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English Advertisements.

IMJBLIO WORKS DEPARTMENT.Officers in charge of Buildings will hnd the Pynmont Asphalte the most effective and economical material for covering Flat Roofs, and for suppressing the rising of mohture through Walls and Basements, Also for the Floors of Stores and Warehouses, Prisons and Lavatories, Abattoirs and Markets, Barracks and Mortuaries, Elephant Houses, Stables, and Floor* generally. The White Ant and othervermin excluded. A List of Works, to which the material ha* been successfully applied for upwards of 30 years, can be had post-free on application to J. FARRELL, Secretary, Parliament-street, London. Orders must describe the cla^g of woik for which he ma sriul i 3 wanted, and tho superficial area, that the shipment may embrace the proper qnalities and quantities. Payment in England is required to ensure attention to an order. All Blocks are impressed on two opposite sides w th the words Pitrimont Sevssel.

OAKEY'S SILVERSMITHS' SOAP (NON-MERCUEIAL), For Cleansing and Polishing Silver, Eloctro-Plate Plate Glass, Marble, <fee. Tablets, 6. doach. OAKEY'SWELLINGrTONK NItfEPOLISH Prepared expiessly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Muchincs, India ltubber and Bull Leather Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery. Sold in Packets, 3d. each, and Tini, Gil., Is., 2i fid., and 4s. each. OAKEY'S INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS Prevent friction in cleansing ard injury to the knife Price from is. ea. each. Oakey's Wellington Knife Polish should be used with the boards. Sold everywhere by Grocers, Ironmongers, Brush makers, Oilmen, Chemists, &c. AVholesa"e by John OAKisy and Sons, Manufacturers of EMERY CLOTH, BLACK LEAD, CABINET GLASS PAPER, ETC. 172, BLAOKFIUARS KOA.D, LONDON, ENGLAND.

WHITBKEAD & OO.'S T T J' xport London Stout and Ale. ) xport Stout^ li per hogshead (disks included) ; Export XX Ale, ±.4 4s. per hogshead (casks included]. Delivered free on board in Londn Cash one month lomdae of invoice, liss 5 per cent discouut. Messrs. Whitbiead and Co recommend that orders for export should bo shipped between Ist November aud Ist May —Breweiy, Chiswell-stieet, London, E C.

BETTS'S C APSULE PATENTS.— Toprevent infringements, notice is hereby given that Betts's nume is on every Capsule he makes for the principal mci chants in England and France, thus enabling vendor, purchaser, and consumer not only to identify the genuineness of the Capsu'e, but likewLe the contents of the vessel to which it is applied. The Lord Chancellor, in his judgment, on the Bth Februaiy, 186$, said that the Capsules are not used me ely for the purpose of the ornament, but that they are serviceable in protecting the wine from injury and ensmitig its genuineness. Manufactories : 1, AVharf Eoad, City Road, London ; and Bordeaux, France.

SELLERS & ALLEN, Sewing Machine Manufacturers, and Patentees of the "Seamstress" Silent Sewing Machine (on the AViieeler and AVilsont principle), -which obtained the Silver Medal at the Amsterdam Exhibition, 1809. Sewing Machines for all classes of manufacturing purposes, at greatly reduced prices and of first-class material and finish. The trade supplied with nny description of needles, shuttles, springs, and other requisites for Sewing Machines.

12, WALBEOOK, LONDON, E.C. Special Libeial Terms to Agents, Shippers, Merchant

and Large Buyers,

TTILLWOOD'S Patent Air-chamber Cork W^l and Felt llelmeh aro manufactured without Indiai übber, and are perfectly free from the objectionable and dangeious qualities of all articles of clothing made of that material when used in tiopical climates. Sample Rooms— 9B, Graceclnuch-street, London, E O Hats, Caps, and Helmets— Every description manufactmed at the Woi ks of J. Ellwood and Sons, Great Chailot f e-street, S.E , London. Contractors to the Police Forces. Army Helmets and Caps with latest improvements. J. Ei.L'n oot) and Sons' goods are kept by all respectable tradeis and storekeepers. Caution. — No Air-chamber Hats or Helmets genuine unless, beaiing " Ellwood and Sons' " name. *** Oiders through meicantilo houses caiefully shipped.

YARROW & HEDLEYS Small Steameis and Steam Launches Ste'im Launch complete with machinery :—: — 23 feet long, to Feat 8 persons . . . £145. 30 feet long, to seat 12 peiaons . . . £195. 37 feet long, to seat 20 peisons .. ..£245. 43 feet long, to seat 3) peisons .. .£369. Machinery to suit boats built abroad:— Of about 23 feet long .. .. .. £95. Of about 30 feet long .. £115 Of about 37 feet long .. £130. Of about 43 feet long .. .. .. £180. Any of the above steameis can be carried on a ship's deck complete, nnd ready for immediate use Full paiticulais foiwaidcd on application to Yarrow a.yd Il£DLi v, Engineers and Buildeis, Isle of Dogs, Poplar, London. Prospectuses can be obt lined at the office of tins journal.

BREAKFAST. — EPPS'S COCOA.— fJniteful and Comforting. 'J he Civil Service Gazette l cmark? :— " By a thorough knowl nlgo of the natural I.iws which govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a caief til application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Enps has provided onr breakfast t bles wifii a de!icately-fi<i\ouied beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in \ lb., J lb , ami 1 lb tin-lined packets labelled — JAMES EPPS AND CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, London.

.TlAUTloH.— Whereas it has come to the \j knowledge of the undersigned bomo of th foidgn miulcots aie bein^ .supplied with frnudulen imitntio ,t of their well known "Simple Dyes," they give notice that they have furnished their conespond nts \uth Power of Attorney lo take instant pi oceeijingi against "Vendors of any imitations by which their right may bo infiinged.— Daniel Judson and Sou.


PEOPLE, Sixpence per bottle, arc nndoubted'y the mo^t useful aiticle evei offered to the public. Anyone can iuc (hem Anj thing can be died with them in a few minutes without soiling tho haml3. In England ' Judion's 1)} k^>" aie as honschold wouls. Aiticles of clothing ln\e been bet usulo as faded and useless may be nude neatly equal to new, by merely following the simple direct. ons appended to eich bottle of D>e Nciines of Coloius, — Ala gen ta, M«u\e, Violet, i-c.irlet, Green, Blue, fc'.ite, Purple, Pink, Ciimson, Brown, CaPAiy, Oiai go. black, l'uco, Lavender. Pi lco Sixpence pei bottle. M.iybe had ol Druggists andStoiekeepeis thionghout the woild: oi wholesale of Daniel Judson and Son, London. — N.B. A small bottle of colour will dye fiom twelve to twenty-four yaids of bonnet Ribbon, according to iexturc • Obseive Name and Trade Maik on every bottle of " .Indson's" Simple Dyes, the wonderful poj/u'iuity of winch has caused numerous infenoi imitations which are calculated to injure both bnyeis and bellois. Ask foi oiu Catalogue of Instructions how to use the Dyes for twenty different puiposes Agents : Hamilton Biothers, Druggists, Auckland.


The Eo\or Caitridges for Snider-En field of -677 ore, and lot the lleiuy and Martini-Heniy Rifles of 430 boie, adopted by her Majesty';) War Depaitment ; also of '600 I oie for military Kifles. AVateiproof Cential-flie Metallic CarUidgc3 t with cnlaiged base for small bores, adopted by ioreign Go\ernments for conveited Uliassepot, Beraan Remington, and other llifles ; also for Caitridges for Ballard and the Spencer and lleniy Repeating Rifles. The "Eley Boxer" aie the cheapest Caitridges known, cai lying theii own ignitiou, and, being made wholly of metal, aio wateipioof and imperishable in anj climate. The above Caitiidge cases (empty) of all sizes, and of the different systems of Bicech-loading Rifles, cau be had -with or without the suitable Bullets and Machines f or finishing the Caitiidgcs. Boxer C.utiiclges ot "45 ' boie for Revolving Pistols, used in her Majesty's Navy. Coppei Rim-lire Cartiid^es of all sizes, for Smith and Wesson's, Ttantei's, and other Pocket Revolvers Pin-Cartridges for Lefaucheux Revolveis of 12-m., 9-m , and 7-m. bore G'cntral-ln c and Pin-fire Cartridges for all sizes and systems of Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers. Toublu Waterproof and K.B. Caps, Patent AVire Caitiklges, Felt Gun Waddings foi Bieechand Muzzle Loaders, and every description of Sporting and Militaiy Ammunition.



TT^EA-TING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Upwauls of fifty years' experience has fully conflimed the supeiior reputation of Ihe3e Lozenge* in the cure of Asthma, Winter Cough, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, and other Pulmonary Maladies. Sold in boxes, tins, and bottles.

KEATING'S CHILDREN'S WORM TABLET. A purely Vegetable Sweetmeat, both in appearance and taste, furnishing a most agreeable method of administeiing a well-known remedy for Intestinal or Thread Worm*. It is « perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for children. Sold in tins and bottles of various sizea.

KEATING'S PERSIAN INSECT - DESTROYING POWDER. This Powder is quiie harmless to animals, but unrivalled in destroying Fleas, Bugs, Emmets, Plies, Cockroachei, Beetles, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Moths in Furs, and every other species of insect in all stages «f metamoiphosis. Sold in packets, tins, and bottles. Caution.— $W The public are particularly requested to observe that all the above preparations bear the Trade Mark. Sold by all chemist* and druggists. Wholesale Agents for Dunedin, Kempthornj; Phosser, and Co. .

i^ATJTlON.— Steedman's Soothing Pow\J ders, for Children cutting their teeth.— Purchasers are requested to beware of imitation °t thjs medicine, and to observe, in every case, that the words "John Steedman, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey,' are engraved on the Government Stamp > affixed to each packet, without which none are genuine. Sold by all chemists and drugguts in Australasia m packets.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4235, 11 March 1871, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4235, 11 March 1871, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4235, 11 March 1871, Page 4