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Secondary School Boys SOME RECORDS BROKEN ■■ Meeting at Athletic Park Leading schoolboy athletes from Wellington, the Hutt Valley, and Masterton competed at Athletic Park on Saturday in the eleventh annual sports of the Wellington Secondary Schools Athletic Association. Competition was keen from beginning to end, and there were many excellent contests to interest the crowd of about 1000 people who occupied fhe grandstand in the afternoon. Nine schools took part, and the points competition on the day’s sport was won by Wellington College and the Hutt Valley High School, who tied with 36$ points each. Wairarapa High School, which had sent down a strong contingent, came third with 21$ points, and St. Patrick’s College a close fourth with 21 points. In the course of the day a comparatively large number of records were' broken or equalled, but owing to the unfavourable weather Saturday’s record performances will be subject later to confirmation by the association. Record performances were exceeded, however, in the senior high jump, senior long jump, the discus event, the intermediate long jump, the junior 220 yards and 440 yards, the junior long jump, and the junior 440 yards relay race. Records were equalled in the junior high jump and the intermediate 440 yards relay race. Throughout the day a gusty northerly wind made conditions unpleasant for' competitors. It was blowing right against them in the short sprint, and had an obvious effect on the times. In the long jump events the wind was behind them, and it accounted, no doubt, to some extent for the remarkable performances registered. In the results given below the events are divided into the senior, intermediate, and junior classes, and the schools to which competitors belong are indicated by initials appearing in parentheses after their names, according to the following list: Hutt'Valley High School, H.; Rongotai R.; Scots College, S.; St. Patrick’s College, S.P.C.; Technical College, T.; Wairarapa High School, W;R. ;, Wellesley College, W.Y.; Wellington College, •W.N.; Silverstream College, S.L. Leading Atliletes.

Among the senior boys, A. James (H.), C. M. Ongley (W.N.), E. R. Chesterman (W.R.), A. Taylor (S.), I. Fisher (5.P.5.).-T. Parsonage (S.P.C.), and D. Bennett (T.), stood out in the track events, -and J. R. Warham (W.R.), J. 8. Mackay (W.N.), A. McDonald (H.), E. R. McClune (W.N.), and R. B. Price (H.), in the field events. In the intermediate events, C. Robinson (R.), G. Phillips (H.), and I. Bowden (W.RJ, were prominent, and in the field-events, N. S. Burns (W.N.), and B. Carr (S.P.C.). The outstandthe junior boys wereß. R. McPherson (W.R.), and M, Watt (W.N.), although A. Phillips (IL), was another excellent performer. One of the most interesting performances of the day was that of R. Elvers (S.L.), in the junior high jump. Elvers is small, he jumps in excellent style, and was only narrowly beaten on Saturday by M. Wilson (T.), who equalled the record. Eivers shows signs of turning into a future national champion. The full list of points won by competing schools on the day’s events was as follows: Wellington College and Hutt Valley High School, each 36$ points; Wairarapa High School, 21$ points; St. ■ Patrick’s College, 21 points; Technical College, 13$ points; Rongotai College, 12$ points; Silverstream College, 4$ points; Scots College, 4 points; Wellesley College, nil. The McEvedy Shield was presented at the end of the afternoon to the Wellington and Hutt captains, C. M. Ongley and A. F. James, by the president of the association, Father Dowling. Throughout the morning and afternoon the programme was kept well up to schedule by an efiicient band of officials. There were no delays, and the events were put through in excellent time. The afternoon’s events opened with a grand parade of athletes, about 150 strong, who marched round the ground, headed by the Scots College pipe band. They made an-• impressive sight. Details of the events are as follow: — SENIOR EVENTS

100 Yards.—First heat: A. James (H.), 1; E. R. Chesterman (W.R.), 2; T. M. Ongley (W N ) 3. Time, llsec. Second heat: C. M. Ongley (W.N.), 1; G. Gleeson (S.L.), 2; A Taylor <S.), 3. Time. 11 2-ssee. Final: James, 1; Chesterman, 2; Ongley, 3. Time, 11 l-ssec. Won by half a yard. 220 Yards. —First heat: I. Fisher (SPC.), 1: G. Hannah (S.L.), 2; B. McEwen (S.), 3. Time, 25 l-ssec. Second heat: J. S. Machay (W.N.), 1; C. Meachem, (W I'.), 2; J. Best (S.L.), 3. Time, 24 4-5 sec.' Third heat: A. Taylor (S.), 1; C. M. Ongley'(W.N.), 2; T. Lister (T.), 3. Time, 24 2-ssec. Final: Ongley, 1; Taylor, 2; Fisher, 3. Time, 25sec. 440 Yards.—E. K. Chesterman (W.R.), 1- T N. Bush (W.N.), 2; I. Fisher (S.P.C.), 3. Time, 55 3-ssec. Won by about a yard. Half-mile.—T. Parsonage (S.P.C.), 1; D. Bennett (T.), and V. Paino (S.L.), dead heat, 2; Time, 2mln. 7sec. Won by seven yards. Paino had a great tussle with Bennett. / One Mile.—T. Parsonage (8.P.C.), 1; L>. Bennett (Uh). 2; D. It. Scrymgeour (W.N.), 3 Time, 4mln. 57sec. M. L. Binning (W.N.) was leading at the bell, but he fell back in the next few yards behind the three placed men. Paruouage clapped on the pace, and although Bennett chased him hard in the last 100 yards reached the tape about 5 yards ahead. Scrymgeour was about three yards behind Bennett. 120 Yards Hurdles—First heat: A. James (H.), 1; A. Taylor (S.), 2; P. McDonald (S.P.C.), 3. Time, ITsec. Second beat: J. M. Hill (W.N.), 1; H. Bourke (S.L.), 2; A. S. McWhlnnie (W.R.), 3. Time, 17 l-ssec. Final: James, 1; Taylor, 2; Hill, 3. Time, 17 l-ssec. High Jump.—J. R. Warham (W.R.), sft. 6iin., 1; J. S. Mackay (W.N.), sft. oin., 2; E. Benham (W.N.), sft. 2in„ 3. Both Warbam and .Mackay broke the record of sft. 41 in. Long Jump.—A. McDonald (H.), 20ft. lOJin., 1; A. F. James ril.), 20ft. Oln., 2: J. M. HUI (W.N.), 20ft. Sin., 3. McDonald’s jump broke the record by half an inch. Throwing the Discus.—E. R. McClune (W.N.). 131 ft. lln„ 1; R. B. Price (H.l, 128 ft.. 2; M. Brennan (S.L.), 112 ft. 4ln„ 3. The record was 117 ft. 7jin. INTERMEDIATE EVENTS 100 Yards.—First beat: G. Phillips (H.), 1; I. Bowden (W.R.), 2; Short (W.N.), 3. Time, 11 l-ssee. Second heat: C. Robinson (R.), 1; P. Standidge-Wllllams (W.N.), 2; D. Hogan (S.P.C.), 3. Time, 11 2-ssec. Final: Phillips, 1; Robinsou, 2; Bowden, 3. Time, 11 2-ssec. A close finish. 220 Yards.—First heat: G. Phillips (H.), 1; I. Bowden (W.RJ. 2; D. Hogan (S.P.C.), 3. Time. 24see. Second heat: P. Stan-dldge-Williams (W.N.), 1; I. Hunter (S.), 2; J. Jarrle (H.), 3. Time, 20sec. Third heat: C. Robinson (R.), 1; H. C. Arnold (W.N.). 2; W. Morries (W.Y.), 3. Time, 24 4-ssee. - Final: Robinson, 1: Bowden, 2; Arnold, 3. Time, 24 j-ssec. Won by a yard; time distance between second and third. 440 Yards.—C. Robinson (R.), 1; G. Phlllfps (H.), 2; C. Mexted (S.P.C.), 3. Time, 50 2-ssec. Robinson ran through to the front about 160 yards from home, and was never headed, although Phillips gained on him in the straight, and finished only about a foot behind. Mexted was a yard away. Half-mile.—J. Garty (T.l. 1: R. O'Callaghan (W.RJ, 2; F. R. Miller (W.N.), 3. Time, 2min. 16 2-ssec. O'Callaghan seemed to have the race in hand in the second lap. but he was overtaken 1n the straight

by Garty, who put iu a good run to reach title tape two yards ahead. 120 Yards Hurdles.—First heat: It. Pilling (H.), 1: R. Mitchell (T.). 2; P. L. Collings (W.N.), 3. Time, 19 2-ssee. Second heat: B. Carr (S.P.C.), 1; N., S. Bums (W.N.), 2; I. Hunter (S.), 3. Pinal: Burns, 1; Carr. 2; Pilling, 3. Time, ISsec. High Jump.—B. Carr (S.P.C.), 3ft. lin., 1; N. S. Burns (W.N.), and J. Wogan (R.), eaual. sft.. 2. Long Jump.—G. Phillips (H.), 20ft. 6in.» 1; W. Darragh (S.P.C.), 19ft. 101 n., 2: H. Warburton (H;). 10ft. 51n., 3. The exist-; ing record was 19ft. 9»in. JUNIOR EVENTS 100 Tarda.—First heat: B. K. McPherson (W.R.), 1; A. Phillips (H.), 2; I. Williams ■<SPC) 3. Time, 12sec. Second heat: M. Watt (W.N.), 1; R. Muir (H ) 2; T. McDonald (S.P.C.), 3. Time, 11 3-3scc. Final: Watt 1; McPherson, 2; Phillips, 3. Time, 11 3-ssec. Won by a yard. 220 Yards. —First heat: A. Phillips (H.), 1- J. L. Adams (W.N.), 2; I. Williams (SPC) 3. Time, 26 3-ssec. .Second heat: B. R. McPherson (W.R.), 1; T. McDonald (SPC). 2: J, Boeson (T.), 3. Third heat: M. Watt'tW.N.), 1; R- Munro (W.Y.), 2- G. Turney VR.), 3. Time, 20 2-ssec. Final: McPherson, 1; Watt, 2; Phillips, 3. Time 25 l-ssec. McPherson won by more than 'two yards. His time was 2-ssec. less tb «0 Yards.—r’R. McPherson IW.R.), 1; R. Muir (H.), 2; I. Williams (S.P.C.), o. Time 59 2-ssec. McPherson was in the lead 'throughout, and shot ahead at the 300 yards mark to establish a break on the field He won by about seven yards, with two yards between second and third High Jump.—M. Wilson (T.), Aft. lllin.. 1; R. Eivers (5.L.),.4Ct. A. Phillips (H.), and D. Aitken (W.R.). equal, 4ft, Clin.. 3.' Wilson’s jump equalled the r To r ng Jump.—M. Watt (W.N.), 19ft 1; r Grant (H ), 17ft. 51in., 2: A. Phillips Fh ) 17ft. lita’, 3. Watt broke the existing record of ISft. sjin. RELAY RACES gen Turds Senior Relay. Hutt (A’ ll* Tames, A. McDonald, M. Church, L. Hughes), 1; Wellington College (C. M. Oakley T > M. Ongley, J. S. Mackay, A. D. Brown), 2; St. Patrick's (T. Timmins, P. McDonald, I. Fisher, B. Mexted), o. Time, imln. 39see. Hutt got well away In the first lap,- but Wellington went up steadily and was only a yard behind at the first changeover. Hutt led by about 3 yards in the second lap from y el J i in . , ’ to °’ w l lth t g t ’ Patrick’s about 7 yards behind. In the third lap Hutt and Wellington got away together, and their men fought a keen duel some 20 yards ahead of the remainder of the field. The last lap opened with the two on equal terms, but the Hutt man worked ahead slightly, and in a thrilling finish reached the tape about a yard and a half in front of the Wellington man. The third man was nearly 20 yards away. 410 Yards Relay, Intermediate.—First heat: St. Patrick's (W. Darragh D. Hogan, C. Mexted, B. Carr), 1; Hutt <G. Phillips, H W.arburton, J. Jarvle, R. Foster), 2; Technical (R. Cheyne, K. Wilkinson, W. Goddard, R. Swauson), 3. Time, 48 _-5 sec. Second heat: Wellington (P. J. Stan-dldge-WUHams, H. C. Arnold, W. F. Shortt, M. V. Kidd), 1; Rongotai (C. Robinson, P. Knowsley, G. Turner, R. Cocks), 2- Wellesley (W. Morriss, M. Solomon, R. Munro, A. Wyness), 3. Time, 49see. Final: St. Patrick’s, 1; Wellington College, 2; Hutt, 3. Time, 49 2-ssec. Equalling the record.' 440 T’ards Relay, Junior.—First heat: Technical (A. R. Abbott, J. Boeson, J. Kemp, R.' Smith), 1; Hutt (A. Phillips, R. Muir, D. Bertinshaw, C. Grant), 2; St. Patrick’s (C. Mulcahy, B. Sparway. T. McDonald. I. Williams), 3. Time, 53 4-ssec. Second heat: Wellington (M. Watt, J. L. Adams, H. G. Turner, W. H. August), !: Wairarapa (B. R. McPherson, L. Mexted, R. Warham, J. Macdonald), 2; Rongotai (G Taylor, R. Sunnex, A. Larsen, N. Jennings), 3. Time, 50 2-ssec. Final: Wellington, 1; Hutt, 2; Technical, 3. Time, 51 2-ssec. Watt gave Wellington a lead in the first lap, which eventually brought them to the tape about 7 yards in front. The time was 2.ssec. below the record. OTHER EVENTS 100 Yards, under 14.—First heat: A. R. Abbott (T.), 1; I. E. Berendseu (W.N.), 2: A. Whitcher (H.). 3. Time, 13sec. Second heat: G. Taylor (R.), 1: R. Smith (T.), 2: K. Brooke-Taylor (W.N.), 3. Time, 12 3-5 see. Final: Taylor, 1; Abbott, 2; Smith, 3. Time, 12 4-ssec. A close finish. 440 Yards Primary Schools’ Relay Race.— Marist Brothers, Tasman Street, 1; Silverstream, 2.

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 49, 21 November 1932, Page 6

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DAY OF ATHLETICS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 49, 21 November 1932, Page 6

DAY OF ATHLETICS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 49, 21 November 1932, Page 6