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SPECIAL .NOTICE. THE hiailT PRESFIiVhD. HLIND.YltSS PttFVLNTKD. MR. I. S. ROSENTHAL, Graduate of the University of Berlin, Royal Ocnlut, Optician, and Aurist, HAS AREIVED IN AUCKLAND, And may bo consulted at his residence, Princes-streot, next loot to the Northern Club, from 10 a m. to 6 pm. Mr. ROSENTflAL, of Sydney, New South Wales, has only recently retun ed from Europe, where he took advantage of placing himself under Profosior Greeffee, Koeniglicher Augen Arzt, Berlin ; Professor A ng lstein, Koenigliohor Augen Arzt, Berlin; and Berlin Eye Infirmary. He has also visited the Royal Eyo Infirmaries, Vienna, Paris, aud London. After many years' practical experience, Mr. Hosontlial has decided upon eivmg advice for a limited period, whore Acute and Chi onlo Inflammation, Opacity. Prtarsct, together with all other DISEASES of the EYE, and EAK, will be treated under his peculiar system

OERTIFIOATES. To J. S. TlosRJTiut,, Esq. — Dear Sir,— I c«me to you in June. You gavo me my hearing in four misutes and a h»H. 1 have called three times since my hearing has been restor- d ; I con)d hear a minute after the operation a* well as £ can this day, having been deaf /or two yeats. !Phaiik)n^ yi/u for tho kind attention to rno, I remain, dear Sir, Yours votr truly. EMILY KING. Mrs. Reuben Kjso, Mother of Emily King, Port Addaido. WltlieSS— JitMEB MA2W, Lipson street, Port Adelaide, June 0, 1873. Dear Sir,'— Having suffered greatly for ih.9 last two years from severe bad oyes, and being at times quite blind, I was torapted t > call and see what you could do for me. What you have done ha* quit* exceeded my expectations, for in the short tpace of seven days I am completely cured Hoping you will use this for tho benefit of those afflicted as I wac, I remain, yours grateful ly, CiROLLNE RAPHAEL. Sea View Col tag©, West Terrace, 1 June, 9, 1873. Dear Sir,— I am bappy to inform you that my eyes are perfectly curert. My right eye was nearly blind for three months. Tho left eye was also bad for nine months I havebscn laid up for nearly three months and thank you for the cure you have performed on me in such a short time. I came under you on the 2Uh May, 1873. I remain, d«ar Sir, yours evor gratefully, JAMES BACUB, Jun', Brownhill Creek. Adelaide, June JO. 1873. Dear Sir,— I have much pleasure in thanking you for the c/ire yon h*ve effected on my cy«s. I hav* been nearly blind for six months. This day my sitht is perfeot. I hope all sufferers may avail themselves of your skill. I remain, dear fir, yours respectfully, 0UARLE3 FRO3T. Salisbury, June 12, 1873. Drar Sir,— I havo rtry great pleasure in testifying to tho rniivollous cure you have this day effected Uprn my d»u-ht*r, aged 12 yean, who for Ihe last thre* years, sufforod fmui detfness. Out of gratitu<io allow mo 01 co more to thank you. Hoping you will prosper, Yours evor grate'u'ly, HERMAN HAMPEL. Fanner, N*w Kirch. * Witness— Thos. Tucket. Adelaid*, Juno 18. 1873.

Lofovre's Peninsula, July 14, 1873. Sir,— I have great pleasure '.in informing you that my eyesight has been perfectly restored under your treatment. I have been under treatment by doctors in Victoria at various times duiing the last ten yoars With vet y little relief. Your treatment after eight days bus worked wonders. I am also improving in health. Wishing you success,' I am, sir, yours very respectfully W. BUCK. Alma Plain, July 23, 1873. Dear sir,— I havo great pleasure in thunking you on bohalf of my wife for the cure you havo effected oa her eyes, she having suffered great pain for tho last four yoars Also, on my own behalf, hating sufforoi very much with weak ey, s for about threo yoars. The cures you havo effoctod have exceedod our expectations. Ever gratefully yours, GAVIN KREEBAIRN. P.S. — You can mako any uso of this you please. My ej-03 are gotting on nicoly now ; and Mrs. Frcebairn's are getting strong. St. Luke's July 28. 1878, My Dear Sir,— Pleas* to rec*iv* my sincere thanks for the rolief you havo given mo in so short a timo by the removal of a large and hard plug *f matter from each of my ears, which bad caused great irritafor a long time past, and which I believe would ultimately have onded in total deafness. You are aware that in the first place I only caw yon with a friend I accompanied, and not with tbe intention of consulting you, but telling you cf the excitement I felt, and asking you if you would kindly look and see if anything woro the inatttr. Yon told me at once what it was, and prepared me for tho extraction of tho same. It is for this I beg most sincerely to thank you, and subscribe myself your most obliged and grateful friend. JAMES POLLTT. Dear sir,— I am truly happy to inform you that have quito recovered my hearing. When I cirae to you I was almost deaf for tho last two years. Wishing you every happiness, I remain, dear sir, Yours evor gratefully, FR. AUGUST MT7LLER. Witness— F. Babman. Lobcthal, August 15, 1873.

OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. Mr. I. S. Rosenthal.— This celebrated oculist and aurist arrirad in Dubbo from Orange on Friday last and since then he has boon pretty largely ouiplnyed' His quarters at the Royal Hotel hav* boon attended by people from all parts of the district, from the Bogan, Castloreagb, and Macquarlo And, as far as an unprofessional person can judge, wo can say— and say it boldlf— that Mr. Ro-enthal has effected some wonderful cures. "We determined to inquire for ourselves into his cases, and the consequences has boon that although at first w* were rather sceptical about that great skill that worked such miraclts, as it wero, on the blind and deaf, we are now thoroughly convinced. Yesterday we saw three of his patlonts, picked, we may say promiscuously, from a number under treatment, and we will just note them. The first was a Mrs. White, resident it Coonatnble. >Sbe was almost, indeed wo may say totally blind, when sh* came to Mr. Rosenthal. Row, she can see perfectly well out of ono eye, and the other, though rather weak just at present, promises to bo as well rr it ever was. Mr. Thomas Matthews, of Merri Mo ri, when he placed himself undtr tho doctor, could not see at all well, and had a cataract on th* right eye. The cataract is disappearing, aud the sight of the eye improving daily ; the left eye is perfectly wall. Mrs. Wilds, of Gradgery, Merrl Merri, was very deaf— a person had to shout in her ear to be heard ; sho was also suffering from defective vision, in faot as sho expressed it in the presence of (he writer, "sho could just see daylight." A fccum bad gathered over both her *jrcs ; she can now hoar fairly, and in a week or so a perfect enre is sure to tako place ; she can see almost is well as over sh* could ; but of courso the vision is somewhat weak, and the eyes, through b*ing under treatment, a good dual inflamed. Mr. D. M'Killop. J P., of Terra Bella, h»d 01 err symptom of approaching deafness— tho hearing of ono ear was nearly stopped Yesterday, ho underwent an operation performed by Dr. Rosenthal, and, after a lapse of seven minutes, the ear regained all its normal properties. It is, in th* face of those facts— which we era vouch for ourselves— impossible to quostion tbo doctor"* great skill. We have no hesitation in advising all suffering from diseases of the ey* and car to pay him a visit ; for we are conviiced that If a cure can be effected he is tho man to do it. If it is impossible to do so, he will not buoy his patient with false hopes— an admirable trait in bis character Dxibho Dispatch. Orange, Thursday Evening. — Mr. W. Evans, C.P.S.. to the Dubbo Dispatch ;—" For the boneflt of subscribers, please state that Mr. Rosentkal cured my deafness of somo years' standing." Mr. I. 8. Rosentiial.— Sinco this gentleman's arI rival in Orango he has been visited by upwards of I seventy patients, suffering from dlssases of tbe eye and ear, and some astonishing cures have been effected Several of theio came under our notics, and being persons wellknown in the district, and easily accessible to any person wishing to be convinced of tho tru h of the assertion, we may mention a few. Mr. Hurkett. of Cargo, has been blind for thirteen years, and having pl»cfd himself und*r Mr. Ros»nthal's car*, is now cured, aud declares he sees distinctly. A little girl, aged about ttn years, named Emma ITorsley , had been blind since the ag* of twelv* months. Her eyes now are quite euro;], aud capable of performing endless ozeoution on tbe susceptible f*e ingi of th* other sex when sb* gets a little older. A case of deafness or twenty year*' standing, declared by the patient to b* incurable, wa«, by a ski ful operation, cured in five minutes —Many residents may remambsr th* case of Mr Livingstone, who has sought erery available re medy for a disease of the »yes. The last Urn* w* saw this gentleman he was led about ; yesterday, alter being undor Mr. Boson thsl's tare for about a fortnight, the change is extraordinary, and predicates a perfeot ture.— We saw another lady who had been totally blind for twenty years, and now, so*s. It is needless to multiply cases. We may mantionthat Mr Rosenthal only remains a day or two longtr, and for th* information of upcountry readers may state that under no circumstance will he proceed further th*n Dubbo. — Western Examiner. Mb I. S. RosENTnAx— This gentleman, whoso special force is in the disease of the eye and the oar, has been practising in Bourke, and from the notices by tho Press which preceded him, we expected to find a physician capable of fulfilling the expectation which was entertained, Wo have not boon disappointed

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5116, 15 January 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5116, 15 January 1874, Page 4