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Brilliant Harold Logan HUTT PARK TROTS Indianapolis Impressive FAVOURITES’ GOOD DAY (By “Overcheck.”) The weather conditions were not all that they might have been for the 17x11liugton Trotting Club's meeting at Hutt Park on Saturday. the weather being overcast with a fairly strong northerly iu evidence. Fortunately, however, m> rain fell during the afternoon, aud those present were able to enjoy a most interesting day’s racing. Harold Logan won the New Zealand Cup Trial in most convincing style, and this has brought him into still greater favour for the New Zealand Cup. Red Shadow, although he got second inoiiey. did not rate as well as expected, but nevertheless proved his superiority over the other runners. The October Handicap was a particularly good race, Arabond winning from well back iu a manner reminiscent of the victory recorded b.v Ayrmont Chimes in the principal race at the September meeting- . , Another horse who registered a most attractive performance was the three-year-old colt Indianapolis, wlm registered the smart time of 3.26 1-5 from a 3.36 mark, and he promises to develop into a performer of the very highest class. , .... The attendance was quite satisfactory, while the machine handled £14,900/15/-, as against £16,860 for the corresponding meeting last year. Mr. W. Pere. the club’s secretary, again had matters running smoothly, and the racing was got off well to time. Too Many Breaks. Fairyland, who had to receive veterinary attention on Friday, was scratched for the Petoue Handicap, for which Louis Bingen was installed a firm favourite. The field all went away at the fall of the flag, but Stanley Bingen almost immediately went to a break. At the end of-a furlong El Merit led from Louis Bingen, Miss Leda, Wall, Mr. Penalty and Stanley Bingen. Louis Bingen and El Merit piloted the field down the back, but approaching the western bend Louis Bingen went up and the whole of the field had passed him before be regained his correct gait. El Merit had a substantial lead coming into the straight, and with a round to go the order was El Merit, Wall, Stanley Bingen, Miss Leda, Mr. Penalty and Louis Bingen. Racing down the back Wah received a check, and Stanley Bingen ran into second place. Racing for the straight El Merit was flying distress signals, but as they straightened up for the run home she still had a slight lead from Stanley Bingen and Wah. The latter, trotting steadily, outstayed Stanley Bingen, who was also passed by Louis Bingen. Miss Leda finished well in fourth place. Louis Bingen cotild hardly have lost had he gone steadily. . He is a bad breaker in as much as he has to be practically pulled up before'he can be got back to his correct gait. Favourites Score. Max Havoc and Gunmetal were allowed to forfeit their engagements in the Novice Handicap, for which War Officer and Desert Maiden received most support, and they finished in the order in which they were backed. Desert Maiden, who drew the rails, led out from War Officer and Trada.- With two furlongs gone' the leaders were. Desert. Maiden, War Officer, ■Teclu, Trada and Donum. There was no material change over the next four furlongs, except that Iron Man had run into fifth place. Racing round the western bend Storm Queen, who was at this stage trailing the field, commenced a strong run which took her up to the leaders three furlongs from home, but she then tangled and ruined her chance. At the straight entrance Desert Maiden led from War Officer, Iron Mnn and Ttela. On this occasion War Officer came on full of running, and in the end won rather comfortably from Desert Maiden, who was three lengths clear of Iron Man. with Tecla fourth. A Close Finish. Nelson's Victory was installed favourite for the October Handicap. In the writer's opinion he is not a good stayer, but on this occasion the race was run to suit him and he managed to defeat all but Arabond. When the field settled down Country King had charge from Kelp, Bracken and Nelson’s Victory. At the stand the field wns running in double filo, Country King and Bracken being the loading pair from Kelp and Nelson Victory,• followed bv Raydus. Major Lind. Arabond, Tactless, ilr-rod, Sir Guy and Great Parrish. Save that Sir Guy made a forward move coming into the straight the second time there was little change in the respective positions of the contestants. Three furlongs from home Nelson’s Y ictory shot out and at the straight entrance had an advantage of about two lengths from Bracken, with the others in close attendance. Sir Guy, coming strongly on the outside, threw out a challenge over the final furlong and the issue appeared to be between he and Nelson’s Victory when suddenly Arabond appeared on the scene, and. finishing with , a great burst of speed, got up in time to xvin narrowly from Nelson’s Victory, with Sir Guy a head away third. Major Lind was fourth. Had Hooper delayed his run until approaching the straight it is not improbable that Nelson Victory would have won as .he was tiring over the last 50 yards and it was this fact that enabled Arabond to overhaul him. Terence Dillon and Royal Silk were withdrawn from the New Zealand Cup Trial Handicap, which proved to be a good thing for the champion Harold Logan, who' returned a surprisingly good price in the circumstances. YVhcn the field was dispatched Harold Logan gave a couple of jumps before striking his proper gait. Logan's Pride and King Pointer were the first to show out. At the end of a furlong Red Shadow had run into third place, but at the end of four furlongs he had dropped back asrain. the order then being Logan's Pride. Glenrossie. King Pointer, Harold Logan. Red Shadow, Impromptu, and Carmel, who after a slow beginning showed a great burst of speed in the second and third furlong. With three furlongs to go Glenrossie had bls head in front of Logan's Pride, who was beginning to feel tho effects of the fast pace be had set. Once, straightened up for home. Harold Logan commenced his run. and ho soon bad the measure of his opponents. Red Shadow then came on the scene, but it was not until the hist'so yards that be got the measure of King Pointer, who fought on very uainoly under nressuro. Glonrossio was fourth. Harold Logan registered 2.39 1-5. a particularly fine effort, especially as lie was not fully extended at any stage of the journey. Good Three-year-old. Hard Words was the only scratching in the Borough Handicap, for which the three-year-old colt Indianapolis was maic a good favourite, and he won in a very impressive manner in 3.26 .1-5. He is a tall, horse with a nice smooth action, and a great stride, and with an even break it will take a real chainpion to beat him in the Derby next month. When the tape*-’ ■\vere released Little Victor stumbled, but made a jjood recovery. Arthur Chiiuc.s led out from Smooger, Little Victor. Indianapolis and David McElwyn. M itli six furlongs covered the order was Arthur Chillies, Smooger. Little Victor, Indianapolis, Miluid. David McElwyn, Native Berry, and Worthy Queen, who was 1 trotting very steadily, but not making any great impression, which was not surprising considering the mice set. Smooger was in charge from Arthur Chimes and Little Victor racing down the back, but three furlongs from home Tonikiusou put the

question to Indianapolis, aud responding in great style it was soon apparent that he had the race in safe keeping.- Little Victor broke on the bend, and lost his position. In the straight Native Berry came through, and although he had no chance of overhauling Indianapolis he outstayed Smooger aud David McElwyn. . Native Berry’s effort was a good one, as he registered 3.25, and he seems to run more kindly for M. Holmes than for any other driver. Improved Showings. There were ouly live starters in the President’s Handicap, in which Louis Bingen was made a particularly warm order, aud it appeared to the writer that his defeat was due to over-confidence on the part of his driver. In the early stages both El Merit and Stanley Bingen broke, but did not lose much ground. At the end of four furlongs Stanley Bingen led from Louis Bingen, Mr. Penalty, El Merit and Wah, who was trotting very steadily. There was no chauge over the next six furlongs, but with a round to go El Merit broke and dropped back. Mr. Penalty began to give ground half a mile from home. Townley was content to allow Stanley Bingeu to make the pace, and he did not call upon Louis Bingen for his best until they had entered the straight. Stanley Bingen never faultered nnd lasted long enough to hold off Louis Bingen by a narrow margin. With another few yards to go the latter would have been the winner. Desert Maiden Improves. War Officer and Gunmetal dropped out of the Short Handicap, in which Storm Queen and Tecla made a slow beginning, Bingen Wrack, Trada, Desert Maiden, Tenor and Jean Parrish being the early leaders. With six furlongs covered Iron Man and Donum had run into fourth and fifth positions, while Storm Queen was moving up smartly. Tomkinson gave Desert Maiden her head about three furlongs from home and she immediately established a lead of three or four lengths, which she maintained until the end. Bingen Wrack had no difficulty in holding off Iron Man, who was driven vigorously in an effort to gain second berth. Tecla was a moderate fourth. The winner went 2.47 4-5 from a 3.7 murk, or over 19 seconds better than she was handicapped to do. Favourite in Last. There was a good pool in the last race, Nelson’s Victory being made favourite. Bracken made a slow beginning, Dusolina being the early leader from Kelp and Country King. At the stand the first time the order was Dusolina, Nelson’s Victory, Kelp, Major Lind, Country King, Bracken, Raydus, Baron Bingen, Purser, Herod and Sir Guy. Nelson’s Victory moved up on the eastern bend and had charge from Major Lind, Dusolina, Bracken and Kelp four furlongs from home. Racing for the straight Herod made a forward move on the outside of the field, but it was a short-lived effort. Nelson’s Victory led into the straight from Dusolina and Kelp, and they finished in this order, the first-named never being seriously challenged. Details of the Racing PETONE HANDICAP (harness), of 120 sovs., second 20 sovs., third 10 sovs.; unhoppled trotters; 3.57 class. One mile and 5 furlongs. 4 M. O’Brien’s b. g. WAH, by Peterwah —Amy Dillon, Gyrs., GOyds. behind (8. A. Eagan) 1 IR. Rutherford’s ch. g. LOUIS BINGEN’, syrs., 48yds. behind (R. Townley) 2 2 R. Jonp's b. g. STANLEY BINGEN, Gyrs., fldvds. behind (J. Bryce, jun.) 3 Also started: 3 El Merit, 12yds. behind; G Miss Leda, 36yds. 'behind; 5 Mr. Penalty, 72yds. behind. Length; length and a half. Miss Leda was fourth. Times, 3.47 3-5, 3.49 3-5, 3.51. (Winner trained by S. A. Eagan, Blenheim)

NOVICE HANDICAP (harness), of 100 sovs., second 15 sovs., third 10 sovs.; 3.45 class. One mile and a half. 1 JI. Gorman's b. g. WAR OFFICER, by Mafi-o'-War —Prince Imperial marc, svrs.. limit (M. B. Edwards) 1 2 T G Fox’s b. m. DE'SE'RT MAIDEN', oyrs., limit .... (W. J. Tomkinson) 2 4 C. S. Donald's b. g. IRON MAN, syrs„ limit (C. S. Donald) 3 Also started: "8 Storm ' Queen, limit; -G Match King, limit; 3 Trada, limit; 7 'Leela, limit; 8 Donum, limit; 9 Tenor. limit. Length aud a half ;'tout lengths. Tecla was fourth. Times, 3.33, 3.33 2-5, 3.41 1-5. (Winner trained ‘by M. B.’ Edwards, Yaldliurst.)

OCTOBER HANDICAP (harness), of 200 sovs.. second 40 sovs., third 20 sovs.; 4.36 class. Two miles. 4 J. R. Corrigan’s br. g. ARABOND, by Worthy Bond—Aranui, aged. 12yds. behind (J* B.'Pringle) 1. 1 W. Sticking’s b. g. NELSON’S 'VICTORY, syrs„ 24yds. behind(O. E. Hooper) .2 2 C. P. Cameron’s b. h, SIR GUY, Gyrs., 36yds. behind (C. S. Donald) .4 Also started: 9 .Country King, limit; 3

Bracken, limit: 7 Kelp, limit; 8 Herod, 24 yds. behind; 10 Raydus. 24yds. behind; 5 Tactless. 24yds. behind; 11 Major Lind. 24 yds. behind: 6 Great Parrish, 3Gyds. behind. Head; same. Major Lind fourth. Times: 4.36 2-o, 4.30 3-u, 4.J0. (Winner trained by <T. B. Pringle, II a we r a.)

NEW ZEALAND CUP TRIAL HANDICAP, (harness), of 300 sovs., second 60 sovs., third 40 sovs.; 2.43 class. One mile and a quarter. 1 Miss E. Hinds’s b. g. HAROLD LOGAN, by Logan Pointer—lvy Cole, aged. 3Gvds. behind ....(A. Holmes) 1 2 W. G. Deyell’s ch. h. RED SHADOW, Gyrs., 24yds. behind (J. Bryce, jun.) 2 G. W. McDonald’s blk. g. KING POlNx. TER, aged, limit ~..(O. E. Hooper) 3 Also started:.3 Glonrossio, limit; 7 Logan’s Pride, limit: 4 Impromptu, 12yds. behind: 5 Carmel, 24yds. behind. Two lengths: half a neck. Glonrossio was fourth. Times: 2.39 1-5, 2.41, 2.43 1-5. (Winner trained by R. J. Humphreys, Templeton.)

BOROUGH HANDICAP (harness), of 130 sovs... second 20 sovs., third 10 sovs.; 3.36 class. . One mile and a half. 1 G. J. Barton’s b: c. INDIANAPOLIS. . by Wrack—Estella Amos; 3yrs., limit (W. J. Tomkinson) 1 5 J. Flanagan’s br. m. NATIVE BERRY, syrs.. 30yds. behind . .(M. Holmes 2 4 A. Hobbs’s b. g. SMOOGER, syrs., limit (J. E. Smith) 3 Also started: 3 Little Victor, limit; 8 Arthur Chimes, limit; 6 Mihad. limit; 2 David McElwyn, limit; 7 Worthy Queen, GOyds. bcliind. Six lengths; three-quarters of a length. David McElwyn fourth. Times: 3.2 G 1-5, 3.25, 3.28 1-5. (Winner trained by W. J. Homkinson, Addington.) PRESIDENT’S HANDICAP (harness), of 150 sovs., second 25 sovs., third 15 sovs. Unhopplcd trotters; 4.52 class. Two miles. 2 R. Jopp’s b. g. STANLEY BINGEN. hy Nelson Bingen l —Stanley’s Child, Gyrs., 36yds. behind (J. Bryce, jun.) 1 1 R. Rutherford’s ch. g. LOUIS BINGEN. syrs.. 48yds. behind ..(11. Townley) 2 3 M. O’Brien's b. g. WAIT. Gyrs.. penalised 24yds.. 96yd5.,, .. (S. A. Eagan) 3 Also started: 5 El Merit. 12yds. behind;, 4 Mr, Penalty, 84yds. behind. Half a neck: six lengths. Mr. Penalty was fourth. Times: 4.44 4-5, 4.41 1-5, 4.42.

SHORT HANDICAP (harness), of 100 sovs., second 15 sovs., third 10 Sovs.; 3.7 class. One'mile and a quarter. 2 T. G. FOX’S b. m. DESERT MAIDEN, bj’ Sheik—Lovebird, syrs.. limit (W. —J. Tomkinson) 1 6 J. M. Samson’s b. m. BINGEN WRACK, 4,vrs.. limit (J. Bryce, jun.) 2 1 C. S. Donald’s b. g. IRON MAN. oyrs.. limit (C. S. Donald) 3 Also started: 4 Storm Queen, limit; 5 Tecla. limit: 3 Trada. limit; 7 Donum, limit: 9 Tenor, limit: 11 Guy Star, limit: 10 Hemlock Hero. 12yds. behind: 8 Jean Parrishm. 12yds. behind. Four lengths: length. Tecla was fourth. Times: 4.47 4-5, 4.49 2-5. 4.50. (Winner trained by W. J. Tomkinson, Addington.)

ELECTRIC HANDICAP (harness), of 150 sovs., second 25 sovs.. third 15 sovs.; 2.48 class. One mile and a quarter. 1 W. Sticking’s b. g. NELSON’S VICTORY, hy Nelson Bingen—Misfortune, syrs.. 24yds. behind (O. E. Hooper) 1 2 J. B. Westerman’s hr. m. DUSOLINA, limit (H. Frost) 2 5 J. -J. Kennorley’s ch. sr. KEEP, apred. limit (J. ,T. Kennerley) 3 Also started: 9 Country King, limit: 7 Bracken, limit; 8 Purser, limit; 10 Raydus, 12yds. behind: 6 Baron Bingen, 12yds. behind; 4 Herod, 12yds. behind; 11 Major Lind, 24yds. behind: 2 Sir Guy, 24yds. behind. Length: half a length. Country King wns fourth. Tinies: 2.46 2-5. 2.46 4-5. 2.49 1-5. (Winner trained by O. E Hooper, Lauriston.)

AUCKLAND TROTS Direct Morning’s Victory BRENT ZOLOCH SCORES By Telegraph.—Press Association. Auckland, Oct. 29. The postponed second day of the Auckland Trotting Club’s spring meeting was held to-day in showery weather. The track was holding. There was a fair attendance. The totalisator handled £19,883, as against £23,823 for the second day last year, a decrease of £3040. Results:— GREENLANE HANDICAP, of 103 sovs.; unhoppled trotters; 3.-18 class. One mile and a half. 1 NELL VOLO, 24yds. behind (Smith) 1 2 WIN HUON, 60yds. behind .. (Lee) 2 4 HUE CORONADO, 84yds. behind (Heginbolham) 3 Also started: 9 Autumn Lu, scr.; 7 Grand Triumph, scr.; S Katalo, scr.; 3 Maiina’s Son, scr.; 6 Wakasu, scr.; 5 Mattie Herbilwyn, 72yds. behind. Length and a half; a head. Times, 3.41 4-5, 3.43 445, 3.41. NEWMARKET HANDICAP, of 105 sovs.; 3.0 class. One mile and a quarter. 5 NELLOTA, scr (Smith) 1 4 STORMY MACK, 24yds. behind (Broughton) 2 10 WORTHY CHIEF, scr. (Grimmond) 3 Also started: 2 Cimarron, scr.; 11 Cogent, scr.; 12 Free Gift, ser.; 1 Llslea, scr.; 9 Mountain Sun, scr.; 8 Our Summer, scr.; 7 Regina Derby,, scr.; C Fisher, 24yds. behind; 3 Raider, 24yds. behind. Three-quarters of a length; two lengths. Times, 2.50, 2.57 2-5, 3.0 4-5. Lislea and Cimarron broke at the start. LABOUR DAY HANDICAP, of 325 sovs.; 4.35 class. Two miles. 1 DIRECT MORNING, 24yds. behind (Cockblll) 1 3 BRENT LIGHT, scr. (R. Kennerley) 2 2 FIRST FLIGHT, 30yds. behind (G. T. .Mitchell) 3 Also started: 4 Carnui, scr.: 3 Real Girl, 12yds. behind, and Peter Pirate, 84yds. behind, both bracketed with Brent Light; 6 Dan Direct. 12yds. behind; 5 Anon, 24yds. behind; 7 Gold Treasure, 36yds. behind. Short neck; two lengths and a half. Times, 4.42 2-5, 4.45 1-5, 4.44 3-5. After a mile Direct Morning headed Carnui, Brentlight, Anon, First Flight, and Dan Direct, which were all bunched in the straight. Brent Light challenged, but Direct Morning held out. Peter Pirate came up to finish fourth. JUNCTION HANDICAP, of 105 sovs.; 3.37 class. One mile and a half. 5 MARGARET WALLACE, 12yds. behind (Phipps) 1 1 REALTY. 48yds. behind .. (Groat) 2 3 PUKEMIRO, 4Syds. behind .. (Cntts) 3 Also started: 2 Guid Hairst, scr.; 6 Prince Etawah, J2yds. behind; 4 Francis Lincoln, 36yds. behind. Three-quarters of a length: half a head. Times. 3.38 1-5. 3.36 1-5, 3.36 2-5. Realty secured a fine lead into the straight from Pukemiro. Prince Etawah and Margaret Wallace, but broke into fourth place, and made an excellent recovery to come second. HILLSBORO HANDICAP, of 115 SOTS.; unhoppled trotters; 3.38 class. One mile and a half. 4 MARBLE STAR, 12yds. behind (A. Millen) 1 8 MOKO GIRL, 36yds. behind (W. Dye) 2 1 MOKO BELLS. 36yds. behind (Paul) 3 Also started: 9 Billy Carbine, scr ; 6 Hue Coronado, scr.; 2 Parrish Belle, 24yds. behind; 7 Carl Mack, 60yds. behind; 5 Wlndchat, 72yds. behind; 8 Kolmar, IOSy-ds. behind; 10 Jock Bingen, 132yds. behind. Two lengths; three lengths. Times: 3.39 2-5, 3.39 4-5, 3.39 1-5. Marble Star went off galloping, but was soon in front, and stayed on well to the finish. Windchat was fourth, three lengths away. CAMPBELL HANDICAP, of 105 sovs.; 3.40 class. One mile and a half. 1 WEE MACHINE, 12yds. behind (E. S. Groat) 1 3 STORMY MACK, scr. (Broughton) 2 2 LADY AMANDA,'24yds. behind (McMillan) 3 Also started: 7 Gold Seam, scr.; 8 Mazda. scr.; 6 Pedlar, scr.; 9 Historian, scr.; 5 Sister Chris, scr.; 4 Betterwin, 12yds. behind. Length: throe lengths. Times: 3.35 2-5. 3.37, 3.31 3*5. Stormy Mack led most of the way until the straight, when Wee Machine' forged ahead. REMUERA HANDICAP, of 125 sovs.; 2.48 class. One mile and a quarter. fiBRENT ZOLOCK, scr. .. (Hughes) 1 1 PETER PIRATE, 36yds. behind (Julian) 2 1 BRENT LIGHT, scr. (R. Kennerley) 3 Also started: 1 Real Girl. 24yds. behind, bracketed with Brent Light and Peter Pirate; 9 Anon, 12yds. behind; 8 Te Waliia, 12yds. behind; 4 Kewpie’s Guy, 24yds. behind; 3 Kewpie’s Triumph, 24yds. behind; 6 Nelson Tasker. 24yds. behin-d: 7 Pageant. 24yds. behind; 2 Little Guy, 24yds. behind. Three lengths: three-quarters of a length. Times: 2.51 2-5, 2.50 3-5. 2.54. Brent Zolock early established a lead of six lengths, and was never dangerously challenged. INSULATION HANDICAP, of 115. sovs.; 2.57 class. One mile and a quarter. 1 REALTY, 12yds. behind (H. S. Groat) 1 3 HOMEWARD, 24yds. behind (August) 2 6 JERSEY THORPE, scr. (Mahoney) 3 Also started: 4 Nathaniel, 12yds. behind; 5 Pukemiro, 12yds. behind: 7 Lady Coronado. 24yds. behind: 2 Rolfe Audubon. '24yds. behind, and Worthy Cause, 24yds. behind, bracketed: 8 Some Dillon, 36yds. behind: 9 Hohora, 48y'Is. behind. Length: half a -length. Times: 2.53 3-5, 2.53 1-5. 2.55 3-5. CARTERTON ENTRIES List for November 19 With the exception of the Bunny Memorial good acceptances have been received for the annual meeting of the Carterton Racing Club, to be held on Saturday; November 19. The list is as follows:— ■ NOVICE STAKES,’ of 55 sovs. , Six furlongs.—Rene Belle. Paramond, Maypay, Grumpy. Itedtop, Mllnrow, Cape of Good Hope. Teastream. Meritor, Clangor, Moab Queen. Fusion. Cape Martian, Rhea, Traymela, Late Jest, Shootlst, Bright Song, Sugar Baby. Queen Diadem, Vivette, Arlatrix. West Tor. Walton Park. CARRINGTON HIGHWEIGITT HACK HANDICAP, of 70 sovs. One mile.—Golden Horn, Kahunoke. Fairwind. Autumn Dawn, Azure, Flower, Bright Song, Kalmuk, Te Ante.

WAIRARAPA COUNTY CUP HANDICAP, of 120 sots. One mile and a quarter. —Chopin. Gay Court. Eminent, Stanch'ion. Pahu, Black Mint, Joie de Vai, Atholspear, Cluny. CARTERTON HACK HANDICAP, of 70 sovs. Six furlongs.—Solitaire 11. Peramond, Posy, Araios, Clangor, Lord John, Lady Ronald, Aroma, Purse, Lyrical, Forest Stag, Swift and Sure, Lancet. BUNNY MEMORIAL HANDICAP, of 85 sovs. Six furlongs.—Sir Pombal, Patearoa, Equitant, Lyrical. TARATAHI HACK HANDICAP, of 70 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Rene Belle, Gay Court, Kedtop, Cape Fair, Cardinal Moon, Moab Queen. Emotion, Fairwind, Kahnnoke, Aroma. Late Jest, Azure. Flower, Joie de Vai. Forest Stag. Greenhorn, Hen Hur, Te Ante.

MAUNGARAKI HANDICAP, of 00 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Capetown. Eminent. Manifesto. Pahu. Gay Court, Grecian. Cluny. ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP, of 70 sovs. Five furlongs.—Maypay. Solitaire IT, Grumpy. White Squall. Lovecourt, Arafos, Teastream, Popotte, Capo Martian, Rhea, Traymela, La Fleur, Forest Stag, .lean Ladoslo. Speed. Right Bower, Lady Ronald.

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 31, 31 October 1932, Page 13

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SPECTACULAR WINS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 31, 31 October 1932, Page 13

SPECTACULAR WINS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 31, 31 October 1932, Page 13