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INTER-CLUB MATCHES SENIOR A CHALLENGE WON BY BROUGHAM HILL THIRD AND INTERMEDIATE GRADES The Wellington Lawn Tennis Association interelub matches were continued on the Association Courts at Miramar on Saturday under perfect conditions. A senior A challenge match by Wellington Club against Brougham Hill Club was won by Brougham Hill. Matches were also played in the senior B, third, and intermediate grades. The following are the detailed results: — ,j, SENIOR A CHALLENGE BROUGHAM HILL V. WELLINGTON. Brougham Hill players mentioned first. Men’s Singles.—D. G. France beat Dlollison, 6 —4, 6—l; D. Dobie lost to B. O’Brien, 3 —6, 5 —6; DI. G. Dloore beat Smith, I—6, 6—3, 7 —5; C. F. M illiatus lost to Roussell, 5 —6, 3—6. Ladies’ Singles.—Dliss DI. Williams lost to Dlrs. W. J. Melody, 2—6.'2—6; DItK R. P. Adams beat Dliss V. Shortt. 6—l. 6 —2; Dliss F. North beat Dliss Young, 6—o, 6 —2; Miss D. Howe beat Dlrs. Dlurphy, 6—l, 6 —4. Men’s Doubles. —France and Dobie beat Dlollison and O'Brien, 6—4, 6 —l; Williams and Dloore lost to Smith and Roussell, 3 —6, 6 —4, 4 —6. Ladies’ Doubles. —Dlrs. Adams and Dliss Williams lost to Dlrs. Dlelody and Dliss Shortt. 4—6, 6—4, 6 —B; Misses 'North and Howe beat Miss Young and Dlrs. Dlurphy, 6—l, 6—2. Dlixed Doubles.—Dlrs. Adams and France beat Dlrs. Melody and O’Brien. 6 —3, 6—5; Dliss North and Dobie beat Dliss Shortt and Dlollison. 6—4, 6 —l; Dliss Williams and Dloore beat Dlrs. Dlurphy nnd Smith, 6—5, 6 —2; Dliss Howe anil Williams beat Dliss Young and Roussell. 6—4, 6—4. Brougham Hill won 11 rubbers, 24 sets. Wellington won 5 rubbers, 11 sets. SENIOR B GRADE BROUGHADI HILL V. LYALL BAY. Brougham Hill players mentioned first. Dlen’s Singles.—T. S. Williams lost to W. Hollings, 3—6, 4 —6; Pearce lost to Dlatthewson, o—6? 4—6; R. Howe beat Swinburne, 6- —4, 4 —6, 6—l; Wilkinson beat O’Connell. 6—2, 6—2. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss Lapworth beat Dliss Whisker, 6 —2. 6—5; Dliss N. Dorman beat Dliss Pain. 6 —l, 6—l; Dliss F. Donnelly beat Dliss J. Hollis, 6—2, 6—o; Dlrs. N, Stevens beat Miss Wells, 6 —l, 6—2. Dlen’s Doubles.—Wilkinson and Howe lost to Hollings and Dlatthewson, 3—6, 3—6; Williams and Pearce beat Swinburne and O’Connell, 6—12, 6—5. Ladies’ Doubles.—Miss Lapworth and Dlrs. Stevens beat Dlisses Whisker and Pain, 6—5, 6—2; Dlisses Donnelly and Dorman beat Dlisses Hollis and Wells, 6—l, 6—3. Dlixed Doubles.—Wilkinson and Dliss Lapworth lost to Hollings and Dliss Hollis, 6—2, 5—6, 5—6; Williams and Dlrs. Stevens lost to Dlatthewson and Dliss Whisker, 3 —6.2- —6; Howe and Dliss Dorman beat Swinburne and Dliss Pain. 6—5, 6—3 ; Pearce and Miss Donnelly beat O’Connell and Wells, 6 —l, 6—l. Brougham Hill won 11 rubbers, 21 sets. Lyall Bay won 5 rubbers, 13 sets.

THIRD GRADE ISLAND BAY v. WADESTOWN. Men’s Singles.—D. Craig beat E. Roberts, 9 —l; D. Hunter beat J. McLeod, 9—7; J. Suisted beat A. Prince, 9—B; J. C. Nevitt lost to L. Costello, 2—9. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss E, Hunter beat Miss L. Greig, 7 —3; Mrs. Brown beat Miss 11. Danes, 7—3: Miss Blythe beat Miss P. Connor, 7 —3; Miss Burt beat Miss G. Watkins, 7—3. Men’s Doubles.—Craig and Hunter beat McLeod and Roberts, 9—2; Suisted and Nevitt beat Costello and Prince. 9 —6. Ladies’ Doubles.—Miss Hunter and Mrs. Brown beat Misses Greig and Davies, 7 —6; Misses Blythe and Burt beat Misses 'Watkins and Connor, 7 —3. Mixed Doubles. —Miss Hunter and D. Craig beat Miss Greig and McLeod, 7—5 ; Mrs. Brown and J. Suisted beat Miss Danes and Roberts. 7—l; Miss Blythe and D. Hunter beat Miss Watkins and Prince, 7 —4; Miss Burt and J. C. Nevitt beat Miss Connor and Costello, 7—5. Island Boy won 15 sets, 117 games. Wndestown won 1 set, 69 games. LYALL BAY v. BROUGHAM HILL. Lyall Bay players mentioned first. Meli’s Singles.—A. H. 'Wilson lost to P. M. West, 3 —9; S. Watts lost to G. Arms, I—9; A. Haswell beat A. Brace, 9—2; A. Miller lost to A, Gunson, 29. Ladies’ Singles.—Mrs. Toop lost to Miss 0. Wild, I—7; Miss Z. Ramsay lost to Mrs. Couchman, 3—7; Mrs. Matheson lost to Aliss Downing, 4 —7; Miss Parker beat Mrs. Gunson, 7—3. Men’s Doubles.—Wilson and Haswell Jost to West and Arms, 7—9; "Watts and Jliller lost to Brace and Gunson, 5—9. Ladies’ Doubles. —Mrs. Toop and Miss Ramsay lost to Misses Wild and Downing, 6—7; Mrs. Matheson and Miss Parker lost to Mrs. Gunson and Miss Downing, 4—7. Mixed Doubles.—'Wilson and _Mrs. Toop lost to West and Miss Wild, s—l5 —I ; Watts aud Miss Ramsay lost to Arms and Mrs. Conchman, 4—7; Haswell and Mrs. Matheson lost to Brace and Miss Downing. 6—7; Miller and Miss Parker losl to Gunson and Mrs. Gunson, 4 7. Lyall Bav won 2 sets 71 games. Brougham Hill won 14 sets 113 games. TALAVERA v. NEWTOWN. Talavera players mentioned first. Men’s .Singles.—Holdsworth losl to Buekinaster. 4—9: Bruce-Smith lost to Allardyce. 7—9; Bray lost to Neal, 3—9: Robinson lost to Rout. 4—9. Ladies' Singles—Miss Gold lost to Miss Graham. 6—7; Mrs. King beat Miss Wade. 7—2; Miss Willis lost to Miss Yeoman. 4—< ; Miss Holdsworth lost Miss Jenkins, 5—7. Men's Doubles. —Holdsworth and Robinson boat Allardyce 'and Buckmaster, <>Bray and Bruce-Smith lost to Neal and Rout. 3—9. Ladies’ Double —alisscs Gold and King lost to Misses Graham and Wade. I—7: Misses Willis and Holdsworth Jost to Misses Yeoman and Jenkins, 3—7. Mixed Doubles Miss Gohl and Holdsworth lost to Miss Graham and Buckmaster. 27: Miss King and BruceSmith lost to Miss Wade and Allardyce. 7: Mbs Will's and Bray lost to Neal and Miss Yeoman. I—7; Miss Holdsworth and Robinson lost to Miss Jen- . kins and Rout. •”—7. Talavera won 2 sets 68 games. Newtown won 14 sots 118 games. RONGOTAI v. SEATOUN. Roneotai players mentioned lirst. Men's Singles.—A. Gowan lost to 'L. W. McGirr. 4—9; W. Lochore beat K. Anderson. 9—7 : N. Byng beat .I. Blakeney. 9—5; N. Reeves lost to W. Murie, 5—9. Ladies’ Singles.—Mrs. R. Lochore lost to Mrs. E. Bell. 5—7: Miss L. Sturrock beat Mrs. Smith, 7—2; Miss Delnbety lost to Miss Marie. 3—7: Mrs. Byng heat Miss S. Bell. 7—6. Men’s Doubles.— Byng and Lochore beat Anderson and McGirr, 9—7; Reeves [

and Gowan lost to Blakeney and Dlurie, 3—9. Ladies’ Doubles.—Mrs. Loehore and Dliss Sturrock beat Dlisses Bell, 7— 2; Dlrs. Byng and Miss Delahety lost to Mrs. Smith and Dliss Dlurie, I—7. Dlixed Doubles.—Mrs. Loehore and W. Loehore lost to Dlrs. Smith and DleGirr, 4 —7; Miss Sturrock and Byng beat Dliss E. Bell and Anderson, 7—4; Dliss Delahety and Reeves beat Miss Dfurie and Dlurie, 7—4; Mrs. Byng and A. Gowan lost to Miss S. Bell and Blakeney, 6—7. Rongotai won 8 sets 93 games. Seatoun won 8 sets 100 games.


Khandallah players mentioned first. Dlen’s Singles.'—M. Gardner beat Allen, 9—B; W. Sutton beat Ngahana, 9—6; W. Blythe beat Sissons, 9— 4 ; R. Sutton beat Stirling, 9—2. Ladies’ Singles.—Miss Diary McDonell lost to Mrs. Sissons, 2—7; Dliss C. Leighton beat Dliss Lane, 7—o; Dlrs. E. Baker beat Dliss Butler, 7—2; Miss May McDonnell lost to Dlrs, Stirling, I—7. Dlen’s Doubles.—Garden and Sutton beat Allen and Stirling, 9—2; Blyth and R. Sutton beat Ngahana and Sissons, 9—3. Ladies’ Doubles.—Miss Leighton and * Dlrs. Baker beat Misses Lane and ' Butler, 7—l; Dlisses McDonnell beat Mesdaiues Sissons and Stirling, 7 —6. . Dlixed Doubles. —Dliss Diary DlcDonn'ell and Blyth beat Dliss Lane and Allen, 7 —4; Dlrs.. Baker and Gardiner beat Mrs. Sissons and Ngahana, 7 —l; Dliss Leighton and W. Sutton beat Dlrs. Butler and Sissons, 7—l; Dliss DI. McDonnell and Sutton beat Dlr. and Mrs. Stirling, 7—2. Khandallah won 14 sets 113 games. Dliramar Grounds, 2 sets 56 games. INTERMEDIATE GRADE TRINITY v. RAWHITI. Trinity players mentioned first. Dlen’s Siugles.—Johnston lost to H. Buxton, 2—9; Dlorrison lost to H. McGregor, 5—9; Peterson lost to C. Jonsen, 5 —9 ; Haigh lost to L. R. Petrie, B—9.8 —9. Ladies’ Singles.—Dliss Gubbins lost to Dliss Russell, 4—7; Dliss Roberts lost to Dlrs. Dunn, 5 —7; Dliss Priddle lost to Dliss Robb, 3 —7; Dliss Dlasou lost to Dliss Garner, 5—7. Dlen’s Doubles. —Johnston and Haigh lost to DlcGregor and Jonsen, 6—9; Morrison and Peterson beat Buxton and Petrie. 9—B. Ladies’ Doubles.—Dlisses Gubbins and Roberts beat Dlisses Russell and Garner, 7—2 ; Dlisses Priddle and Mason lost to Mrs. Dunn and Dliss Robb, 2—7. Dlixed Doubles. —Dliss Roberts and Johnston lost to Dliss Robb and McGregor, I—7;1 —7; Dliss Gubbins and Dlorrison lost to Dliss Garner and Jonsen, 6—7; Dliss Priddle and Haigh lost to Dlrs. Dunn and Buxton. 4—7; Dliss Dlason and Peterson beat Dliss Russell and Petrie, 7—6. Trinity won 3 sets 79 games. Rawhiti won 13 sets 117 games. BROUGHADI HILL v. VICTORIA. Brougham Hill players mentioned first. Dlen’-s Singles.—K. Hesketh beat L. Dloffat, 9 —7; E. Smith lost to D. Halley, 7—9 ; Jenkins lost to H. Osborn, 4—9; V. Dixon lost to DlcDonald, 6 —-9. Ladies’ Singles.—Dlrs. Hain beat Dliss Cording, 7—5; Dliss Rodgers beat Dliss Exton, 7—6; Dliss Chote lost to Mrs. Dickens, 3—7; Dliss Craig beat Miss Wilson, 7—3. , „ Dion’s Doubles.: —Hesketh and Smith lost to Dloffat and Osborn, 7 —9; Jenkins nn d Dixon lost to Halley and DlcDonald, 5—9. Ladies’ Doubles.—Dlrs. Hain and Dliss Rodgers lost to Misses Cording and Exton,'5 —7; Dlisses Chote and Craig beat Dl's’s Wilson and Dlrs. Wickens, Dlixed Doubles. —Dlrs. Hain and Hesketh beat Dloffat and Dliss Cording, 7—«>; Dliss Chote and Smith beat Mrs. Wickens and Halley. 7—5; Dliss Rodgers and Dixon lost to Dliss Exton and Osborn; Dliss Craig and Jenkins beat Dliss M ilson and DlcDonald. Brougham Hill won 8 sets 101 games. Victoria won 8 sets 103 games. brougham hill club The following are results of handicap matches played last week on die Brougham Hill Club courts : - Dlen’s Singles.—D. Livingstone (18) beat E. L. Howe (2«), 50-r46; J. Madden (28) beat DI. G. Dloore (14). oO—;;9- D. Dobie (12) I”'"*’ D - * r '? DC ? (owe 15), 50—40; J. Madden (2S) beat G Arms (22), 50—36; L. France (owe 35) beat D. Livingstone (IS), 50—42. Ladies’ Singles.—Dliss D. Howe (scr.), bc‘t Mrs. Downing (26), 40-36. When both plavers had points each and Dliss Downing was 33, Dliss Howe scored 26 points in succession, so that the pair were even at 33 all. Mixed Doubles—Hesketh and Miss Howe (28) beat Dloore and Dliss Williams (owe 10), 40—18. Racquets repaired and restrung. N.Z. Sports Service, Ltd. (McGirr Bros.). Burlington Arcade. —Advt.

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Dominion, Volume 23, Issue 52, 25 November 1929, Page 13

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LAWN TENNIS Dominion, Volume 23, Issue 52, 25 November 1929, Page 13

LAWN TENNIS Dominion, Volume 23, Issue 52, 25 November 1929, Page 13