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Price Movements At Yesterday’s Sales Fat cattle were easier at Addington yesterday. Store sheep, except for forward lambs, which eased 1/-, were linn. Fat sheep were also firm, except freezing ewes, which were down 1/- a head. ■lt Johnsonville cattle were easier, with sheep unchanged. There was a bright tone at the Westfield sale, where yardings were mostly on the small side. Prices generally were firm at Stortford Lodge. Fat cattle at Wanganui eased, but all other classes of stock were firm. Heavy wethers advanced 1/- at Burnside, while heavy ewes were up 2/- a head. Fat cattle values were easer.

Addington Market By Telegraph.—Press Association. Christchurch, April 29. Entries at to-day’s Addington market were of normal size, but there was <i slight tendency for values to case in some of the major sections. Store sheep: An entry of 5800 odd head, mostly Chatham Islands and southern sheep, the bulk being sound and fail-ing-mouthed, and a sound sale resulted for all classes; A big line of s.m. merinos from Central Otago sold at 13/2; good Romney cross two, and four-tooth ewes made 28/9: good two-tooth wethers sold up to 22/6; and older crossbred wethers nt 23/-. Store lambs: Ewe lambs sold strongly, but forward lambs and those for carrying over were easier bv 1/- to 1/6 a head. Fat lambs: There was no change in the value of fat lambs, best selling at from 26/-to 29/-. Fat sheep: 4400 were penned and a good sale resulted, excent for freezing ewes, which were slightly easier. Best wethers made from 26/- to 30/-; best ewes, from 22/- to 26/-. Fat cattle : Five hundred were penned, mostly inferior sorts. About 20 per cent, of the best quality sold at last week’s rates, but the remainder were down by 10/- a head. Best steers made from £lO/10/- to £l4/7/6; .best heifers, from £8 to £9/17/6; best cows, £7/10/- to £9 12/6. These prices were for the best qualitr. and averaged from 26/- to 28/a 1001 b. Fat pigs: Little change in values. Porkers made from sd. to s|d. per lb., and baconers 4ld. to 54d. , . Burnside Sale Dunedin, April 29. The yarding of fat cattle at the Burnside stock sale to-day numbered 330, and with the exception of three or four consignments of prime heavy bullocks, the quality generally was only average. Prices at the outset were on a par with recent sales for prime heavy bullocks, while cows,- heifers and medium quality bullocks were about 10/- easier, but for the final races there was a further easing for all classes. There was a particularly heavy entry of store cattle totalling 461 head'. The few lines of steers attracted keen competition, several pens realising from £5/10/- to £7/10/-. Vealers were in good demand, and grazier and boner cows sold at late rates. The dairy cows forward were of mixed appearance. Young, close to profit, cows met with keen inquiry and all quitted at satisfactory rates.

Approximately 1400 fat sheep were ■forward, but the selection was mostly confined to medium quality ewes with a few odd consignments of prime, heavy, ewes. There was a dearth of heavy wethers, the. bulk of the offering being medium quality and export grades. Prime heavy wethers appreciated by 1/- per head, and prime heavy ewes sold at an advance of 2/-. Freezing ewes sold at the advanced schedule rates and all other descriptions were firm. ‘The average entry of fat lambs was composed principally of medium quality sorts with an odd consignment of heavier lambs. Butchers competed freely for ad heavy grades and freezing buyers operated nt full schedule rates for the remainder. The yarding of fat pigs numbered 200. with baconers and porkers in about equal proportions. On account of oversupply the demand was not keen. Baconers were slightly easier and porkers sold at about 4/- below late rates. There was a large yarding of 170 store pigs and a slacker demand saw values about 3/easier. Stortford Lodge Sale Hastings, April 29. A moderate yarding of fat and store cattle came forward at the ■ Stortford Lodge sale to-day. There were no entries of heavy ox beef. Best medium weights made £9/10/- to £10; unfinished sorts £B/10/-. Cows generally were plain, a finished outstanding entry made £9; heavy prime quality, £7/14/6 to £7 17/6; heifers, mostly small, made to £7. Several pens of well-bred station steers came forward and met a good inquiry. Young bullocks made £B/10/-; rising three-year steers to £7/15/-; two-year heifers, to £4/17/-; exceptional line weaner steens, £3/16/-. Breeding cows were in demand, a particularly good entry with well developed calves at foot making £B/10/-; others, r.w. Hereford bull, 36/10. There was a good yarding of store sheep, including several extra good quality lines which made firm sales while inferior, lots showed an easing tendency. Fat and forward wethens made 27/5, the highest price of the season. Well-grown woolly wether lambs were in demand, making 21/10; shorn wether lambs, to 18/-; inferior, 13/- to 14/-; culls 10/-. Firm rates prevailed for fat sheep, prime wethers making 27/-; extra well-grown woolly, prime quality lambs realised 29/3; ewes, generally medium weighbs. making 16/- to 18/-; better finished prime sorts to 20/9. Values at Wanganui Dominion Special Service Wanganui, April 29. At the Wanganui sale to-day Freeman R. Jackson and Co. offered a good yarding in all sections. All store and fat sheep sold freely, firm at late rates. The cattle entry was a heavy yarding, 400 head. All store cattle sold freely, but fat cattle were down 12/6 to 15/- a head on last week. Pigs and vealers were on a par with last week. Sheep: Fat ewes, 20/- to 22/-; lightweights, 17/- to 18/-; fat wethers, 26/-; light lambs. 19/- to 22/-; medium twotooth wethers, 20/1 t0.20/2; culls, 16/9 to 17/10; medium ewe lambs, IS/- to 21/5; medium wether lambs, 16/- to 17/4; culls, 14/- to 14/6; m.s., 16/-; b.f. Jambs 16/-; forward ewes, 16/-; culls, 6/9 to 11/9.. n . ~/ ln/ Cattle: Prime ex dairy cows. £4/10/to £5; fat, £3 to. £4/5/-; light, £2/10/- to £2/17/6; forward cows, 35/- to 45/-; store cows, £l/5/- to £l/10/-; 21 and 3L year P.A. steers, £6/13/- to £7/9/-; bullocks, crossbred. £6 to £7/11/6; /20month P.A. steers, £5/6/- to £6/6/-; P.A. cows and heifers, £5/8/6 to £6/2/-: .P.A. steers, small. £4/0/6; P.A. cross heifers, £2/14/-; S.H. cows, calves at foot, £4 11/-; Hereford empty cows, poor, £3; S. IS-month steers, £4: ditto, heifers, £2/6/-; two-year empty dairy heifers, £2 6/- to £2/18/-; Jersey weaner heifers, medium, 30/-’ to £2/6/-: good dairy cows, close up, £6/10/- to £7; cows in milk, £2/10/- to £4/5/-; springing heifers, 1:3 5/- to £4/12/6. Pigs : Heavy porkers, 37/6 to £2/1/6 ; porkers. 2-"/- to 35/-; small stores, 10/to 13/6; slips, good, 8/- to 10/-; average, 6/- to 7/6; weaners, 4/- to 6/-; very small, 2/- to 3/6. Vealers, good, £2/12/6 tn £3; vealers, 37/6 to £2/10/-; runners, £3 to £4/7/6; calves, 25/- to 35/-. Values at Johnsonville An average yarding of all classes of stock was forward at the Johnsonville stock sale held yesterday by Wright. Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd. . The bullocks yardled comprised well finished medium weight cattle, prices for these being slightly easier. Cows and heifers came forward in the usual numbers and all classes showed an easing tendency. Runners

and vealcrs were yarded in larger numbers than usual and met with a ready sal* at - prices showing no alteration. The yarding of wethers and ewes was of good quality, prices being on a par with last week’s rates. The lambs yarded were ot indifferent quality and met with a dragging sale at late rates. Cattle- Prime extra heavy bullocks, £l2/10/-, £l2/6/-. £l2: prime heavy bullocks, £ll/15/-, £ll/2/6: heavy bullocks, £lO/15/-, £lO 10/- £lO/5/-, £10; light and unfinished bullocks, £O/6/-. £9/2/6, £8; extra prime heavy cows and heifers, £B/14/-,_ £8 10/- £8; prime heavy cows and heifen?, £7/15/-, £7/10/-, £7/2/6, £7; cows and heifers, £5/3/-, £5, £4/10/-. £3/15/-; runners, £5/S/-, £5/2/6, £5. £4/14/-. £4 3/6. £4; vealers, £2/4/-, £l/10/-, £l/3/-. Sheep: Prime extra heavy wethers. 28/9, 28/6, 28/- prime heavy wethers, 27/3, 27/-, 26/9; medium wethers, 25/6, 24/G, 24/-; prime extra heavy ewes, 22/6, 22/-. 21/6; prime heavy ewes, 20/3, 20/-, 19/6; medium ewes, 17/6. 17/-, 16/6; heavy lambis, 23/6, 23/-. 21/9, 21/6; medium lambs. 20/8, 20/3, 20/-, 19/9; light lambs, 18/6, 18/-, 17/9.

Westfield Market By Telegraph.—Press Association. Auckland, April 29. There was a bright tone in practically all sections at the weekly Westfield fat stock sale to-day. The yardings of cattle and sheep were still on the small side, due mainly to the fact that pastures are holding out well, and with the high cost of replacements graziers arc retaining stock, making for. smaller offerings than are usual at this time of the year. The total offering of cattle was about 600, with fewer cows and heifers, than at recent sales. Ox beef, the quality of which was patchy, sold well to current rates with extra choice lines at 29/- a 1001 b. Cow beef was on the whole, of improved quality, there being fewer dairy sorts. Bidding was steady throughout with a slight all-round advance in. values, especially for lighter weights, the only easier tone in the market being in the case of light ox beef. Extra choice ox made 29/- a 1001 b. choice and prime 25/- to 27/-, secondary and plain 20/- to 24/-; prime young cow and heifer beef, 22/- to 26/-: ordinary cow beef, 13/- to 21/-. Extra heavy prime steers made £ll to £l3/2/6; heavy prime, £lO to £lO 17/6; lighter prime. £9/2/6 to £9/17/6; light prime, £8 to £9; small and unfinished, £4/10/- to £6/10/-:. extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £7/5/- to £9/5/-; heavy prime, £5/5/- to £7; lighter prime, £4 to £5; other killable cows, £2/15/- to £3/17/6. Few good quality calves came forward, the bulk of the large yarding being either small vealers and bobbies or heavier runners Good vealers being scarce, values advanced in the earlier part of the sale and later were fully firm on those of a week ago.. Runners, 4u/- to 110/-; vealers, 30/- to 72/-. Competition was ready . for all good sheep, the yarding of which was fully up to average. Prime wethers and ewes were fully firm at late rates, and unfinished sorts were in demand. The offering of lambs was characteristic of the end of the season, outside buyers having thoroughly combed flocks. Bidding was bright and price levels remained unaltered. Wethers, prime, 24/- to 31/-; unfinished, 18/6 to 23/6; ewes, prime, 16/- to 22/6; unfinished, 5/1 to 15/6; lambs, prime, 18/6 to 2i/6; unfinished, 10/- to 18/-. The recent large pig yardings continued, but buyers were very active, creating a very firm market for baconers. Porkers also showed a slight improvement, but stores continued very dull of sale. Prices per lb. for fa_t pigs were quoted unchanged at from 5Jd. to s|d. for baconers and from sjd. to 5Jd. for porkers. Baconers, 50/- to 66/-; porkers. 32/- to 47/-; large stores, 16/- to 21/-. Levin Sale Dominion Special Service. Levin, April 29. There was an exceptionally good attendance of buyers to good yardings of all Stock at the Levin sale held yesterday by Abraham and Williams, and a total clearance of all lines was effected. The heavier lines of stock, particularly pork, were in good demand. There were large yardingrt in pigs, medium yardings in sheep and a large yarding in cattle. Prices for pork were slightly higher than in the previous week, while other lines showed little change. Realisations were as follow : —■ Pigs: Weaners, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6; slips, 10/6 to 12/6; light stores, 12/6 to 17/6; heavier ditto, 17/6 to 25/-; porkers, light 25/- to 30/-, medium 30/- to 35/-, heavy 35/- to 40/-, prime extra heavy £2/5/- to £2/10/-; baconers, £2/15/- to £3; choppers. 30/- to £2/10/-. Sheep: Fat lambs, 20/- to 21/6; prime ditto, 21/6 to 23/-; store lambs, 12/6, 15/-. 17/6, 18/-, 18/6; ewe lambs, 22/to 24/6. Cattle: Fat cows, £3/5/- to £4; medium fat, £4 to £4/15/-; extra heavy, £5 to £5/15/-; prime extra heavy to to 10/-; vealers, lighter sorts 30/- to £2 5/-, heavier types £2/12/6 to £3/o/-; runners, £3/5/- to £3/17/6; forward P.A. heifers, £5/10/- to £5/16/-; torward P.A. cows, £4/15/- to £5 ; £4/15/- to £5; store cows, 2a/-, £2, £2 7/6 to £3. . . ~. rp Dairy stock : Springing heifers to, to to £7/5/-; cows in milk, £2, £3, £3/10/to £4. Values at Masterton Masterton, April 29. Cattle met with spirited competition at the weekly Masterton sale to-day, prices showing a rising tendency. A pen of P.A. cross weaner steers offered on account of R. Cameron realised 5 guineas. The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Distributing Co., Ltd., submitted a fair yarding of sheep and pigs, together with a good entry of cattle,, to a large attendance of buyers, making the following Pl Sheep: Extra good fat lambs, 26/- to 27/2; fat b.f. lambs, 19/4 to 22/-; good fat ewes, 21/4; fat ewes, 18/-; forward store ewes, 16/-; cull ewes, 6/6; o and 6-year ewes, r.w. Southdown ram, 23/7; b.f. lambs, 17/9; small b.f. lambs, 14/-; cull ewe lambs, 8/2. Cattle: Fat cows, £6/11/- to £7/u/-: fat heifers, £5/6/-; fat bullocks, £8 5/-; 24-year dehorned Hereford steers, £B/5/-;’ 2-year P.A. steers, £7/12/- to £8; 20-month P.A. steers, £7/7/-; 2-year Red Poll steers, £5/10/- to £6; medium coloured 18-month and 2-year steers,_ £3 to £4; weaner P.A.-cross steers, £5/o/-; store cows, £2/10/-, £2/14/-, £3, to £3 5/-; good dairy heifers at drop, £4/10/Pigs: Weaners. 7/-, 7/6, to 8/-; slips, 12/-; porkers, 30/-; sows to farrow. £2/1/-; boar, 10/-. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., offered a fair yarding of sheep and cattle effecting a total clearance at the following prices—Cattle, speved heifers, £6/12/-; 18-month steers, £6/10/- to £7/7/6; cows and calves, £6 7/6; store cows, £3/15/- to £5; coloured steers, £3/12/6; store cows, £4/8/-. Sheep, shorn wether lambs, 16/10; w... lambs, 16/1; fat lambs, 23/-. Pigs-, slips, 12/- to 14/-.

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Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 182, 30 April 1936, Page 16

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 182, 30 April 1936, Page 16

LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 182, 30 April 1936, Page 16