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Farm and Commercial Section


AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. 144 Willis Street, 11 a.m.—Sale of gramophones (Trice). 91 Dixon Street, 1.30 p.m. —Sale of furniture (Price). TO-MORROW. 195 Lambton Quay, 2.30 p.m.—Sale of property, 224 Watts Street (Harcourt). 105 Customhouse Quay, 11 a.m. —Sale of sites, Wadestown (Nathan). Levin stock sale. 10S Cuba Street, 1.30 p.m.—Sale of toys (Silverstone). Thorndon Reclamation. 10 a.m. —Sale of iron bark piles (Johnston). 5 Harbour View, 10.30 a.m. —Sale of furniture (Johnston). THE PRODUCE MARKETS FROZEN MEAT (Ree. December 16, 5.5 p.m.) . London, December 15. Sheep. New Zealand. —Ewes, 4 3-Bd. Australian. —Ewes, 4Jd. Lanibs. Canterbury.—Seconds 7M. Other selecteds. —Light Old., medium 9 3-Sd. , - o o i North Island.—Seconds i 3-bd. Australian.—Firsts, Victorian. 9d., others, Sid.; seconds. Victorian t 'ld., others 7i'd., thirds 6 7-8 d Argentine.—Seconds, bid. Chilled Beef. Argentine.—Hinds 6 3-Bd. Other meats unchanged. SMITHFIELD PRICES. - The New Zealand Meat J 3?™™ has received the following cablegram fiom its London Office, dated December 14, advising Smithfield delivered » rlce « for week ending that date as, foUo (prices for the two previous weeks are Sh New ZeaffinTwethers and maidens: Canterbury quality, selected brands, uffib. and under, Gid. (Gjd., ^ lb L . t 0 b - fi^ d : r«4d fUd ) • Gulb. to 721 b., Cd. (Cd., bu.) . other brands, 561 b. and under, 6 l-Bd. (6 l-8d 6 l-8d.); 571 b. to 641 b., 6d. (Gd., 6d.), 651 b.” to 721 b., 5-id. (5Jd., s}d.). New Zealand ewes: 641 b. t ,and under, 4 3 New (4 Zealand lambs: Canterbury quality,

361 b. and under, DJd- (G’d., Gjd.) ; 371 b. to 421 b., Old. (Old., OJd.) ; 4311). to 501 b., Did. (0.111., lljd.); seconds, 7}d. (TJd., Bd.). Selected brands, 361 b. and under, Old. (I) 5-Sd., Did.); 371 b. to 421 b., 9 3-Sd. (DJd., 9 5-Bd.). Other brands, first quality. 301 b. and under, not quoted; 371 b. to 421 b., not quoted: second quality, 301 b. to 321 b., average, 7 3-Bd. (7Jd„ 7Sd.). Australian lambs: Victorian, first quality, 361 b. and under, 9d. (Old., 9 3-Sd.) ; 371 b. to 421 b„ Od. (Old., 9 3-8). Argentine lanibs: first quality, 3filb. and under, "id. (7id., Bd.) ; 371 b. to 421 b., 7,d. (71 d., Bd.). New Zealand Beef: Ox fores, 3 7-Btl. (3 7-Bd., 3 7-8 d.); ox hinds, nd. (5d., 5d.) : cow fores, 3td. (31d., 3)d.); cow hinds. 4}d. (41d„ 44d.). Argentine Chilled Beef: Ox fores, 4 5-Bd. (4 5-Bd., 4Jd.) ; ox hinds, G 3-Sd. (Gid., 6 1-Sd.).

Argentine Frozen Beef: Ox fores, not quoted; ox hinds, not quoted. New Zealand Frozen Pork: Porkers, 601 b. to 801 b., 04d. (6Jd., Gjd.) ; 811 b. to 991 b., Gjd. (6Jd., Gjd.) ; 1001 b. to 1201 b., Gid. (G-fd., 6}d.); baconers, 1211 b. to 1801 b., 7d. (7d., 7d.). New Zealand Frozen Veal: Not quoted. Remarks. —Lamb market: Quiet at present. Over supplied with new season’s Australian and South American lamb. Mutton market: No change, but rather more inquiry. Beef market: Firm, but trade slow. New Zealand porker pigs: No change In market, but consumption is improving. New Zealand baconer pigs: Market steady, stocks light.

Messrs Levin and Co., Ltd. have received the following cablegram from their London agents, dated December 14:— “Frozen meat quotations (prices on a “delivered” basis, i.e., including storage charges, cartage, tolls, etc.) : Down lamb, 281 b. to 421 b., none offering; best North Island, 281 b. to 421 b., 9 jd. per lb. ; ordinary North Island, 281 b. to 421 b., none offering; second quality lamb, 281 b. to 421 b., 7§d. per lb.; best North Island wethers, 481 b. to 641 b., 6}d- per lb.; best North Island wethers, 641 b. to 721 b., 5Jd. per lb.;; otdinnry North Island wethers. 481 b. to 641 b., 6d. per lb.; North Island ewes, 481 b. to 641 b., 4gcl. per lb.; North Island ewes, G4lb. to 721 b., 4 per lb.; New Zealand prime ox beef, 1601 b. to 2201 b., 4Jd. per lb. As compared With last week’s quotations, best. North Island lamb is id. lotver and second quality lamb §d. per lb. lower. North Island ewes fire id. per lb. higher; wethers unchanged. The market is steady, but quiet. Messrs. M. A. Eliott Ltd., Palmerston North,- have received cable advice from London of the following Smithfield prices for the week ended December 14. These prices are bn the “delivered” basis, that is, Including storage charges, cartage, etc. :— Best North Island prime lambs, under 361 b. 9 5-Bd.; 301 b. th 421 b, fl 3-8,421 b. to 501b..9; ordinary North Island lanibs, under 421 b. fl 3-Bd., second quality 7 3-8(1.; best North Island wethers and/or maiden ewes, 481 b. to 561 b., G l-8d„ 561 b. to 6111). 6 l-Bd., G4lb. to 721 b. 5)d., over 721 b. uifd.; ordinary North Island wethers and/or maiden ewes, 481 b. to sGlb. Gd., 561 b. to 041 b. 6d„ 641 b. to 721 b. 5 5-8(1., over 721 b. 5 5-Bd.; North Island ewes, under 611 b. 4fd.. 641 b. to 721 b. 3Jd.. over 721 b. _3Jd.; New Zealand prime ox beef (equal fores and hinds, 1601 b. to 2201 b., 41d. Remarks: Lamb, wethers and ewes unchanged. BUTTER AND CHEESE Amalgamated Dairies, Limited report having received the following market calilegram from their London manager, under date December 13: “Butter, Anchor, 1865.; other finest, 1845.. Market very firm. Danish, 2165. “Cheese, white, 975. to 985.; coloured. 995. to 100 s. Market slow.” Messrs M. A. Eliott, Ltd., Palmerston North, have received the following cabled advice from their London agents: “Butter.: Firm, 182 s. to 186 s. Cheese: Steady, white 975. to 985.; coloured, 90s. to 100 s.” Messrs. A. 11. Turnbull and Co. have received a cablegram from Messrs IV. Wcddel and Co., Ltd., dated London, December 14, reading (the previous week’s prices in parentheses) : — . “Danish butter, 218 s (2045.) ; New Zealand, unsalted, 1945. to 1985., (1945. to 1985.) : New Zealand salted, 182 s. to 186 s. (1765. to 180 s.). Market firm. “New Zealand cheese, white, 975. to 98s. (90s. to 985.) ; New Zealand cheese, coloured, 90s. to 100 s. (975. to 985.). Market steady. Canadian cheese, white, 110 s. to 112 s. (110 sto 1125.) ; Canadian cheese, coloured, 108 s. to 112 s. (108 s. to 1125.).” Mr. T. Gray has received the following cablegram from his principal, Mr, A, C. Rowson, dated London, December 14:— “Cheese: White, 975. to 985.; coloured, 995. to 100 s.; steady, fair demand.” “Butter: Finest, 184 s. to 1855.; firsts, 182 s. to 1835.; firm, good demand. DAIRY BOARD’S REPORT. The New Zealand Dairy Produce Board has received the following market report from its London office dated December 14:— Butter.

Market steady. Retail prices unchanged. Discharge of cargoes: lonic finished discharge butter December 11; Port Fremantle finished discharge cheese December 8, commenced discharge butter December 10, finished December 13. LONDON RABBITSKIN SALES Messrs. Dalgety and Company have received the following report from London dated December 14:—Sheepskin sales: Offered, 5775 bales; sold, 4106 bales. As compared with closing rates of last series, good merino combing 5 per cent, higher, inferior merino combing 21 per cent, higher, merino clothing 7| per cent, higher, comeback fine crossbred 5 per cent, to 7j per cent, higher, medium crossbred 5 per cent, higher, low crossbred neglected, mostly withdrawn, lambs fully 5 per cent, higher. The following is the range of prices: Merino, three-quarter to fullwoollcd 14d. to 16<1.; merino, quarter to half-woolled, lOd. to Hid.; merino, short and shorn, Bd. to lOd.; crossbred, threequarter to full-woollcd, fine, 14d. to 18id.; crossbred, three-quarter to fullwoollcd, medium and coarse, lid. to 15d.; crossbred, quarter to half-woolled. fine, lid. to 15Ad.; crossbred, quarter to half-woolled, medium and coarse, 91(1. to 13d.; crossbred, short and shorn, BJd. to 13d.; lambs. Hid. to 16J<1. The Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited have received the following cablegram from their London house, under date December 13:—Sheepskins: Crossbred, fair demand at about 5 per cent, advance, but quantity withdrawn.” DUNEDIN PRODUCE MARKET Dominion Special Service. Dunedin, December 14. It is reported that rain lias been fairly general right through the wheat-growing areas in the Otago district. Indeed, a very considerable quantity of rain lias fallen m VM Oamaru district. Bala sauie just

in time to tide over a critical period, and unless something unforseen now happens it can be assumed that there will be good average yields of wheat next season throughout the South Island. At present little interest is being shown in the wheat market bv millers. Not much wheat is offering in the Otago distriet, but an occasional sale is still being made to millers of good quality Tuscan at ss. 9(1., sacks extra, on trucks Canterbury stations, limiters are quoted at up to 6s. 2d., sacks extra, on trucks, but there is not much of this variety available. Tile volume of business in fowl wheat is small. Occasional lots are going to the North Island from Canterbury, where sales have been made at ss. 7-’>(l. to as. Bd. f.0.b., sacks extra. In the Otago district good quality Is worth 6s. per bushel, sacks extra, ex mereli-.ints’ stores. Local supplies are being drawn from Canterbury, where the shipping is equivalent to Dunedin, ex store price. After a long period of stationary market there is now further feeling of weakness in oats. This is the result of a continued lack of consumptive demand, and also of flic improved prospects following on the recent rains. Dp to 4s. 1(1. f.0.b., 5.1., is Still being asked for A Gartons, and there are sellers for forward delivery next season from April onwards at 3s. 8j(l. Occasional inquiries are being received for B’s, which are worth 3s. 7d. f.0.b.. s.L, for shipment to the North Island. Values to growers are 3s. 3d. for A’s, and 2s. 9d. for B’s, sacks extra, on trucks country sidin The chaff market remains firm notwithstanding that the demand is very limited. Only small consignments are arriving, and these are just about equal to requirements. There is no quotable change in values. Good quality chaff is worth £5 15s. per ton, sacks extra, ex truck, and ex store the quotation is £6. Supplies of old potatoes are now exhausted. Merchants are not dealing to any extent in new tubers, which are being distributed in small lots. Little business is passing in any lines of seeds. The recent rains have greatly Improved prospects for the coining season's crops, and the growth is reported as fairly good in most seed-growing areas. In tlie meantime merchants are not inclined to operate in any Hues until the new harvest commences to come in. Supplies of locally-grown apples from cool stores are practically finished, and only a few cases of Stunners and Rokewoods are now reaching the market. Only choice Stunners are inquired for. and Rokewoods are hardly worth sending to the market. A fair-sized shipment of American apples will arrive ex the Katoa, due from Auckland on Sunday. She is bringing transhipments of Hawaiian pineapples. A few lines of pears from cool stores are still available; These are on the small side and hard to place. The Maul Pomare, which arrived this week from Samoa, brought about 3000 cases of bananas. The quality was excellent, and the market could have absorbed more. Good supplies of toinatoes are arriving from Christchurch, but prices are firm. LIVE STOCK SALES FEILDING Dominion Special Service. Feilding, December 14. Prices for fat sheep at to-day'£ sale at Feilding were about On a par with late rates, there being only medium yardlugs in hand. Ewes made from 235. 6d. to 245. 4d.: wethers, from 30s. to 325. Bd.; lambs, 275. Gd. to 31s. Gd.; two-tooths, from 28s. lOd. to 295. 3d. The store pens contained mainly two and four-tooth wethers, for which the demand was good. Two-tooths made from 265. Bd. to 295.; and four-tooths were priced at 295. Store cattle were in fair supply, and prices ruling were quite in line with late rates. Two-year heifers made from £5 ss. to £7 165.; yearling heifers, £3 to £5 18s. Gd.; 18-month heifers, £7 Is. to £7 45.; P.A. steers, £7 19s. (id. to £10; cows with calves, £7 ss. to £10; forward cows, £4 10s. to £7 10s. Fat cattle met with a steady demand, and all available supplies were disposed of nt good figures. Best cows ranged in value from £ll to £l2 IQs., with lighter sorts at £7 10s. to £9 12s. Gd., while heifers sold at from £7 12s. 6d., £9 10s. to £l2. Tlie bullock entry was confined to one or two pens, which changed hands at £l4. There was not a strong inquiry for dairy stock, and prices showed little change. Heifers in milk were sold at £ll us. ; springing heifers from £7 to £lO 10s.; and cows in milk from £9, £l2 15s. to £l4. The Loan anil Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report that a large yarding of store cattle came forward for the weekly sale at Feilding. Only a few pens of store sheep were offered, mostly 2-tooth wethers, which sold well up to late rates. Store cattle were eagerly sought after, and changed hands at satisfactory prices. Quotations: Fnt lambs, 255. 6d. to 31s. 6d.; store two-tooth wethers, 265. Bd. to 295.; store 4-tooth wethers, 295. 6d. to 305.; store cows, £4 to £7 18s.; P.A. yearlings, steers, £6 IQs. to £8 2s. Gd.; H’fd. yrg. heifers, £7 Is. to £7 10s.; cows and calves, £7 ss. to £lO. CARTERTON. Reporting on last week’s Cartejfon sale, IVairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association, Ltd., report having offered a good entry of cattle and pigs and a small offering of sheep. Cattle and sheep were keenly sought after, late rates being fully maintained. Pigs were rather in oversupply. prices being in purchasers’ favour. Quotations: Medium two-tooth wethers, 20s. 4t1.; fat ewes, 20s. 2d.; best fat cows, £8 to £10; forward ditto, £6 ss. to £7 75.; store cows, £3 to £5 Ils.; empty twoyear heifers, £4 17s. 6d. to £6; springing dairy cows, £8 10s.; dairy cows in profit, £8 10s.; Potter bulls, £6 ss. to £6 10s.: porkers, 265. to 325.; weaners, 10s. to 145.; slips, 16s. 6d. to 225. 6(1. FAT STOCK PRICES Tlie New Zealand Meat Producers’ Board advises that the following prices were being offered for fat stock for export at December 13 :— Hawke's Bay.—Prime woolly lambs : 361 b. and under, lOd.; 371 b. to 421 b., 9|d.; 431 b. and over, 9d.; second quality lambs, 9d. Wellington.—Prime woolly lambs: 361 b. and under, lOd.; 371 b. to 421 b., 9jd.; 431 b. and over, 9d.; second quality lambs, 9d. Canterbury.—Ppine woolly lanibs: 361 b. and under, IOJd.; 371 b. to 421 b., lOd.; 431 b. and over, OJd.; second quality lambs, 9jd. WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE LAST WEEK'S BUSINESS AND PRICES A bi# volume of business was done o.n the Stock Exchange last week. The business was well spread, and prices were very firm with an upward tendency. There was a small turnover in Government stock and bonds, but the debentures of local bodies and private companies sold well. The 4j per cent. Government stocks changed hands at £99 10s., and the 5| per cents, at £lOl ss. and £lOl 10s. Sales were registered of Mount Eden Borough, 5} per cents. (1903) at £lO2 10s. Tamaki West Road Board, 5J per cent. (1959) at £lO2 10s., Christchurch Drainage Board, 5J per cents. (1973) at £lOO 10s., New Zealand Refrigerating, 64 per cent. (1935) at £lOl, Milne and Choyce, debentures, at 265., and New Zealand Breweries bonds at 255. 9d. and 255. 6d. Bank shares were firm and active, especially Commercial Bank of Australia, Bank of New Zealand, and Bank of Adelaide. Bank of Australasia shares sold at £l4 145., £l4 15s. 6d., and £l4 14s. Oil.; National Bank of Australasia, £lO paid, at £lB 16s. 6d., and £5 paid at £9 75.; Commercial Bank of Australia at 30s. 9d„ 30s. Sd.. 30s. 10(1., 30s. 9d., and 30s. lOd.; Bank of Adelaide (eight parcels) at £10; Bank of New South "Wales at £5O 4s. and £5O 7s. 6d., Union Bank at £l5 125., £l5 10s. Gd., £l5 11s. 6d„ and £l5 10s. 6d.; Bank of New Zealand (twelve parcels) at 615., 61 s. 3d., and 61s. 6d., and Bank of New Zealand “D” shares at 28s. Id. . Moderate business was done in financial shares, and tlie demand was not very marked. Dalgety and Co. changed hands at £l5 45.. National Mortgage, at SSs. 6(1.. New Zealand Guarantee Corporation, ordinary, at Bs. ml.. New Zealand Farmers’ Co.-op. “B preference at 50s. and United Building at 16s. Insurance shares were very firm, but there was little business passing in them. New Zealand Insurance sold at 455. Od., and National Insurance at 16s. 4d„ 16s. 2d 16s. 3d., and 16s. 2d. There was more business (lone in gas shares than for some time past, especially in Auckland Gas, of Which lune parcels changed hands at 235. od., ~3s. 6(1.,

235. 7d., 235. 9d„ 235. 8d„ and 235. 9d.; Christchurch Gas changed hands at 275. 3d., 275., and 265. 9d.; and Timaru Gas at 245. 2d. Meat shares were rather quiet, and there was not much doing in them. New Zealand Refrigerating, 10s. paid, had quittance at 9s. 6d., and Southland Frozen Meat, preference, at 38s. 9d. Shipping shares met with fair business compared with the past few weeks, and sales were registered of HuddartParker at 4Ss. 3d. and 48s. 6d., Northern Steam at 13s. 4d. and 13s. 3d., and Devonport Steam Ferry at 255. Woollen shares were slow, and business was very limited. Wellington Woollen preference changed hands at £7 10s., Kaiapoi Woollen, ordinary, at 13s. 10d,, and 7s. paid at 4s. 4d. The turnover in coal shares was better than in the past two or three weeks, with sales of Renown Collieries, ordinary, at 15s. 6d., 15s. 3d., and 155.; Pukemiro Collieries at 655. 6d. and 665.; and Hikurangi Coal, preference, at Ils. 2d. New Zealand Breweries shares were extremely active, and dominated the market, 77 parcels changing hands. This is probably a record in the sales of any one company in a week. The prices realised were 575., 575. Gd., 555., 565., 565. 6d., 575., 575. 6d., 575. 10d., 575. 9d., 575. Sd., 575. 7d., 585., 575. 6d., 575. 9d., 575., and 575. 9d. Other sales of brewery shares were: Carlton Brewery at 515., Staples and Co. at 41s. 3d., 41s. 2d. and 41s. 6d.; and Timaru Brewery at 18s. Not a great many sales were made in the miscellaneous section, but prices generally showed firmness. Sales were registered of British Tobacco at 455. and 455. Id., Colonial Sugar at £59, Kauri Timber at 19s. 3d., Henry Jones Co-op. at 365. 9d. and 375. 7<1., Howard Smith nt 255., Victoria Nyanza Sugar, at 475., Wairnrapa Farmers’ preference at 13s. 6(1.. Beath and Co. at 38s. 6d. and 38s. 3d., Dental and Medical Supply at 9s. 9d„ Sanford, Ltd., at 17s. 6d.. Glenmore Brick and Tile at 305., and Taranaki Oil at ss. 4d. nnd ss. sd. Saturday's buying and selling quotations were as under: — Buyers. Sellers.

SALES IN OTHER CENTRES By Telegraph.—Press Association. Auckland, December 16. Sales.—lnscribed stock. 1938, 44 per cent., £99 7s. 6d.; Bank of New Zealand. 61s. 9d., 61s. 9d.; New Zealand insc., 455. 6(1.; Auckland Gas, 235. Bd.; Henry Jones Co-op., 375. 6d.; Sanford, Ltd., 17s. Gd. Christchurch, December 15. Sales. —New Zealand Breweries, 575.; British Tobacco, 455. Sale reported.—Auckland Gas, 235. 9d. FOREIGN ITEMS PIHCES OF HAW MATERIALS. (Australian i J ress Association.) (Bee. December 16, 5.5 p.m.) London, December 15. Cotton. —Liverpool quotations for American middling upland cotton, January delivery, 10.49 d. per lb. Rubber. —Para, lOJtl. per lb.; plantation first latex crepe and smoked ribbed sheet, 8-1(1. Jute.—Dcccmbi ( January shipment, £32 ss. per ton. , ■ Copra.—December-January shipment, £24 ss. per ton. Linseed oil, £29 ss. per ton. Turpentine, 475. per cwt. Osmiridium is unchanged. GREEK LOAN IN LONDON. (British Official Wireless.) Rugby, December 13. The issue in London to-day of four million pounds of 6 per cent, sterling bonds of tlie Greek Government met with a ready response, and the subscription lists closed this morning-

Last 14/12/28 week s. s. New Zealand — . 182-186 176-182 Unsalted ..... . 194-108 194-198 First whey ... . 174 166 Second whey .. . 170 162 Deliveries New Zealand this week, 1950 tons; in store New Zealand this week, 3350 tons. Australian — Finest salted . . 180-182 174-178 up to 186 Unsalted . 182-186 192-186 up to 188 Argentine— Finest unsalted . 176-180 176-180 up to 182 Danish, 211s. f.o.b. , 218s. spot 19S-204 Dutch unsalted . . 212 204-206 Market firm. Retail prices unchanged. Cheese. New Zealand — White . 97- 98 90- 98 Coloured .... . 99-100 97- 98 Deliveries New Zealand this week, 27,500 crates; in store New Zealand this week, 37,000 crates. Canadian — White . 110-112 110-112 Coloured .... . 108-112 108-112 Australian — White . 96- 97 Coloured .... 96-100 —

N.Z. GOVT. LOANS— £ s. d. £ 8. d. 41 p.c Ins. Stk.. 1939 99 0 — 44 p.c. ditto. 1938 ... 99 0 — 44 p.c. Bonds. 1941 .. 99 0 — 44 p.c. ditto, 1939 .... 99 7 0 — 44 p.c. ditto, 1938 ... 99 7 0 99 12 6 5Jr p.c. ditto. 1936 ...101 7 6 —— DEBENTURES— IVellington Gas ......100 0 0 —— Well. Racing Club ... 100 10 0 — BANKS— Adelaide 9 18 0 10 1 0 Australasia 14 14 0 14 17 0 Commercial of Aust. (ord.) 1 English, Scottish, and 10 6 1 11 0 Australian 8 10 0 8 11 3 National of N.Z 7 National of Australasia - 9 7 5 0 (£9) —— 9 7 c New South Wales ... 50 7 6 —— New Zealand 3 1 3 — Ditto, long-term inoftg. 1 7 9 1 8 3 Union of Aust 15 10 <1 15 13 0 Ditto (Melbourne register) 15 10 0 —- FINANCIAL— Well. Ihvest.. T. & A. 0 10 9 Well. Trust and Loan 7 0 0 •—• Well. Deposit & Mortg. 0 10 0 — Wellington (ord.) ... 1 10 3 111 6 INSURANCE— National — U 16 4 South British 3 4 9 •—■ MEAT PRESERVING— N.Z. Refrigerat. (£1) 0 19 3 1 0 0 Ditto (10s.) 0 9 3 0 9 0 TRANSPORT— Huddart-Parker (ord.) 2 8 0 2 V 9 WOOLLEN— Kalapoi (pref.) -— 0 15 V Mosgiel 7 3 0 — COAL— Westport 1 9 6 1 10 3 TIMBER— National —— U 10 U Leyland-O’Brien 1 11 3 — BREWERIES— Ward an.l Co - ■ - miscellaneous— C. M. Banks (ord.) .. 1 2 0 —*• British Tobacco (Aust.), (ord.) 2 4 11 2 O Colonial Sugar 58 10 0 59 2 6 Dominion Investments 1 2 0 Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) — 1 16 9 Howard Smith (ord.) 1 4 8 —— National Electric .... —— 0 12 6 Newton King (pref.) 0 8 3 —— N.Z. Drug Co 3 13 0 3 17 6 N.Z. Express Co. (ord.) — 0 19 0 N.Z. Farmers Fertillser 0 18 9 —— N.Z. Paper Mills — 0 17 0 Sharland and Co. (ord.) — 1 0 0 Well. Queen’s Theatre 1 3 0 — Wilson’s Cement 2 1 0 2 2 0 Gasco Bricks 1 3 10 —* Aust. Iron and Steel (pref.) —— 1 0 3 Strand, Ltd 1 0 0 —— MINING— Mount Lyell 1 18 6 1 19 6

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Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 71, 17 December 1928, Page 14

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Farm and Commercial Section Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 71, 17 December 1928, Page 14

Farm and Commercial Section Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 71, 17 December 1928, Page 14