, 1 ; W. H. Taylor, 2 ; G. Taylor, 3 ; twelve oniona, by weight, W. H. Taylor, I ; J. Earland, 2 ; twelve onionß, keeping, W Jay, 1 j J Staples, 2 j R. M'Nab, 3 j twolvo tomatoes, F. Cooper, 1 j W. H. Tayhr, 2; R. M'Nab, 3 ; ono pumpkin, by weight, L. G William, 1 ; W. fl. Taylor, 2; F. Cooper, 3; tiro vegetable marrows, F. Cooper, 1 ; W. ±f . Taylor, 2 ; J. Bramley, 3 ; collection of vogetablea, L. G. William. I ; T. Bramley, 2. Amatour Claaa, — Six kitohon apples— F. Wills, lj Mrs. T. K. Mao onald, 2; six deßßOrt apples— Mrs. T. K. Alaodonald, 1 ; four peara— F. Willa, 1 ; six peaohea— F. Wills, 1 ; twenty-four blackberries— Mra. T. K. Maodonald, 1 : W. Phillipa, 2 ; two ououmbers— W. Phillips, 1 j twelve kidney baana, dwarf— W. Jones, 1 ; W. Phillipa, 2 ; twelve kidney beans, runners— Needham, 1 ; W. Ha^elwood, 2 j twonty-four poda peas— W. Jonoa, 1 ; Alra. D. T. Stuart, 2 ; aix potatoflß, round— W. Hazelwood, 1 ; W. Phillips, 2 ; six potatoes, kidney —W. Phillipa, 1; two oabbagea— W. Hazelwo'" 1 j Mra. D. T. Stuart, 2 ; aix turnip- rt D. T. Stuart, 1 ; six oarrota-S- M M J °' Mrs. D. T. Stuart, 2 ; six onlr- „"'„ Mr 18: 1 8 : S. Staples. 1 , B. T. Taylor ' ■ J^,' 1 ' w»ight-W. Phillips, ■• "V' ke ?P 1D Bf-tomatoog-E. T. f ■ ' 1!J1 !J ono pumpkin, V / i Nee^ am i 2>2 > B ' x \»m,li ■>* weigbt-W. Phillips, 1 ; ' , two vegetable matrowa—NeediV. Jones, 2. Bouquets. (Judges— Meadamea Bnrne and T. K. Maodonald, Misa Bramley.) Open Claas.— Vaso of Flowers for Table— (No name), 1; Miaa Heighton, 2 ; E. B. M Kay, 8. Hand Bouquet— Aliaa A. Cooper, 1 ; Miss Heighton, 2 ; Miss Salmon, 3. Bridal Bonquet— (No name), 1; Miaa Cooper, 2; X B. M'Kay, 3. Speoial prize offered by Mr. John Duthie, AI.H.R., President of the Sooiety, for a table bonquet, arranged by a lady relative of a member of tho Sooiety— Mias A. Cooper, 1 ; Miss M'Nab, 2 j Miss Heighton, 3. Amateur Class.— Hand bouquet— Misa L. Lookle, 1 ) Mrs. P. Willa, 2 ; H. C. Young, 3. Bridal bouquet- Mrs. F. Wills, 1. Two dress bouquets for ladies— Mrs. F. Wills, 1 ; Mias Heighton, 2; Maßtor D. N. Wilkinaon, 3. Two buttonhole bonquota for gentlemen— MiBa Doraett, 1 ; Mrs. F. Willa, 2 ; (no name), 3. Special prize offered by Mr. Geo. Reichardt for a hand bouquet made by girls attending eithor public or private Sjhoola, to bo made up under tho supervision of and certified to by a teaouer — Jessie Seed (Girla' High School). 1 ; Jessio Baird (Terrace), 2: K. Heighten (Thomson), 3 Special prises added by Mr. U. C. Pilohor and Alra. Bnrne— B. M. Wills (Mount Cook), 4 ; Annie Bishop (Clyde-quay), 5 ; fll. Scott (WillUstreot), 0; J. M. Homo (Potone) and M. Salmon ("t Franois Xavicr's), doolared eonal, 7 and 8; Uoso Whitehead (Lower Hutt),9.

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Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 55, 6 March 1891, Page 4

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WELLINGTON HORTICULTURAL AND FLORISTS SOCIETY. Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 55, 6 March 1891, Page 4

WELLINGTON HORTICULTURAL AND FLORISTS SOCIETY. Evening Post, Volume XLI, Issue 55, 6 March 1891, Page 4