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London, Apiil23. Wodehouse'a speech befoie the tape Parliament, coitaselhng the colony not to accept responcible government, since that -would involve ultimate sepaiation from the mother 1 country, is attracting much attention. Canarta and New Zsalaud are cited as examples of what would ha pen at the Cape. Explanations have been demanded m the lmpeual Parliament, but were defenedtill the deba f e on's motion takes place. A sale of Au&tiahan has taken place at the Hop Exchange, Boiougli, the lesulfc is eneouia^mg. At a meeting ot the Geographical Society, Sir — Nicholson read the report of Torrens'a exploiations in Western Austiaha. Dm aig bubsequent discussions, the Imperial Government condemned the assigning the Northern Temtoiy to South Austialia. CommanderPalmer's conduct in connection ■with tlio recent kidnapping m the South Seas lia& been lowauled by piomotion. Eim^i .ifcion is inci easing ; excellent buildings m Plymouth have been prepared for the leception of cmigiantb for Victoua, and piovialon has been made tor one thousand people. The Ad mil alt j- have telegraphed to Commodore Lambert to seuch the Auckli'id Islands for supposjd castaways from the missing ship 'Matoaka. ' The Irish Peace Pieservation Act h s produced sal u tar j T oilects. The national journals are more cmfcious in their tone ; and agiii ian outiages liave diminished. Itufcherford Alco^U't, Chinese convention has not been lati'iod. The Education controversy is raging ; public meetings and li'iwspvpcr discussions are upcninw ])iiblio opinion, which is tending towards religious instiuction undei ceitain conditions. Wewdegate'd molion for a select committee of inquiry into the conventual institutions of Great Eutain has passed. Catholics aie loudly protecting A second motion by Now dogate for an mtemationxl inspection of convents wa-> nagative.l Mr. Gladstone's attitude towards the Roinxn Catholics is disappioved of. The Government have consented to repeal the Irish Party Price^ionj Act, Haidment, the Noifolk bubery agent, has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment under the Brjbeiy act. Air Gladstone has moved for a select committee to inquire into coi 1 iipS practic a of members of die House of Commons, Colonel ponsonby succeeds General Charle3 Grey as Queen's Pjivate Secietaiy. Both the Prince of Wale^s and Punce Christian presided over the confeieuced held for oigamsmq; the forfchcoimng 3cnes of international exhibitions. Prince Christian presided over the anni-ver^-ir/- festival of the Iloyal Society of Musicians. It lsiumoured that a marriage is arranged between the Piince of Orange and the Pnncesa Louise. The iTewmarket two-thonsa-id-guinea stakes was won by Merry's McGregor. Lord Sfcamf oid's Noimandy second, and Fahnouth's Kingcraft tlurd Lord Mmro succeeds the Maiquis of Ailsa as Knight of the This le. ( | Francis Ronalds, the original inventov of the electric telegraph, has been knighted. Sir Staffoid Norlhcote has gone to Canada on a mission, believed to be connected with Red River. The personalty of Lord Derby ha3 been sworn to be under £250,000. The Bishop of London has resolved to enforce legal regulations amongst the ritualistic clergy. Two agrarian murders have been committed iu Ireland. One assassin, who was captured, has confessed. A thousand colliers in the Rhondda Valley have struck for an advance of 10 per cent, on the rate of wages. 600 pitmen near Sunderland have taken a similar etep T

London, May 13. The wool Bales closed heavily at February prices, Two-thirds were taken to tiie Continent, The Liverpool sale of Australian meat was satisfactory. The Tasmanian loan was succassfully negotiated. £100 — 76 and upwards. Tormis's motion for a Oommitteo on Colonial Relations was lost by 43 votes. Gladstone defended Earl GranviJle's policy. Movpeth and Kingston have been knighted. The scheme for the reconstruction of the Albert Assurance Company has beenapproved by the policy -holders. The British Australian cable from India to Singapore will be shipped in August. The immigration westward has assumed vaster proportions. An influential memorial was presented to the Postmaster-General in favour of the Brindisi mail route. The Atlantis yacht race between the English yacht 'Cambria* and the American yacht 'Sappho,' was won easily by the Cambria.' The Japanese railway loan for $ 100,000 has been issued. The petition against the return of Bernal Osborne was dismissed. The (Ecumenical Council has adopted the Constitution Defide. The Pope refused to communicate the French despatch to the Council. The House of Commons read a second time the bill removing the electoral disabilities of women. Cardinal Cullen has published a letter urging the clergy to support the Gladstone Cabinet. Congress has decided to refer to the Committee on Foreign Affairs resolutions demanding the immediate settlement ©f the Alabama j question. j Eight counties in Ireland have been placed under the Peace Preservation Act, Fenian j attempts being apprehended, !

In London several rendezvous for Fenians have been discovered. llaiJway paicels fiom SheMeld and Birmingham are searched for arras. Rtrikes continue amongst trades in France An audacious case of brigandage in Greece h.13 caused great excitement thioughont Europe The brig tads captured Lcrd Munca^ter's son, the Duke of- Manchester, and othti Englishmen at Marathon. Muncaster wa3 released on payment of £2,000 ransom. - A colonel has bean sent with troops. He attempted to suiromid the robbers, who killed all the prisoneis, including Herbert Llotfd Vyner and B,i3*lc. Walters has been returned member for Mallow. l.Iace has been declared champion of America, after fighting ton rounds. The Red River insurgents and the Canacliin Government have agreed to terms, fhe rebellion is at an end. Judgment his been given in the Bridgewater Imbary prosecution Fentelly was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment a fine of <£ 1,000. Dr. Kinglake was fined A 200. Hardement, sentenced to six months' additional imprisonment. Huline, fined £100. Tlie one-thousand guinea stakes "was won by Dawson'a Hester ; Lyndon's Frivolity second, and Baron Rothschild's Mahona third. The Chester Cup was won by Our Mary Anne ; Formosa seco 'id, and Sabiuus third. Obitiuiy : Loul Cholmondeley and Lord Auckland, Matamoe (the painter), Sir James Simpson. The New Zealand imports increase on the month were £711. The ' City of Boston' has been written off on Lloyd's list as lost. ! The decision of the jury on the Mordaunt ca^o has been appealed from to a full Court. The West India steamer ' Venezuela ' has been spoken and passengers taken off. The Maiquis of Bute will not visit Australia. The Fi curb, plebiscite commanded attention in Europe dining the month. Legitimists and Left strenuously opposed the plebiscite, but it was carried by 7,257,379 ayes to 1.539,909 noes. A disturbance took place at Flanbourg Du Temp'e Barricades wei e erected ; after some slight fighting the insurgents were dispersed ; the remainder of Paris quiet. Iho French International Society in London held a bauquet ; the charge of complicity in conspiracy repudiated. The toasts drunk were Rochefort and O'Donovan Rossa.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4001, 18 June 1870, Page 6

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GENERAL, SUMMARY. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4001, 18 June 1870, Page 6

GENERAL, SUMMARY. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4001, 18 June 1870, Page 6