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'I 111* liMllncilH I 111(1 till! tl.d'llllllc iu«->|l.llicr until. -. aic II 11 1 \ 1)1111, l <h,l - 1 in \ ui. 11 iilunl. We In\o on -.d 01 veil lliioiiii-.tumc'! \U1u1e J>i 1 1 Liitli il !i ts n Injul 1 'lit t., tin tot J1} blind I in \i ii, liCMitia lliiptu\((l vlsl< 11 to 111 1 y who weio sullt-iintj fi 111 oplitlj ihnic iIisuisls of iixjii Ic 01 two ye.irs' standing. Wo mention, bee tuss ho is well known tlo-ouuliout this district, Mr .Times Hotsfall, \\] opo ilof. rtive <>idit 1ms be n r.i'licillr cured Miss Fl igeiy, of this town, who bas stiff red from denf ness for yaw, owing to fright produced lythe 1 He of a (1 )?, Indlnr lTannc le torert in our presence A c unmet wns snet < ssfully iunov< <l from th' cyo of a blick fellow in the mtvico of M. O'Shani»sy, K*q , Fort lionrl'f. Stewut, who lias been blind for about sixteen \ i if«, c tu now see .il/nysL to print. A gill named Jones, who bad been nearly blind for two yc.irs, cnu n.w sco the smallest olgect, and plays with other children A young lady from Mooinba, Wilcannii, named Eastlmni, totally blind from some c 'mplaint, can now nee ; but in nearly eveiy case, a sudden influx of light must be guarded against. 1 he successful treatment at Kogsmiena of Mrs H J. Adam's eyes is alone sufficiout to establish Dr Rosenthsl's reputation as an oculist. Wo could enume'tate 1 twenty in.stftncos of porsons known well in this town and district whose sight has either bcou restored er improved, and whose deafness bas been removed ; and we think it but a duly on our part to notice the cases which are known to us, and to endorse the public opinion which has been so favourably 1 and deservedly bostowed. Mrs. Baylcy, who hai had bad eyes for five years has been completely cured, and so have the eyes of Mrs. Tleynoldi. He has fulfilled every promise made, and effected in every instance some very remarkable cures. Dr. Rosenthal has alo this in his favour— he does not fond away Hie poor, nor doss he exact tho last farthing from those in indigent circumstances. On the contrary, he could not have had under his gratuitous treatment fower tban twelve persons ; and to one woman and tlneo children suffering f n m almost total blindness, he supplemented his servicM by raising a subscription to relievo their xirceuiUet.- Central Australian and Bouike Telegraph, December 14, 1872. N.U. — Many hundreds of testimonials all in a like strain, can bo 'seem at Me. JXorculaar* contultlng rooms. Jewellery,Etc.

TSIDOEB ALEXANDER 96, QUEEN-STEEET, NEXT AUCKLAND H0TEL.1 Begi moit respectrully to inform the inhabitants Auckland and its vicinity that he has opened the above premises as a "WATCH-MAKER AND MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, With a larg* and w*ll-assortcd STOCK of ■WATOHES, DIAMOND GOODS, JEWELLERY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED .IWARF, Specially selected jin the ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MARKETS. Tho latest deMgns and fashions in Bijouterie will b* recelrod by every mail from England, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. The public are invltad to impoct the premises and Factory, where all the branches^ in the Trad* are ■ carried on. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AM) NEW TEAK'S GIFTS, FIVE TO TWENTY-Fl VJ5 pun, CENT. DISCOUNT E. BEC K, JEWELLER AND WATCHMAKER, will supply JEWELLERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, &c, For Chri tmas Presents and Net. Year's Gifts, At a Reduction of 6 to 25 per cent. Discount. N.B.— All Gopds marked in plain figures, and guaranteed. 108, QUEEN-STREET. Sewing Machine. SEWING MACHINE S Mi.Dl BT TBI BRITANNIA? COMPANY, COLCHESTER, ENGLAND, combine the best parts of tho best Machines (avoiding tho r defects) with somo keoent bfbcial immiovkments, which no other Machine possesses. Every mako of Muchino. however far removed from excellence, profcssei to bo better than any other. The task of selecting a Sewing Machine is therefore rather a difficult one, especially if ihe purchaser has no knowledge of machines, and has no other guide thin the representations of various dealers. Many people, convinced of the advantage to be derived from using a Machine for needlework, do not yet possess one, because among so many they aro unable to satisfy themselves as to which make is the best. As a practical man and an Engineer allow m* to point out some of tho advantages of these Machines. They will do all that any other Machine will, and do it letter, including Hemming, Quilting, Felling, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Stitching, &.C. Ac, with a perfect stitch alike on both sides. They are fitted with an lmpkovbd break, which prevents the Machine turning the wrong way, and so entangling and breaking, the thread. They mako les nois* than most Machines.and are the nearest possible approaoh to noiseless. They are very simple, and will run for years without costing a khilling for repairs. Every Machine is Warranted. Machines let out on hire, the payments^for which go towards purchase Machines of other makers taken in exchange. Repairs properly done. Needles for various Machines, Oil, Cotton, and Extras. G. W. HE SLOP, ENGINSKK, TTTE FTTTTNG SHOP VuLOAN-LANTfl

Bakers. "OISCUITS! BISCUITS!! ADVANCE AUCKLAND, By ENCOTJBAGINa LOCAL INDUSTRY Tho Undersigned having been induced by several storekeepers and others to introduce into the market a class of Biscuits equal to the imported, respectfully solicits a trial of the same. Our First-class Mixed The following Biscuits Biscuits consist of Always on Hand: Dorbvs Abernotby Shrewsburys Sweet Lunch Lemon Drops Plain Lunch Cinnamons Fancy Mixed Briars Arrowroot African Rings Milk Imperials Maizena Cracknels Rice Rice Biscuits Bath Sweet Wines . Digestive Roriee ' Spice Nuts Rout Biscuits Lemons. Lemon Bisouitf 13 kinds. SECOND CLASS, SIX KINDS. The above Biscuits can be supplied at prices considerably under English or Australian Biscuits. C. WOODWARD, 260, QUEEN-STREET, Directly opposite tho Market. The Highest Price given for Empty Biscuit Tins. N.B. — C.W. has much plcaiuro in intimating to his numerous customers that he has commenced to make the celebrated Osborno Biscuits, so much in demand at prosont tiino in tho old country. Photography^ PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTICE. CLARKE BROTHERS. For seven years pupils of Mr. Crombie and for th last twelve months operators for Mr. Cater, Havo much pleasure in informing their friends and tho public generally that they have purchased the well-known Photographic Businera so successfully carried on by Messrs. Crombi* and Cater for tho last eighteen years, and trast, by civility and attention to business, together with producing first-class portraits at, moderate prices, to mcot with a share of the patronage so liberally bostowed on their predecessors. Fir*t-class Carte de Visite Portraits, 7s. per halfdos*n, 12s. Cd. per doxen. ' Children's portraits taken instantaneously. ' N.B.- All debtsdue to the establishment to be paid ' to Clarke Brothers, whose receipt will bo sufficient. J — — ■ — ( f\T O T ICE.' K. H. B A E T L E T T, PHOTOGRAPHER, Begs (most resp*otfully to inform his f riendi ' publio generally that j HE HAS NOW OPENED j EXTENSIVE NEW PREMISES, t ' '■ Over McBnra, J. and J. Dickey, adjoining the City Hall.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5116, 15 January 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5116, 15 January 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5116, 15 January 1874, Page 4