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Mr. J. C. Crawford's letter on the dock question is crowded out of oar present issue. The poll in oonneotion with the annual election of two auditors for the City Counoil was opened at the Corporation buildings at 9 o'olook this morning, and will close at C to-night. A greater amount of interest is being manifested in the affair than was the case last year. At one time this morning there wa* quite a rush of voters, and Mr. Ames and his assistants (Messrs. W. J. Tabor and J. J. Stevenson) were kept very busily engaged during that period. Up to 2 o'clock 300 persons had recorded their votes. The candidates are Maura. W. Biahop. H. M. Lyon, W. Widdop, junior, and W. Hester. What purports to be "a statement of affairs" of the Island Bay Park Company (Limited), from incorporation of company to 16th April, 1885. has been issued to shareholders, signed B. H. Goldsmith, Beoretary. It does not appear on the face of it to have been audited. The ' ' balance brought down" shows a credit of ,£9987 13* of assets over liabilities. The Theatre Royal will be opened on the 15th instant by Mr. Wybert Keeve and his new comedy company, which is one of the strongest that has ever visited this colony. Mrs. Chippendale, who ia one of the members, is an aotress of London reputation, and is said to be the best " old woman " ever seen on colonial boards. The company have been extremely suooessful in Auckland, especially with the great play of " Impulse." The annual meeting of the Thorndon Licensing Benoh will be held at noon tomorrow. We understand that an objeotion will be made to a renewal ot the license of the Karori Hotel, Tinakori-road, on the ground that the premises are not properly furnished. The war correspondent of the Sydney Evening News, in a letter from Aden, dated 19th May. states that Sergeant Dramfield, of the New South Wales Contingent, together with ten of his comrades, has proceeded to Suez. Sfligeant Dransfield, it will be remembered, is a son of Mr. Joseph Drangfield, of this city. Bishop's " Monthly Timetable and Guide " is to hand for the onrrent month. The edition for Jnne has been carefully revised and contains a large quantity of information whioh will be found to be of great value to travellers in the North Island. The Guide, from being an unpretentious little affair, is now a book of 100 pages. The following tenders have been reoeived at the Public Works Offioe for the Matakitaki horse bridge oontraot :— Acoepted— M. M. Dixon, Wakefield, £720. Deolined— Rait and Adamaon, Murohison, £746; John J. Nolan. Westport, £900; Coohrane and Oxley, Heefton, £943 ; Maoe and Bassett, Belgrove, £918. Informal — Johnson and Grieve, Reefton, £1239. A pleasing little ceremony, interesting to not a few, took place at the Terraoe School on Friday afternoon. Mr. Maomorran, headmaster, on behalf of himself and colleagues, presented an album and writing desk to Miss Payne, who has jaßt severed her oonneotion with the school in order to qualify for higher classification. In making the presentation, Mr. Maomorran took occasion to say that there were times when sohool presentations were in questionable taste, but m the present instance suoh a proceeding was quite a legi- j timate and, being so well deserved, a highly commendable one. The consolations of school teachers were, in many cases, not too numerous, but Miss Payne might rest assured that she was in possession of the most substantial—the esteem, respect, and hearty goodwill of those with whom the had been associated. The Sydney Morning Herald terms the order issued here by Inspector Shearman, as to young girls and lads loitering about at night, an " excellent " one. The New Zealand Shipping Company's b s. Tongariro, whioh loaves here on Sunday night for London, takes 6000 carcases mutton, shipped by the Gear Meat Company. The Wellington Amateur Dramatic Club will this evening, after a lengthy abßenoe from the stage, re-appear at the Theatre Royal in two pieota which oertainly appear to be admirably suited to the talents of oar local Thespians. The opening comedy is " Alone," whioh will be followed by a laughable faroe entitled " Mr. Joffin's Latoh-key." The company will be aviated by Mrs. and Miss Hart, whilst the orchestra will be oconpied alternately by the Garrison Band and the olub'ii Btrintr band under the direotion of Mr. J. Hill. It is needless to remind onr readers that the proceed! of the performance will be devoted to the relief of the widows and orphans left by the reoent boat aooident in Evans Bay. Mr. W. A. Ellis, the President of the New Zealand Psychological Society, gave a leoture last evening at the Lyceum to a not very large audience, the theme of his discourse being, " Natural Men and Natural Women." Mr. Elite possesses a olear enunoiation and orisp, ringing voioe, whioh stands him in good stead as a' publio speaker. The proceedings were diversified by the rendering of several selections by a string band. Wo would draw the attention of onr readers to the notice of a concert to be held in the Newtown Parochial Room to-morrow night. It is understood that arrangements have been made to delay the 9.35 train for ton minuteß to suit the convenience of residents of other parts of the town. The Millis-Hart Combination produced an entirely new programme at the Atheneeum Hall on Satnrday evening last to a very large audience. The entertainment consisted of the comedietta "Irißh Conrtship" and the pretty little oomedy "The Wife's Stratagem." Mr. Millie's clever ventriloquial performance oonoluded the performance. Messrs. Deaoon and Co. report the following Reefton returns of amalgam for week ending 30th nit., viz. :— Eeep-it-Dark, 6170s from 212 tons; Inkerman, 182oz; Alpine, oleaning up, but no returns to hand, nor yet from Weloome. During the past few days a woman, who is the mother of several ahildren, has been making herself a perfect nuisance, by haunting the police station at all hours. She labours under the delusion that everybody is trying to do her injury, but her mind ia not over balanced to euoh an extent as to justify her inoarcertion in the Lunatio Asylum. One of her chief hallucinations is that some one has taken away her husband, and has induced a different man to fill that role. Another delusion is that some pictures, whioh the police are satisfied never existed, have been stolen from one of her rooms, and she is very anxious that steps should be taken to recover them. Her husband is alive, and is earning a livelihood in Wellington as a labourer. The twelfth anniversary of the Pioneer Lodge, No. 11, 1.0. G.T., will be celebrated on Wednesday evening by a iea and entertainment in the Reohabite Hall. The Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia will celebrate the anniversary of the John Knot Lodge on Thursday evening by a tea and social gathering, concluding with a quadrille party. Mr. D. Hall, City Missionary, thankfully acknowledges the reoeipt of the following mbsoriptions in aid of bis support and the expenses of the mission for the month of May :— W. 8., ss ; J. and B. 8., 5» ; J,ss ; Mrs. P.. 2s6d ; J., ss ; Mr. Home, 5b ; Friend, for Bibles for Bethel, 10s; Mrs. E., ss; Te Aro, £1, and 10s especially for tracts, handbills, and Bibles ; W. O. T. 4 Co., £1 Is j Mm. J. T., £1; Butcher, 2s; J. S., ss; J.J.G., 2«6d; Bethel, 6d; W.F.8., ss; Captain T., ss ; total, £6 10s 6d. Also a parcel of Bibles from Mr. Redward kindly sent to the mission room, Atbenmnm, and a parcel of Bibles from Mr. Redward for the Bethel service. Mrs. Jordan's art union of piotures will be drawn at Mr. James' Furniture Warehouse to-morrow evening. We have to acknowledge the reoeipt of the annual report of the committee of the Wellington Ladies' Christian Association for the year 1834-1885, including the reports of the Home for Friendless Women, Newtown, and of the Female Refuge, Nairnstreet. The speoial correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald, writing from Handour on 21st April, sayß: — "The Australian contingent had scarcely found themselves among the rooks and gullies of the hilly lands around Suakim when their instincts told them the meaning of splendid quartz veins whioh were found among the rooks. On close examination the quartz proved exceedingly promising, and some fine reefs have been distinguished, but the best indication is the precious metal itself, and several of the Australians have pioked out specimens with gold showing freely- I have also seen a beautiful pieoe of copper ore, and one of our infantry offioers told me the other day he had fonnd traces of silver. Pieces of likely quarts are found all over the rocky country, and there is a strong temptation to throw over campaigning altogether to follow np the^ indications whioh our British comrades seem to have no suspicion of. I do not anticipate that payable gold wjll be found in the level country, although gold dust may be scattered over the wide-spread sands of the khors. It is in the mountains that the best prospeota are to be obtained There is a fine field here for Australians. They are trained to a similar climate, and their peouliar enenriea would find ample soope in the trade and ventures of the Sondan. A great deal depends on the railway, bat with or without it mining would eventually civilise the country." The Sydney Mail asserts that the market is glutted with heavy draught stock from New Zealand. It states that muoh of the stock sent there was perfect rubbish. The proposal to start a woollen factory oompany in Hawke's Bay is not viewed with unalloyed approval by the Napier Telegraph. In a leader a few days ago It sots forth a catalogue of the numerous failures of similar companies both in this colony and Australia, which it says should be quite as mnoh taken into account as the snooeu of the Mosgiol and the Eaiapoi oompanies.

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Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 109, 1 June 1885, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 109, 1 June 1885, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XXIX, Issue 109, 1 June 1885, Page 2