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There was no business at the R.M. Court this morning.

We remind auctioneers that their licenses expire to-morrow.

Solby, tlio well-known Clivo butchcr> with a'start of four yards, beat Fhide in a fifty yards spin yesterday.

There was a good attendance last evening at the Art Exhibition. This evening , a concert will bo given under the direction of Mr Warren.

We have been asked to republish the result of the assay of the Mohaka trial erushings. The three samples gave the following results: —16 grains, b\ grains, and 14 grains of gold to the ton. "The ""old. obtained from tlio samples contained 40 per cent, of silver."

We arc requested to remind defaulting ratepayers Avithin the borough that unless their overdue rates are paid before eleven o'clock to-morrow morning their names will bo omitted from the Burgess Roll.

A special meeting of the Municipal Council will be held to-morrow, at noon for the purpose of striking tho rates for the year 18S5-S6, and for the signature of the Burgess Roll and Rato Book.

To-day being St. George's Day. the Banks wore closed in honor of this doubtful Saint. To-day is also tho anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, whoso name towers mountains high above our mythical friend his saintship. But banking being a monetary institution, and its founders pious withal, tho Saints wore ordered to be respected, lest, peradventure, the too much serving of Mammon might dispose tho heart to evil temptations.

After the parade last night, at which there was a capital muster, Bombardiers Carnoll and Williams were promoted to the rank of corporals, subject to the passing , of the usual examination.

Tuesday's Palmerston Times says : —Tho Palmerston Volunteers last evening received the money allowed for their expenses in attending the Nelson Encampment. With that attention to trifling details for T/hich tho Grovernment departments are justly famed, the sum of (id per head was deducted to cover cost of culinary utensils used by the volunteers. As theso were left behind, tho Nelsonians will profit by the relics.

"Writing about the talk of some Wellington people to match Heani against Beach, the writer on aquatic matters in the Canterbury Times expresses the opinion that Beach could pick up a man of Hcarn's ability at the beginning of each mile in a three-mile race, and then beat them all easily ! To that may be added the fact that tlio Wellington folks only talked of banking , Hearn against Beach after tbo latter had declared he would row nowhere elso for the championship than on the Parramatta river. Knowing that, the Wellington blowers coolly offered to back Hearn with tlio stipulation that the race must bo rowed in Now Zealand. If business bo meant there would bo no difficulty in getting on a match with some of the lessor lights of N.S.W., many of whom could and would give Hearn a start.

The annual meeting of the Napier Football Club was held last night at the Criterion Hotel, Mr. H. F. Gibbons in the chair. From the annual report wo learn that tho Club's assets amount to £08 lls Sd, the number of members last year was 59, eleven matches had boon played, and the trophy presente:! by Mr. Slieelnm had been won by them. The election of office-bearers resulted as follows: —President, Mr. J. 13. Orinond, M.H.R.: vice-president, Mr. F. Logan ; captain, Mr. IT. F. Gibbons ; deputy-captain, Mr. J. W. 11. Wood ; honorary secretary and treasurer, Mr. T. 11. Hunter ; delegates to Rugby Union, Messrs J. T. E. Harrap and J. W. H. Wood; committee, Messrs F. Parker, F. Fulton, A. T. Kennedy, Harrap, and Anderson. Twenty-two new members were elected and the subscription was reduced to os per annum. The usual votes of thanks brought tho meeting to a close.

Messrs Rule and Glassford have opened business in a new line in Napier, having taken premises in Emerson-street a few doors below the Criterion Hotel, where under the mime of the Hawke's Bay Game, Poultry, and Fish Depot, they intend to cater for the public in articles which have been greatly neglected in this district. If they can keep up constant supplies in thoso wares at reasonable prices they ought to command a large share of public patronage, as hitherto game, poultry, and fish, have only been adjuncts to other businesses or sold by peripatetic dealers, whose visits were not always opportune.

With regard to the contract for a supply of creosotod .sleepers which was advertised in the south some time ago, wo (Fielding Star) Icarji that owing to the absence of tenders the time has been extended to the end of this month, and white pine is allowed to bo used for half the sleepers. This is a remarkable change of front because the Government engineers pi'eviously declared white pine " was utterly unfit for the purpose.' '

At the Town Hall last night the Mayoress presented the prizes won at the late Rifle Volunteer company's firing contests. The following is a list of donors and prize takers:—First prize, handsome clock presented by Captain Blythc, Corporal Langhan ; 2nd, gilt clock under shade presented by the non-commissioned officers, Private Crossman; 3rd, silver mounted biscuit box presented by Lieutenants King and Duncan, Private Harpham ; 4th, a cake basket presented by the company, Sergeant Frame; sth, opera glasses presented by Messrs Sargood and Co., Private Cantle; Gth, shot bag and gun cover presented by Mr M'Vay, Corporal Tait; 7th, field-glass presented by Corporal Tait, Corporal Nicholson ; Bth, gentleman's dressing-case presented by Mr Close, Private Wilson; 9th, one dozen photographic views presented by Mr Carnoll, Color-Sergeant Chicken ; 10th, one dozen handkerchiefs presented by Mr Cato, Private Hendry : 11th, meerschaum pipe presented by Mr Hooper, Private Carter ; silver-mounted belt and a presented by Messrs R. Rcnouf and L. Redward respectively to the scorer of the highest aggregate, Corporal Langhau. Marksmen's badges were also presented to Color-Sergeant Chicken, Sergeant Frame, and Private Grossman, for class-firing.

An Ohio school committee must have been puzzled to decide which of two candidates ff»" v " schoolmarinship " was Ihe bettor fitted for the post, the young woman who averred that "respiration" wns the rersniring of tlio liody, or her rival who believed " einphnsis " was the putting nn,rf distroAs on one word than another— ilcfinil.ioTis worthy of v placo beside those achieved by the iricdina] student responsible for " hypothesis, something tliathappnns to a nmti'nftor death," and "irony, .1 substance found in mineral wells, which is preserved in bottles and sold by druggists as tincture of iron."

Tifr G. Faulknor's coach factory should bo visited by all who are about to "set up" a cuiin.gc. In his show-room now there are soir.o admirably weli-finished vehicles of all descriptions, that have just been compiettd to order. Amongst the best is a landau built for Mr G. P. Donnelly. This handsome carriage, fitted with all the latest improvements, such as self-acting steps which let down or fold up as the door is opened or shut, spring cover, so that a lady,. unassisted, can either have the carriage open or closed, could not be better fiuished in any factory in the colony. MrFaulknor's station buggies, chaises for ladies, dogcarts, &c, all show tho care taken to turn out the best possible work, while all the latest, improvements in springs, turn tables, <fee, are applied.

There will be a match between the Hastings and Heretaunga (Maori) Football Clubs next Saturday, on the ground of the former. Every member of the Hastings Club is requested to roll up, as the Maoris arc very strong. Any Europeans wishing to join in the game are invited to play. The game will commence punctually at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Tho Christchurch Press characterises tho Premier's address at Auckland to the local Liberal Association as a piece of unmitigated humbug.

The Feilding Star says: —"A Maori " up the line " was desirous of nominating' a horse for the .Feildiug races. He wrote out a telegram, attached a note to it, put the two in an envelope, put a stamp on tho envelope and calmly dropped it into the nearest post office, without the formality of adding the address. Instead of the nomination reaching the secretary for whom it was intended it arrived at "the Dead Letter Offico in Wellington, from whence it was duly forwarded for tho correct address, but too hite for tho purpose for which it was intended."

"Hallo ."' snid a policeman to Brown the other night, " what are you sitting' out here in the cold for? Why don't you go into the house? Have you lost the key?' , " No," responded Brown; I—hie—haven't lost the key. I've—hie—lost the key-hole. - '

Seventy-four nominations have been received for the Great Northern St. Leger, to bo run in 1887. Mr Allan McLean has nominated a gelding by Merlin, and two fillies, one by Vasco di Gama, and the other by Gladiator. Mr W. Douglas has nominated three youngsters by Jav'lin aud one by Vasco di Gama. Captain Russell has entered a filly by Cadogan.

Taillado was acting in some forgotten piece witli nu abnormally ponderous actress, Mile. Suzanne Lagris, whom he was supposed to cany off half fainting on his back. But his arms were too short to embrace the well-developed figure of Mile. Lagris. One of the "gods," taking pity on the superhuman efforts of his favorite actor, shouted out, " Make two journeys of it."

Turing the present season tho Longbeach and Wakanui Road Boards (Canterbury) have received over 70,000 eggs and heads of small birds. A large number has also been received by other Road Boards in tho country, and the united action of tho local bodit 8 to check the wholesale increase of the email birds' nuisance appears to .have been attended with a considerable amount of success.

There is to be another omnibus on the road next week, Mr D. Cotton having a coach converted into one to seat nino insido passengers at Mr Faulknor's carriage factory.

According to the Taranaki Herald New Plymouth is such a sober and moral community that Mr Booth, tho Blue Ribbon lecturer thinks it would be a waste of time to visit it.

The Union Company's boats' meat supply last year consisted of 10,000 sheep, 800 bullocks, and 14,000 pens of fewls.

A "pastoral" against dancing having been issued under the authority of the Free Church Presbytery of Aberdeen, Scotland, an effort was made to withdraw the sanction and approval of the Presbytery from the document. The effort was unsuccessful.

One of tho curiosities of the New Orleans Exposition is an air flower from the City of Mexico. It is two inches long and resembles a beetle with wings and horns. The wings are a light sea green color, dotted with specks. The body of the flower is a palo yellow and deep orange, and gives a slight hyacinthine perfume. Including broad banana-shaped leaves, tho entire plant looks as though moulded in wax.

Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, of London, reported at the last anniversary of tho pastor's college that during tho twenty-eight years of its existence 688 men had been sent out as pastors and missionaries, of whom 47 had died and 572 ire still engaged in tho work. They had baptised 05,173 persons, and received to church membership 50,924.

In these days when so much swindling is being carried on in connection with sweeps, the public we have repeatedly said, should confine their favors to known men. To-day in another column a consultation is advertised by "Caledonia," care of a thoroughly straightforward local man, and as the drawing is to be open to the press, we have no hesitation in recommending it to our readers.

' Versity Education.—Tho Colonel: "Yes; he was senior wrangler of his year, and she took a mathematical scholarship at Girton, and now they're engaged." Mrs Jones: " Dear me, how interesting ; and oh ! how different their conversation must be from the insipid twaddle of ordinary lovers!" Their Conversation.—He: "And what would Dovcy do if Lovey were to die?" She: "O, Dovey would die, too."

Paris (says a London paper) hns lost 0110 of its curiosities in the person of M. Banet who made it his habit daily to feed the spar-> rows in the gardens of tho Tuileries. Tho birds knew him by sight, and, as soon aY he appeared, would cluster round him aa thickly as wasps in August round a barrel of moist sugar. They would perch on him, allow him to catch and handle them, dnd would follow him from place to plane. M. Banor is the only sparrow tamer on record. If the deceased gentleman had lived in, this colony he could have found ample scope for sparrow taming. To satisfy tho farmers here however, he would havo had to use a different method. Shot guns aro what wo tamo sparrows with in this part of the world.

The annual report of the London Chamber of Commerce brings forth the very interesting fact that, out of a year's imports and exports of tho United Kingdom, 23 per cent, of tho former, and 30 per cent, of the latter were with the British Colonies, while the export 3 of -British produce to the sam,e markets were upward of 35 per cent.

In Spidal, near Galway, a farmer named Martin Curran attacked with a pair of tongs his cousin, Michael O'Donnell, whose skull ho smashed. O'Donnell was not oxpectud to recover. When ho was arrested, Curran attacked two policemen, and upon his removal to the police barracks he smashed everything he could reach. He is 1 believed to be insane. 1

A rich saddler, whose daughter was afterward married to Dunk, tho celebrated Earl of Halifax, ordered in his will that she should lose the whole of her fortune if she did not marry a saddler. The young Earl of Halifax, in order to win the bride, v w' actually served an apprenticeship of seven J years to a saddler, and afterward bound v himself to the rich saddler's daughter for life.

Maud S., Mr Vanderbilt's celebrated horse, trotted one mile in 2:09 the champion time for a bicycle is 2.39. Leaving out intermediate distances I find that Lady Mack did iive mites in 13 ;Mr Hillier has ridden it on a bicycle in 1-1:18. Controller did ten miles in 27:23;j ; Mr English accomplished that distance in 29:19 3-5. Twenty miles was done by the horse Capt. McGowan in 58:25 ; Mr English, who holds the record for twenty miles an hour must surely be looked on as "a wonderful performance. But after twenty miles the man rapidly begins to go to the'front The best fifty miles on record has been done by Ariel in 3:55:40£, but lon Keith-Falconer rode that distance on a bicycle in 2:13:") 3-o. Conqueror travelled 100 miles in 0:35:53; F. R. Fry, on a bicycle, did 100 miles in 5:20:052-s.—Correspondent.

"Rough on Rats.";— Clears out rats, mine roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, beetle, innects, skunks, jack-rabbits, gophers. Druggists. Felton, Grimwade & Co., Agents, Wellington.

For close confinement, want of air, sedentary habits and brain and nerve tire, trust in Hop Bitters (American Co.'s) Read.

To avoid all mistakes, ask for Wolfe's Schnapps, and by continuous use of that / celebrated cordial, secure for yourself an QX*yJ tended lease of life.—[advt.] T

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4286, 23 April 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4286, 23 April 1885, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4286, 23 April 1885, Page 2