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Pollowing are to-day's broadcast programmes:—

2YA, WELLINGTON (420 metres).-3 pan. .<> 5 p.m.: Aiteriioon session. 3: Gramophone recital. 3.30: Lecturctte, "Gas booking,” by Miss Marion Christian. 3.45: Gramophone recital. 7 to 7.30: News session and markci reports. 7.35: Lceturette, •ir. N. K. Jacobson, 'Air and its Wonders." 8: Chimes of the G.P.O. clock, Wellington. 8.1: Instrumental, studio orchestra, selected. 8.11: Piano solo, Miss .toward, “Prelude, C Sharp Minor” (liachnianinoff). 8.16: 'Cello solo, Miss Prenter, Serenade” (Squire-Augener). 8.21: Contralto solo, Miss Ailsu Dillon. ‘‘My Kest-

i mg Place'’’ (Schubert). 8.25: Violin solo, I .diss L Thompson,. “Meditation” (Thais), I Massenet-Hengel). 8.30: Tenor solo, Mr. ; Alwin Dennis, 'Like Stars Above” (Squire--1 loosey). 8.35: Trio. The Nga Tawa Trio, Miniatures" (F. Biidge-Augeuer). 8.45: I Jerwo-eoprano, Miss Thompson, “Blow, i Glow, Thou Winter Wind” (QuilterJoosey). 8.55: Instrumental, studio orihestra, selected 9: Weather report. 9.1: delay of the Savage Club Orchestra. 9.21: Jass solo, Mr. J. M. Caldwell. 'Shepherd, ■ice Thy Horse's Foaming Mane” (Hun- ; garian melody), (Korbay). 9.25: IllustratI ed lecturctte, Mr. Douglas Tayler, ’'Music ' and Pictures." 9.35: Piano solo, Miss .loward, “Polonaise in A" (Chopin). 9.40: Contralto, Miss Ailsa Dillon, 'Open Thy . Blue Eyes” (Massenet-Lowe and Lrydone). i. 44: Violin solo. Miss Thompson, “Melody” ■Uubenstein-Ei Meh). 9.49: Tenor sclo. Mr. klwin Dennis, “Sigh No More” CAitkenItained and Bell). 9.53: 'Cello solo. Miss ’renter, “Le Cygne” (Saint Saens-Dur-md). 9.57: Mezso-soprano, Miss Incmp3On, “The Second Minuet” iiesley-Bcose;. ?. 10.2: Trio. The N’ga Tawa Trio. “The l';en Boat” (Armstrong. GibbsCurwen ; It l 12: Bass solo, Mr. ,T. M. Caldwell, “The Old Sard’s Song" (Rutland-Boiiglitou). 10.16: 'instrumental, studio orehepra, seleeel. 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH (3C6 metret.)..•lilent. IYA. AUCKLAND (333 metres).- c p.m. to 4.30 p.m.: Afternoon session; selected studio items. 6.30: Children's session—- ■ Aunt Betty. 7.15: News an J informatii n session. 7.30: Talk on “Yosemite Valley I and Grand Canyon." by Mr Stanley BUM. 7.45: Close down. 8: Chimes. 8.1: Relay . of overture from Majestic Theatre of Majestic New Orchestra, under Mr. J. Whitford-Waugh. 8.15: Baritone solo, Mr. Walter Brough, "Onaway Awake” (Boosey, Coleridge-Taylor). 8.20: Piano solo, Miss D. Binns, “Rhapsody in R Minor” (I)itson Brahms). 8.25; Soprano solo, Mrs. Humphrey-Steward (selected). 8.33: Flute solo, Mr. 11. McLennan, “The Swallow’s Plight” (Kohler). 8.38: Bass-baritone solo, Mr. J. Kennedy, “Maori Folk Songs.” 8.45: Violin solos. Mr. A. Grade, (a) "Hymn to the Sun” (Kreisler), (b) "Aloha Oe” (Kreisler). 8.53: Sketch. Griffiths Duo, ‘Seeing the Show." 9: Weather report. 9.2: Relay from Majestic Theatre. 9.17: Baritone solos, Mr. AV. Brough, (a) “Aera,” (h) “Youth.” 9.25: Piano solo, Miss D. Binns, “Romance” (BreitkopfSibelit). 9.31: Soprano solo. Mrs. Humph-rey-Steward (selected). 9.36: Flute solos, Mr. 11. McLennan, (a) “Serenade" (Braga), (b) "Dainty Dance" (Lenimone). 9.45: Bass-baritone solo. J. Kennedy, “Maori Folk Songs.” 9.50: Violin solo. Mr. A. Grade, “Ave Maria" (Schubert). 9.55: Sketch. Griffiths Duo, “Boxes.” 10: Close down. 4YA, DUNEDIN (463 metres).-3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.: Afternoon concert. 3: Chimes. 3.1: Ills Master’s Voice redial. 3.15: Address by Miss M. Puechegud. "Homes from the Outside.” 3.30: Studio music. 4: Book reviews, by Mr. H. Greenwood, librarian. Dunedin Athenaeum. 4.15: His Master’s Voice- recital. 4.30: Close down. 7. to 7.30: Children’s cession.' 7.30 to 7.45: News service. 7.45: Humorous address, by Pastor W. D. More, “The Unlucky Thirteenth.” 8 to 10: Relay from His Majesty's Theatre; grand orchestral performance by the Philharmonic Society, under the conductorship of Siguor R. Squarise; ;narch, “Great Little Army” (Alford); overture, “Francesca da Rimini” (Morlacchi); prelude, ■“Messalina” (Mancinelli) symphony “Farewell” , (Haydn); march, “Slave March” (Tschaikowsky); ’cello solo, “Simple Aven" (Thome), Mr. Phil Palmer; overture, “Le Sorcier de Pont-aveu ’ Meuton). "God Save the King.” 2FC, SYDNEY (442 metres).—7.3o p.m.: Programme announcements. 7.33: A talk to be given by one of the professional staff of the Sydney University. 7.45: Alfred Cunningham, baritone, “To Alethea from Prison” (Keel). 7.50: Tom Foggitt, novelty pianist. 7.56: Vera Tasma, soprano, . (a) “E Tornata" (Cotogul), (by request), (b) “The Child and the Twilight” (Parry). 8.4; A short talk on “Authors’ Week.” ' 8.8: From the West Wyalong School of Arts, the policy speech by the leader of the State Country Party, Mr. E. A. Brittenshaw. 9.45: From the studio, Alfred Cunningham, baritone, (a) “Hear Me, Y’e Winds and Waves" (Hnn-,: del), (b) “The Song of the Clock” (Burchell). 9.53: Tom Foggitt, novelty pianist. 0.57: Eden and Jack I.andervou, entertainers, (a) “She Knows It,’ (b) “Dinkum Aussie Blues" (Maddlson). 10 3: Vera Tasma, soprano, (a) “When Diasies Pied" (Arne), (Old English), (b) “Irish Folk Song” (Tooti), (request). 10.10: Hal A’nne’s Orchestra, in popular numbers. 10.18: Alfred Cunningham, baritone, (a) “Beloved," it Is Morn" (Aylward), (b) “The Old Gray Fox” (White) 10.25: Tom Foggitt, novelty pianist. 10.29: Ilal Vane's Orchestra. 10.30: Eden and .Tack Lnnderyou. entertainers, (a) “Masculine Wimln and Feminine Men” (Monaco), (b) “Are Yer Gonna be Home To-night?” (request). 10 43- Hal Vane's Orchestra. 10.52: Len Maurice, baritone. 10.57: Late news ami announcements. 11.0: Big Ben. Edon and .Tack Lanileryou. entertainers, piano and banjo solos. 11.7: Hal Vane’s orchestra. 11.17: Len Maurice, popular baritone. 11.20: Hal Vane's Orchestra. 11.30: National Anthem: close down.

2BL, SYDNEY <353 metres).—B p.m.: G.P.O. clock and chimes: Broadcasters topical chorus; an hour's programme presented by Cossor valves. 8.3: Broadcasters’ Light Orchestra, under the direction of M.r J. Knight Barnett. 8.11: Mr. Stanley R Catlett (tenor). 8.18: Mr. Haatren Flolenbergh (pian-at). 8.28: Miss GJadvs Verona (soprano). Mr. Gerald WMenn 8.58; Weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr O. J. Mares. Government meteorologist. 9: G.P.O. clock and chimes. 9.1: Broadcasters’ Lteht Orchestra. 9.11: Mr Herbert C. Hinchcliffe (baritone). 9.18: Miss Mary Neale (mezzo-contralto). 9.25: Mr. Haagen Holenbergh. 9.35: Duet. Messrs. S R. Catlett and H G. Hinchcliffe. 9 40: Brdadcasters’ Light Orchestra. 9.50: Mr. Stanley- R. Catlett 9.54: M». Gerald Walenn 10'4t Mr Herbert C. Hinchcliffe. 10.11: Miss Mary Neale 10.18: The Ambassadors Dance Band, broadcast from Hie ballroom of the Ambassadors; during intervals between dances “Sun” news will be broadcast 12: G.P.O clock and chimes; National Anthem. 2GB. SYDNEY (316 metres).—Silent. ?LO, MELBOURNE (371 metresk-8 p.m.; Hubert Opperman, Australia’s champion road cyclist. “Preparation for Attack on Sydney to Melbourne record." 8.10: Donald Mcßeath. violin. “Romance” (Wieni awski), “Berceuse” (Townsend) “Obertass” (Wieniawski). 8.20- Roy Galloway and Beryl Havden baritone. “Youth” (Allitson), comedienne, “Some Day” (Weston). duet. “The Joys of Shopping.’’ 8.30: Studio presentation- of the opera ‘Il Trovatore.” under the direction of J. Sutton Crow assisted by the studio orchestra. and Auburn Methodist Choir. Cast: Leonora. Elsie Davies (soprano): Inez. Beatrice McEvitt (soprano) r Azucena, Madame Agn«°s Jansen (contralto): Manrico, John D. Sullivan (tenor); Ruiz, Charles D Riggall (tenor); II Conte di Luna, J Alexander Brown (baritone); Fernando. F. Davies (bass). 9.50: Sam Clapham ex-champion light heavy-weight

wrestler, will speak < n “Hygiene Health and Happiness.” 10- Joe Aronson and his Synco-Symphonists. 'Shalimar'' (Nichol), “JacK in the Box" (Nichol.’, “Mary Lou .’Lyn an). 10.10: Meteorological informa tion; British Official Wireles news; "Argus' news service. 10.17: Walter Champney, assisted by Eileen Gilbert duet, “Chicks," from “The Country Girl. Eileen Gilbert, ‘Dear Little Jammy Face. 10.27: Joe Aronson and his S.vuco-Sym-phonists, ‘Marie, Marie Marie" (Brown), “Just a Rose in Old Killarney ” “Indian Ijovo Call” (Friml). 10.37; Sporting notes and announcements; the Royal Automo bile Club of Victoria's safety message. 10.47: .Joe Aronson and his Synco-Sym phonists. “Rofe Marie" (Friml’, 'Gimme a Little Kiss. Will Ya, Huh?” (Turk),

“Any Ice To-day, Lady?" (Pellard). 11;' Our great thought. 11.1: Joe Aronson and his Synco-Symplionists—“Princess Betty's Lullaby,” “Classicana” (Lange), “She Knows Her Onions” (Yellen), "Don't Be Angry With Me” (Donaldson), ’Whis tie the-Blues Away" (Myer). "Falling in Love With You." "Deed I Do" (Ifirseh), "Collette” (Kabn), ‘The Doll Dance” (piano novelty), with orchestra (Brown),

“At Sundown" (Donaldson). “My Dream of the Big Parade," “Mamma’s Gone Young, Papa’s Gone Old" (Lee), “Everything’s I’caghes” (Squire). “Shalimar" (Nichol). "Jack in ihe Box” (Nichol). "Mar.v Lou” (Lyman), "Marie, Marie, Marie” (Brown), “Just a Rose in Old Killarney” (Swan). 11.40: “God Save the King.”

4QG. BRISBANE (355 metres).—Tonight's programme will be provided by tlie Sandgate Methodist Choir, conductor, Mr. Norman Evans: accompanist, Miss ■Winnie Freeman. From the studio: 8 p.m.: Opening chorus, “I Believe in Sandgate” (Middleton), the choir: partsong, “Anchored" (Watson), the choir; solo, with humming accompaniment arranged by N. Evans, “Macushla” (MaeMnrrough). Mr. J. Steele; 'cello solos, (a) romance, “Simple Aven” (Thorne), (b) “L'lnnocence” (Squire), Mr. 11. 11. Dean; soprano solo, “Thanksgiving” (Cowen), Mrs. H. IV. Chapman: recitation, selected, Mr. I,on .Tarrott; solo, with humming accompaniment, arranged by N. Evans, “The Ash Grove” (Welsh melody). Mr. Bryth Evans; part-song, “Sleep. Gentle Lady” (Bishop), the choir; solo, with humming refrain arr. by N. Evans; “Sleepy Hollow Tune” (Kounfz), Mrs. IL Taylor: part-song. "Viking's Sone” (Coleridge Taylor), the choir; 'cello solo, (a) “Romance” (Noel Johnson). (b) “Dance Austique” (Squire), Mr. IL IL Dean: jubilee chorus, “Get You Ready,” Brandon Bros.; solo, with humming accompaniment, “The Banks of Allan "Water” (Hartley). Miss Gwen Taylor; organ solo, selected. Miss Winnie Freeman: jubilee chorus, “My Lord's Writing all the Time,” Brandon Bros.; solo, with hummihg accompaniment, “The Wind” (Nichol). Miss Norma Woodhead: duet, “Come to fhe Fair” .Easthope Martin), Miss Elsie Cox and Mr. A. H. Evans. 9.0: Metropolitan weather forecast: jubilee chorus, “What Kind of Shoes are You Going to Wear?” Brandon Bros.; solo, with humming accompaniment arr. by N Evans. “Three Fishers” (Htillah), Mrs. C. IT. Giles: jubilee chorus. “I’m A’rolling,” Brandon Bros.; recitation, selected, Mr. Lou Jarroft: ladies’ chorus, “The Maiden of the Fleur de Lys” (Itichardson). the ladies: selection of hymns, Introducing “St. Agnes" (Dr. Dykes); selection of hymns, continued, introducing “Bcthsaida” (R. F. Bridge). “Stainforth” (.1. C. Nattrnss), “Castle Rising” (F. R. ,T. Hervey), the choir: solo and chorus, "The Name of Jesus." introducing tune “Belmont,” Mrs. 11. W. Chapman; humorous duet, “Contradicting” (Anon.), Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. Hartshorn: partsong. “The Lost Chord" (Sullivan), the choir: solo, with male chorus. “Asleep in the Deep” (Petrie). Mr. A. IT. Evans and party; part-song, “John Peel” (J. E. West), the choir: two part-song. “When the Winds Blow in From the Sea” (Smart). Mrs. E. Bishop, Mr. N. Evans nd party: part-song, "Lullaby" (Lee Williams), the choir; part-song, "Perfect Day” (Jacobs-Bond), the choir. 10.9; “The Daily Mail” news; weather news; close down.

Note.—New Zealand time is an hour and a half ahead of eastern Australian time.

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Dominion, Volume 20, Issue 296, 13 September 1927, Page 5

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BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 20, Issue 296, 13 September 1927, Page 5

BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 20, Issue 296, 13 September 1927, Page 5