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English Advertisements. ,

LEV & PERRINS' CELEiSMffr WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, d6ck»!n>7Connoisseurs to be the only good Sauce.— Caution againit Fraud — The success of thli most delicioo* and unrivalled Condiment having caused certain dtaltra to apply the name of " Worcestershire Sauco" to their ovrn inferior compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure the genuine I* to ask for L«a and Perrins' Sauce, and to see that their names $X 9 upon the xorapper, labels, Hopper, and bottle. Somo ol tho ioreign markets having been supplied with a spurious Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrapper and label* of which the name of Lea and Perrins ha^eboen forged, L. and P. give notice that they have furnished their correspondents with power of attorney to take instant proceedings againit manufacturers and endors of such, or any other imitations by whjeh their right may be infringed. AsFfor Lea and Perrins' Sauce, and lee name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, and Stopper. Whole«ale and for export by the proprietors, Worcester ; Crosse and Blaokwell, London, <fie, &c. aud by Grocers and Oilmen universally. Agonts, Auckland: John Roberton AMD Co.

THE PERFECTION OF PREPARED COCOA. MAKA.VILLA COCOA. Sole Proprietors— Taylor Brothers. London. The Cocoa (or Cacao) of Maravilla is the true Theobroma of linnseus. Cocoa is indigenous to South America, of which Maravilla is a favoured portion. Taylor Brothers, having secured the exclusive ropply of this unrivalled Cocoa, have, by the skilfal application of their soluble principle and elaborate machinery, produced what is so undeniably the perfection of prepared Cocoa, that it has not only secured the preference of homoeopaths and cocoa-rtrinkers generally, but many who had hitherto not found any preparation to suit them have, after one trial, adopted the Cocoa Maravilla ai their constant beverage for breakfast, luncheon, <fee. A SUCCESS UNPRF.OEDENTED. See following extract from the Globe, May 7, 1868 : "Various importers and manufacturer! have attempted to attain a reputation for their prepared Cocoas, but we doubt whether any thorough success had been achieved until Messrs. Taylor Brother* discovered the extraordinary qual'ties of ' Maravilla Coco«. Adapting their perfect system of preparation to this finest of all species of the Theobroma, they have piodnced an article which supersedes every other Cocoa iv tho market. Entire solubility, a delicate aroma, and a rare concentration of the purest elements of nutrition, distinguish the Maravilla Cocoa above all others. For homoeopaths and invalids we could not recommend a more agreeable or valuable beverage." fold in packets by all grocers, of whom also may be had Taylor Brothei s' Original [Homoeopathic Cocoa and Soluble Chocolate.


ALL who suffer from indigestion should use Norton's Camomile Pills. Sold everywhere. Bottles, Is. 1 Jd. 2s. 9d., and 11s.

DR. ROBERTS'S CELEBRATED OINT. MENT, called "The Poor Man's Friend," ii confidently recommended to the public, as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description : a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scoibutic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, tore breasts piles, &c. Sold in pots, 13} d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s. and 225. each. And his Piluln Anti-Scrophulee, or Alterative Pills, confirmed by sixty years' experience to be one of the best alteratiTe medicines ever compounded for purifying the blood and assisting nature in her operations. They form a mild and superior family aperiiut, that may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet. Sold at 13} d., 2s 0d.,45. 6d 11s., and 225. each. Prepared only by 13each and Barnicott, Bridport, Dorset, England : and sold by all medicine vendors.

TO MERCHANT* AND BOOKSELLERS IN NEW ZEALAND.— AVILLIAM TEGG, Poblishlr and General Merchant, begs to intimate that he is prepared to execute orders for all descriptions of Goorls. As every advantage will be given to the purchaser by selecting from the best and cheapest markets, each order must be accompanied by a remittance to cover the amount. Catalogues and special terms direct from the house free to all appli cants.— London, 121, Pancras-lane, Queen-street Cheapside.E C.

Chemicals, &c

KEMPfHORNE, PROSSER, & CO., SUCCESSORS TO H. <fe E »YOUNGHAM & CO , Wholesale Druggists, Drysalters and Druggists, Sunihymen, Importers of Drugs, Chemicals, Diuggists' every variety; Patent and Proprietary Medicine*, Perfumery, Coidial Makers' Goods of all descriptions, Breweis' Isinglass, Corks, Tinfoil, AVires, copper and tinned, &c, &c., Patent Medicine Agents. ALWAYS ON SALE AND AGENTS FOE— Dr. De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil; Chlorodyne, Collis Brownes , Rowland's Preparations, Bishop's Citrate of Magnesia, Piesse and Lubin's Perfumery, Steedman's Powder.Koating's Bon Bons, Lozenges,and Insecticide, Giiinault's French Preparations, Toichon's French Medicines. AVelpton's Pills, bingleton's Sarsaparilla, Dr. Churchill's Kennedies for Consumption, Palmer's Washing Com poun tl , J udson's and Mather 1 !. Dyes, Jackson's Benzine and Cemcntb, Blairs Pills, Frampton's Pills, Cockle's Pills, Holloway's Medicines, Dinnetord's Maguesia, Cleaver's Soaps and Perfumery, Culverts Carbolic Acid, Murray's Magnesia, Eimmel's and Gosnell's I'eifumery, Locking's Pills, and Glickon's .Salve, Townseiid's.Biistol's, and Ayers's Sar&apanlla, Sozodont, Puin Killer, Pear's Soaps and Perfumeiy, Baibei's Paste for Eats, &c , &c.

Stores, Victoru-strect, Auckland, and Staffordstreet. Dunedin.


Are prepared with gieat care, expiessly for family use , and are so admirably tali ulated to pieservo hoilth aid lemove disease that no family should be without them. 'Ihey consist of — Jayno's Expectorant, foi coughf, consumption, asthma, and all pulmonaiv and bionchial affections. Jayno's Tonic A r eirn3fnge, foi woims, dyspepsia, piles, fieneral'iebiliU, a.c. Jayne's Ciiiminative Balsam, for bowel complaints colics, crump, rholua, &c Jayne's Alttiative, for sciofula, goitre, cancer?, diseases of the skin, bones. <fco. .Tfiyna's Ague Mixtuu 1 , for the cure of fever and aMic. Jayne's Liniment, or Counter Irritant, for bruises, iln-i.ini.itibin, &c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, a valuable purgative, and a coitaiu cine foi .ill bilious affections, liver complaints sick heidaehe, &c. Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the preservation, beauty, gion th, and restoration of the hair. Jayne's Specific for the Tape Worm _, The demand foi Dr. Jayne's Medicines throughout America is far in excess of »uy other patent medicine. They are also well known anrt much nppreciatecX m Australia, and the great success attending the introduction of these medicines to Butish colonies has induced the nropnetots to make them known to the population of New, feelinp convinced they will soon attain to that high estimation and populaiit/ which ha\e invariably been accoided Diem wherever introduced Full paiticulars and advice aio plainly ftiven, with directions nccoinvanying each box or bottle, and also in "Jnyne's Medical Almanac and Guide to Health," to be had gratia of all agents, chemists, and storekeepers throughout th« colony.

Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, <fc CO , Auckland and Dunedin.

BARRY 'S TRICOPHEROUS. — The undersigned have been appointed Solo Agents for New Zealand for the unmatched compound for lestoring, mci easing, and beautifying the hair. Sold by all druggists and storekeepers. KKIvIPTHORNE, PUOSSER, <fe CO., Auckland and Dunedin.

SINGLETON'S SARS A PARILLA.— The cheapest anrt the best A grateful cordial and unfailing restorative to health when the derangement has arisen from an impuie state of the blood. Sold by all diug a isti, storekeepers, and hotel-keepers tluoughoutthe colony. Agents for 2few Zealand : KEMPTHORNiS, PROSSER, & CO., Auckland and Duuedin.

WASHING done without Trouble or Labour.— Palmer's Royal (due Magic Wash Compound.— Tts effects are marvellous, and without injuiy to the most delicate fabric. One trial will convince the most sceptical. Its sale has trebled during the past tin cc months, and must, from its intrinsic excellence, continue to increase. No family 3hould be without this household prize. Palmer's Washing Compound is sold in Bottles (Is. Cd each) by all diuggists, grocers, and storekeepers, and may be had wholesale from KEMPTIIORNE, PROSSRR, <& CO., Sole Agents for New Zealand.

A libeial discount allowed to wholesale buyers.




ICTOKIA JLIVZHTAND AIT STABLES, Albert-street, (close to Wymlbam-itreet,]

Patronised and appointed Livery Stable Keeper to H.K.H. the Duke of Edinburgh and his Excellency Sir (i. F. Bowen. For Hire, & groat variety of Carriages , open hnd cloied; Bioughams and Wedding Cairi*ges t with Grey Horses ; 14uggie3, single and double-seated, hooded mid open, for single or pair of bones ; four wheeled Dog Carts ; Breaks for picnic patties; Covered Conveyances for driving pagsengers to out-districts ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddle Hoises, <fee, &c, tt. Charges moderate


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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4235, 11 March 1871, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4235, 11 March 1871, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4235, 11 March 1871, Page 4