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SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST SIR C. WILSON. THE QUEEN'S HEALTH. THE CHAMPION' SIX DAYS' WALKING MATCH. FRENCH FEETJNcTIN FAVOUR OF A RUSSIAN ALLfANCE. THE YELLOW a"gONY IN BRITIBH COLUMBIA. ANTI-JEWISH BIGOTRY IN AUSTRIA. RUSBIAN CRUISERS CLOSELY WATCHED. THE ENGLTsH BUDGET. The Fortnightly Review publishes articles by Chas . Williams, its Soudan correspondent, substantially proving the inoompetenoy of Sir Charles Wilion and the virtual slaughter — e^Ggrdon by hii negligence. When the matter IsTroiljrlrfr np in Parliament, which will be shortly. Lord Charles Beresfprd and many of the blue jaoiets aro willing to bo witnesses. Since her return from Darmstadt the Queen's health is notably improved. A despatoh dated 4th May says that extraordinary precautions were adopted yesterday before her arrival at Inverness. Several hours ere the Royal yacht was expeoted all the vessels in harbour were inspected and the harbour diligently patrollod by police boats, and tho route from the landing to the railway station was linod by a military guard and many metropolitan deteotives. Miss Ada Cavendish, the actress, has been married to Frank A. Marshall, dramatist. The yaoht Galatea, a contestant for the Amerioan Cup, was launohed at Greenook on Ist May. Boer Twine Lodge, the county seat of the Duke of St. Albans, has been serionsly damagtd by fire. Many valuable pictures, raro books, and old ohina were destroyed. Government havo announced that the Irish Crimes Act will be the first bunneea taken in Parliament after tho Redistribution of Seats Bill is disposed of. A six dayß* walking matoh closed in London on 2nd May, at the Aquarium, amid a crowd of spectators. The oontest lost some interest owing to the retirement of Littlewood, on aooonnt of illness. Aohille, the French long distance ohampion, completed only 193 milos. The youth Connor, who made 337 miles, is considered tho coming ohampion. The total soore of the principal contestants is as follows :— Bowell, 430 ; Cartwright, 383; Mason, 370. In reply to a question from Mr. Parnell, in tho House of Commons, the Chief Secretary for Ireland justified the polioe in their aotion on Boveral occasions during the Prince's visit to Cork and Mallow, and curtly added ihat Government deolined to order any enquiry as desired by Mr. Parnell. The Paris morning papers of the 25th were loud in praise of M. Do Freyoinot's action in the affair of tho Bosphore Egyptian. The •cafes were thronged with enthusiastio partisans, and ohoers were given for the new Foreign Minister alternately with jeers for England. The evening papers had an enormous tale. Many of them asserted that M. De Freyoinot's preemptory sundering of intercourse with Engpt was the first step towards a formal alliance of France with Rmsia. A despatch of 4th May mentions that tho question is settled. England, without disclaiming any of her share of responsibility for the acts of seizure, advised Egypt to apologise to Franoa, and to allow the papor to reappoar. Smallpox provails in Montreal. The British Columbians, at a mass moet- ' ing held ia Victoria on 2nd May, passed resolutions looking to extreme and extra legal moans of getting rid of the Chinese as a public nuisance, and advocating that the Government and Judges of the Supremo Court ihould and must be held answerable for oonseqaenoes that unfortunately might attend a general uprising of white oitixens against their common enemies, the Chinese. The Budget for 1885-86 submitted to the House of Commons shows a deficit of ■£10,490,000. Mr. Childers. Chancellor of the Exohequer, said that the Governmont did not propose to oover the whole of the defioit this year, nor to let the whole charge fall upon property. It was proposed to raise the income tax to eightpence in the ponnd. A box given to President Monroe by the Mikado of Japan about 1823, and whioh has laid in an out of the way nook in the Treasury vaults at Washington ever sinoe, was opened on sth May, and fonnd to contain a bottle of diamond*, a bottle of pearls, a bottle of attar of roses, and a lump of gold. A murderous maniao named Martin Neilson run a muck at Santa Fe, New Mexioo, on the tith May, and killed eight people before he himself was shot. Peter Dury, of New York, offers a purse of COOO dollars for a race open to all rowing men, fire miles over the Laohino course, provided that William Beach, Edward Hanlan, and Wallace Ross enter. General Irvine M'Dowell, who oommandod at the battle of Bulls Run, and was many years in command of the military department of the Paoifio, died at San Franoisco on 4th May. A good deal of trouble ia oauied in San Franoisoo by the striking of sailors. The Jacks are taking the business into their own hands. They have formed a Union, ignoring the boardinghouso-koepers, orimps, shipping masters, and all the parasites who have lived them so long. The consequence is that wages havo gone up to 35 and 40 dollars per mouth. The Austrian Government, through its Minister at Washington, has made a formal objeotion to the appointment of Mr. Kiely as Minister at Vienna, beoause it is gonerally understood that his wife is a Jewess. James Rosgood and Co., the Bo»ton publishers, failed on 14th May with liabilities reaohing 150,0C0dols. The assets are nominally large. Edward M'Sweeny, the famous suspect, confined so long in prison in England, demands that ho be rewarded with a oolleotorship at San Franoisco, as a calve for his injuries. Californians earnestly oppose the appointment. In viow of trouble between England and Russia a pnblio meeting was held at Victoria, British Columbia, on 30th April, to devise ways and means for the defence of the colony. Aotive measures aro to be taken. Tho Russian man-of-war Strelok is ornising on the Atlantic seaboard, followed from port to port by H.B M. frigate Garnet. The Russian has scarcely let go her anchor before the English frigate is also at her mooring*. It is now said that General Barrios, of of Gnatemela, whose unification movement in Central America had such a disastrous failure, was deliberately assassinated by one of his own men through the intrigues of Zallivan, President of San Salvador. Tho Paoifio roailsteaniors,toprotootthem.-

selves against banditti raids at the Isthmus of Panama, have each mounted four pieces of ordnance and a Gatling gun in each quarter. A London syndicate has entered into a oontraot with the Government of Honduras to build and operate in that country an interooeanio railway. The Edmunds law against polygamy is being enforced so closely among the Mormons at Utah that tho saints are holding mus meetings to exprofs their indignation, and a formal appeal and protests have been issued to the President and peoplo of the United States. A point is made that tho law runs against no man who ja not a Mormon. The Gentiles in Utah livo ia a stats of concubinage, and walk the streets unchallenged. A memorial tablet to Edgar Allen Poe, the American poet, was dedicated at th>> Att Mu«eum of the Central Park, New York, on 4th May.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 3

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ADDITIONAL MAIL NEWS. Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 3

ADDITIONAL MAIL NEWS. Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 110, 2 June 1885, Page 3