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POLICE NEWS.—Tuesday. [Before Thomas Beckham, Esq., R.M ]

IjVRCEM*. John Anderson was again bi ought befoie the Court diaigpil with stealing a quantity of plate fiom the mess hut of II M.'s 70th iegt., at Otahuhu. Eplnaim Isiael, sworn nml le examined : I cannot judge of the value of the four coasters produced. T lecollect the spot wheie I lpmtiined all night. I pointed thut spot out to Lieutenant Hill on Tne«day, the Jay thp Coinmodoie was buried. It was the spot where tho piisoncr took mo until lie biought the fitst bundle of Mlvor. The prisoner declined to cnHS-evamine. Daniel McCaithy ic-e\nmincd : I pointed out the spot w here I found the coasters now produced to the Quaitei master. The Com t coiisideied it advisable that the Quaiterma»ter should attend and give his evidence. Mr. Wynu stated that he was not pie^ent being unable to attend, and lequested that tho prisoner be icmanded until 10-monow (this daj). The case « as remanded accoulingly. obtuvino oonv> vtcnrn ihiak prftfn'cis. j The- three chaises against Henry Spiers for obtaining goods undei false pietences, were again brought on for hearing, ULrWAtr. r. .SPIEIIS. Christopher Peaiwn, sworn • J am a wheelwright employed by David Davidson. His shop in in Vulcan Lane. I know the pii«onet. I saw him in my matter's shop on Bn.tuid.iy week, between 7 and S o'clock. He had a hand saw with him. I lecollect my master buying the saw. I saw him give '2s Gd. for "it. The saw produced is the same one. Mr. Davidson hung it up in his shop. David D.uidson sworn • I am a blacksmith lesiding in Vulcan lane Tho last witness is in my employ. I recollect, last Satin d.iy w eek n man came into my shop with a hand saw, and told me he bought it for 7s. (jrt. I gave him 2s. 6d. foi it. I should know the saw again. After some enquuies being made, a policeman came, and 7 gave him tho «aw. I have ho doubt but that the pi isoner is the man I bought it of. Dr. T. M. Philson, sworn . Th« document produced is not in my hand wilting. It is a forgery ; it purports to be an oidw signed by me for one hand saw in favor of Heniy Spieis. Sergeant Kvei <s, sworn : I leceived the hand saw now produced, fiom the witness Davidson on the 28th Match, and the document produced, from Mr. Lilewall, the pioseciitor, on the 21^ Maich. CHUIChSHAMC k CO. I. SI'Tr.HS, Malcolm Nicol, sworn. I am in tho employ of Messis. Ci nick shank, Smait, & Co. I know tho prisoner, lie came into the store about five o'clock last Fiiday week. He showed me the order produced. It puipoits to be an 01 der signed by T. M. Philson, to give the beaier one hand saw. I was uot surewhether it was signed by Dr. Philson, and asked the prisoner, who said it imi». 1 believed him and gave him the hind saw, value 7s. Gd. I gavo the order to Sergeant Evurs, of the police, on the following Monday. J. M. Plnhon, sworn : The document produced i=» pin potting to be an order for a hand saw, and signed by me. It is not my wiiting Sergeant E\era gave similar evidence as in the former case. Tho other charge by Newman and Ewen was al«o pio\ed. The piisoner was then chaiged and cautioned in the usual manner, and stated that lie did not know at the time what he was doing, from tho effect of drink. Tho piisoncr was then committed for tiial at the ne\t sessions of the Supieme (Joint, on the tluee chaiges of obtaining goods under false pretences. rono.ERY. Richaid Jackson was bi ought up on remand to answer thiee clmiges of forging orders. Mr. Lilewall being called «tated that he did not think it was Dr. Philson's signatme ; and at the time he was sine it was not. The Couit at once dismissed the ca<.e on the ground that the signature w as not calculated to deceive. Malcolm Nicol, sworn . The older produced wa=t handed to me oti the 27th March, and nns signed in .» wanner calculated to deceive I thought it was signed by Dr Philson. It was given to me by the prisoner. Di. T. M. Philson, deposed : The signature to the document produced heais my name, but is not my writing. 1 have no doubt that it is intended for my signature. I think it is calculated to deceive a peison who is not acquainted with my signature. I know the handwiitins;. It is that of the piisoner, Richard Jackson. lam well acquainted with his writing. Seigeant Evers, deposed ■ I received the order produced fiom Malcolm Nicol, on Monday, the 30th Mnich. The piisoner was committed for trial on the charge of foigeiy. DnUNKAI!D=i. George McSweeny was fined ss. and cost?.

! How TO keep a Cow.— A resident on Campbells Creek, having sown about half tin ncie with lucerne, is enabled to keep his cow liteially in clover the round. With the cream that lie obtains from a neverfailing supply of rich milk, lie makes butter enough to lender the animal a soiuce of considerable piofit. This in a good hint to our dniiymen, who, if they ■would follow a sensible example, might supply our tables with cienm and fiesh butter at all seasons. — Moiut Alexander Mail. A story is current of the explanation given by an Italian philosopher of the woiking of a steam engine, which is unpaiallcled for exhaustive simplicity. First, said the lecturer, there is the water— everybody knows what water is ; nothing difficult about that — cosa snnplicc. Then there is the fire — well, what is fire ?— eosa tempiice. Then there is tho wheel ; wo nil know a w heel is— cosa semplice ; and bo the first boils the water cosa semphce — and the water turns tho wheel, and the wheel makes the ship move. — Cosa semplice Cklfstial lonokance of the Outkr World. — Last year a model was found at Tien-tain, accurately rep»esentin" tho flag-vessel of Admiral Hope in tho unsuccessful attack on the Peilio forts in 1860, which was exact in all particulars, even to the blue jackets leaning over tho gunwale smoking their pipes ; but the vessel's name, which was a rather long one, nncl ran across the stern, had puzzled the modeller, so in place ho had substituted the following inscription : "Bass and Cospaleale." Tho explanation is this — when the squadron retired, the Chinese, searching along tho muddy shorea for relics of the invaders, discovered some ci-devant quart bottles, bearing the label of tho far-famed British firm, which was at > once taton to be tho designation, of the barbarians.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1784, 8 April 1863, Page 3

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POLICE NEWS.—Tuesday. [Before Thomas Beckham, Esq., R.M ] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1784, 8 April 1863, Page 3

POLICE NEWS.—Tuesday. [Before Thomas Beckham, Esq., R.M ] Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1784, 8 April 1863, Page 3