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VULCAN'S DISCUSSION ON THE » WELLINGTON STEEPLECHASE MEETING. [No. 15. No. 15.] Run at the Hutt Rbout 18th July. Close 15th. STEKPLBCHAi-B. HDBDLB RACE. First j£2oo First £100 Second 90 Second 50 Third 50 Third 30 Others (div ... 60 Othore (div) ... 40 £400 £220 Bonds-Three at £10, £30 ; eipht at £5. £40 ; twenty at £3, £60 ; total, £130. Grand Total £750 Each tioket has a chance of winning both first, seooud, or third prizes, and can win one of each of the bonda. IfSTEead This— " Vulcan " has disposod of and drawn sinoe 4th Maroh np to 22nd May, 4762 tiokets. Bank notes and Post Offioe orders payable to "Vulcanl" only. Notb.— Cheques will be returned unless made payable to a No. or bearer only. Should there be more than the 1500 applied fur, extra oash bonds will be added. This is sure to be more than full, being a looal meeting. One tioket given free out of eaoh book sold as commission. Twenty-five promiscuous tiokets or one book for £12. Five tiokets given as commission to every agent who disposes of 100 tiokets. Everybody can oome to "Vuloan's" drawings. Speoial Prizes of £3. £2 and £1 will be given to the agenttt who dispose of the greatest number of books Address only to," VULCAN," oare Mr. G. C. Bubns, Box 07, P. 0., Wollington. Reliable agents wanted. -. ATTERSALL COMPANY 2. No. 11 Consultation, ON TUB WELLINGTON STKEPLECIiASE HANDICAP and HURDLE HANDICAP, Run at the Hutt on 18th July, 1885. 2000 Members at 5s Eaoh. Wellington Stek- Hurdlb Hanplxchase h'cap. dicap. First Horee ...£l2O First Horse ...£IOO Seoond 70 Seoond 50 Third 30 Third 30 Starters ... 20 Starters ... 20 Non-starters ... 30 Non-starters ... 30 £270 £230" Eaoh tioket trill be drawn tmoo. Should the application exoeed the above number tho awards will be inoreased accordingly. Tatters all Company, oare of T. M'Guire, Box 211, P. 0., Wellington. £3000. £3000. ADA MANTUA. £3000 ANNUAL CONSULTATION ON THE GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE To be run at Melbourne on the ISfch July", 1885. Will Close on tho 16th July, 1885. 6000 MEMBERS AT 10s EAOH. 6000. HORSE. 112 First £600 CASH AWARDS. Seoond 300 2at 100 £200 Third 200 4at 50 200 Starters (divided Bat 25 200 about £40 each) 200 10 at 20 200 Non-starters (di- 20 at 10 200 vided,abouUl6 20 at 8 160 eaoh 300 48 at 5 240 £1600 , £1400 Each Tioket has Eight Chances, and can obtain a Prize in each of the Eight Drawings. Pleaso send P.O. Ordors when convenient, or bank notes. Country cheques must have one shilling exchange addod, and marked correct by bank (do not enclose coin). Two Btamps requisite, for reply and rosult. Should thiß Consultation exoeod 6000, all prizes wilfbe dividod pro rota. (g* In my Consultation on the Christohuroh Great Auiumn Handicap, the First Horse, Rubina, went to a station hand at Ida Valley Station. The Sooond Horse, Captain Webster, went to a farmer at Milton, Otago. The Thirdnßorso, Sou'-woßter, to a well-known consultationist at Christohuroh. N.B. — Ab usual, tho names and addresßOß of tho prinoipal piizo-takers, also the names and addressoß of tho gontlemen who form tho Committee, will be forwarded to all the leading newspapers throughout New Zealand. Address — ADA MANTUA, Care of Lyons & Hart, Box 351, Post Office, Dunedin. £3000 Apply early. ' £3000 Melbourne Cnp will follow. SPORTING NEWS. - £4000.-320 CASH PEIZES. J^- TENTH GRAND HAMBURG DRAWING IS NOW OPEN. To a purchaser of 25 Programmes one n ill bo giveu gratis. From the undoubted popularity and great success thoßo drawings have obtained, the promoters are enabled to "bring them before the publio every two months. Although this Company has a large number of Horße Consultationißta (about 30) to contend against, ¦ some of whom undo; fiotitious names have beon moan enough to do their utmost to injure the promoters of tho Hamburg Company, they cannot do bo, as this Company is too well established and favourably known with tho publio all through New Zealand. The large number of applications that came in top late will be registered in the tenth drawing; or if the applicant wishes, the money will be returned. The Tenth Grand Drawing for £4000 will oloso the end of August, and tho Me venth Hamburg Drawing will opon on the Ist September, The Tenth Grand Drawing will consist of 320 Monoy Prizes, amounting to £4000, subscribed by 8000 members at 10s each. The various Monoy Prizes will be distributed as follows : 1 £300 prize 10 £30 prizes 15 £15 prizes 1 £200 prize 15 £25 prizes 160 £10 prizes 1 £100 prize 15 £20 prizes 100 £5 prises 2 £50 prizes Total amount, £4000 320 Money Prizes. To a purchaser of 25 Programmes one will bo given pratiß. The grand' prinoiple of theso Hamburg Drawings is that a purchaser of 25 Programmes is guaranteed a Prize, and the chanoqs aro in favour of the investor drawing a large prize, aa there are 220 large prizes to 100 small ones. To an investor of £2 the ohances are only 6 to 1 against him drawing a prize, and the Head Prize or any other may be drawn by an investor of 10s. ' Read This.— ln Boaz's Grand Hamburg Drawings the greatest odds aro only 25 to 1 against an investor of 10s drawing a prize. Bnt carefully note the enormous odds against investors drawing a Horße or Cash Prize in any of the Horse Consultations. The marbles are replaced for eaoh drawing of the cash prizes, whioh gives the enormous odds against investors. This Company would simply ask investors to oalonlate the odds before placing their investments in any horse consultations ; and this Company wonld not presume to tell the pnblio that they have a nnmber of ohanoes and may win a number of prizes for a single investment of 10s. Notb. — Prize Winners, whether winning large or pmall prizes, are informed that their names will not be made public without their written oonsont. -This Tenth Grand Drawing for £4000 will take plaoe under tho supervision of a committee of eight subscribers, and the prizes will be paid ovor as early as possible after the drawing. $SP"Notici. — Country cheques marked correct by Bank, only payable to a number, and Is added for exchange. P.O. Orders preferred, made payable only to Boaz. Bank Notes acoepted. Two 2d stamps for reply and result. Registered letters and telegrams not reoeived. Name and address of applicant should be plainly written. All letters must ba addressed BOAZ, Care of Mr. Moblet, Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist, Box 64, P. 0., Dunedin. THE GBRATEST SUCCESS YET. Will Close 16th July, 1885. TACOB FAITHFUL'S CONSULTATION O . Or £1500 ON THE WELLINGTON STEEPLECHABE, To be Bun 18th July, 1885. 3000 Members at 10b. Eaoh Tioket has Six Chances. Horses. Cash Pbizbs. First Horse ...£3OO lat £100 ...£IOO ¦Seoond Horse... 150 2at 50 ... 100 Third Horße ... 75 Bat 20 ... 160 Others divided, 14 at 10 ... 140 £11 eaoh ... 275 40 at 5 ... 200 £800 • £700 Jacob's last Consultation having been over filled, he iir confident of still a greater success in the present case, in whiok event the nnmber, of priz»B will be increased, tbo excess being dividtd in extra -£5-prizeß. Drawing by a Coraaiittee < f including representatives of the Press Two Btamps for reply and reault. P. 0.0. preferred. Apply J4COB FAITHFUL, Care of N. Jacobs, Box 7, P.O , Napier. Tickets .Ten Shilluga Each. As time ia short, please apjily early. BILLIARD TABLES GEO. WEIGHT k CO.'S celebrated prize medal tables; sample table on view. Apply WHITTEM, NICHOLSON k CO., Agenti. NOTICE. nnHE Greatest Novelty for Parents and JL Children to know is — In consequence of the great reduction in sugar, CURTIS * CO. offer Cheaper Lollies than ever at their premiees, Lambton Quay. Specialties— Real Everton Toffy, Cocoanut Ice, Green Ginger Drops, Chocolate Creams, Turkish Sugar, and all the latest novelties in sweets. CURTIS A CO. Lambton Quay. CT NEES, Saw Doctor, ko., still at work J» next door to his late shop, Cubastreet.

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Evening Post, Volume XXX, Issue 11, 13 July 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXX, Issue 11, 13 July 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume XXX, Issue 11, 13 July 1885, Page 4