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Chemicals, &c.

KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER,, & CO., SUCCESSORS 10 H. & E. YOUNGHAM & CO., Wholesale DruggM*, Drysalters and Druggists, Sunnrymen, Importer* of Drugs, Chemicals, Druggists' every vaviety; Patont and Proprietary MedicineK, Perfumery, Cordial Makers' Goods of all descriptions, Brewers' Isinglass, Cork*, Tinfoil, Wires, copper v and tinned, Ac, &c.» , Patent Medicine Agents. ALWAYS ON SALE AND AGENTS FOR— Dr. De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil; Chlorodyne, Collii Brownes; Rowland's Preparation?, Bishop's Citrate of Magnesia, Piewe and Lubin's Perfumery, Steedman's Powder.Keftting*! Bon Bons, Lozenges, and Insecticide, Grimault's French Preparations, Torchon's French Medicines, Welp{on's"Pllls, singleton's Sarsaparillii, Dr. ChaichiU'fl Remedies ,for Consumption. Palmer's Wwbing Compound, Jndson'sandMather'sDyes, Jackson's RenjMne nnA Cement*, Dlnir'i Pills, Founpfcou'« Fills, Cookie's Pilli, IlDlloway's Medicines, Dinneford's Magnesia, Cleaver's s^oaps nn<l PeiKunery, CMverV* Carbolic Acid, Murray's Magnetic, Kiinntpl's and Gosnell's Perfumory, Locking's rills, and Ghcko»'« , Towniend's, Bristol's, and.Ayers's Sarjaparllla, So2odont, Pain Killer, Pear's Soaps and Perfumery, Barber's Paste for Rats, &c , &o . Stores, Vioioeia-street, Auoklasd, nnd Stafford- -- STREET, DUNEDIfT.

.QTANDAIIp, .HOUSEHOLD \5 "-' " 'EEMEDTEB. '. \ DR. DE JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES Ai> prepared with groat care, expressly for family use, Xna'we so admirably calculated to pressne health and remove disease that no « family should bo without them. They consist of— ' Jaynp's Expectorant, forcoughs.consnmption,asthma, and all pulmonary and bronchial affections. Jayne's lonic Vermifuge, for worms, dyspepsia, piles, yeueriMebilitj, «:c. I Jayne's Carminative Balsam, for bowel complaints, colics, cramp, cholera, &c Jajne's Alterative, for sciofula, goitro. winners. diseanes of the skiiv i»»i«o «ic. Jayno's Ague Mature, for the euro, of fever and ! tsue. J*yne's Liniment, or Counter Irritant, for bruises, rheumatism, &c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, a valuable purgative, and a certain cure for all bilious affections, liver complaint'), sick headache, &c, Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the preservation, beauty, growth, «nd restoiation of the hair. Jayne's Specific for the Tape Worm. The demand for Dr. Jayne's Medicines throughout America is far in excess of any other patent medicine. They are also well known and much appreciated in Australia, and the great success attending the introduction of the=<e medicines to British colonies lms induced the proprietors to make them known to the population of New Zealand, feeling convinced they win 'soon nu&in to that high estimation unil ]>opwii»nty vrliicli have lurarmbly lieeu accorded fern wherever Introduced. Full particulaTa and ndvlcoare plainly given, with directions accompanying o«cb box or bottle, and also in "Jaynu's Medical Almanac and Gttfde to Health," to be had gratis of all ngents, chemists, and storekeepers througnout tbe colony. Agents for New Zealand: ' KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, Iz CO., Auckland and Dunedin.

BARRY 'S TRICOPHE RO US. — The undersigned have been appointed Sole Agents for New Zealand for the unmatched compound for restoring, increasing, and beautifying the huir. Sold by all drusgMs and XEMPTHORNE, PKOSSEB, k CO., Auckland and Dunedin.

SINGLETON'S SARSAPARILLA.— The cheapest and the best. A grateful cordial and unfailing lestorative to health when the derangement has arisen from an impure state of tbe blood. Sold hy All druggists, storekeeper^ and 1 hotoWieepari throughout the colony, Agents for -M^v Zealand : KEMPTJiORNi'', PIUKSER, & CO., Auckland and Dunedin.

WASHING done without Trouble or Labour— Palmer's Kojal Hue M.igio WashCompound.— lts effects are niaivellous, nnd without injuiy to the most delis.ite fnbno One trial will convince the most sceptical. Its sale lias trebled during the past three mouths, and must, fiom itsintrinsic excellence, continue to increase. No family should bo without this household prize. Palmer's Washing Compound is sold in Bottles (Is. Gd.each) by all druggists, grocers, and storekeepers, and may be had wholesale from KEMI'THOUNE, PROSSKE, & CO , Sole Agents for New Zealand. A liberal discount allowed to wholesale buyers. English Advertisements.

rriHE PERFECTION OF PJIEPARED I JL COCOA, MXRAVILLA. COCOA. Sole Propiietois— -Tayior finoiHtns. London The Cocoii (or Cacao) of is the tiue 'Jheobromfi of ] lnnauis Cocoa is indip nous to South AiiiCiica, of which MniiivilU is ;i fuvouiel poition. I'ayloi Brotheis hiving s>ecmed the exclusive supply ot thu unriv.illed C<>eo<, h.ive, by the sUilfnl apphcution of then soluble principle and elaborate machinery, produced wimt is so undeniably Uie perfection of piopaied Cocoa, that it has not only secured the prefeunce of homccopaths and cocoa-iti inkers geneially, but many who lud hitherto nut found itny prep.uation to 'Hit them have, after one tnal, tidopiod the Cooo* jr.vavilliV ai their constant buveiage for breakfast, luncheon, &c. A SUCCESS UNPRECEDENTED. See following extract from the Globe, Way 7, 18CS : 11 Various importeis and manufacturers lw»o attempted to attain a reputation for their prepared Cocoas, but we doubt, whether any thorough success had bei-n achieved until Messis. Taylor JJiotheis discovered the extraordinary qtiaKiei of ' Matavilla Coco i.' Adapting their perfect s) stem of preparation to this finest of all species of the Theouroma, they have produced .in article which supeis>edos eveij other Cocoa, in the market. Jintiie .solubility, .1 delicate Aroma, and a. rare com entiation of the purest elements of nntntion, distinßuiih the Maiavillat oco.i above all [ otl)er8. For homoeopaths and invalids we could notTecommend a more agreeable or valuable beverage," I t-old in packets by all groceis, of whom also may be had Taylor Brothers' Original Homoeopathic Cocoa and Soluble Chocolate. STEAM MILLS— BRICK-LANE, LONDON.

HAIR-CURLING- FLUID, 248, High Holborn, London —Alex lloss's Cmling Fluid curls ladies' or gentlemen's hair immediately it is applied.— "Boss's Great Hair Jleslorer" has no sediment. — Of "Welsman, Qaeen-street, Auckland.

GREY HAIR.— 24B, High Holborn, London.— Alex. Ross's Hair Dye produces a perfect colour immediately it is used It is permanent, and perfectly natural in effect.—" Ross's Great Hair Restorer "for grey hair is speedy in its effects, and is beautifully clean.— Of Welsmax, Queen-street, Auckand.

HAIR DESTItOYEB.— 24B, High Holborn, London —Alex. lioss'a Depilatory removes superfluous hair from the face, necU, nnd arms without affecting, the skin.— The " Great Huir Kestoier" gradually restores grey hair to its pristine shade.- Of Weiaman, 158, Queen-street, Auckland.

HAIR COLOUR WASH.— By damping the head with this beautifully-perfumed TVash in two days giey h.ur becomes its original coloui , und remains so by un oce.isional using — Alep.. Uoss, 24 I *, High Ilolburn, London, and all chemists; also o iVILSMAif, ISB, Queen-street, AwikUtmi.

S'PA.'fAl^H FLY is tlie acting Ingredient in Ale*, itoa'j) Uautliaridos Oil, which sppedily produces Whiskers au4 Jhickens hair. Row's " Great iluitr Restorer" is purfocUy jnnucentin its ingredients A-LKt. 1?oss, US, High Holbo^«.. J^oiiaon ; und of Wemman, 158. Queen-stree .Auckkni

ALL who suffer from indigeatioii should use Noi«,oirt CAii.omilo Pills, bold everywhere. Bottles, Js, l£d. 2*. od., and 11s. ,

WHI T BREAD <fc CO.'S Export London Stout and Ale, Export Stout, £4 per hogshead (casks included) ; Hxport XX Ale, £4 4s. per hogshead (casks included,. Delivered free on board in Londu. ( Cash one month rom d.ito of invoice, less 5 per cent. discount. Messrs. SVhitbietd *ud Co) recommend that ordurs for export, should bo shipped between Ist .November and Ist May —Breirery, Cuiswell-street, London, E C. ,

BREAKFAST. ~ EPPS'S COCOA. - Grateful and Comforting. The Civil Service Gazette remarks ;— f > By fliJiorough , knowledge of the natural law* which goyerjj Jhjo' operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of weU-»cl?ptea Cocoa, Mr^ Epps has provided our breakout b bl«s with a (lelieately-fliivourofl beverage which mny lave us many hezvy tloctors' bills." Made simply with boiling wufcar or milk; Sold only m \ lb., J Ib., #ud 1 lb. tin-lined p«ckets, labelled — JAMES EPPS ANJ) CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, Lan4op.

STRAW HATS, patent machine-sewn, for ladies and gentlemen.

QTRAW HATS, patent machine-sewn, are O tuperiortotllothen.

CJTRAW HATS, patent machine-sewn, I I K-J pouesi great durability »ndflrmnesi.

STRAW HATS, patent macfe?™ 3 '^ n > al f greatly superior In . make and finish - 9\ n A" mjKle goodi, possess great durable adtantftges a. natn.r*l flnnnen ; the «titches tre short »nd regHliir do not destroy the head of the plait, and are impef .ceptib/' 1 oa-,the outer , surface.— Wholesale— at Dr Goods Betail-at Drapen 1 and Hattors' *nrt Manuf«.ctur»r» — Vyse Son* »nd Co/ London, and Prato, Italy. CauUon l—Tilnt goods bea hvTrade M*rk, a Globe, en^gnodwith a cro»» patee.?~

OH A ,B- L E-S 8-UTR 0, Gold Dust and Exchange Office,' No. '*tl, Mont-gomerjr-street, befctoeen Sacramento- and California•tn9et»,nexttoWellf, FargbVand Co.- Highest price p»id| tot Sovereign*, Bank Notes, Foreign Colni, and lioldDuit. English Exchang* irad Legal' Tdnder oteiioogWiiDaiold, g»n F»ndsco, California. '

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 2