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Farm and Commercial Section


AUCTION SALES .MONDAY. US Main Road. Lower Hutt, 1.30 p.m.— Sale of shop fittings (Silverstone and Co.) BRADFORD TOPS MARKET (Australian Press Association.) (lice. January 11, 5.5 p.m.) London, January 10. On the Bradford tops market a little more business is passing at keen prices. Sixty-lours quality, 46Jd. per lb.; sixties, 44d.; fifty-sixes, 33d.; fifties, 2!)d.; fortysixes, 23d.; forties, 221 d.

THE FRUIT CROPS HOW THE PROVINCES ARE FARING The Director of the Horticulture Division has received the following reports from his officers regarding orchard and marketing conditions at tlic end of December, 1928:--Gisborne.—Apples: Generally light and patchy -Apricots: Light to average. Lemons and oranges: Good crops showing. Nectarines and peaches: Average. Pears: Heavy crops. Plums: Average. Plums (Japanese): Good. Tomatoes: Developing very slowly. Hawke’s Bay.—Apples: Some orchards light on Jonathan, Stunner, Dunn's, and Doughertv: mostly average crop. Delicious generally heavy. More than usual russeting on apples. Pears: Average to heavy crop Nectarines and peaches: Average. Plums: Light to medium. Plums (Japanese): Medium. Tomatoes: Heavy plantings, but some hail damage and outdoor crop a little late. Output will be below last season. Walnuts: Very light. Wanganui.—Apples, cherries, gooseberries, lemons, pears, and tomatoes: Average. Apricots, nectarines, peaches, and walnuts: Light. Plums: Bight. Plums (Japanese): Average. Strawberries: Heavy. , Manawatu and Wairarapa.—Apples: Sturmers heavy setting, Delicious light, others good average setting. Cherries: Light crop harvested owing to rain. Nectarines and plums: Light. Peaches: Crop very light. Pears: Heavy crop. Strawberries: First crop over; light. Tomatoes: Well forward. Hothouse fruit on market. Nelson.—Apples: The apple crop developing well. Black spot not a serious factor up to present; fruit fairly free from russet. Apricots: Light crop. Cherries and lemons: Fair. Nectarines, peaches, plums, raspberries, strawberries, and walnuts; Good. Pears: Fruit sizing up well. Tomatoes: Glasshouse, some good crops being harvested: some houses slightly affected with stripe. Outside plants backward. Motueka. —Apples: Fruit sizing up well; appearance of good crops all varieties. Apricots: Much heavier crop than last season. Nectarines: Fairly good crop. Peaches: Best crop for last few years. Pears: Good, and growing well. All varieties quite up'to average. Plums: Good. Raspberries: Average crop. Strawberries: Good average crop. Tomatoes: Looking well. Trusses setting freely. Walnuts: Should be average crop. Marlborough.—Apples : Good crops maturing. Apricots and nectarines: Fair crops. Peaches: Fair crop coming forward. Pears: Crops light. Plums: Fair to good crops most varieties. Plums (Japanese) : Fair to good crops. .Tomatoes: Hothouse finished, outdoor promising well. Walnuts: Very good crops showing. BUTTER AND CHEESE LONDON QUOTATIONS. (Australian Press association.) (Rec. January 11, 5.5 p.m.) London, January 10. The butter market is firmer all round. Choicest salted New Zealand, 18(is. to 188 s. per cwt.; Australian, 184 s. to 186 s. Unsalted New Zealand, 1945. to 1985.; Australian, 184 s. to 188 s.; Danish, 1965. The cheese market is dull. New Zealand white, 935. to 945. per cwt.; coloured, 965. to 975.; Australian, 965. Messrs. Dalgety and Company report having received tlie following advice from their London office dated January 10:— “Butter.—Market firm. Wo quote: Danish. 1955; to 1965. (1925. to 196=:.): Australian finest unsaltcd. 184 s. to 188 s. (184 s. to 188 s.) : Australian finest salted. 182 n. to 185 s. (180 s. to 182 s.); New Zealand finest salted. 184 s. to ISOs. (ISOs. Io 184 s.): Australian G.A.Q., 1765. to 180 s. (1745. to 1785.) “Cheese.—Market steadier. Wo quote: Australian cheese, white, 90s. to 925. (925. to 945.): Australian cheese, coloured, 945, to 955. (ills, to 975.) ; New Zealand cheese, white, 945. (945. to 965.) ; Now Zealand cheese, coloured, 955. to 975. (975. to 995.); spot price for Canadian, white and coloured, 108 s. to 110 s. (108 s. to 1125.).” (Last week’s quotations shown in parentheses.) Mr. G. A. Mills is in receipt of the following cabled advice from his principals, Messrs. A. J. Mills and Co., Ltd., London, under date January 10:—“Butter: The firm with finest grade New Zealand butter nt 1865., exceptional 188 s., first grade 1845., exceptional ISOs., Danish ’butter 1945. 1911 s. Cheese: This market is steady. New Zealand white cheese is quoted at 945., New Zealand coloured cheese, 965., 975."

FROZEN MEAT Messrs. Dalgety and Company have received the following advice from tlieir London office dated January 10:— Lamb—New season’s New Zealand prime North Island lamb, IOJd. to l(l)il.; New Zealand North Island, second quality, lOd.: Downs at a premium of Id. Market: Any change is in favour of buyers; de-, mahd poor owing to cold weather. Mutton. —New Zealand prime Canterbury mutton, 4S-561b„ 7d.; prime North Island mutton, 48-5611)., 63d.; prime Canterbury mutton, 53-04I1)., 6’}d.: prime North Island' mutton, 64-721 b., did.; prime Canterburv mutton, 64-7211)., G|d.'; prime North’lsland mutton. 64-7211)., Gd.; prime Canterbury ewes. 48-6411)., 5d.: prime North Island ewes. 48-641 b., sd. Market firmer; demand moderate. „ Australian Lamb. —G.A.Q. Australian lamb, 28-3611).. 9d.: 36-4211)., 9d.: I' .A.Q. Australian lamb. 28-3611)., Bd.; third Australian lamb. 71d. Market unchanged; demand runs principally on finest quailtl Australian Mutton.—G.A.Q. Australian mutton, 46-6011)., Old.; F.A.Q. Australian mutton. 30-55111., Cd.; Australian ewes, 44d. Market firmer; demand steady. "Beef. New Zealand prime ox beef hinds,’43(1.: fores, 3?d. Argentine chilled hinds, 61(1.: fores, 44d. Market unchanged: demand fair. , . Pork.— English porkers, 80-10011)., lid.. New Zealand porkers. 80-10011)., 71(1. Messrs M. A. Eliott, Limited. Palmerston 'North, have received cable advice from their London agents of the following Smithfield prices for the past week ending Tanuarv 11. These prices are on the “delivered” basis, that is. including stor.T’e charges, cartage, etc.“ Best North Island prime lambs, under 361 b.. Old.: 36-4" lb 91d.; 42-5011)., 9-Jd. Ordinary North Island lambs, under 421 b . 9 3-8(1.: second quality, under 4211)., <Jd. Best North Island wethers and/or maiden ewes. 48-5611) and 56-6411) 6 7-8(1.: 64-7211) and over 7 9 1 b Gid. Ordinary North Island wethers and/or maiden ewes 48-5611). nnd 56-6411).. 6-1(1.; 64-7211). and over 72 )., n I.Rfl North Island owes, under 641 b.. 51(1 • 64-7211). and over 721 b.. 4Jd. New Zealand prime nx beef (equal fores and hinds), 160-22011).. 41(1. Heavy-weight lamb l-Bd. higher, others no change. Light-weight wethers, Id. higher, heavyweight no change. Ewes no change. Beef no change.” LONDON TALLOW SALES Messrs Dalgetv and Company have received the following cabled advice from tlieir London office dated January 10.Tallow: Rather better demand, fair inquiry.

PRODUCE MARKET REPORTS CANTERBURY. By Telegraph.—Press Association. Christchurch, January 11. There is very little movement in the grain and produce trade. Some business has been done in forward oats and peas, but other lines are practically lifeless. The little interest shown in fowl wheat during tlie early part of the week has not been maintained, though there is no change in price to ss. 9d. f.0.b., sacks extra. As quoted’ for April-June, A Garton oats have been sold at 3s. 61d. For AprilSeptember delivery, however, buyers are t'ew. Some purchases from farmers have been made at 3s. on trucks. A slight demand has set in for bright oat sheaf chaff, and £3 17s. fid. a ton on trucks has been paid. The damage done to the pea crop by the rains is stimulating a little interest, and -here is also a little inquiry from Home .wso. Quotations are os. 3d., f.o.b.s.i. With the exception of an inquiry from the North Island this week for cowgrass, there has been nothing doing in the seed market. The cutting of ’ ryegrass and cocksfoot has commenced on the plains. The potato market shows no change. The f.o.b.s.i. price of £5 a ton for AprilMav delivery is not being reflected in the values asked by farmers. Growers are asking £4 on trucks, or the equivalent of ss. 5<1., f.o.b.s.i. Onions are a shade firmer and MarchApril are quoted at £5 10s. to £5 l.>s. February delivery is worth £7 10s. to £7 15s. DUNEDIN. Dominion Special Service. t ' Dunedin, January 11. Little interest is being shown in milling wheat for immediate delivery. All millers are holding stocks and are satisfied to mark time until the new season’s wheat makes its appearance. The chief matter of interest in wheat at the present time is the weather conditions, which are certainly unseasonable for growing crops. Crops in Otago are later and stalks are shorter, and as a consequence there is not any need for anxiety in the meantime. Nevertheless a period of bright Sunny weather would be welcomed by wheat growers right through the South Island. The quantity of fowl wheat offering is still fairly heavy and in excess of the demand. The bulk of wheat is under grade, and has been carried over from the last hardest, having been affected by the weather and proved unsuitable for milling. Tlie local merchants arc not short of stocks, and 65.,, sacks extra, ex store, is still obtainable for good quality. Shipping prices, however, are weak, with sales being made where buyers can be found at ss. 7d., f.0.b., sacks extra. The business in oats remains at a standstill. No inquiires are being received from any quarter, but on the other hand growers have practically placed all their oats. A fair quantity is still hold in the South Island, but these are oats bought some months ago for speculative purposes, and remaining in possession of the buyers. So far as merchants are concerned they have mostly worked off their stocks, and are now waiting for the new season's oats. In Hie meantime it seems that it will be difficult to find an outlet for oats as the consumptive demand lias fallen right off. The current nominal quotation for A's remains at 45., f.0.b., s.i., with B's at 3s. 6d. to 3s. 7d. The demand for chaff is very quiet, with prices remaining unchanged. Good sound chaff is bringing £6 per ton, sacks extra, ex store, and £5 15s. ex truck. Supplies for the local market are still being drawn from Canterbury, as the Otago growers are inclined to hold for higher prices. It. is problematical, however, whether higher prices can be obtained, as there should be no lack of supplies during the coming season.

There are sufficient potatoes reaching the market to meet the demand, which is not great for this time of the year, as householders are now digging their own tubers. Merchants are now taking a more active Interest in the market. There is practically nothing doing in the seed markets. Produce lines are quoted wholesale as follow: Chaff, £6 per ton; ex store, £5 15s. per ton, sacks extra, ex truck. Potatoes, Taieri and Oamaru, £9 to £9 10s. per ton. Eggs, stamped, Is. 2d.: case, Is. Id.' Dairy butter, milled bulk, Is. 3d.: pats, Is. 2d. Bacon, Is. per lb. Hams, Is. 2d. per lb; boneless, Is. 3d. Honey, bulk, 4Jd. per lb. The market is very weak for onions, Australian selling at 16s. per cwt. Tlie supplies of Canadian Delicious apples are now sold out of wholesale hands, but locally-grown Beauty of Bath are on the market. Oranges, mostly Californian Navels, are in good supply. The demand, however, is not very brisk. Bananas "have been sold out of wholesale hands. The next shipment will be Samoans, ox the Maui Pomare. The fruit will be landed at Lyttelton towards the end of tlie month and be railed to Dunedin 'flic quantity on board is not yet known, but-these will probably be a fairly heavy cargo. The price to retailers has been* fixed at 18s. per case. Supplies of Christchurch-grown tomatoes have been very irregular, and prices arc firm. Outside-grown are expected on the market early in February Apricots have made their appearance on the mar ket and high-prices are being obtained Full supplies are, expected in about a fortnight’s time. Plums are in good supply from Otago Central and Christchurch. LIVE STOCK SALES - feilding

Dominion Special Service.

Feilding, January 11. For store lambs, ot which there was quite a good number offering at to-day s sale at Feilding, the demand was good, and nrlces were above those ruling before the gouSayl Good. blaek-faced rape , lamb brought up to 235. and 245. Id., with lesser of'good’ sold at from •’°s 7d. to 235. 4d., smaller sorts bel "S priced a little lower at from 19s. 225. Good shorn ewes in forward condition ranged in value from 2us. 3d. to -6s. Od., while a small lot ot ewe lambs changed hands at 18s. 2d. Fat sheep were yarded in small numbers, Hie entry being barely sufficient for local butchers fat ewes were priced at 225. Id. and wethers at 30s. A. medium entry ot fat cattle met with a fair to firm demand. Although there was little variation in tlie quotations, cows, which comprised tlie bulk of the yarding, mnde up to £lO 12s. fid. and £l2 12s. bd. for tlie top prices, with an average from £7 10s. to £9 2s. 6d. A few pens of heifers sold at from £7 17s. to £8 1-s. bd. No ox beef was on offer. Store cattle were yarded in moderate numbers and the quality was about ou the same level. Good prices were paid for Jersey heifers, R.W.B. sales being made from £6 10s. to £8 155.; weaner heifers, £3 to £4 17s. 6d.; run eows and calves, £8 2s. lid., £9 155.; , rough two-year steers, £7 25.; empty heifers, £4 10s. to £8 10s.; forward cows, £5 10s. to, £6 6s. The dairy stock entry was weak, springing heifers making from £6 15s. to £lO 10s.; springing cows, from £6 15s. to £10; ami eows in milk to £6. CARTERTON. A small entry of sheep, cattle and pigs was submitted to the usual attendance of buvers at Carterton stock sale. Competition was on a par witli recent sales, a clearance being effected at the following prices:—Brood sows, £2 10s. to £3; two and four-tooth wethers, 28s. 5(1.; two-tooth ditto, 255. Od.: cull wethers, 21s. fid.; forward cows. £7, £7 10s. to £7 z los.: store cows, £5 us. to £6 55.; Polled bull, £7 14s. . OTAKI. Messrs. Dalgety and Company. Ltd., report a fair yarding of sheep and cattle at the Otakl sale on Thursday last. Keen competition was experienced for all lines, from a representative attendance of buyers, an excellent clearance being effected at satisfactory prices. Fat wethers made 30s. 6d„ fat ewes 235., two-tooth wethers 275. Bd., two-tooth ewes, 275. Id., small two-tooth wethers 225. 10d., fat cows £lO Is., forward four and five-year bullocks £l4, yearling heifers £6 7s. 6d., weaners heifers £2. UPPER HUTT. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., report a good yarding of cattle at the Upper Hutt yards on Thursday last. There was a large attendance of buyers, and keen competition was experienced for all lines—a complete clearance being effected at very satisfactory rules. Fat heifers made £8 10s. to £8 155., flit cows £6 55.. £7 55., £.B 10s. to £lO 2s. fid. ;eows and calves £6 10s. to £B, forward cows, £4 12s. 6d. to £5, potter bulls £4, two and tliree-ycar steers £7 to £8 10s., two-year heifers £5 155., weaner heifers Jersey £3 12s. (id., eows just calved £ll 10s. to £4 10s., springing heifers £l4 10s.

WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES At the morning call yesterday a sale of Bank of New South Wales shares at £5O 15s. made late the previous afternoon was reported. At the afternoon call the sales reported were per cent, stock (1938) at £9l) 10s., 41 per cent, bonds (1930) at £99 •7s. Gd., Australian Bank of Commerce at 335. 10d., Bank of New South Wales at £5O 155., and Union Bank at £l5 16s. cum dividend. Government securities were in fair demand. The per cent, stocks were wanted at £99-7s. Gd. and the bonds at £99 10s., and the 5* per cent, bonds at £lOl ss. Wellington Racing Club debentures were steady at £IOG 10s., and Wellington Gas debentures at £lOO ss. Buyers repeated their bids of £99 10s. for Wellington City 5i per cents, and Waitomo Power Board uj per cents. ’Bank shares were very firm with buyers of Bank of Australasia at £l4 155., Australian Bank of Commerce at 335. Bd., Commercial Bank at 30s. 10d., National Bank of New Zealand at £7 35., National Bank of Australasia, £lO paid at £lB 17s. Gd., £5 paid at £9 Bs. Gd., Bank of New South Wales at £5O 10s., and Bank of New Zealand at 61s. lOd.

Dalgety and Co.’s shares were in demand at £l5 35., with Is. more for shares on the Melbourne register. Goldsbrough, Mort, and Co. were steady at 51s. 3d.; N.Z. Loan and Mercantile at £llB, New Zealand and River Plate at 325., N.Z. Guarantee Corporation at Bs. 5d., and Wright, Stephenson, preference, at 16s. 9d. National Insurance shares were wanted at- 165., South British Insurance at 645., and Australian Provincial at 6s. 3d.

Napier Gas shares were again in demand at £lO 55., Gear Meat shares were wanted at 435., Huddart»Parkor at 4Ss. 9d., Leyland O’Brien Timber at 31s. 6d., New Zealand Breweries at 585., and Staples and Co. at 425. 4d.

There were buyers of British Tobacco at. 455. 5d., Burns, Philp, and Co. at 465. Gd.. Burns, Philp and Co. South Sea at 305., Dominion Investments at 225. Gd., Electrolytic Zinc, ordinary at 355. 10d., preference at 365. 3d., Howard Smith at 245. 6d., New Zealand Drug at 735. 6d., Wilson’s Cement at 41s. 3d., and Gasco Brick at 275. Yesterday’s buying and selling quotations- were as under: —;

SALES IN OTHER CENTRES By Telegraph. —Press Association. Auckland, January 11. Sales.—City of Auckland debentures, 1940, ai per cent., £9B; Commercial Bank ot Australia, 30s. 9d.; Bank of New Zealand. 625., 625.: Union Bank of Australia, £l5 17s. (Melbourne register) ; New Zealand Insurance, 475. 3d., 475. 3d.; Renown Collieries (pref.), 2s. Bd.; Auckland Gas, 245. 4d.; ditto, (con.), 18s.; Huddart. Parker, 495.; New Zealand Breweries, 58s. Cd.: British Tobacco, 455. 9d„ 455. 7d.; Farmers’ Trading Co., Ss. 3d.; Haywards’ Pictures. 20s. 9d.; Holden’s Motors, 305.: New Zealand Refrigerating (con.)j 9s. 5d.; Oliincmuri Gold and Silver, Bs. 3d.; Waihi Mining, 14s. 5d., 14s. sd. Christchurch, January 11. Sales.—Christchurch Trains, 5} per cent., 1934, £100; Australian Bank of Commerce. 345. (three parcels); United Insurance, £ll 4s. fid.; New Zealand Refrigerating (£1 paid cum div.), 195.; New Zealand Refrig. (10s. paid, cum div.), 9s. 4d., Bs. 2d.; New Zealand Breweries, 58s. 3d. (two parcels), 58s. Od. (six parcels) ; Tiniaru Brewery, “rights.” 3s. sd. (seven parcels); Reath and Co., "rights,” 7s. 2d. (two parcels), 7s. 3d. (two parcels), 7s. 4d. Sales Reported.— Auckland Gas, 245. 3d., 245. 4d.; New Zealand Breweries, 5Ss. 6d. (four parcels). Dunedin. January 11. Sale.—New Zealand Breweries shares, 58s. 3d. Sales Reported.—Commercial Bank. 30s. 9d.; two, National Bank of. New Zealand, £7 45.; New Zealand Breweries shares, 58s. 3d., 58s. 6d. FOREIGN ITEMS EXCHANGE RATES. (British Official Wireless.) Rugby, January 10, Foreign rates of exchange on January lOfi, as compared with par rates, or as 8. as compared with par rates, or as

Buyers. Sellers. N.Z. GOVT. LOANS— £ s. d. £ s d. 5-1 p.s. Insc. Stock.. 1936 —. 101 10 0 41 p.c. Insc. Stk., 1939 and 1938 99 7 6 — 51 p.c. Insc. Stk., 1933 ’ 00 15 0 — 41 p.C. Bonds, 1941, 1939, and 1938 99 10 0 ——• 51 p.c. ditto, 1933 — 101 10 0 51 p.c. ditto. 193G ... 101 5 0 —- DEBENTURES— Wellington Gas Co. .. 100 5 0 — Wellington Racing Chili 101 10 0 —— N.Z. Breweries’ bonds. —• 1 « 0 Waitomo Power Bd., 51 p.c.. 1964 99 10 0 — Auckland Gas C debenhires 102 10 0 — BANKS— Australasia 1 15 0 15 (1 0 Aust. Bank of Com--1 13 0 ——. Commercial of Aust... 1 10 10 1 11 3 Commercial Banking Co., Sydney — 29 0 0 English, Scottish, a.d Australian —— I 8 15 0 National of N.Z. 7 3 0 —— National of Australasia (£10) 18 17 6 — Ditto (£5) 9 8 6 —— New South Wales .. 50 10 0 50 17 6 New Zealand 3 1 10 3 2 3 Ditto, long-term mortg — 18 8 FINANCIAL— Dalgety and Co 15 3 0 — —• Ditto., Melbourne reg. 15 4 0 . Goldsbrough, Mort and Co 2 11 3 1 N.Z. Guarantee Corp. (ord., Ss.) 0 8 5 —• N.Z. Loan and Mercantile, ord .18 0 0 —. N.Z. and River Plate 1 12 0 —— Wright. Stephenson (pref.) 0 16 9 — GAS— Napier (£10) 10 5 0 — INSURANCE— 0 16 0 — South British 3 4 0 —- Aust. Prov. Assee 0 6 3 — MEAT PRESERVING— 2 3 0 ■ ■ N.Z. Refrigerat. Co. ( £ 1) . 0 19 0 N.Z. Refrigerat. (10s.). —— 0 S 11 transport— Huddart Parker (ord). 2 8 9 2 10 0 COAL— Westport 1 10 3 TIMBER— Leyland O'Brien 1 11 6 1 14 0 - — 0 10 G BREWERIES— New Zealand 2 18 O — Staples and Co 2 2 4 — MISCELLANEOUSBritish Tobacco (Aus.) o r? ■■■ — Burns, Philp, and Co. 2 6 6 — Ditto., South Sea .... 1 10 0 —— Colonial Sugar — 60 0 0 Dominion Investments 1 2 6 Electrolytic Zinc (ord.) 1 15 10 — Ditto (pref.) 1 16 3 — Howard Smith (ord.) 14 6 —— National Electric .... — 0 12 6 N.Z. Drug Co 3 13 6 — N.Z. Paper Mills — 0 17 7 Wilson’s Cement 2 13 — Gasco Bricks . 17 0 —

averaged first bait of 1914. are as follow:— ■ Jan. 10 Jan. 8 Par. Paris, fraues to £1 124.10 124.05 24.21 Now York, dollars to £1 .... Montreal, dollars 4 85.1-8 4.85 9-16 4.866 to £1 . Brussels, belgas 4.S0 1-8 4.85 7-8 4.866 to £1 34.905 34.90 Geneva francs to £1 Amsterdam, florins 25.20} 25.19 25.22} to £1 12.08 5-8 12.08 12.107 Milan, lire to £1 Berlin. reiehs- . 92.705 92.05 92.40 marks to £1.. Stockholm, knr. 20.40 20.39 20.43 to £1 Copenhagen, knr. 18.13} 18.13 18.159 to £1 18.185 18.159 Oslo, knr. to £1.. 18.195 18.19 18.159 Vienna, schillings to £1 34.475 31.475 31.5S6 Prague, knr. to £1 103} 163 J 24.02 Helsingfors, marks to £1 Mail rid, pesetas to 192} 192} 193.23 £ 1 Lisbon, escudos to 29.72 29.72 25.22} £ 1 109 108 4.50 Bucharest, lei to £1 807} SOS 25.22} Rio de Janeiro, pence to milreis Buenos Aires, 5 29-32 5 29-32 16 pence to peso. Bombay, pence to 47 3-8 47 3-8 47.02 rupee IS 1-32 IS 1-32 IS Shanghai, pence to tael 31} 31} —— Hong-Kong, ponce to dollar Yokohama, ponce 21} 24} - to yen 22 9 10 22 11-16 24.5S Athens, drachma to £1 375 375 25.224

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Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 92, 12 January 1929, Page 12

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Farm and Commercial Section Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 92, 12 January 1929, Page 12

Farm and Commercial Section Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 92, 12 January 1929, Page 12