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Wednesday, August 20

The Council met at 8 p.m. Present: His Worship the Mayor, Crs. Lee, Margoliouth, McDougall, Cotton, Graham, Cohen, and Neal. The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and confirmed. correspondence . From Messrs Cazneau and Connolly, offering to take the portraits of the Mayor and Councillors. —Declined with thanks. From the Town Clerk of Auckland, tendering the thanks of that Corporation to the Mayor of Napier for his prompt and efficient action Avith regard to the small-pox patient, aud for the prevention of the spread of the disease. From the Property-tax Department, requesting a return of all the borough reserves and landed endowments.—Ordered that the return asked for be furnished.

From Thomas Clarkson, applying for permission to erect a wooden building with

iron roof on sub-section 27, Munro-strcct, the proposed building being Avithin twenty feot of adjoining premises.—Mr Graham moved that permission bo granted. Seconded by Mr Lee. Tho motion ivas opposed by Cr. Margoliouth. Cr. McDougall would like to see the by-law repealed ; it was only a laughing stock. Motion put and carried. Ayes 4, Noes 3. From Mr. R. Lamb, reporting on the causo of tho deficiency in the supply of ivater from the old reservoir into the main pipes. Various obstructions were found by Mr. Lamb in the pipe between the reservoir and Shakespeare road. The obstructions Avere removed and tho pipes cleaned, and the water seivico rendered efficient. He recommended that tho present 3-inch and 4-inch pipes be replaced Avith G-inch pipes. —His Worship explained that on the obstruction being reported to him he took upon himself to obtain Mr. Lamb's report on the matter. The Council approved of His Worship's action, and referred Mr. Lamb's recommendations to tho Public Works Committee. ROAD OVERSEER'S REPORT.

Mr Black, road overseer, presented the folloAving report: — Elizabeth Road.—This road is about 14 chains in length, and 20 feet in ividth, and in formation is in its natural state. Near Mr Hill's residence it is almost impassable in consequence of the surface water from the higher level passing over it. The cost of formation —folloAving its natural level, which is very favorable—and metalling 12 feet wide, Avill, I estimate, be about £35. This road, I may state, is one of considerable importance, as giving access to and from valuable properties, but is in the unfortunate position of some other roads in Napier—some of which arc under maintenance by tho Council—of not-having been legally dedicated to the public, Goldsmith Road. —I have examined the

portion of this road referred to by Mr Coker in his letter to tho Council. I find that the result of the survey recently made of Mr Col.or's property lias been to place tlie peg indicating tho front corner of the section, as near as possible, in the centre of the formed roadway, leaving about 19 links of available space for traffic between the corner of the fence now in course of erection and the base of a permanent stone Avail on the opposite side recently erected by Mr Fannin. Goldsmith road, from Battery road to the boundary of Mr Fannin's property adjoining town section No 391, is 30 links in width, and from this place to Napier terrace road 50 links. As Mr Fannin's property fronts the latter part, the stone Avail must, according to Mr Ellison's survey, be abo.ui 31 links upon the public road. I Avould beg to suggest that the narroAV space left be put in as good order as possible, Avhich ivill, owing to the small amount of traffic on this part of the road, meet all requirements for the present, and until such time as the survey map of tho town is completed, Avhen the Council Avill be in a better position to deal Avith the encroachment referred to. The cost will be but trilling. Wellcslcy Road — With reference to the petition, "from residents below the gas Avorks," requesting that the present formation between Miller-street and Sale-street be extended so as to protect their properties from occasional floods, I beg to state that the estimate I furnished the Council last meeting, not only included the extension south of Sale-street, but also from Miller-street to the railway. There is no doubt but that this work is one of importance, and ivould, if carried out, effect to a considerable degree the object of the petition ; but 16 feet Avould not give a roadway of sufficient ividth to be regarded ivith satisfaction. I may, hoAvever, state that to increase the Avidth of tho old and new formation to what is necessary— 24 feet— and coat the surface Avith shingle throughout, Avould increase the cost to about £300. As this amoipit is probably beyond the means at the disposal of the Council, I Avould beg to recommend that the Avork included in the attached estimate bo only undertaken at present, and the widening and improving of the formation be carried out by the regular staff as ordinary maintenance, as time and circumstances will permit.' In connection Avith this work, I would beg to recommend the improvement of Sale-street, between the railway and Wcllcsley road, and the ividening of a short piece of Miller-street extension, at an additional cost of about £20. Priestly Road.—Since receipt of Mr Grubb's letter surface improvements as far

as possible havo been effected on this road. It Avill require a coating of rubble as soon as the Aveather will permit. The metalling of lighthouse road is an authorised Avork, and Avill be commenced in a few days. Old Reservoir. —The chief defects in the small compartment of this reservoir appears to be in the bottom. Numerous cracks extend over the entire surface, especially the east side. I have conferred with Mr Lamb on tlie matter, and would beg to recommend that a 6-in. coating of concrete be laid over \ the entire surface of tho bottom, and finished

off ivith a 1-in. coating of cement plaster. This, we are of opinion, would permanently remedy these defects. The cost aa_U be

about £75

rußLic avoek's committee's report, -r The following report from the Public Works Committee was read :—

Your committee haA-ing met pursuant to notice beg to recommend the Council as follows: —

1. That with rofcrenco to Mr Lamb's letter re neiv offices a sub-committee, consisting of Crs. Margoliouth and Neal and the Town Clerk be appointed to visit the building, and report to the Council with regard to (1) gas (2) tubes for speaking, (3) water supply, and (5) fencing, sheds, &c. 2. That clause 4 of Mr Lamb's letter, rt extra chimneys, be not adopted.

3. That the list of names of streets already named and of the names proposed for those hitherto unnamed be aj.proved and adopted.

4. That the report of the overseer re Thompson road be adopted aud authorised.

5. That a bonus of £10 be granted to Mr W. Parker for his services as returning officer.

6. That with reference to tho overseer's report re Elizabeth road the municipal solicitor's opinion bo obtained as to whether it is competent for the Council to maintain a road not having the legal width, or to accept the dedication of such road.

7. That the overseer's report re Goldsmith road be adopted and authorised.

8. That tenders for repairs to Wellesley road be invited in terms of the overseer's report and estimate, and also that the Government be requested to remove the cottage now obstructing tho roadway in Miller street.

9. That the overseer's report re Priestly road be adopted and authorised. - ■-<

10. That the tender of Messrs Glendinning and Griffin for- widening the Hyderabad road 26ft for the sum of £119 3s be accepted.

11. That persons using bicycles or tricycles bo warned that Avithin the borough it is necessary for them to carry bells and lamps to Avarn persons of their approach, and that unless this be done steps Avill be taken to restrict the use of these vehicles within certain limits.

12. That the vouchers for wages, amounting to £G7 19s od, be passed and ordered to be paid. In reference to clause one the folloAving report of the sub-committee Avas read: — 1. With reference to the lisrhting of the building, Aye beg to recommend the laying of the necessary piping for the folloAA-ing lights :—Council chamber, two chandeliers, 4 lights each ; Mayor's office, ono chandelier, 2 lights; Town Clerk's office, one if chandelier, 2 lights; Receiver of Rates' office, ono chandelier, 2 lights; Overseer's office, one chandelier, 2 lights; entrance hall, one circular hall lamp ; messenger's lobby, one bracket light; strong-room, one light in centre. All the piping to be of iron. 2. With reference to Avater, Aye recommend that tho supply be brought into the lobby from the main in Tennyson street. 3. With regard to fencing, Aye recommend that it be 6 feet, iron, Avith capping and a double gate.

4. With regard to outside buildings, wo bog to recommend the erection of two earth closets, one urinal, and one coal and woodshed, specifications for which the architect has been requested to prepare All the clauses in both reports were adopted. -MISCELLANEOUS. Cr Cotton, in reference to the insurance of the Corporation's new offices, said that the rates of insurance ivere likely to be considerably lower shortly through tho competition of the companies, and ho moved that no insurance bo effected without an order from tho Council.—Cr Neal said the building Avas in tho hands of the contractor.—His Worship said the motion aatis unnecessary as no insurance could be elfectod Avithout the exiu-ess authorisation of the Council.

Cr McDougall moved, and Cr Margolouth seconded, that the Town Clerk bo instructed to write to Mr Rochfort to enquire when the map of tho toivn ivould be completed. Cr Cohen wished to knoAV whether the Council would sit that night as a Board of Health. The unfounded charges brought against Dr Jackson and published in a Wellington paper, reflected on the Board, and ho thought it Avas due to tho toAvn, as Avell as to all more immediately concerned, that the slanders should be repelled.—His Worship the Mayor quite agreed with Cr Cohen in thinking that the charges so publicly made should bo boldly met and refuted. He had received a copy of the paper containing those charges "from tho Colonial Secretary, and it Avas now incumbent on the Board to go thoroughly into tho matter.—After some discussion it Avas finally agreed that His Worship should call a meeting of the Board early next iveek. The Council then adjourned. A

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4082, 21 August 1884, Page 2

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MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4082, 21 August 1884, Page 2

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4082, 21 August 1884, Page 2