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From the papers received by the •« Novelty,' we are enabled to give the Australian telegrams to several days' later date than in Saturday's issue ;—; —

Melbourne, March 24. Parliamtat met Again to-day, pursuant to adjournment. It appeared from the explanations offered that l&T. Fallows had failed in his attempt to form a Ministry, and that Mr. Riddell was endeavouring to form ** coalition Government. An adjournment for another week was agreed to, in order that Mr. Riddell might he afforded time to bring his negotiations to a close. .

A boat, containing nine men, got capsized last night, in proceeding from the ahip ' Light of the' towards f the shore, six of them were drowned. Mr. "W. Lawrence, the corn-factor, sold to-day 3,000 bushels of wheat, of superior quality, at 9a. per bushel net. Means. Greig and Mnrray also sold by auction 150 tons flour at £21 per ton.

March 26. Intelligence has been received of the discovery at the Cape of an extensive inland goldfield. The' local? of the goldfield is difficult of access. | The point* raised at the trial of Whelan, for the Rokewood mutder, have been argued before the full Court and overruled. The conviction has been sustained, and the execution of Whelan ordered for Saturday next. It is believed that Mr. Kiddell will fail to form a Ministry, and that overtures will again be made to Mr. McCullooh to resume office. Breadstuff's are weaker. The ' Rangatira sailed for Sydney yesterday afternoon. An agitation is going on for the erection of an Alfred Memorial Hospital. The ' Chanticleer ' called at the Cape, and brings newsjto the 10th February. | Gold has been discovered in 20* south latitude. H.M.a. ' Kosarie,' for Australia, called at the Cape on the 4th February. The ' Columbus,' from Liverpool for Rangoon, was burnt at sea ; the crew were saved by a ship from Zanzibar, on the 10th December. It was reported that no further news bad been received of Livingstone. The cholera is at Buenos Ayres. A gold watch was presented to Biggins, the cham- ■ pion runner. The returns from Ballaarat show twenty-eight deaths from mining accidents last year. Dalmahoy Campbell and Co. report best beef 255. psr 1001b. Fat sheep : 601b. wethers, 10s. Fiour is easier; candles, ll£d. ; there is some ■peculation ia cheroots at 525.

March 27. The police have been very active in their inquirieg respecting the alleged existence of a Fenian organisation in this colouy, and it appears that some strange and startling circumstances have been brought to light. It has transpired amongst other things thata Mr. Stewart, who is said 6 > hare been at one time connect- d with the Dublin Nalim, and, it is asserted, in the capacity of sub-editor, stated to a party in November last that the Prince would travel safely through all the colonies, except New South Wales, and that he would be finished at Sydney. O'Farrell may not nevertheless hare been prompted to attempt the assassination of the Frinoe by any parties in this colony. Mr. Riddell is reported to have abandoned the task of forming a new Ministry, but the truth will probably not be known till the House meets on Tuesday. There has been some disturbance at Sale, and the Sandhurst police have arrested a man named Charles Stewart, alias Moses Carson, on the suspicion of being anaceomplice of ,O'Farrel. He v is reported to have said in November last, "That the Puke of Edinburgh would travel safely through the Australian colonies, but would be finished at Sydney." He has been remanded for a week. Carson is suppnssd at one time to have been sub-editor of the Nation. Flour is duller.

March 28. w Mr. Tallerman left; per Panama to try and form an English company for preserving meat. Disease has broken out among the horses in Gipps Land. The German residents last night held a sympathetic meeting. It is rumoured that Mr. McCulloch retires from politics. Mr. Riddell hopes to form a ministry by Monday. Flour, £19 10a. to £20. Maize easier.

March 30. Tbe people here are pleased to learn that the statement contained in. the JLge telegram that Mr Aspinall was likely to,be hooted in bydney is with* out the least foundation. Gumett's conviction h»s been upheld by the Court, which decided that bills are negotiable, though undated. Cunningham and Whelan are to be executed to. morrow. There were heavy rains here on S»turd»y night, md a man was drowned in Elizabeth-street, the irater carrying him under a foot-bridge. Petty's slaughter-house at Brunswick was burned, md two horses, thirty sheep, and nine lambs were lestroyed by the fire. Mr. Riddell has asked for another week, and Par* iament will to-morrow adjourn for that time. Flour is dull at £19 to £20. Arrived: ♦Trick,' from Gulf; 'Wave of Life,' rom London; 'Bungaree and 'Ann,' from the Dlarence River ; ' Willing Lass,' from Brisbane ; : Ceres' and ' Greyhound,' from Newcastle j R.M.I. Geelong,' from Sydney.

QuEBNBCLrFF, March 30. Arrived ; 'Anita,' ship, from Leibb. Sailed; At 6.15, 'City of Melbourne' (a.), for Sydney.

Adelaide, March 26. It is proposed to erect in a public place a statue of the Queen, the cost to be defrayed by a one-shilling subscription. '$ The attempt to form a meat-preserving; company has failed. Candidates for election have beoome more numerous. The import market is perfectly inactive.- Corn market quiet, but again very firm. March 27. A public meeting has been called by the Mayor in compliance vrit-h a numerously-signed, requisition, for Saturday next, to consider the policy of the Government with respect to the Northern territory question. Last night's Gazette dissolves the late Parliament. Fresh writs have been issued to-day.

March 28. £1,100 has already been collected towards the erection of a Sailors 1 Home at Adelaide. The elections are now exciting general interest. The position of the Government is considered doubtful, owing to their Northern territory policy. a*-— -I. on

March 30. The weather his suddenly changed, and it ii now cold ; with heavy rain last night. At * meeting at the Town Hall on Saturday, 250 persons present, resolutions were carried condemning the neglect of successive Gorernments to have surveys of the Northern territory carried out and purchasers put in possession of their land, and disapproving of the policy enunciated— bythe-preseut Government. General business is somewhat better. Brandies are firm at 7s. 3d. for U.V.C., and 235. fid. in case; Sooth's gin, 14s. 6d.; hops, best samples not worth more than 2«. 3d. ; prices of wheat and flour are unchanged; holders are very firm ; wheat, 93.; flour, £22 to 23 ; exchange on London 60 days, one and a half. Arrived : • Cceur de Lion,' ' Hindoo,' from Cardiff; 'Alexandra,' from Melbourne; 'Aldiva,' from Liverpool.

Ea.glicha.wk, March 6. A man named Charles, alias Moses Carson, wae brought before the Court here, to-day charged with being an accessory to the attempted assassination of H.R. H. the Duke of Edinburgh. He was remanded, at the request of the police authorities, for a week. Orange, March 27.

A man named William Brennan was arrested by the Orange police for wing seditious language towards her Majesty the Queen, and has been committed to take his trial at the next Bathurst Circuit

Brisbane, March 27Large sales of Crown lands ia the East and Wert Moretou diitrictfl are gazetted. Etgan, a warder in the penal establishment, bu been dismissed for Fenian sympathies. Reliable accounts state that the Eolan digging! are, a complete failure; there were three thousand men on the ground on the 24th instant. They are all going to leave, and have uttered threats against the prospectors. All ii quiet at the last accounts.

Much 30. The, firpt train went into Dalby on Saturday. The weather daring the last week has been very hot and dry — iplendid for cotton.

Rockhahptok, March, 26. The trial of Griffin, for the Cl»reia6nt -fikport murder, is finished. There we're sixty ivitnesaMPfo'c the Crown, and one for the defence." The 'JHfySjß charge occupied four hour; and a half, Tn6*jdiy /"

deliberated one hoar, and then re urne<i a verdict of guilty. Objection! were taken to the Judge's charge by prisoners counsel, and the points were reserved for consideration.' The prisoner made a long state* meet and protested his innocence. He is sentenced to death. The Court and audience were much afftoted.

Emu Cbkbk, Maroh 30. Two men, named Kelly and Noonan, were apprehended by warrant, yesterday, at Tyagong, for ■aying in a public-house at Cowra, " That there was no more harm in shooting the b Prince than a blaokfellow of this country." Th» man Murphy. arrested at the Bald Hill station, hu been discharged. The wisdom and legality of these arrests are much canvassed. £Mr. M«bor, chemist, of this town, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning. A magisterial inquiry was held, and a verdiofc returned— Died of disease of the heart. The rush near Cowra it, so far as tested, of no ralue, and almost deserted.

It ha« been ruining heavily rince 7 Braidwood, M*rch 30. The Bishop of Goulbarn and Mrs. Thomas arrived on Saturday. Tbey were escorted into town by a considerable number of friends. The Bishop preached twice on Sunday in the English chnrch to a large congregation for the Chnrch Society, and held a confirmation this morning. This evening a meeting will be h«td in the new schoolroom, and the Church school will be opened to-morrow. Gbbitfsll, March 27.

Five hundred and thirty tons quartz from Prospect Claim, Homeward-Bonnd Beef, yielded 1,5270z. Three hundred and seventeen ton* alluvial quartz ■tones yielded 2130z. One hundred and thirteen tom f rom Gillon's lease tract, Tyagoug, averaged 16dwt. to tht|ton. • A quartz-crushing machine, owned exoluiiTely by working miners, is being erected for their own use. They calculate then to save 50 per cent, on the cost of crushing. About 200 have left for an alluvial rush, twelve miles from Towara. Reported yield of ldwt. to a bucket ; fifty feet sinking. I shall visit the locality to-morrow. Bain much wanted.

Bowen, March 26. The news from the Cape river diggings is very favourable. Captain Sinclair, the discorerer of Port Deniion, wu drowned during the regatta at Town* ville on St. Patrick's Day.

Maryborough, March 24. The escort took down 2,2180z , and by private hands 200oz. were received.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3351, 13 April 1868, Page 3

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AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3351, 13 April 1868, Page 3

AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3351, 13 April 1868, Page 3