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District Notes of Current Interest

Rapid progress lias been made in putting the finishing touches to the Petone swimming baths. A „<u o carpenters has been working on fencing for the last few days, am ■ ' wooden fence has now been completed round the baths. Standing on the outskirts of the Upper Hutt township, the Borough Lou Ji offices have now been transtoimed mt j an attractive landmark. The two gras., plots in front of the offices have 1 » trimmed, and the concrete posts pa n . - ed white. In addition, a small > has been constructed beneath the ' dows facing the main street. Rainfall recorded at Lower Hutt during October was 2.21 inches, which fell on 10 days, the maximum tall being •<>.) inches on October 22. The raintit «<ts -13 per cent, of the average. curred on two days, dows on 16 (inj.. and hail on one day. The mean ot the grass minimum temperatures was -w.) degrees, ami the eytreme lowest -J.-i degrees on October 30. The chairman. Mr. D. A. Ewen, presided at the meeting of the board of governors of the Hutt Valley I L > School held on Thursday to appoint a headmaster in place of the retiring principal, -Mr. H. P. Kidson. There were also present Messrs. H. G. Teagle. C. E. Howland. J. Stoneiiouse, J. C. Burns, P. Robertson, W. V. Dyer, and J. Kerr. An apology was received from Mr. H. Sladtlen. PRESSURE REDUCED Effect of Much Hosing UPPER HUTT’S POSITION Strong condemnation of gardeners who reduce the water pressure in the borough by using their hoses indiscriminately was voiced by the mayor of Upper Hutt. Mr. A. J. McGutdy, yesterday. "Some gardeners show a complete indifference to the needs of others when they prop their hoses up and leave them running all day,” said Mr. McCurdy. "There is no lack of water in the reservoir, but the excessive draw by these people leaves a deficit on the lather levels. An excessive draw-off between early morning and twilight has taken place in the west ward, where the pressure should be from 100 to 1201 b to the square inch, and the east ward, where the pressure should be from 80 to 1001 b to the square inch, and consequently in the main street the upstairs -premises of the bank, hotel, and post office are waterless before tU’l-day. •The pressure at the lire station has been reduced to below 201 b to the square inch, and at the higher levels al Silverstream, especially the ChatsAvorth block, fires have to be drawn shortly before breakfast, as there is no force for the high pressure hotwater service or, for flushing tanks. "As in previous years the council has arranged for trustworthy men to patrol the district, and as warnings last summer did not have the desired effect, prosecutions without, notice wit' do something to curb the undue able t of the unmetered water supply. "Proof that there is no lack of water in the reservoir is shown by the fact that the creek that supplied the water for the old town district area was sufficient for a population of 20,000. The storage was then 50,000 gallons in the distributing tank, which was situated on a site exceeding 150 ft. above the level on the main street in Upper Hutt.” The borough council has enforced the by-law prohibiting the use of a hose for watering gardens within the borough between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily, but the use of a hose is permitted between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a,m. when held in the hand. UPPER HUTT W.C.T.U. Year’s Officers Elected The annual meeting of the Upper Hutt branch of the W.C.T.U. was held at the St. David’s Presbyterian Church recently. In the absence of the president through illness. Miss Kirk, J.P., of Wellington, took the chair. Mrs. .1. Whiteman, vice-president, led the devotions. The year’s report presented by the secretary, Mrs. H. Gorrie. proved satisfactory. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Spencer; vicepresidents. Mrs. J. Whiteman and Mrs. G. Hunt: cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. F. Whiteman. The election of secretary and treasurer was held over until the next meeting. Miss Kirk gave a short address on “Honesty.” Afternoon tea was served, and votes of thanks were extended to Miss Kirk and Mrs. Harry for their presence and assistance. The meeting was closed with prayer. KNOX WOMEN’S GUILD Year’s Officers Elected Congratulations on the increased membership and the creditable bn lancesheet were extended by the president. Mrs. Wilson, at the annual meeting of the Knox Women’s Guild. The following officers were elected President, Mrs. Wilson: vice-presi-dents, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Nicol. Mrs. Smail, and Mrs. Paterson (all were reelected with the addition of Mrs. Macky and Mrs. Williamson) ; committee Mrs. R. Orr. Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Ander son, Mrs. Edmeades. Mrs. Macaskel and Mrs. .Tnrvie: treasurer, Mrs Burgess : secretary, B. Whitcher. iff the conclusion of the business rhe hostesses provided a dainty afternoon tea, after which a social programme was arranged. Several vocal items were given by Mrs. Burgess, and the play-reading circle gave an amusing reading entitled “.Me and My Diary." A novel game was the means of pre seating Mrs. Whitcher witli a bound autograph book in which the names of associates of the guild were inscribed. Mrs. Wilson thanked all the mem hers for their attendance, and for the very happy afternoon. She was presented with a colourful bouquet. Guild members and friends are look ing forward to a happy and profitable afternoon in the grounds of Mrs. R. Orr in December, when the “Cherry Blossom” auxiliary sale will mark the close of the meetings for the year.

HUTT VALLEY TENNIS Fourth and Fifth Grades Results of the fourth and fifth grade matches in the Hull Valley Lawn Tennis Sub-Association's interelnb tournament have been supplied, ns follow : — Fourth Grade. Waiwetu v. Fairllehl. Waiwetu players mentioned first"’omen's singles: Miss Mitehell lost to Miss Cadman. 1-0; Miss Doran lost to Miss McMillan, 4-ii; Miss Adams beat Mrs. Leeky. 6-2; Miss Smith lost to Miss It. Olphert. 4-6. Men b singles: 11. Doran beat. A. Mereer. (>•-, "■ Mullins lost to A. Hembrow. 3-6: -I. Edmunds S. Leeky, 6-4: F. Clout beat F. Nesbit, 0-1. Women's doubles: Mitehell and Doran lost to Cadman and Leeky, 2-0; Adams ami Smith lost to McMillan and Olphert. 4-0. Mens doubles. Doran ami Mullins lost to Mereer and Leeky 5-0: Edmunds and Clout beat Dembrow and Nesbit. 0-5. Combined doubles: Doran and Mitehell lost to Mereer and Miss Cadman, .'l-0; Mullins and Miss Adams heat Hensbrow and Miss McMillan, 6-2: Clout and Miss Doran lost to Leeky and Mrs. Leeky. 5-6: Edmunds and Miss Smith lost to Nesbit and Miss Cipher . 3- Fairfield won 10 sets. 76 games: Waiwetu won 0 sets. 70 games. Knox v. Methodist. Knox players mentioned first:—-Women's singles: I-. lost to 11. Pemberton. 2-6: I. lost to N. Pargetter, 4-6: P. leal lost to B. lintton. 5-6: A. Nicholson beat IV. Arnold. 11-5. Men's singles: K. Nieholso lost to A. Stonehouse. 3-6: M. Davidson boat B. Frethey. 6-1: B. Burgess beat N. Smith, 6-1: G. Beu beat B. Shearer. 6-1. Women's doubles: F. Hoy and A. Nicholson beat 11. Pemberton and N. 1 argettei. 6-3: 1. Hamilton and P. Teal lost, to B. Hutton and W. Arnold. 2-6. Men s doubles: I Davidson and Nicholson won. 6 .1; burgess and Beu lost, 4-6. Combined doubles-: Jllov and M. Davidson lost to B. Pemberton' and A. Stonehouse. 3-(i: I. Hamilton and G. Beu lost to B. Hutton and B. Frethey. 3-6: P. Teal and G. Burgess lost to N. Pargetter and N. Smith 1-<>: ANicholson and K. Nicholson beat w. Arnold and E. Shearer. 6-1. Knox wnnj sets. 6!) games; Methodist won II sets, m games. _ „ , ... Randwick v. Koro Koro. Riiiidwck players mentioned first:—VV omen s singles. 1 Miss M McNicol beat Miss O. .McMillan, 6-5: .Miss G. Bayliss lost to Miss K. Loswell, 5-6: Mrs. Sparks beat Miss M. Jug- . gins 6-4; Mrs. Taylor beat :wiss L. Cunningham, «-2. Men’s sing les: K. > Hne beat A. McMillan. 6-5; IL Taylor lost to ,1. Flux. 3-0: J. Sparks lost to G. Douglas. 2- L. Balk lost to N. Brazendale. n-6. ■Women's doubles: McNicol and Sparks beat McMillan anti Higgins. 6-3: Bayliss and Taylor lost to Boswell and Cunningham 5-6. Men's doubles: Taylor and Sparks lost to McMillan and Douglas. 4- Milne and Balk lost to 1 lux and Brazendale. 3-0. Combined doubles: Milne and .McNicol beat Douglas and McMillan, I 6-2: Tavlor and Taylor beat. Mux and I Boswell,'6-4: Sparks and Sparks beat McI Millan and Higgins, 6-3: Bayliss and balk , lust to Brazendale and Cunningham, --(>. Kandwiek won S sets, 77 games; Koro Koro won 8 sets. 76 games. , Western Hutt v. St. Augustine s. Western Hutt players mentioned first: —Womens singles: P. 'Fisher lost to B. Sargisson, • 3-6- E Hogg lost to M. Bising. 0-6; R. Borlase beat H. Scott. 6-4: K. Howe lost to M Gold. 4-6. Men's singles: b. Harrison heal M. Leary. 6-2; G. McMillan beat N. Pointon, 6-1: L. Taylor lost to S. Smith. 1-6: G. Armstrong lost to J. Wallace 0-6. Women's doubles: Borlase and Fisher bent Sargisson and Rising, 6- : Hogg and Howe lost to Scott and Gold, 3- Men's doubles: Harrison and McMillan beat Leary and Pointon, 6-3; laylor and Armstrong beat Smith and Wallace. 6-3. Combined doubles: Taylor and Fisher beat Leary and Sargisson. 6-3; McMillan and Hogg beat Pointon and Rising. 6-5; Harrison and Howe beat. Smith and Scott, 6-4; Armstrong and Borlase lost to Wallace and Gold, 5-6. Western Hutt won 9 sets. 70 games; St. Augustine s won 7 sets. 69 games. Wilford v. Lower Hutt. Wilford players mentioned first:—Women’s singles: Mrs. D. ,Towett lost to Miss M. Reid. <)•(>: Mrs. 1. L Kerr lost to Miss I'. Barton. 3-6; Miss I. M. Phelan boat Miss M. Robertson, 6-4; Miss C. Cashmorc beat Miss M. Barton, 6-2. Men’s singles: G. M. Grant lost to i G. Persson. 5-6: D. McLeod beat E. Rowse. I 6-5• W R Fitzgerald beat R. Jones, 6-5; W. J. Clelland lost to I. Adams. 1-6. Women’s doubles: Kerr and Phelan beat Reid and P. Barton. 6-5: .Towett and Cashmore beat Robertson and M. Barton. 6-u. Men's doubles: Grant and McLeod lost to i’esson and Rouse, 4-6; Fitzgerald and Clelland beat .Tones and Adams, 6-4. Combined doubles: .Towett and McLeod lost to Persson and Miss M. Reid. 0-6; Kerr and Grant beat Rowse and P. Barton, 6-0: Phelan and Fitzgerald beat .Tones and M. Robertson, 6-0; Cashmore and Clelland lost to Adams and M. Barton 5-6. Wilford won 9 sets. 72 games; Lower Hutt won 7 sets, 72 games. Fifth Grade. Methodist V. St. Paul's. St. Paul’s players mentioned first:—-Women’s singles: Miss Bolton lost to Miss E. Heggle. 2-6: Miss Hall lost to Miss P. Heggle, 2-6; Mrs. Richards lost to Miss K. Lusty. 3-6: Miss Dodd lost to Miss O. I’ope, o-(>. Men s singles: Foote lost, to B. Smith, 2-6; Land lost to M. Clark, 5-6; 11. Bolton lost to W. Sharpe, 3-6; L. Bolton beat F. Clarke, 6-4. Women’s doubles: Miss Bolton and Miss Hall lost to Miss E. Heggie and P. Heggie, 2-6; Mrs. Richards and Miss Dodd lost to .Misses (>. I’ope and K. Lusty, 5-6. Men s doubles: Foote and 11. Bolton lost to B. Smith and W. Sharpe. 5-6; Land and J. Bolton beat M. Clark and F. Clarke, 6-4. Combined doubles: Foote and Mrs. Richards lost to Mrs. E. Heggie and B. Smith, 2-b; Land and Miss Bolton beat Miss P. Hegßi'and M Clark. 6-3; 11. Bolton and Miss Dodd beat Miss Lusty and W. Sharpe. 6-o; J. Bolton and Miss Hall lost to Miss U. Pope and F. Clarke, 1-6. St. Pau s won 4 sets, (51 games; Methodist won 1- sets, bo tram os. Knox v. St. .Tames, Knox players mentioned first:—Women's singles: h Horlor lost to C. Player. 1-6; J. Pry de lost to N. Powles, 5-6; I. Hermanns lost to B. N nO L 2-6; M. Burn lost to K. Lee, 0-6. Mens singles: K. So ward lost to J. Corliss, 0-0, H. Hov lost to J. Jay, 5-6; H. Williamson beat W. Jay. 6-5; M. Boyes beat S. Palmer, 6-3. Women’s doubles: F. Horlor and .1. Pryde heat C. Player and N. Powles, 6-.; I. Hermanns and M. Burn lost to B. Knox and K. Loe, 3-6. Men’s doubles: K. toward and IL Hoy lost to J. Corliss and J. .Jay. 4-6; H. Williamson and M. Boyes lost to W. Jav and S. Palmer. 5-6. Combined doubles: F. Horlor and K. Soward lost to C. Player and .T. Corliss, 4-6; J. Pryde and H. Hoy beat N. Powles and J. t I. Hermanns and H. Williamson beat B. Knox and WL Jay, 6-1; M. Burn and M. Boyes lost to K. Lee and S. Palmer, 4-6. Knox won 5 sets 66 games, St. James won 11 sets 80 games. Wilford v. Waione, Wilford players mentioned first:—Women’s singles: H. E. Greenwood lost to Miss Z. Ackerman, 0-6; G. Ingham beat Mrs. M. McMillan, 6-1; I. O. Davies lost to Miss M. West, O-6; E. F. Mills beat Miss P. Sehollield, 6-2. Men’s singles: W. P. Watkinson lost to H. 11. Gilligan, 2-6; J. H. Armstrong lost to H. V. M. Marsh, 1-6; W. P. Taplin beat F. K. Macfnrlane. 6-4; T. Wilson beat J. West, 6-1. 'Women’s doubles: Greenwood and Ingham lost to Miss Ackerman and Mrs. McMillan, 0-6: Davis and Mills lost to Miss West and Miss Scoltield, 4-6. Men’s doubles: Wntkinson and Armstrong lost to Gilligan and Marsh, 1-6; Taplin and Wilson beat Maefarlane and West, 6-4. Combined doubles: Mrs. Ingham and Watklnson bent. Miss Ackerman and Gilligan, 6-5; Miss Greenwood and Armstrong lost to Mrs. McMillan and Maefarlane, 2-6; Miss Davies and Taplin lost to Miss Sehollield anil Marsh, 1-6; Miss Mills and Wilson beat Miss West and West, 6-4. Wilford won 7 sots 53 games. Waione won 9 sets 78 games. Kandwiek v. Western Hutt, Randwick plavers mentioned first:—Women’s singles: Mrs. Jollv beat B. Snow, 6-3; M. La Roche beat J. 'Reid. 6-2; D. Jones lost to E. Stowers, 4-6: A. .Jones lost to M. Tremewan, 2-6. Men’s singles: A, .Tolly lost to D. Body, 1-6; A. Donaldson boat F. Dixon, 6-1: V. Ramsey beat E. McMahan. 6-2; it. Taylor boat 11. Stevenson. 6-5. Women's doubles: Mrs. Jolly and M. La Roche limit Snow and Reid. 6-1: D. Jones and A. Jones lost to Stowers and Tremownn. 4-6. Men's doubles: A. Jolly and A. Donaldson beat D. Body and Dixon, 6-2; Ramsey and Taylor bent Me.Malion and Stevenson, 6-5. Combined doubles: Mrs. Jolly and Jolly beat Snow and Body 6-1 : Ln Roehe and Donaldson beat Reiil' and Dixon, 6-3: D. Jones and Rnnisev lost to Stowers and McMahon, o-6; A. Jones and H. Taylor lost Io Tremewan and Stovouson, 2-6. Randwick won 10 sets 78 games, Western Hutt won 6 sets 61 games.

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Dominion, Volume 27, Issue 59, 2 December 1933, Page 21

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HUTT VALLEY NEWS Dominion, Volume 27, Issue 59, 2 December 1933, Page 21

HUTT VALLEY NEWS Dominion, Volume 27, Issue 59, 2 December 1933, Page 21