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GRAHAM.STOWX, Wednesday. Acting on instiuetions from the (.Joveinment, the Mining Inspecloi has lepoited on the Waio-Kai aka mines, lcgauling their liability to toiieituic. He has repotted that so far the conditions have been complied with, but it is as well that those companies know that the> .uc under siuveillance. In the "Warden's. Conir, to-day, the case Ehrenfned v. Jackson, for damages arising out of a purchase of Tauuashaies on alleged fraudulent lepiebi-ntations, nos called on Mess s Tyk'i and Htbkcth appeared for the plaintiff; and Metsis Maedonald and McCormidc for the defendant The defendant's counsel at once took objection to the C'ouit's jumdictum, and after lengthy arguments on both sides, the Court ruled that they had not the juiisdichon, and declined to hen the case. — At the Police Couit to-da} , James Kae w as fined 20&. and cost'j for assaulting Edwaid Lewis, and Is. and costs for assalting Annie Milner. It appe.vis the two plaintiffs were conversing togcthei, •when the defendant came up and &tiiuk Lewi", and Miss Milner then came botw een them and recen eil several blows The dt fendont said that he accidentally struck one of the plaintifiS. The (Joint ruled that the ;issault in the lattei case was not intentional, -and let the defendant off with a light penalty, stating that it he thought it was in tentional he would send him to puson without the option of a fine. The second stage of firing for lepresentatives took place to day. Lighteen competitoisliied. The nine highest scores aie as follows ; —

All those aie qualified to compete at the Colonial Prize Filing. Iho ill ■at four aie (iovcinmuit icprestntiitivi's for the distiict. Daimu^ Truh ir.— 20 tons of btufF yielded 28oz 7<hvt gold Mi Dm i Srvn Titir.t iu. — 10 tons of stoiio gave 3o/. 13dA\t.

COEOM A2s DEL, "Wednesday. Union" Beyui — A few pounds of good stono obtained today; the mine genualLy looking well The manager lepoits to the directors that the dinu on the specimen leader lias been c\tuidul oOft., and that they ha\L tiktu out 231b specimens, making altogether LSllb. on hand, and GO tons ot shift m the p id'lock. The mtei mediate level at both cuds is looking remaikably •well, the L.i der bung lSin wide, and gold is bung <<eui in the quait/ frequently in the ■west end In the L-Oit le\U the btope-3 aie lookwig \\ , .iltl.o'igh nothing in the shape of specr lem h.i\ j 1 an <; >t Both sick- ,ue lojk'iig \. til '1 he ■. -L uid ot the Blaoi^ lvi't has L»ec n extended b7i: , .and the leailei 5i looking bctui t'lv.iit In^ ilniio toi some tune. l'i iDi: ov Tok u •. —A Miiill pucel of speci iiLiij lcj-oilcd t«. C.\,y with a prosp^L.t of StKiio moie to incnow. To.>\in. — A good show of gild in the Van Itvel ike. 11 vi i'ouk Vu:\.\ — A small qu iiitity o r s>i>wv,ini'>n3 taken Jio a 2s'o. 3 k\el by t\e tii'i ltd - 'i i>e mnu il ele^tii.n of the School Corulnittoe i k'.k^ 1>1,icj ti.-iiiui lo^l . '!'•.; • ' \ r .\ i : f V , V\ dat b,!.,y. It i, lu' lh it i i.i. liap h., .antioil ] to <*u ck'-j i e\v siC'iniLi : bi.t I uuiuot .ifeoi'it nil full p.i»Ueul,u3 to-night. She will be lepiu- d at "»Iu'cer

[rr •; piifvs agency.] In'LW PLYMOUTH, Wtdne&day. Ths Jiit'fj ' this evening publishes the c niL^iil-3 of a private letter received fioai liawera, lcUtive to Mr. Casey. Some nun mtei v leu ed Casey, and demanded where he got the quartz which he took to Auckland. Casey declined to give any information as to \vheie it had been found. On being fuither questioned, lie gave inquirers to undei&tiind that the quait/was got m 1 proMiice. Casey s.ud if he in ide it kuv.wi Mime he found it, he would not L,et protection. As it \\a*, he said it will Ijo known by aiid-l\v. The writer siys Casey has been at the Thamca and an <. '^u tor a clvun there, and that lie 13 a u nu or ev veiy yood chauictei.

NAPIER, Wednesday. The fuil iii'iins ol the easlun !V.i<>ii (list i (■ the following u .— Kiu.ntiana, 10 J ; iv p i, ."$77 ; Il'ki.uo, :;,"ti ; Hocenf, 1 i-S. y : \ i ll taken at K in ik.ui ' Mr. Ci.npljell, i!n_ I lletuinii.g Oili> ci. did tiotg'-t Lhtic. Tli 1 . probabl) in\ nluLte^ the tlection. Tho wiiiig *<u d&Li.ot ivyit&enfc.ici' cs .it the (t l( liidl j-ii/.u liiing ii3 finished ui-d.v,. "i lio Cot iL for the two d.ivs fui'14 ,uc — Ci 11 Sell?.? s, UCi; lios«, 142; V.'^ SelLu^, 140. The wo.ithor unfavoui.ible, then bem<_' stiong gusts of wind.

AVE LLT ViTOX, Wertue^Uy. The Wesleyan Confeience appointments for this year aic : — Auckland, Mr. Knk; Thicu Kiug 1 ? Theological and 'luuinny Inatication, Mr. Biulille ; Tli.aniL ', Mi Bai ii ; bt. AlbAu'a, Chiistchurcii, Mi Crai.ii'. Thu boating visitor^ \\erc cntei tamed last e\eniii^ at dinner. There wasa\ui> ln^t attend i'ice. Mr. fGeoigo Hunter, M H 1{ , vras i'i the chair.

THE COOK'S STKAITS CABLi:. The p s. 'Luna' Iia3 been out m the Hti.nti all day. The 'Egmont' was left eaily this moimng to pick up the buojed end, m Ink' the ' Luna' cut away to pick up the aid on the White's Bay side They hooked the cubic three quartet s of a mile from the end, but were afiaul toundeiruu it to^ aids the eiul for fear the stiong tidi ■would take possession of them. They lowered again, and attached a tempoiaiy ca^k buoy, with the idea of giapplmg ncuici to the end of the cable, the buoy being a good guide. Just then, the & s ' Egmont ' came up and repoited the bi caking of the wire rope while attempting to get the end of the cable on boaid, and when the ''I'm' left, the ' Luna' was waiting for slack water to pick up the Lj ell's Bay end again. The weathei is tine, and the glass is high. Mi. Floyd, the electrician, leports that the Lj ell's Bay end of the cable was hooked and placed on board the s s ' Kgmonl at 7.30 p in , a short distance from the end They lynched the end by unden mining, ,uid reco\eied a mushroom anchor and chain They go out at daylight to-moiiow to pick up the White's Bay end It is supposed the wire ropi broke through at a kink The wires are all light. Dr. Lemon goes to Lyell s lUy to nu,'ht to take electiical tests The yl ?(/»•. to night has an aiticle on the alleged stoppage by the General Government of the Auckland goldlieldsievenue. It bays that on the 1st of January Auckland owed the colony £37, 301, made up as follows- — Deficiency on the Kiilway, Hi, 000 ; amount spent on woiks in outlying distriets, out o! £40,000 vote, tl2,()00 ; allowanco to Pumping Association, £1(),4()D, all by law or agreements repayable out of the lands i eveinic, and £5,000 advanced in aid of the ordinary levenue, and £9,832 for education. The only amount the GeneialGovernmentiuis stopped is £33 7s. 8d. , made up of £32 1 4b 2d registration fees, &c, in Thames Waiden'a ofhee, and 13s Gd in the Ohmemuii oitice It has nevrr stopped a penny of the gold duty, and the whole of the remamd( r of the goldhelds levenue, amounting £525 18s Id. for the half year, after the natives weie paid their £3,195, has been paid into the Piovmeial Treasury.

(JHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday. The recent appointment of Mr Fiedenck De Carterct Mulct, late clerk of the lleaident Magistiate's Court lieie, to the Rcgistrarship of the Supreme Court, rendered vacant by Air. E. S. Wilcocks being transferred to Auckland, has given great dissati^ faction in Canterbuiy. The Law Society have decided to protest strongly against it to the Minister of Just'ce, on the ground that Mr. Makt was not fitted for the appointment, as he was neither a member of the legal profession, nor had any experience in

Siijji emu Com t pi ,oc. Although not stated in tliv, loobitio'is parcel, the membti^of the Law Niuety aio gieatly dif> itislied with the picsent Deputy lieyistiai, m)\o liib l>cen 11 years m the &ei\ ice, bcuiy paaotilo\ei foi j, nun piofesisional man. Tliuie is aKo ii fatiuuy feeling amongst the gencial public to the same efteet. Tlie Wellington artilleiy have beaten the (.'hustehuich artilleiy m the nfle match ol t\\ t-l\ e men aside by 101 points. tSe\tud attempts liavo recently ]>een made to ii[wc>t tiams W-sti-iday a (quantity ot spades, and othn trn>k wcie lounil l}ing on the liiiK on the Kllebineiu line.

Vom.n *>„' tJoiilnn Illl-US, Teuton Anii'-tn wj; Thomas XUmjii SG 83 SO S3 S7 i)0 b'> t>2 S7 fc>7 b3 s(> 70 "(> hi 17 J 170 11,') 10') 10S KiB 105

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 3

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TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 3

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5724, 27 January 1876, Page 3