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THE EMPIRE COMPANY Pack the following standard brands of Choice Teas, viz : — "DRAGON," 3/- "ELEPHANT," 2/8 "MIKADO, 2/"CRESCENT," 2/6 *»» "EMPIRE," 2/2 ALSO, THE CELEBRATED "HODDAH," 3/- «»" KANGRA VALLEY," 2/10 BRANDS. ' These latter are PURE INDIAN TEAS of rohust growth, possessing great strength and purity of flavor, especially intended for connoisseurs. SOLE AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED Jj'JJJ TEAS ( ALPHA ESTATE )- W. & G. TURNBULL & CO., W E LLIN6TQN,

TSf & J - STAPLES, "boot manufacturers, Wellington, ' And manufacturers of Goods bearing the abovo well-known and celebrated brand, are glad to be able to announce to the ' inhabitants of Napier that advice is etill freely received from all parts of this colony giving testimony of tho superiority of their Goods, in comparison with those of other manufacturing firms of Now Zealand, and ' attribute their success to the following ' rules and precautions directed to the Goodt* 1 when in course of manufacture, and which have always bseu faithfully adhered to. let. First-class workmen only are employed. ■ 2nd. Nono but prime material is used, and systematically distributed in t manufacture. i 3rd. The latest machinery (labor saving) is employed, henco their ability to undersell their competitors. . 4th. The proprietors make it a study to r fulfill the wants of their numerous customers, by offering them an article i that will bring credit to their house, j and benefit also the community. I 6th. And above all, direct, their whole \ attention to excolling the Goods of c other manufacturers. In reference to the above, we would remind Householders that the " Wellington - Brand " line in Boots, Shoos, and Slippure can bo procured from any bootmaker and b principal dialers in the district, and those i, who have not (riven the Goods a trial will d do well to do so, and thereby encourage the employment of labor in the colony, and Local "Industrie* 'n general, and addition- - ally benefit 'themselves by keeping money within the colony. Storekeepers, Hootmakers, and Ware- - housemen may rely on a speedy and Batis- '■, fiictory itwno of auy of the favor* entrusted j for our execution, and would ask them to s uddreKß all correspondence to W. k J. STAPLES, MANUFACTURERS, or. Hiix-axRKKT. W)-;u.rxoroN. ' "ZEALANDIA" BOOTSit r JMHESE Celebrated Boots huvo STOOD I tho TEST for THIRTEEN YEARS; 5 they have been sold throughout tho colony, and are to-day MORE POPULAR THAN EVER; in tho busy city or in the quiet ; forest theix fame is known to thousands. THE SPLENDID WEAR n And reputation of this brand have arisen from tho fact that only first-class materials are used, and none but good workmen are employed in their manufacture. TESTIMONIALS i, '■ Have been received from hundreds of ousp tomerg, certifying to the splendid wear of " thuw) Boots, and tho Public are guaranteed J' against loss from bad workmanship. A Boot with sucli a reputation naturally y leads to other goods being offered, purport- ■" ing to be •' ZiiAiANMAS," but this is a registered Trade Brand, and every pair is y stamped on the sole " Zealandia, and y any other Boot is not a genuine " Zkar LANDiA " unlesM bearing the stamp, a THESE CELEBRATED BOOTS Have had extraordinary success at the P various Exhibitions. Iv Sydney and Mel* lt bourne they obtained the Highest Colonial y Awards ;at Christchurch and Wellington " Exhibitions they obtained tho only Gold '' Medals, and have been placed first ut local ! > Shows and Exhibitions too numorous to 0 mention ; and at the recent INDIAN AND * COLONIAL EXHIBITION they were v pronounced tho FINEST EXHIBIT in thu whole Exhibition. (Sws Sir Julius yon y Huust'd letter to Sir Julius Vogul). And c as this wus in competition against the '■ British Empire, it is something to be fairly y proud of. '■ Let all those who want Stronjj, Hardwearing, Good-fittitijf Boote, buy a pair of •HEALANDIAS," ami thoy will never ufO itny other. Sold by Storekeepers and Boot and Shoe Dealers throughout New Zealand, and manufactured for tho trade by LIGHTBAND, ALLAN & CO., Christchurch. See that the brand " ZEALANDIA " i. stumped on tho sole. Tho now " PARAGON " BOOT patented by us, and the INDESTRUCTIBLE TOE uro splendid things; and wo also highly recommend " Corrick'n Patdnt Boot Back ProUiotora." LIrtHTBAND. ALLAN & CO. FEUNHILL GEN K.RAL STORES, . OMAHU. 1 JANI) K. A. MACKENZIE , Having Imported a Ni>w Lot of GOOD AND" SKAfcONABLE GOODS By Direct St<«ainers, are alile to supply Customers at a very Reasonable Price for Oiihli. SADDLI.KY AND BOOTS Good uud Cheap lo uwet tho Times. |1 E PANUITANGA XI NGA MAORI. HAERE MAI KOUTOU. Akukna raiigatira, tangata ware ranei; titngatii wliai-rnwa, tangata rnwa-koro ruuui; mo hai-ro hatoa iinii kia kite l nga htiuga kei ti; tnii boko a T EON' I') MEKK NE H I ran a ko tuna tunui l<ei PA A N All lit A, OM AIIU. Ho nii'ii utu lion inai mia liangu i ruriga i nga tiinii rorc tika toiui imii Id tenui motu. Ho Torn, ho Parairu, ho Puutu, be aha uoa atu. !s§}" Ko nga lintiga o lino pai ana—ko to utu he niuii noa inn haero mai to tungata mo to nioni i tona »iuga. ■nOVIMiMMT LIFE INSURANCE '-■* DEPARTftiEWT. /.'MIKF Ai>VANTAGES. \, .'v |i: riniiiiiK~ an ! ]:irfi(! bnnunos. I '\:>iiy- );c-|.t ill Now /-ynlaiid. ■ i ■:■■!:. ;-.r.i iw-miulinlulu uftai: \n-oot of death. .'mi,.,;. Minimi coiiiliLions. Low Nmv /eiilmid mortality. Mcmiomimiliuiuiiiijc-iiiiMit. Htati; security. rOTAn SUJI ASSUltKD'ancludiua iionim A.Witioiis) ... ... £7,135,243 •I'OT.M, I-'USUS (tho whole invoetml in Nf.vZualiind) JC1,328,«3 In inMitiou !-;, tbc uliovo funds, tlio ■••I'i"! lias an ANNUAIi INCOME of ever £%>S,m Tlio Huvphts Cash Pronts iv itSiG wore £212^50 iii'KNlNi; OI'TONTINITsAViN'GS R!S1) SECTION Toiiiino Siiviuya i'uml Bymeru l'olicjas are MOW In.Mi,:; issiini. iNo.w As..';!!! i.'i s mid i!Nisti)i<; Asauvanco Policy-holiliii-s will be i.iiov.-uil to join i-liis section. •Ml !>rufiik i(c l; ; nil,.; n/turi'iitorinK tlie bootion ni'r. Kft, iijiarl to ;,,_■ dividod Simon.',' the policy-uoldci-H ummiiiiiiH in tlio auction at the cud of 1000, when liljci-al itamiu iv cash are anticiimtod. 'l-'iio iniiKtipJcfj of tl'.u Toutiuo and tuodo ot liouiiiii!> Recounts (no not kopt eooret, as in <-"iso of oV.icr 'J'outiiK.'s udvmtiseil. *»•' liu'oi-iimtion can l>o obtained at tho Head Oiticti iin'i nil |ii:iiic:ln:i4 and Agencies, uttd also from tho li-avulliiiß Agents of tho Dopavtwoat. P. W. FItANKLAND, Actuiiry aud Principal OUloer. D. M. LUOKIB. Commission*!:.

KOOPE BEOOKING. ROOPE BROOKING LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. T ICENSED Land Broker under the Laud AJ Transfer Act.—All business under this departmentreceives my immediate attention, and is completed with despatch, at very moderate charges. Share Broker— Shares bought and sold ov COMMISSION ONLY. House Agent. collected, and every description of House Agency undertaken on reasonable terms. Properties of all descriptions can be submitted to intending purchasers upon application. Register of desirable properties kept. Agent for Public Trustee. Insurance of every description undertaken at lowest current rates. Agent for the North Queensland Marino bisuranoe Company. Financial Agent.—Surae from £50 to £20,000 on hand for investment upon ap proved security. Loans of all descriptions negotiated. Offices : Opposite Post and Telegraph Offices, Hastings-street, Napior. FINANCIAL. ROOPE BROOKING has for Investment the following Sums at Current Interest:—£7o, £100, £200, £400, £800, £2000, and £7000. MONTAGUE LASOELLE3. FOR SALE AT WAIPUKURAU, HALF- ACRE OF LAND, conveniently situated near Railway Station, with three now well-fiuishrd Four-roomed Cottages, let to good tenants and giving a return of l 5 per cent, on tho purchase money. The above is a splendid opportunity for anyono desiring an investment. MONTAGUE LASCELLES. FOR SALE AWELL-FINIoHED Four-roomed House, with Scullery, situato in Sale Street, Napier. Price low.. MONTAGUE LASCELLES. FOR SALE OR LEASK i~)t\f\ ACRES of First-class Bu4i /£i\J\J Land, situate at Bliickburn, Makaretu, partly fenced ; thirty acres felled uud iv grans. Eiwy Terms. MONTAOUJ! LASCELLES. FOR SALE. 4 NEWLY Erected Well Finished FiveXjL roomed House, with Wash-liousu, Section well fenced, and situate further end of Hastings Street, near Mr liudinan's Rer-idenee. PRICE—£29O. £50 Buhitice Easy Terms. MONTA GUE LaVC'ELLES. MONTAGVE LAS CELL ES, Tennyson Stke t, Napieb, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, Has for Sale or Lease, Town and Country Residences, Bush Farms, Village Sections, Hotels, General Stores, &c. Money to Lend n sums to suit MUKKAY, HUBERTS & CO. THE MIbBOURNE ESTATE, HAWKE'S BAY, N.Z., Will be offered for Stile by Public Auction in Napier, Hawke's Bay, on TUESDAY, 7th MAY. BY MURRAY, ROBERTS, AND CO. MILBOURNE ESTATE, tho property of the late J. M. and R. Stokes, consists of 29,618 Acres Freehold Lands, and is situated in the Provincial District oi Hawke's Bay, and within about 50 miles ol Napier, with which town it is connected by Railway, tho Waipawa and Kaikora Kailway Stations being distant respectively about 8 and 5 miles from the several ends of the Estate. The Estate is bounded oa the one side by the Waipawa River, and is intersected by the Mitngimhi, Mnnganaku, and other streams. The land consists partly of plains and partly of rolling downs and low hills, a considerable portion of which aro of limestone formation. The whole- Estate is excellent sheop country, well subdivided into convenient paddocks by wiro fences, and is easily worked. Ihe buildings consist of comfortable, family residence, with excellent garden, ovci-feur's house, wool.shed, men's huts, Ktuhles, and other outbuildings. There are lit present about 40,000 i-he.ep depasturing on the property, of which about 1000 are Merino, the remainder being Lincoln and Crossbred. The ilock is wel= and favorably known, and is of very etiperior quality. The Clip of Wool iv 1888 consisted of 805 bales. There are al«o depasturing on the property 300 head of well-bred cattle, and 25 hor.ics. Sheep cattle and hurees to bu taken u.t valuation. For particulars apply to I>ALGETY 4: CO. (Limited), Melbourne, Sydney, Dunedin, and Christchinch, or to MESSRS WILSON AND COITERILL, Solicitors, Napier, and MURRAY, HOBERI'S. AND CO., Napier and Wellington. 10 iliOS!-. ABOUT TO BUILD OR BUY PROPERTY. j'ili:. Jiawke-'s Bay PiTiuitticut Building .urn investment Society grant Loans on Mortgage. Society , n new scale cheaper than v 7 per cunt. Loan from outside. See Circular issued through evening paper. I'ul! j.Krticuiui'K may bu had upon ,ipplicnnoli :it (he Ofiifio, Teiinyj-on ctreet lIOIITOIN AMDBOJNS (Late 11. C. F. Pai-e), TAILORS AND HABITMAKERS, Hope by strict attention, combined with Moderate Prices und Largo Carefully Selected Stock, to retain fuvore given by their patrons in tho pwit. T.H. und Sons beg Inspection from tho Public Generally of SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW SEAJSOJN'S GOODS, Aiid arc constantly adding Largo Consign ineutfj of TWEEDS, FANCY WORSTEDS, &o From long experience) in West End of London, Brighton, and othur largo Towns England, and Colonies, can ensure tho Latest Stylo, Fit, and best Workmanship. EMERSON STREET, NAPIER, (Oi'POBiTK Tint Star). A. PETERS, BOOT AND SH OEMA XE R OproeiTK Pacific Hotel. HASTINGS, WISHES to inform his friends and tho public of Hastings that ho has started in the above line, and can promise Ladies and Gentlemen every satisfaction, low charges, and promptness. Repairs uoatly executed.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5508, 24 April 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5508, 24 April 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 5508, 24 April 1889, Page 4