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Messrs P. Barrie and G. "Winlove have been appointed trustees for the Waipukurau cemetery.

It cost £190,000 to- complete the Gorge line. No wonder Palmeraton has prospered during the last few years.

Mr Smith, of the firm of Smith and Fenwiok, stevedores,. Port Ahuriri, has taken the Crown Hotel.

George Jackson, - charged with drunkenness before Mr "Wardell, R.M., this mjrning, was fined 5s and costs, or 21 hours' imprisonment.

The R M., in a civil case at the Court today, said he had no confidence in a man who travelled under two names. Nor has the general public.

It is certain that counsel will apply for a new trial in the case of J. P. Smith v. Government Insurance Department, in which a verdict for the defendants was given.

Mr Carlile was to-day appointed a School Commissioner, Mr Sutton having resigned. Mr Carlile was also appointed a Governor of the High School by the Education Board.

Visitors travelling along the line yesterday expressed themselves highly pleased with the general state of the country, which has not presented such a bright appearance for years.

The County Council of Wairoa having negleoted to elect a member of the Napier Harbor Board, His Excellency the Governor has been please! to appoint Mr H. J. Twigg to the vacant seat.

Earl Dudley (we learn from an English paper) is goinsr to give up store keeping, and to marry a Princess. If he had advertised more this necessity would not have arisen.—Feilding Star.

The Wealeyan Conference have received a further telegram from the Victorian Conference stating that no exchange was available for the iiev : ' J. Berry, who wished to be transferred to Melbourne.

A new polish for marble has been discovered by Mr T. Waterworth, which he purposes patenting. What is claimed for the new polish is that it is superior toothers in giving a brilliant surface.

For the four-weekly period ending 31st January the New Zealand railways earned £92,001, as against £100,041 for the corresponding last year. The expenditure was £55,377 and £56,151 respectively.

The following was the voting for three members for the Education Board :—Bosrle 11, Carlile 19. Chambers 8, Gilberd 11, Tanner 23, Villers 16, and Sutton 18. A number of informal votes would have increased the majorities of those elected if they had been received.

During the voyage of the four warships which arrived at Auckland from Hobart on SunJ'.iy they met with heavy weather and had to lay-to for several days. The Rapid's commission oa the Australian statioa has Dow lapsed, and she will after' leaving Auckland go to Sydney to be relieved or reconimissioned with freeh officers and men.

For the four-weekly period ending 31st January the Napier railway earned £6302 as ttgainst £6012 for the corresponding: period of the previous year. The expenditure was £3285 and £2678 respectively. There was a decrease in the passenger revenue, large gains in merchandise and minerals, while the firewood and timber traffic showed decreases.

At the R.M. Court, Wentport, yesterday, W. Nahv, brower, was charged on twenty informations with omitting to keep correct accounts of beer delivered from his brewery. The defendant pleaded guilty to eight informations, and was fined £50 on each charge, £400 in all, with costs £22 16s. The other twelve informations were withdrawn. The offence in each case was a technical irregularity.

The firemen and seamen (forty in number) of the steam collier Industry who were arrested at Lyttelton yesterday for wilful disobedience of lawful commands, were brought before two Justices, who remanded the case to enable the men to procure legal assistance. The captain afterwards agreed to grant the discharge of three men who were shipped at Port Augusta, and tho others then returned on board. Consequently the proceedings have been Btayed for the present.

A young man named Owen, the son of Mr. G. W. Owen, the well-known merchant of Auckland, was uccidentally shot in one of his thighs by a comrade at Motutapu Island yesterday, and it is feared his leg will have to be amputated. He was one of a yachting party who visited the island some days ago. His Excellency the Governor, was on the islaudi with Admiral Scott and others ehooting, and Owen was conveyed to Auckland on board 8.M..8. Lizard, and tlieu taken to his parents' residence.

The meeting of tho Education Board today was very lively, the bone of contention

being a letter from the Waipukurau Committee. The expressions made use of in the letter were strong, an« the Board at, once -went into committee so that libellous matter might not be published. Then Mr Tanner wished to move a resolution, out the cbairm/in ruled such a motion could n.ot be pu*-, as it interfered with a motion which had been already passed and had not been rescinded. The wrangle lasted for an hnur, Mr Harding , leaving the room, but he returned after a short time*.

Our W»ipawa correspondent writes:— '* Tn my letter in last night's issue are two printer's errors of which I shall be continually reminded to-day by the ladies. The first is in the paragraph stating that Mr S. Craoknell found a packing needle inside a bullock, but this is a small matter to that which made me say that the ladies who got up the late fancy }air had only raised £18 10s 3d. By some mischance tho figures got transposed, as the cheque received for tho Public Library and Reading Boom was for eighty-one pounds ten shillings and fivepenee."

The excursion train in connection with the opening of the Woodville-Palrnerston line whiuh left Napier at seven o'clock yesterday morning , , did not return till cloven o'clock last night, over an hour late. The now carriage, with lavatory and other conveniences, was attached to the train fur the first time, and gave passengers every satisfaction. The small movable table is a great acquisition, and can be used for cards or writing as required. Mr Whitoombe, the general manager of the Napier section, accompanied the train, and studied the convenience of passengers in every rescect.

At a special meeting of the Borough Council held last evenmg the Mayor and Ors. Robjohns, Cranby, Neal, Welsman, Sidey, Cohen, M'Vay, and Faulknor were present. On the motion of Cr M'Vay, seconded by Cr. Welsman, the Council went into committee. The following report was adopted:—"That, owing , to the Harbor Board not having ' carried out the scheme for tho reclamation of theWhare-o-inaranui lagoon, this Council again urge upon the Harbor Board the necessity of abating the nuisance existing upon their property, by diverting the Tutaekuri river in accordance with the reports and plans which are herewith forwarded."

There has been a narrow escape from poisoning at Greymouth. Mrs Brimble, wife »f Mr Jameß Brimble, publican, who was suffering from a severe cold, apked har husband to got a bottle of Irish moss from a drawer to take a doEo. In the same drawer there was another bottle of the simo size containing belladonna, and by mistake Mr James Brimble, also having a oold, took a dose of belladonna and gave a dose to his wife. There soon followed symptoms of poisoning. Dr. Millington was called in and administered remedies, but the case was so serious that they sent to Kumara for Dr. Miles, who promptly attended for consultation - Mr James Brimble was last night out j of all danger, and his wife watt gradually recovering.

Plaintiffs secured judgment this morning in the following civil cases : —Blythe and Co. v. John Smith, £3 17s !)d, judgmont summons; to be paid forthwith, or 14 days' imprisonment. Same v. John Duncan, £2 12a ; to be piiid forthwith, or 14 days' imprisonment. Samo v, William Lonergan, .€5 4s; to be paid forthwith, or 14 days'. Same v. Qtzne Pomare, £1 }7s "M, In. Samo y. Uyijneno i<29 9e 4d, costs £1 lbb. Same v. Mdith Collcn, £10 7s Bd, costs £1 le. Neal and Close y. j<;. Waite, £0 7s (3d (Mr Dinwiddio for plaiutill's), costs 11s, solicitor's t'eo.-Gl Is. Sheep Inspector v. 0. Doney, 12s, oosts 6s Susan Seulliu v. T. Mnxwoll Worlhiugton, £i (Mr Rhodes for plaintiff, and Mr Cresswell for defendant); judgment for £1 os, coots £ I 7e.

That wonderful little couple General and '.■ln. Mite, the donble-voice lady, and Dr. ('aaaria with his dexterous feats, contiuuo to amuse and mystify their audience at the Thea're Royal. The Midgets paraded the kill ac usual last, night, acd the little General sang several songs, also dancing a r:-.hotti.sche with his wife. Dr. Oanaris is uM extraordinarily clever illusionist, and his tricks havo to be saen to be believed. The • limHX io reached in the cabinet part of the p rfnrmnnoe. Seven gentlemen were selected from the audience to examine the cabinet and tie Dr. Cauaris hand and foot to a chair. A well-known genial skipper of the Port tied tho hands of the illusionist, and two others of tho committee his legs, but, at the close the doctor appeared free from his bondage and with the ropes untied. The subject for mesmerism was a universally known wood and coal dealer, who was stripped of some of his apparel, besides his watch and chain, and who was presented to the audience looking the illusionist square in the eye with the former's own opera glasses. The "subject " was completely stupified by his experience, and seemed to continue in a state of daze for some time afterwards. There will only be two more evening performances, to-night and to-morrow, and to-morrow afternoon there will be another matinee performance for ladies and children. Nobody should miss siting this clever little company.

Do you drink " The Five O'clock Tea?" 'Tis the fashionable afternoon tea of the day ; quite pure, and a wonderful quantity consumed daily. To be obtained of your local grocer at 2s 4d per lb. Davidson, Irvine, and Co., agents.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6094, 10 March 1891, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6094, 10 March 1891, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 6094, 10 March 1891, Page 2