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Price Movements At Yesterday’s Sales Heavy entries at Addington saw a sharp decline in beef values, steers easing by 20/- to 30/- a heqd, though best beef brought 38/- to 40/- per 1001 b. Fat sheep eased slightly, but stores were very firm. Pigs met a keen demand. Beef was firm at Westfield selling to 36/per 1001 b. Ewes eased by up to 4/- a head, but withers, hoggets and lambs were firm. Prices for pigs improved. At Burnside beef was easier, with sheep unchanged. Fat cattle ’were firm at Wanganui, but fat sheep were 1/- a head easier. Values at Stortford Lodge were unchanged, except for fat ewes, which were down 2/- a head. There was little change in values at Johnsonville.

Addington Market

By Telegraph—Press Association. Christchurch, September 16. Entries were heavy in the principal sections at to-day’s Addington market, and there was a sharp decline in beef values, and a smaller decline in fat sheep. Store sheep: A good entry and a sound sale for ewes, which made up to 27/- for sound-moutheds. and to 34/- for 4th’s. Ewfs and lambs, all counted, sold to 17/1, forward wethers made to 28/2, this class appreciating by 1/- a head on lasUweek. The fat sheep entry totalled 4400 head, including southern lines. Last week’s prices were maintained over the early part, but the demand slipped over the later stages. Best wethers sold to 43/-, good 34/- to 37/-, prime mediumweight 30/- to 33/6; best ewes to 39/4, prime 30/- to 33/-, medium weights 27/'to 29/6, ordinary down to 22/6. Fat cattle: A heavy.entry of 565 head, including much good quality. As a result of the heavy entry, values receded by up to 30/- for heavy steens, and 20/- for others. Best beef,- 38/- to 40/- a 1001 b.; medium, 35/- to 38/6. The top price was £2O/2/6. Prime heavy steers, £l4 to £l6/10/-; prime medium weights, £l2 to £l3/10/-; others, down to £9. Heifers, £8 to £l2/10/-, Cows, £7/10/to £11; best, to £l3/10/-. Fat pigs: A keen sale. Porkers averaged 6Jd. to 6}d. a lb.; baconers, 6d. to 6Jd.

Bumside Sale

By Telegraph—Press Association, Dunedin, September 16. Large yardings were forward in the major sections at the Burnside sale today. Beef prices were easier, while mutton sold at late parity. The entry of fat cattle totalled 255, prime heavy bullocks making to £l9/17/6; heavy to £l5/12/6; extra 'prime heifers to £l2/12/6; best cows to £ll/7/6. The 176 store cattle forward included several pens of steers which met keen competition, rhe best price being made by a line of well bred four-year-old steers which sold at £lO. The 61 dairy cows forward. were of mixed appearance, best young sorts bringing to £7. The yarding of fat . sheep numbered 2195 and was notable for the quality which was considered the best seen at Burnside for a considerable period. Extra prime heavy wethers made to £2/9/9; prime heavy wethers £l/14/6 to £l/18/-; medium £l/11/6 to £l/13/6; light, down to £l/9/6; best ewes realised to £l/15/-; prime sorts, £l/11/6 to £l/13/6; medium £l/7/- to £l/10/9; light down to £l/3/-. The entry of fat pigs numbered 131. In good competition best baconers brought to £5/2/-. All classes of store pigs were in keen demand and the best of the 117 forward brought to £l/10/-.

Stortford Lodge Values

By Telegraph—Press Association. Hastings, September 16. The late high level of values attracted large yardings of fat and store cattle at Stortford Lodge to-day. The best ox beef was slightly lighter than last, week’s,.and top Hues made to £l3/10/-; mediumheavy, £lO/15/- to £ll/15/-. A. large percentage of the cows were medium and plain sorts, best heavy prime made from £8 to £9; medium, £7 to £7/15/-; heifers were in short supply, the best making £9/11/-- Several well-bred station lines of store cattle were offered, good grown bullocks realising £9/10/-; three-year steers, £B/15/-; yearlings generally were small, grown rates being below owners’ values. Store sheep were in short supply, wether hoggets predominating. An outstanding entry shorn as lambs brought 27/6, th? highest price of the season. Fat ewes were generally 2/- a head easier, best making 33/2; medium-heavy. 27/9 to 30/-; exceptional wethers made 37/9; unfinished, 28/9.

Westfield Market

By Telegraph—Press Association._ Auckland, September 16. Beef values remained firm at Westfield to-day, although few good quality beasts were offered. Extra choice ox sold to 36/- a 1001 b.; choice and prime, 32/- to 35/-; secondary and plain, 28/- to 31/-; prime young cow and heifer, 30/- to 35/-; ordinary, 21/- to 32/-.. Extra heavy prime steers made £l6 to £l7; heavy, £l3 to £l5/15/-; lighter, £ll/10/- to £l4 7/6; light, £lO to £l2/15/-; small and unfinished, £6 to £lO/5/-; extra heavy prime cows and heifers, £lO to £l2/2/6; heavy, £8 to £lO/5/-; lighter, £6 to £8 15/-; light, £5 to £7/5/-; other killable, £3 to £5/15/-. More sheep of good all-round quality were sold, ewes predominating and easing by up to 4/- a head, while wethers remained firm. Extra heavy prime wethers, 39/- to 43/9; heavy, 37/6 to 40/9; medium, 32/6 to 38/9; light, 28/- to 36/6; small and unfinished, 25/- to <33/6; shorn, 29/- to 34/6; extra heavy prime maiden ewes, 36/- to 38/-; heavy, 32/6 to 35/-; medium, 28/- to 35/-; light, 23/6 to 29/9; others, 5/- to 26/6; shorn, 22/to 25/-.' A large entry of hoggeta sold readily at late rates. Extra heavy prime, 28/6 to 38/- heavy, 25/3 to 32/-; medium, 25/6 to 27/6; light, 23/- to 25/-; small and plain, 17/- to 22/6. An increased offering of spring lambs sold from 23/ to 37/9. the best price of the season. Mainly small and plain calves were auctioned at steady rates. Runners made £3 to £B/10/-; heavy vealers, £5 _to £5 16/-; medium, £4 to £4/18/-; light, £3 5/- to £3/18/-; smaller, £2 to £3/6/-;

small and unfinished, £1 to £2/6/-; bobby and rough, 4/- to 31/-. A good demand for pigs arrested the recent decline, particularly for baconers, which ranged from £3/10/- to £4; medium, £3/5/- to £3/12/-; light, £2 18/- to £3/8/-,; choppers, £l/5/- to-£3; heavy porkers; £2/10/- to £2/16/-; medium, £2/3/- to £2/9/-; lights £l/15/to £2; small and unfinished, £l/4/- to £1 12/-. Stores, £l/2/- to £l/14/-; slips, 10/- to 24/-; weaners, 12/- to 21/-; sows due to farrow, £3 to £3/15/-; sows with litters, £4 to £5/2/6; baconers averaged 5Jd. to 6d. lb., and porkers 64d.

Values at Wanganui

Dominion Special Service. Wanganui, September 16. At the Wanganui sale to-day Freeman R. Jackson and Co. had a good entry of cattle, chiefly on account Mr. E. H. Whiteman with a very free sale. Fat cattle were dearer than last week, but fat sheep were about 1/- a head cheaper. Only a moderate yarding qf hoggets came forward and sold well. Dairy cattle were more in demand than last week. Pigs, both porkers and baconers, sold well, but all stores were still down, in value, although slightly better than last week. Sheep: Prime ewes 32/- to 35/-, fat 30/- to 31/9; fat hoggets, extra 36/- to 37/6; good, 25/10 to 29/6; wether hoggets to 25/6; moderate to 23/7. Cattle: Fat P.A. cows, £8 to £B/16/-; fat ex dairy, good £6/14/6 to £B/1/-; extra to £9; fat cows, £4/10/- to £6/12/6; P.A. and P.A. cross cows, mated P.A. bulls, £7/8/-; Hereford and P.A. cow?, mated P.A. bulls, £6 to £6/16/-; 2 and 3-year empty P. A. he’.fers, £6; 2-year P.A. and Hereford heifers, £5/17/-; 3-year P.A. steers, £B/10/-; 2-year, £7/12/6; yearling £5/14/-; P.A. yearling heifers, £4/11/-. Good store ex dairy cows £3/5/- to £4/15/-. Store cows £2 to £3. Yearling Jersey heifers to £3/10/-. Springing heifers, close up, £5/10/- to £7. Backward £4/10/- to £5/5/-. Small, £3/10/- to £4/5/-. Forward dairy cows £5/10/- to £6/15/-. Aged and backward, £2/15/- to £4/10/-. Pigs: Baconers, £3/7/- to £3/10/-; light, £2/7/6 to £2/12/6; heavy porkers, 33/- to 40/-; porkers, 30/- to 32/6; light porkers, 24/- to 29/-; stores, 16/- to 19/-; slips. 12/- to 16/-; good weaners, 15/- to 17/-; small, 7/- to 10/-.

Johnsonville Sale

Heavy yardings were forward at the Johnsonville stock sale held yesterday by Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd. The bullocks comprised chiefly heavyweight cuttie with a few pens of prime mediumweights. Prime heavyweight bullocks ■ met with a keen sale at prices firm on those ruling last week, prime mediumweights firm to the extent of 5/- per head, light and unfinished no alteration. The yarding of cows and heifers was of exceptionally good quality, with only a few pens of light and unfinished station cows. Extra prime heavy cows and prime cows sold- rpadily at prices 5/- to 10/- per head UP on last week’s quotations. Medium and unfinished cows were hard to sell, with a drop of 10/- per head. There was only a few pens yarded of cows ex dairy. These met with little demand at prices showing no alteration. A keen sale resulted for runners and vealers, with prices firm on last week’s rates. There was an average yarding of prime heavyweight to medium quality wethers, and a large yarding of all classes of ewes, with a heavy yarding of hoggets. Extra prime Heavyweight ewes met with a ready sale, with prices slightly easier than those ruling last week, while light to mediumweight sheep were 1/- to 2/- per head easier. Hoggets sold well at prices firm for good quality sheep, and 6d. to 1/per head easier for inferior sorts. The first spring lambs this season were also offered. These met with spirited competition, prices being well up to those obtained for the first lambs that came forward last season. Cattle: Prime extra heavy bullocks,

£l5/10/- to £l4/2/6 (single); prime heavy bullocks, £l3/15/- to £l3/2/6; heavy bullocks, £l2/15/-' to £ll/12/-; medium bullocks, £ll/2/6 to £lO/15/-; light and unfinished bullocks, £lO/5/- tc £B/17/6; extra prime heavy cows and heifers, £lO/17/6 to £10; prime heavy cows and heifers, £9/18/- to £B/15/-; cows and heifers, £B/10/- to £7/16/-; cows, ex dairy, £6/5/- to £4/12/6; runners (extra .good), £5/12/6 to £4/18/-; vealers, £2/10/- down to 27/-. Sheep: Prime extra heavy wethers,, 40/3 down to 39/6; prime heavy wethers, 38/6 down to 37/9; medium wethers, 37/3 down to 32/6; prime extra heavy ewes (good to prime heavy young ewes), 38/6, 36/6, to 35/6; prime heavy ewes, 34/6 down to 32/9; medium ewes, 31/down to 29/6; light ewes, 26/6 down to 21/9; heavy hoggets (extra good), 33/6 down to 31/3; hoggets. 28/6 down to 27/-; heavy spring lambs, 33/- to 32/6; spring lambs, 31/6 down to 30/9; light spring lambs. 29/- down to 27/6. Norsewood Sale Sheep, cattle and pigs all sold well at the Norsewood sale on Tuesday. Wtlr Earns and Kettle, Ltd., made .the following sales:—Sheep: Light fat ewes, 22/-: good ewe hoggete, 34/- to 36/6; good wether hoggets, 25/-; 60 ewes, with GO lambs (all counted), 16/-. Cattle: Springing Jersey cows, £4/12/6 to £6/5/-; late springing Jersey cows, £2/17/- to £3/10/- ; empty Jersey cows, £2/8/- to £2/15/-: yearling, 18 months, Jersey heifers, £2 1/- to £3; 1 yearling Jersey bull, £2/8/-. Pigs: Good weaner pigs, £1 to £l/3/-; small weaner pigs, 8/- to 14/-. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report sales, ns . under: Porkers, 24/-; store pigs, to 16/-; weaner pigs, from 10/--to 15/-. Springing Jersey heifers, well forward but medium size, from £2/15/- to £4/12/6; aged sound dairy cows, from £3/10/- to £5/2/6. 27 lots of milled timber, from 9/- to 27/6 per lot. Good table potatoes, 12/- per bag. Sundries at market rates. Masterton Sale Dominion Special Service. Masterton, September 16. Ewes with lambs at foot and store sheep met a firm demand at the weekly Masterton sale to-day, although competition was not particularly keen. Fat sheep were easier, and there was also an easing tendency in fat cattle, while springing heifers and cows met a dragging market. Pigs made late rates. Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd,, offered a medium yarding of sheep and a fair entry of cattle to a large attendance, making the following realisations:— Sheep: Ewes with 100 per cent, of lambs at foot, 16/5, all counted; ewes, r.w. Southdown ram, 24/6; fat wethers, to 33/10; fat hoggets, to 30/9; maiden fat two-tooth ewes, to 28/-; fat b.f. ewes, to 28/6; fat ewes, to 28/-; woolly ewe hoggets, to 27/6. Cattle: Fat P.A. heifers, to £9/10/-; ■fat P.A. cows, £7/14/- to £B/10/-; fat Hereford cows, £B/10/- to'£B/17/-; fat and forward Hereford cows, £7 to £7 6/-; forward cows, to £5/17/6; forward empty dairy heifers, to £3/1/-; fat dairy cows, to £4/9/-; store cows, 27/- to 40/-. Pigs: Good weaners, 20/- to 21/-: medium weaners, 17/- to 19/6; small weaners, 13/- to 16/6; slips, 23/- to 26/-; porkers, to 38/6; sow with litter, to £4. , Dalgety and Co., Ltd., entered a medium entry of stock, making the following values: — Sheep: Light fat ewes, 25/-; prime fat ewes, 27/3. Cattle: Backward calving dairy cows, £3/10/- to £4/2/6: springing heifers, £5; store dairy cows, £2/6/-. Pigs: Small weaners, 13/6 to 15/-; weaners. 16/- to 18/-. The Farmers’ Distributing Company offered a good yarding of sheep, effecting a clearance at the following prices:— Fat wethers, 34/11; f. and f. w.w. hoggets, 24/6; fat. ewes, 18/3 to 30/-; fat Southdown wethers, 34/3; Southdown hoggets, - 24/2 to 24/3; two-tooth wethers, 31/3; m.a. Southdown ewes, 20/-; w.w. hoggets, 20/- to 26/-; jb-f. two-tooths, 25/- to 26/-; shorn b.f. two-tooths, 20/-.

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Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 302, 17 September 1936, Page 16

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 302, 17 September 1936, Page 16

LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 302, 17 September 1936, Page 16