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W 12/9 Ready to _X-I,.lliyS ; ■ 1 / , di:--AWRA'' Straws, in all the seasons ® V. smartest shades and styles. A V' : Locknit 11111 l it ■ ! / Frocks f : -i t’A I' : : : i ? '• Wsffli-- A ‘ 100 Silk Locknit Dresses in ■MW al Kt IHS < ;■ Is/pF'* !> ft/ : : ft < w { aaar , ' "///TT Tu smart stripes and plain shades. ■HnfIMRHUW ''S’* 5 Si F- h'd i ■ laLSHkL/S Six smart styles. Very cool and : ’' s (1 usefuL SALE PRICE, l0 ~ Tennis !|| I ‘ U 1 t n» 3, 1 t d„„.. a -W * i a aa in wlute on ' y - SIX at y ,e * in iitf 4 a- t awu : a < s . s s - w - s - w - and w - fittin s s - ; ;: ’W : j ■ :: j j„ ' S * y : ' i! ’' ; ffV Well designed to give comfort in '' '"w 1 I I j t! i -Ml play- SALE PRICE I 'II- ~ ‘ ’ I 1 ji- t i . • 200 Fadeless Floral Cotton HF®Ji • ! if 'j h ■ ••• K . Frocks in a range of smart styles, - - ' '■LT’/.' .7“ TT.'"" .T~ -J- to fit girls 4to 14 years. A — i „ -r~ WH ~ ' <.■■ ' X ' red-hot bargain to clear at - ;pj ? 'W aH 3000 yards of 36in. cambrics, m|S @ JeR Bsl A ’ zK light and dark grounds for over- \ ‘ / f J alls, house dresses, etc. Fast 4'ls -J \ colours. SALE PRICE, YARD James Smith’s Sale Commences To-morrow at 9 a.m. 'cotton? B6O yards of Fancy Voiles, HKF jKE±3MH| Prints and Check Ginghams, in a Wsf 5■ ■ H ft f **■ ■■ M I Ift g **tl va v —y 4™ * I EMk Mlaw Mm great range of smart, colourful MR UR*RkBH"i tjM Vi, Jg SM Ih ■! designs. 36in. wide. ■RftHflfaMtaHhHftMMMtawßaMaH SALE price, yard 18/11 Cellular Frocks 18/11 2/6 Cotton Vests 1/3 3/6 Traced Nighties 2/11 ... w .. 40 Dresses in cellular mesh, in shades of turquoise, 50 dozen cotton vests, good quality, with short sleeves. 300 shioze Night Gowns, tr^ c ® Iwk 1 wk f . eC^? v eSlgn3 ‘ T 1 /■ 1 WOOlieil blush rose and white. Smart tailored styles with Q . ~, Hemstitched, ready for crochet. Wh.teonly. Twppdc / collar or square necks. S.W. and W. 2 /II HJ I*2LS.SId*6S I/ O >l/11 I m flO I m/A QilD RImiCPC '7/11 Front fastening for the larger figure. Well made and 4/11 LaCC rlOUDCing 3/0 Plain and flecked dress and cos- | lU/O □IIK. DIOUbCb //II gooc ] shape. 250 yards of 36in. Lace Flouncing in rose, white, tume tweeds, good quality, in 200 Pure Silk Crepe de Chine Blouses, in 5 attractive C—— ~ I beige, lido, black, red, brown, ml. smart colours. 361 "' styles. In shades of ivory, nil, shell, beige, saxe, 3301 pIG ¥311165 O/|| I/II SALE PRICE peach and primrose 12/6 Front-lacing style, 5/11. 22/6 Zip front style, 2/ I I LneCK l/ll “ Long Sleeves. Usually 12/6. 3ALE, 8/11. 9/U. 16/11 Back-lacing, 8/11. 12/6 Wi-apon 100 dozen 2-tone coloured check breakfast cloths, ■ >|RHlft. Short Sleeves. Usually 10/6. SALE, 7/11. style, 5/11. 47x47. Great value. ■/ J V Racks of Frocks at Sale 14/6 Nightdresses 6/11 1/6 Stripe Cloths I/- Towels O 10/— I /— 70/— "I O/— 50 only dainty silk locknit nightdresses, lace trimmed. 50 dozen coloured striped cloths, in fawn, green, 100 dozen good wearing Towels rriceb, IV/-, IJ/ , XV/ , JV/ , * b]ue 36 x 36 in fast colours. Useful size for 40/- Intertoek Undies 1/6 4/6 overalls 2/11 u 50 dozen cotton interlock vests and bloomers (sec- V VTCI Olio -*■/ ■ ■ onds). Vests, usually 2/6.’ Bloomers, usually 2/3, Crossover style, sleeveless, with bound collars and ■ — -——— — wj 2/6. SALE, ALL 1/6. armholes. Floral designs. .... . 4/11 Pure Silk Sample Corselettes Handkerchiefs l/ll doz. Hose . - , , Hundreds of bargains! We mention a few typical White lawn handkerchiefs, with |in. hem. Special for J .WiSE I 3 C Imnnrted Models 7/6 values. 22/6 low-fitting evening model, for 8/11. school use. Usually 3d. each. dozen on y y . JSyj | SPy 53/- impurteu I IUUCIb //V , f ron t-f a stening style. Sale, 10/6. 42/- Las- - WBBf The entire remaining stock of Model Straws, including tex an j j ace moc ] e l, 9/11. 29/6 CorSelette with -jP " t/Ri shades and all sizes. SllghUy imhats for all ages and types. All the season’s smartest underbelt, 10/6. M AA Raß LA IRB ™ I H 3 perfect. SALE PRICE straws in black, navy, brown, blue and natural, trim- ■ RR Ba y — ■ ft. EH w M — — med with flowers, veils and ribbons. Season’s prices, o*ll 35/ to 45/ ALL ONE PRICE TO CLEAR, 7/6. I 4 M |/9 White I OWCIS 1/6 2 /" Art Slll< 22/6 Semi-Trimmed 5/- „ -ID 200 dozen white towels, with fancy, coloured ends. Scarves M 200 Smart Straw Hats, very becoming shades and 6/lINel I G WY fl 116 H OSC 4/ 11 Size. 24 x 48. G °od, absorbent quality [ 2 dozen Smart Scarves in »potstyles, attractively finished. Usually uy> to 22/6. A hase of 5 ' dozen pure silk , f u ll-fash- CLEAR > ted and conventional pattern, on TOCLEAK ’ S/ - Flannelette 6/11 Doz. yds. IHV milWI IlilW Willi iBl Very rehable. Allsizes. Perfect goods. 500 yards of 2 7in. Nursery Flannelette. Specially Usually 2/3, 2/6, 2/1 I. SALE 111 k’i 3JI I B 3BKuM ?I I C/ II ** Mediums ’’ 3/11 absorbent quality. Usually 9/6 doz. yards. . ’ ~ rl'Alß kill ill RTI 3 l u I ■~ ~ , 1 ,; •" sale price, 6/h doz. yards. |4/a leather American Screen Star P ... n.-... .n Pillow Cases 6 for 3/ I Handbags Frocks 5/11 3/6 Winbar Gloves 2/6 Snappy styles in striped, spotted and floral haircord 8 dozen Winbar Fabric Gloves in crelim, grey, beaver R/ll BedSDreadS 5/11 ALn prints A special purchase of 160 of these little and black. A smart corded effect in the fabric gives ©/ ■» , r , . ~ J” blaC . k ’U Uv 12 76 14/6 BBS?/ dresses to clear. Sizes, 24 to 30. Usually 8/1 Ito d ”tinction to these gloves. 2 «0 Art Silk Bedspreads, prettily designed in shades meal cloth. Usually 12/6. in /A TO CLEAR* 5/11 . ■/>• of pink, blue, green and gold, bingle Bed. Usually dale. Sizes, 33 to 39. UsuaHy 1 1 /6 to 1 3/6. 2/H Aft Sl k HOSC / Do'uble. usually 15/1 1. SALE,’ ‘ WOOI TO CLEAR, 6/11. ] 8 doz. only good quality Art Silk Hose. Some dull .. *T/ 11 ▼ ▼ UUI XiSflSgtX . Infants’ 3/11 Frocks 2/6 • M ,! Twl 1 Sb ® e , ts 54 Undies , 1D • i 100 pairs only, white twill sheets, 54 x 90. Excellent Brqg'd B re«s 8 dozen Locknit Frocks m 16 and 18-inch lengths Mof■ ■ • ■ M |MM wearing quality. Single bed, usually 7/11. Sale, Good quality wool bloomers in g only. In sky, pale green, pink and ivory, with con- M W J ft, R J HI" ft. 5/11 pair. Double bed,- usually 1 1/6. Sale, 8/11 all shades; also cream wool vests. Wt.. trast collars and smocking. j t - s a good i dea to buy these . ■ -, — —- . • — ■ , ■ , » woollies now, while they re ' c -4-k» i e> Curtain Net lO|d. clearinK at J ames Smith S Lay-By 500 yards of dainty cotton Curtain net,- 36in. wide. R-|3 .. M ®:L jab ~ I • —— — Service Cream ground. Smartly designed. RWiiillll nA. .dßLfcdW |/9 Locknit Don’t let the fact that you have not the money in your | Carpet Ends 9/6 35/- Sports Coats 21/- Scanties purse at the moment deter you from taking advantage |OO heavy quality Axminster Carpet-ends, to clear at ,■ , r v, t l ■ * • i k tk- Sale HW BW of James Smith’s famous sale prices. Make your pur- gale Prices FROM 9/6 to 13/6. 34 only in browns and fawns suitable for business A special purchase for he Sale chases on the Lay-By System. You simply pay a de- . . - , . wear. Sizes 4to 7. D.B. lapels, lined throughout, 3 of 90 dozen scantier. in good posit and the balance in convenient instalments, en- 27/6 Hearth RUgS 15/6 pockets. * quality locknit, in all wanted tirely without interest. Anything may be bought on Axminster Hearth Rugs, 27in. x 54in. All QIQ C nOr f S TrOUSerS 10/6 / — the Lay-By Plan. want ed shades in modern and floral designs. 15/V I rUUSUI i lU U 7 A QIIL Made from light grey all-wool worsted. Belt loops i*!©!! S Jta/O OIIK. _■ , and 21-inch bottoms. Fit average and tall figures. Ti©S H F jjF 5 Men’s 5/6 Shirts 4/6 A special purchase for the Sale I BH TOl 25 dozen Neglige Shirts in blues and browns. Single of 100 dozen Silk Ties, in all the BEI My 1 ■ ▲ wW J Samples WMF ■ Mfr W- -d r 5/|| Coat Shirts 3/11 exceptional value at l/ll 36in. Marocain lOfd. 3/11 Crepe-de-Chine 2/6 s—=^. Boys’l2/6School 600 yards of Spot and Floral Printed Marocain. Neat yards Printed Crepe de Chine, Small, neat pat- x/ n | (3 4-1 r»fT 4/9 Shorts designs on dark or light grounds. A good weight and terns on navy, black, white, brown, wine. 36in. O/ I I 00. Li 111 Ig “V/ X al ]. wool flglMW |) I|| texture. *-!■■■» I • l/ll dozen "Bruce” all-wool Bathing Costumes. Half Shorts, made from remnants of Blftft £;;j l/ll Printed Haircords lOfd. 2/11 Rayon Linen l/ll ftHT 1250 yards of Smart Printed Haircord Cambrics in an Plain and slubb finished Rayon Linen in saxe, pink, l/ll UilUcrWcur S/ 3 2 f O |6 years. Usually 8/6, extensive variety of spots, checks and florals. Ex- lemon, green, cream. 36in. 25 dozen Interlock Athletic Singlets and elastic top 12/6. SALE PRICE cellent quality. 36in. x • T ff j A 1 J trunks. All sizes. ' ' ~ Plain Marocain 10|d. 36,n Taf^ .... 2/11 Silk Underwear 2/6 Men’s 79/6 2000 yards of 3 6in. plain crepe marocain in a wide “value ’““ ° r mnUmerae 25 dozen Silk Locknit Athletic Singlets and Trunks. Worsted SllitS range of shades. , Heavyweight. 50 only, smartly cut from all. Natural Sakusan 9d. 3/11 Marocain 1/6 35 y. Boys> Suits 2 5/blues. Trousers have pleated . 2500 yards of 33in. Sakusan. suitable for children s || 2 0 yards of 36in. Printed Marocain. Heavy quality. 50 only boys’ dark grey School Suits. To fit boys 7 tops and 20-inch trouser bottoms. wear and lingerie. A real snip at 9d. a yd. Effective designs on dark and light grounds. fo (6 y ears . M nde w ; t h double seats. Sizes, 3to 7. SALE PRICE5/11 Cloque Crepe 2/6 |/|| panted Kabe 1/3 Boys’ Pullovers 3/6 rn MORROW •k-st’Et'atMiiS. — artctts-“ £MLr TO - MOHROW ft RITO ~fM MW I,l e J =1 mi .

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Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 114, 8 February 1937, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 114, 8 February 1937, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 114, 8 February 1937, Page 5