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Roberts’s Fine Victory


Interesting Sports Provided

Of the record number of amateur athletes and cyclists who took part at Petone ou Saturday in the annual Lay.kold Cup meeting, staged by the 'Petone Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club, the star performer was undoubtedly L. .Roberts, the Wellington Club cyclist. Itoberts’s riding was'almost certainly tile the finest track cycling that .has beet) seen here for at least two or three years. He gave a taste of- his form early in the afternoon when he outclassed his opponents in the half-mile opeu cycle handicap. But this was nothing to the form he showed in Hie tive-milc Laykold Cup event, which he won in decisive fashion after turning on an electrifying sprint over the last quarter mile. He was in perfect condition and rode cleverly. The meeting is one of trip most interesting of the regular annual meetings iu the z district, and jts main purpose is to provide the iive-mile cycle race for the Laykold Cup, which is run on the banked cycle track. On Saturday, however, the wind-was most disturbing. A strong 'north-westerly blew throughout, the afternoon, and’ athletes and cyclists were called upon to compete under the windiest. conditions they have met with for a long time. In the cycle races even - more ■ than in the athletic events the effect of the wind could be seen. Most ►•of-the riders were, slowed up. considerably as they turned iuto the wind on each circuit of the track. But, in. spite of 'iti .there were no crashes and no serious spills, although "its effect, on the riders, particularly those who were pushing high gears,Was noticeable. Gf the two dozen who started -in- the Laykold -Cup event. It) had withdrawn by the time the race was half ,'Over;.‘; The conditions did not,* however, keep the public away. >.A crowd of about .1000 people was present at the beginning of the meeting, arid by the time the first few events had been decided the crowd had .grown to nearly 2000. They were treated to a good deaf of interesting cycling, but not very much in the way’ of athletics Among the other cyclists who took part on Saturday the Petone riders, T. Boe and J. Morris, were prominent, and Boe was beaten only by’ Roberts in the Laykold Cup event. O. Disley, an Athletic I Club member, came third ,and Morris was placed fourth. The cup was presented to Roberts after the race by Mr. C. A. Willis, secretary of N. Z. Lay kold, Ltd., the donors of the cup. who constructed the banked track at Petone. Among the athletes K. O'Connell, L. Schncideman, and W. Ogg gave some ol the most interesting performances, and C. Chalk stood out in the mile. Miss K Sharp and -Miss Jean Murray were the two' most prominent women athletes, although in the 75 yards both were beaten by. Miss E.'Blatherwick. Tn the relay races the finishes were not close, although the events were interesting. Tn the results -which follow, clubs to which competitors belongs are indicated after their names by initials or letters in parentheses according lo the following list:—Wellington, W.: Kiwi. K : Olvmpic. 0.; Athletci, A.: Combined Old Bovs, O.B.: Miramar. Mir.; Masterton, Ms.; Otaki, Of.; Petone, P.: Ponekp. Pe.; Lower TTutt. IL: Scottish Harriers, S.; Johnsonville, J. Details of Saturday’s events are as follow: —

Fivo-mllo Uaykold Cup Cycle Handicap. L. Roberts (W.), 130yds 1 T. Roe (P.), 80yds - O % J»y <A.f„ 200yds J. Morris (P.), 220yds. 4 Time, 12mln. 42&ec. Tnere "was a tiold ot 24 riders, R. Ulmer (0.8.1. and G. K. Giles (Christchurch) on scratch. Giles had pedal trouble in the first lap, and after slipping back from Ulmer and falling in with flic limit men. was forced to retire. This was u disadvantage to Ulmer, who fell in with T. Hoc, the nearest man to him, with whom in the early laps, he rode at: good pace. A very high gear, in Saturday’s wind, was Ulmer’s downfall, and Koo had little difficulty, when about a mile and a quarter was gone, in sprinting away from him. A. Pennington (O.), 130yds., and G. Starcley (O), 180yds., were following Hoe, but they withdrew ‘from the event shortly afterward.

I With niue laps to go, 10 of the two dozen riders had given the race best. Those I who remained were formed into a bunch of 13, with Ulmer riding ou bis own about a third of a lap behind. Roe and other back-markers were at the rear of the bunch. Half a mile further on Morris was leading, with I'. Blackett (O.), 200yds.. Roberts and Dislcy behind him. Koo went up to sixth place with 1? miles to go. llisley was leading Blackett, Morris, Roberts and Roe when a mile still remained to go. By this time Ulmer was well behind, and he decided to withdraw, Blackett sprinted at the beginning of the ■third to Inst lap, with Morris, Dm ej’, Ro<and Roberts after him. With Unit a milt to go Blackett was still leading. During the lap which followed, Roc wont up to second place, witli Roberts on his wheel. Roberts then turned on a sensational

sprint, anil established a long break on tin: Held Roe came to light also, and he chased Roberts throug-hout the last lap. 11m remainder of the riders were well behind. But. Roberts was riding niagniiieentiy. and Roe had no chance of catching him. Roberts flashed across the lino 20 yarr S ahead of Hoe, who was himself 20 yar Is ahead of Disley. Morris was about the same distance behind Disley. Other Cycle Events-llaif-uiiie open Cycle Handicap.—h irst heat: L. Roberts (W.R 30yds., 1; D. Davis (l*e.), 125yds., 2; L>. Sowerby (A.). iPyds., . I- 3. '.Lime, (it 1-5 see. .Second heat: J. Morris IV.J. 35yds., 1; R. Black (B.i, llloyds., i 2;.R. Coulter (Ot.R.TUyds., 3. Time, Msec. Third beat: E. R. f'ouitou (A.), 00yds., 1; It. Evans (Be.), 110yds.. 2j G. Stayeley (O.) 4’jyils.. «’». Time, tii -l-oscc. riual. Roberts, 1; Boulton, 3: Evans, o. lime, tl3 4-osee. As in his heat, Roberts outclassed his companions in the Unal. It won by 15 yards'trom Boulton, wuo "as several lengths ahead o£ Evans. uue Milo open Cycle Handicap.—h irst heat: R. Ulmer (0.B.). scr., 1; J- Moi™ ip.,. 55yd5.„2: F. Blackett to.). .Oyds., 3. Time 2min. 21 3-ssee. second heat: K. Coulter (Gt.), 100yds., 1; R. Boulton (A..', buvds., 2; E. Ericsson (Mir.), o. Ti m., smiu. 19 4-ssec. Third heat : .1. Ron 11.). soyds., It R- Blaek (I’.), l-Myds., -. (0.), 00yds, 3. Time, kinin. 21 l-ssoc. Final: Roc, 1; Mori is, Llrntr, <>. Time', flniln. 20see. Won by more than a Two Miles Open Cyclo Handicap.—U. liislcy (A.). 95yds.. .1; A. Bemniigton (0.1, Tbvds.. 2; R. Lyster (A.), Ooyds.. 3. limo. smin. 0 2-ssee. Lyster was dlsqualttied. Two-raile Second-class Cycle Handicap. -O. Disley <AA. scr., 1; u. StavelCy (OA. scr 2: K. Lyster (A.), 3oyds„ 3... lime, umiu. Usee. There were 20 starters.

Athletic Events. . 100 Yards Open Handicap.—l’irst beat: J. Phillips (H.)s 6yds., 1; A. Wclply (M..;, 41yds.. and AV. Kiley (A.), 9yds„ dead-heat. 2* Time, 9 4-s£ec. Second K. O’Connell (0.), 7yds., 1: W. Caultuu (S.). Byds., 2; L Sclineideman ■ (W.), 44yds.. 3. Timo, lOsce. Third heal.: 31. Furlong (15..), Blvds.. I: K. Page (A.), 94yds., 2; F. L; Brant (PJ. 74yds.. 3. Time. lOsoc. hour □ beat: K. Dandy (KA. 44yds., 1; SL Talk (p.». SJyds.. 2: E. S. Austin (K.). »Jyds„ 8. Ttme.'Kteee.' Final: O’Connell, 1; A alk, 2; Phillips. 3 Time. 9 3-ssee. A I fast, close finish. . 220 Yards Open Handicap.—t Irst neat. C. Jenkins (W.), scr., 1; It. G. Dandy (K.l, 9yds., and F. L. Bryant (P.l, 15yds.. deadheat, 2. Time, 2-lsec. Second heat: L. M. Schucldenian (AA’.l, 9yds., 1: K. O Connell 10.1. 15yds., 2: W. Crooks (PA, Uyds., 3. Time. 2isee. Third heat: J. Phillips (11.1, 13yds. 1; A. J. Barlow (AV.). 17yds., 2: A. Welply (AV.), 9yds.. 3. Time, 2-lsec. Fourth heal : 31? Furlong (K.), 11yds., 1; A Telftir (AV.). Uyds., 2; 1- G. Robson (K.l, 15yds., 3. ’Time, 25sec. Final: Sehncideman, <!;• Crooks, 2; O’Connell, 3. Time, 24sec. Sehncideman ran a first-class ra 4li) Yards Handicap.—D. O. McKenzie (SA. 26v<ls„ 1: F. C. Stone (K.l. 24yds.. 2: AV. Ogg (0.), set., 3. Time. 52 2-usec. AVon bv a vaod. . Ogg-ran extremely well. ‘Half-mile Open Handicap.—D. 0. McKenzie (SA. 40yds.. 1: C. M.-Brown (0.). .’soyds., 2: B. I.awcr. (S.l. 20yds., 3. Time. 2min. 4 4-ssee. AVon by four yards, six yards between second and third. There were 12 starters. ’ One Mile. Flat Handicap. -C. Chalk (A.), SOvds., 1: C. Gibbons (AV.). 25yds., 2: G. BtiytiC (PA, scr.. 3.- Time,' 4min. 42i 3--sscc. Chalk passed Calvert in the third lap, and was leading at the boll. He went-ahead well and established a long lead. Bayne was coming up meanwhile, but was' over-, taken by Gibbons, who overhauled Calvert at a gobd’pace. \lle was beaten to tho tape, however, bv about.2o yards. Bayne, who had not exerted himself, was 15 yards away. Ido Yards'Junior Handicap. —J. Waterman (AV.), scr., 1: X. Godfrey (AA, 3yds., 2; F. L. Bataer (SA, 3yds., Time, 11 2-ssec. ScctAd heat: J. Holmes (AVA, 3vds„ 1: J- S. Mackay (0.), 3yds.. 2; R. Conibs (A.), 2yds., 3. Time, 10 4-ssec. Final: Mackay, 1; Holmes, 2; AV titerman, 3. Time, 11 see. Women’ll Even to. ■ 75 Yards AVomen’s Handicap.—First beat: Miss B. Purvis (AVA. 9yds.; 1 : Miss M. Hill (PA, Syds., 2; Miss M. AVallace (I’A, 4yds., 3 Time, 8 4-iisec. Second heat: .Miss Jean .Murray (A.), 6yds., 1; .Miss 1.. Oughton (AA. 84yds., 2; Miss E. Sharp (AVA. 34yds., 3 ’rime. 8 2-usec. Third heat: Miss E. Kobins (KA. fill ds.. 1: Miss J. Sharp (AV.), "yds.. 2: Miss E. Blatlicrwlek (AA.), syds., 3. Time, 9sec. Final: Miss Blatherwick, 1’; Miss E. Sharp, 2; Miss Murray, 3. Time, 8 3-ssec. AVon by inches. 100 Yards AVomen’s Handicap.—First heat: Miss B. Purvis (AVA, 11yds., 1; Miss L. Kobins (KA, 74yds., 2; Miss J. Sharp (AVA, 9yds.. 3. Time,ell 2-ssee. Second heat: Miss M. AVallace (P.)j s*yd-s., -1: Miss E. Fisher (P.). 10yds., 2; Miss D. Martin

. (M.), Syds., 3. Time. 11 3-ssec. Third heat: Miss Jean Murray (AA, Byds., 1; Miss E. Sharp (AVA, 4Jyds.. 2; Miss X. Browne (PA. 84yds., 3. - Time, 11 l-ssec. Final: Miss Murray, 1: Miss Sharp, 2; Miss AVallace, 3. Time, llscc. Belay Events. 4-10 Yards Men’s Scratch Relay Race. — Petone (H. Valk, F. Bryaut. J. Hamilton, AV. Crooks). 1; Wellington (H. Le Grove. A. Tclfar, S. AA-’ard, A. AVelply), 2: Kiwi (H. McNeill, R. Knoblock, P. Phillips, M. B. Furlong), 3. Time, 45 4-ssec. Pctono led all tbo’way to win by nine yards. Kiwi was six yards behind Wellington. AVomen’s Belay (-four laps of 110 yards eiic-b).—Petone (Misses M. Hill. E. Powell, N. Browne, M. Ai'allace), 15yds., 1: Wellington A (Misses E. Sharp, E. Blatherwick, D. Hurley, J. Willson), scr., 2; Wellington B (Misses B. Purvis, J. Sharp, J. Kench, T. Kench), 15.vd5.,w3. Time, 51 2-ssce. Children’s Events. Boys’ Cycle Race.—Critchley, 1; Dutton, 2; AVilltams, 3. „ , , , Boys’ Race.—Peter Bennie, 1; Pat Anderson. 2. Tint Logan, 3. Girls’ Race.—Mavis Tomkins, 1; Elsie Double. 2; Betty ’Taylor. 3. Boys’ .Quartcr-milo Walk. —Peter Bennie, 1; Hoy Henderson, 2.

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 67, 12 December 1932, Page 6

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CUP CYCLE RACE Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 67, 12 December 1932, Page 6

CUP CYCLE RACE Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 67, 12 December 1932, Page 6