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STOCKS AND SHARES Buying and Selling Activity ELEVEN SALES RECORDED More buoyant conditions prevailed in the investment market oft the Wellington Stock Exchange yesterday, and m nearly all groups there was considerable buying and selling activity. Government loans were in demand with more supplies available than hitherto. Eleven sales were recorded, the turnover on change being confined to one deal in Bank of New r/linnds nt £*’/3/3. Other bank issues‘were firm. 7 ln the breweries section offers for Staples hardened by Cd to £1 2/-, with no response by holders. WELLINGTON EXCHANGE Yesterday’s Quotations as Stock Exchange were as follow .

DEALINGS ON ’CHANGE Sales in the Dominion The-following sales were . recorded on the stock exchanges of the Dominion yes*

THE WOOL MARKET London Auctions Continue Firm CONTINENTAL COMPETITION London, January 24. Offerings catalogued to-day were 8352 bales, including 3457 New South Wales, 912 Queensland. 613 Victorian, 487 South Australian, 1G West Australian, and 2807 New Zealand. Approximately 7330 bales were sold. Good Home and Continental competition prevailed at full rates. , Sales included merinos, greasy, New South Wales, “Goonoogoonoo, highest 13d, average 117-8(1; Victorian. Ballantrie,” highest 13|d, average 121 d; South Australian, u Ganibier Clover, highest llld, average lid; Queensland, “Cambridge Downs,” highest Hid, average 10 3-8 d; and scoured, same brand, made 184 d. New Zealand sales were greasy crossbred, “Kawa,” highest lOil, average 7 <-8d; scoured merino, “Bendigo,” highest 10-tl, average 16-id. The Wairarapa Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Ltd., have been advised that good clearances continue to be made at the London wool sales. Latest quotations areHalfbred, 56/sS's. super 11 j(. average 10(1 to lid; 50/56's, super 10id, average 84d to Ojd. Fine crossbred. 48/ 50's, super 75d to 73d. average 5Jd to 6?d. Medium crossbred, super Gd to G?d, average. 5d to 5Jd; 40/44 s, super Gd. average 5(1 to 51d. Spinners’ Lots Firm at Sydney (Received Jan. 25, 9.45 p.m.). Sydney. Jan. 25. At the Svdney wool sales 10,465 bales were offered, of which 9973 bales were sold at auction and also 493 bales disposed of privately. There was keen general competition from all sections at closing sales of the week. Spinners fine quality wools were very firm at recent levels/ All other descriptions sold well up to late rates. Greasy Merino fleece sold to 16" d. FOREIGN EXCHANGES Latest Quotations Compared London, Jan. 24. The following rates on foreign exchanges were current to-day. compared with those ruling on January 23:—

•Nominal. The selling rate for telegraphic transfers, London on Cape Town, is £99/17/6 for £lOO sterling, and the buying rate £lOO/17/6. GOLD AND SILVER. . London, Jan. 4. Silver.—Cash, 17 l-8d per ounce; forward, 17 3-16 d. ■ Gold. —£6/1/7 per fine ounce. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE Pastoral Company Debentures London, Jan. 24. On the Stock Exchange to-day quotations of pastoral company stocks compare as follows with those previously cabled: — Jan. 10. Jan. 24. £ s d £' s d Dalgety and Co., shares 6 10 0 6 0 0 Dalgety’s 4 p.c. deb. stock 85 17 6 86 10 0 Goldsbrough Mort. 5 p.c. “B” deb. stock 76 10 0 78 0 0 Australian Mining Issues London, Jan. 21. Dealings in Australian mining shares are reported as follow :—Broken Hill, 22/-; Perseverance, 1/11}; Horseshoe, 3/1 OS ; Lake View, IS/4J.; Kamunting. 5/3; Rhodesia, 1/9; Wiluna. 40/9; North Kalgurli, 6/3 (nominal) : Great Boulder, 7/3; Sons of Gwalia, 14/-; South Kalgurli, 23/-. ELDER, SMITH AND CO. Dividend of Four Per Cent. Cable advice was received by the New Zealand Stock Exchange Association yesterday from Elder, Smith and Co., Ltd., stating that' an interim dividend at the rate of 4 per centum per annum for the half-year ended December 31 had been declared, payable March 1. The transfer books close on February 22 to March 1, inclusive. SYDNEY STOCK EXCHANGE Australian Consols Improve (Received Jan. 25, 9.40 p.m.). Sydney, Jan. 25. The further appreciation in values of Australian consols featured operations on the .Sydney Stock Exchange to-day. New Zealand loans, which sold for the first time since the advanced exchange rate, were marked down to make allowance for that revision. Sales: Commonwealth Bonds, 4 per cent., 1938, £102; 1941, £lO2/5/-; 1944. £lO2/8/9; 1947, £lO2/13/9; 1950. £lO3 2/0; 1953. £102; 1955, £lOl/12/6; 1957. £lOl/17/6; 1959. £lO2/2/6: 1961. £lO2 17/6; New Zealand securities, 5} per cent., 1937, £103; 51-8 per cent., 1937, New Zealand delivery, £97/15/-: Australian Gas A, £7/3/-; Commercial Bank of Sydney, £l6/10/-; Broken Hill I’py., 28/3: Broken Hili South, 46/-; Goldsbrough, Mort, 24/6; Winchcombo Carson, 23/7} ; British Tobacco. 33/-; Henry Jones, 37/-; Adelaide Steam, 22/-; Tooths, 35/4J. Morning sales : Commonwealth bonds, 4 p.c., 1938. £lO2/2/6; 1941, £lO2/3/9: 1944, £lO2/7/6; 1947, £lO2/12/6. and £lO2/13/9; 1950, £lO3/1/3; 1953, £102; 1955, £lOl/15/- and £lOl/16/3; 1961, £103; Tooheys. 20/9; D. Jones, New Zealand delivery. 21/3. Melbourne, Jan. 25. Sales: Broken Hill I’py., 28/6; British Tobacco, 32/9: Commercial Bank of Australia, pref., £B/4/-; Electrolytic Zinc, 28/7i.

N.Z. GOVT. LOANS Buyers. Sellers. £ s 1 £ s a 4; n.e. Bonds, 1941 ... 41 p.c. ditto, 1939 ... 44 n.e. ditto, 1938 ... 54 p.c. ditto, 1936 .. • • 51 p.c. ditto, Jeb., 1 37 -,J p.c. ditto, Sep.. 1137 5.1 p.c. ditto, 1933 ... 54 p.c. ditto. 1937 ... 41 n.e. Stock, 1939 ... 95 5 95 5 95 7 101 0 101 0 0 0 6 0 0 98 101 101 0 10 10 0 0 0 101 0 90 10 95 5 0 0 0 100 95 15 0 0 4Jt p.c. ditto, 1938 54 p.c. ditto. 1036 .-i 51 p.c. ditto, Feb.. 193< 54 p.c. ditto. Sep.. 193< 54 p.c. ditto, 1933 ... 5J p.c. ditto. 1937 ... 95 5 101 0 101 o 0 0 0 101 101 101 100 6 10 10 5 0 0 0 0 96 10 0 debentures. Auek. City and Sub. 97 o 0 Drainage, a p.c., -u™' Wgtn. Gas Co. ... ..... Wgtn. Racing Club . . 95 10 0 ‘ !' ' BANKS. ■ 0 — 10 1 Australasia ' S Commer. of Aust., ora *0 15 * i 10 0 0 15 o 4 9 National of N.Z. 3 5 Nat. of Australasia, £10 . . 11 10 0 — 0 — Ditto, £5 paid ... 5 10 0 5 30 15 o 0 o New South Wales 3 3 New Zealand 6 0 — Ditto, long term ... 1 8 17 10 7 18 0 FINANCIAL. Equitable Building ... Goldsbrougb. Mort, .. 1 4 0 o 1 0 4 0 9 N.Z. Guar. Corpn., ord . 0 4 6 N.Z. Invest., Mort, ana Wgtn.' Dep. and Mort. . — 0 5 0 GAS. *1 9 6 1 10 0 INSURANCE. Aust. Prov. Assce...... 0 14 0 0 0 ’8 15 6 0 New Zealand •2 4 0 - 6 0 ’RtrHIah • 2 15 MEAT. 1 7 a 1 10 6 N.Z. Refrig., 10/- paid 0 3 ii 0 4 3 > : TRANSPORT. Huddart, Parker, pref. 1 1 0 — Union Steam, pref. .... . 1 0 0 timber. 0 10 0 Leyland-O’Brien .... National 0 2 6 0 0 19 5 0 9 BREWERIES." Carlton — .• 1.14 6 . 1 2 0 — onll Cn .... . 1 14 8 1 14 9 ~ MISCELLANEOUS British Tobacco, ord 1 11 9 1 12 8 Burna, Philp ........ 0 53 7 0 0 0 Dominion Investments 1 1 0 — Eleetro. Zinc, pref. ... . 1 7 8 1 8 3 National Electric 9 0 10 0 . 2 15 — —• Fariners’“Fertlliser .. . 0 13 6 — N.Z. Paper Milla . 1 1 0 Sharland and Co., ord. ' — 1 0 0 Ditto, pref 1 0 0 We tn. Queen's Theatre -r1 1 0 Wilson’s Cement -.. . . 1 7 0 .1 9 3 on . 0 4 s .02 3 MINING. . 0 4 5 , iKing" Solomon ••••••« .02 0 . 0 o 3 . J 1 0 1 i 8 . O 5 0 _— . 1 1 3 1 1 9 0 1 « Gifiespie’s Beach ••,•••• . 0 0 10 . 0 5 8 0 5 11 Waltahn •Cum. dividend. . — u t fEx. dividend.

terday . WELLINGTON. £ s d Bank of New Zealand 2 8 3 Sales reported:— Govt. Bonds, 5$ p.c., Feb.. 1937 •101 2 6 Ditto, 54 p.c., Sept., 1937 .. •io: 1 2 6 Inscribed Stock, 5& p.c.. 1937 .< 0 Auckland Power Bd. debentures . 98 0 0 Com met. of . Australia, ord 1 J 15 o National of Australasia, £5 pd “> 12 6 N.Z. Insurance 6| 1 14 3 Waih! . 4 1 1 3 . 1 1 0 7 ; ’Late sale Tuesday. AUCKLAND. £ s d Auckland Harbour Board, 6 p.c., 1941 (2) 101 10 0 New Plymouth Harbour Board, %p p Fob 1956 (2) ...... 93 0 0 Commercial Bank 0 15 3 Ditto 0 15 <7 19 6 Nat. Bank of A'sia. con. (2) .... 5 12 6 Bank of New Zealand (2) ..... 0 National Insurance. . 0 14 1 L01 2 4 1 Ditto • ••• o s 0 1 6 0 0 K 0 0 4 0 0 4 6 0 0 31 0 9 0 Waihi 1 1 4 0 3 6 CHRISTCHURCH. d Inser.. Stock, 51 p.c., Feb.. 1937 101 10 0 Ditto, 54 p.c., Sept.. 1937 ... 101 0 0 Govt. Bonds, 5* p.c.. Feb.. 1937 Commercial Bank of Australia, 101 5 19 9 0 6 National Bank of N.Z. (3) 0 Bank of* New Zealand 3 Ditto (2) 2 3 3 Dalgetyiand Co. ’(3) 14 0 1 4 1 N.Z. Refrigerating. 10/- pd. (12) 0 4 0 Now Zealand Breweries ........ 1 7 5 Ditto (3) 1 10 British Tobacco (3) 1 12 3 Mt Droll .. 1 1 N.Z. Drug Co. (5) 16 0 B|r River (3) 0 1 3 Blackwater (2) 1 1 0 0 10 0 9 1 Wafhi . 1 1 6 "Waitahii '• ■ ", . 0 4 *» Ditto 0 4 6 Sales reported:— Commercial Bank of Australia. 8 0 0 National Bank of N.Z. (2) ....... »» 9 4 6 New Zealand Insurance, cum div. 6 Dunlop Rubber 0 17 3 16 3 Ditto" * 1G G 10 3 DUNEDIN. Sales reported:— £ s d Bank of New Zealand 3 6 3 7 0 15 New'zerhaud Kefrigerating. con. 0 4 0 Ditto 0 4 0 0 G 0 9 0 o : ii 0 4 4. Inscribed Stock. 4i p.c., 1938 (2) 95 15 0

Jan. 24. ■Tan. 23. Pa r. N; York. dol. to £ 3.38} 3.37 4.866 Montreal, dol. to £ 3.92} 3.87} 4.866 Brussels, bel. to £ 24.501 24.24} 35.00 Paris, fr. to £ .. 87 SO} 124 21 Geneva, fr. to £ 17.554 17.40 Amst’dam, fl. to £* 8.464 8.37} 12.107 Milan, lire to £ 66 9-10 65} 92.46 Berlin, mks. to £* 14 9-32 14.15 20.43 St’holm, knr. to £‘ 18.35} 18.35} 18.159 C’hagen,'knr. to £ 19 15-1C , 19.90 18.159 Oslo, knr. to £ 19.5 19.5 18.159 Vienna, schgs. to £ •29 *29 34.585 Prague, knr. to X? 114} 113.5 164.25 Hel’fors, mks. to £ 226.5 226 193.23 Madrid, pcs. to £ 41 7-16 41i. 25.225 Lisbon, esc. to £ 110 lift 110 Athens, drach. to £ 600 GOO 3 Belgrade, din. to £ 250 250 276.31 Bucharest, lei to 567.5 570 813.60 Bio de J„ P. to mil. 5 3-8 *5 3-S 5.899 B. Aires, p. to peso 44.5 42.5 47.62 M. Video, p. to peso *34 *34 51 Calcutta, p. to rup. IS 5-32 IS 5-32 18 Shanghai, p. to tael 20 7-16 20 3-16 —— H.-Kong, p. to dol. 15| Y’ham’a. p. to yen.. 15 1-32 14 15-16 24.582 Batavia, gl. to £ 8.43} S.35 J 12.107

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 104, 26 January 1933, Page 12

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 104, 26 January 1933, Page 12

FINANCE AND COMMERCE Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 104, 26 January 1933, Page 12