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GATHERING AT BASIN RESERVE ATHLETICS, DANCING AND PIPING Boxing Day was -the day of all the year” fur the Scotsmen ot IVeHington, who assembled in good numbers <»t ‘he Basin Beseive to witness the annual sports gathering of the local Caledonian Society. The weather was beautifully fine, but a northerly wind was in evidence. Although some competitors who had entered for the athletic events mu not put in an appearance, competition was nevertheless fairly keen, and some good racing was witnessed. Interest centred round the contest for the Donald Gillies Challenge Cup. upon which is engraved the name of the J’ un, w'' se ‘ curing the most points in the IW.vds.. 2”l)vds., 4Wvds„ and 880yds. handicaps. gold medal is also presented to the winner, who on this occasion was G. Zander, who registered 8 points by winning the qiuirter-milc aud filling second place in the holi’-milo. The 2<K) jaids provincial championship went, to D. Paris, who won from Jenkins by a. yard, easing up, after a brisk tussle for 1:0 yards. The winner’s time was 20 Fasee. -a commendable effort. A prominent performer in the field events was \\ . G. Kai laugher, who captured the hurdles and the broad and high jump handicaps. The cycling events provided some exciting sport, especially the tiri.sll ef the five mile handicap, in which the three scratch men fought out the pieces. I. Oakley, of Masterton, who had ndden cleverly throughout the race, cut through an opening at the bell, and took the. lead, followed closely by C. It. Flett and P. N. Robinson. All were travelling at ton speed along the back straight, but to the amazement of the crowd Flett, without any apparent expenditure of effort, passed the leader at the 190yds. mark, and led on into the straight to win by a length and a halt. Robinson came nt Oakley 10 yards from home and passed the Masterton rider on the post. Much interest was taken in the piping and dancing competitions. In the piping events C. C. Macdonald, of Wanganui, was a notable performer, with I. Kelly (Wellington) capturing second money. The. juvenile dancing found Gwen Ward in good form, while Malcolm Robb carried all before him in the over twelve and under sixteen section. Evelyn Wright and Gladys Smith were prominent in the girls ove* twelve and under sixteen contests, while in the adult events the honours went to Gordon McCombie and Jean McLachlan respectively. Added importance was given the dancing events by reason of the fact that several New Zealand championships were decided in that section. Appended arc the various results in detail; — ATHLETIC EVENTS.

100 Yards Handicap.—First heat: .1. T. Fleming (4yds.), 1; F. S. Hill (H yds.), 2; H. Wilkins (7yds.), 3. Time, 10 3-ssec. Second heat: C. il. Jenkins (lyd.). 1: R. Gully (syds.), 2; H. Hayvice (4yds.). 3. Time, 10 3-sseo. Final: Wilkins, 1; Fleming, 2; Jenkins, 3. A good finish. Time, 10 3-ssec. 200 Yards Provincial Championship — D. Paris (Wellington), 1; C. H. Jenkins (Wellington). 2; 11. Hayvice (Wellington), 3. The only starters. Won by a yard, easing up. Time, 20 l-ssec. 2°o Yards Junior Handicap.—H. Phillips (9yds.), 1; T. Matthews (scr.), 2; A. Melpy (Byds.), 3. Won by six yards. Time, 23 2-ssec. 220 Yards Handicap—First heat: D. Paris (scr.), 1; 11. Bennett (15yds.), 2; H. Hayvice (9yds.), 3. Time, 23sec. Second heat: F. S. Hill (12yds.), 1;C. H. Jenkins (2yds.), 2; R. W. Lauder (11yds.,. 3. Time, 22 4-ssec. Third heat: F. Shore (14yds.), 1; C. B. Allan (12yds.), 2; F. Strand (14yds.), 3. Time. 22 4-ssec. Final: Hill, 1; Shore, 2: Jenkins, 3. Won by lJyds. Time, 22sec. 410 Yards Handicap.—G. Zander (30yds.), 1; J. T. Fleming (15yds.), 2; IL Gully (12yds.), 3. Won by several yards. Time, 51 4-ssec. 880 Yards Handicap.—J. R. Preston (10yds.), 1: G. Zander (35yds.), 2; L. A. Payne (45yds.), 3. Won by 10yds. lime, 2min. 0 2-ssec. Ono Mile Handicap.—lL Leech (150 vds.), 1; C. G. Gibbins iiOyds.), 2: D. Priestley (45yds.), 3. Won by Byds. Time, 4min. 32scc. Three-mi lo' Handicap.—F. Silver (130 vds.), 1; A. Barclay (32yds.), 2; C. G. Gibbons (220yds.), 3. The only starters. Won easily. Time, lamin. 21 l-ssce. One-milo Walk.—W. Nicholls (50yds.), 1; D. Pederson (140yds.), 2. The only starters. Won on the tape. No time was taken, ns the winner entered the race after Pederson had started to traverse the one lap that must necessarily be covered before a prize can be awarded in a "one-man” race. 120 Yards Hurdles—W. G. Kalaugher (scr.), 1; R. W. Lander (scr.), 2; E. J. Hetherington (syds. and ono hurdlo down), 3. Time, 16 3-ssec. 100 Yards Ladies’ Handicap.—l'irst heat: Miss Wild (syds.), 1; Miss Swinburne (scr.), 2; Miss Josephs (6yds.), 3. Timo, 13 l-ssec. Second heat: Miss Porter (21yds.), 1: Miss Stevenson, (3’rvds.). 2; Miss Wilkins (Gyds.), 3. Time, 12 3-ssec. Final: Miss Wilkins, 1; Miss Potter. 2, Miss Swinburne, 3. Time, 12 l-ssec. 120 Yards Ladies Handicap.—Miss

Porter (2!yds.), 1: Miss Collins (2yds.), 2; Miss 'Swinburne (scr.), 3. 'Time, 11 2-ssce.

Putting ths Shot Handicap.—P. Munro (scr.), 41ft. 4in., 1; D. Brown (3ft.), 43ft. 3in., 2.

Throwing the Javelin Handicap.—D. Brown (25ft.), 115 ft. Ilin., 1; P. Munro (see.), UOft. 2in„ 2. Broad Jump Handicap.—W. G. Kalaugher (scr.), 19ft. 10in., 1; H. D. Preston (6in.j, 19ft. sin., 3; 11. Whyte (Ift. (iin.), 18ft. 9in., 3. High Jump Handicap.—W. G. Kalaugher (scr.). sft. slin., 1; 11. C. Whyte (lin.), sft. sin., 2; E. J. Hetherington (2in.), 511. 4in., 3. 75 Yards.—Boys, under 12: F. Kitto, 1; R. Donaldson, 2. 75 Yards, Girls, ditto: Mavis Thistoll, 1; — Bremner, 2. Boys’ Sack Race (under 16): George Morgan, 1; Georg? Watts, 2. Boys’ Motortiro Race: Frank Dakin. 1; 1). Barry, 2. Boys’ Half-milo Walk: G. Matts, 1; D. Heaton, 2. CYCLING EVENTS. 880 Yards Handicap,—First heat: G. W. Capper (35yds.), 1; A. H. Downes (75yds.), 2. Time, Imin. 13 4-ssec. Second heat: P. Clements (70yds.), 1; J. Carswell (30yds.), 2. Time, Imin. 8 3-5 sec. Final: Clements, 1; Capper, 2; Downes, 3. Time, Imin. 12 l-ssec. One Mile Handicap.—First beat: A. H. Downes (200yds.), 1; T. Oakley (scr.), 2; IV. Mackie (150yds.), 3. Time, 2min. 31 l-ssec. Second heat: H. Scaife (100 yds.), 1; IL J. Clark. (200yds.), 2; G. W. Capper (80yds.), 3. Time, 2min. 26 4-ssec. Final: Clark. 1; Downes, 2; Scaife, 3. A close finish. Timo, 2min. 23scc. Three Mile Handicap.—J. Carswell (130yds.), 1; H. Scaife (220yds.), 2; R. J. Clark (360yds.), 3. A good race, with the handicap men proving too slick for the back-markers. Time) 7min. 49 3-ssec. Five Mile Handicap. —C. IL S. Flett (scr.), 1; P. N. Robinson (scr.), 2; T. Oakley (scr.), 3. The race of the day. Won by a length and a half, half a wheel separating second and third. Time, 13min. 33scc. PIPING CONTESTS. Piobaircachd. —C. C. Macdonald (Wanganui), 1; I. Kelly (Wellington), 2; T. Mulcahy (Wellington), 3. Open Marches.—C. C. Macdonald (Wanganui), 1; I. Kelly (Wellington), 2; S. Cameron (Wellington), 3. Strathspey and Reel. —C. C. Macdonald (Wanganui), 1; I. Kelly (Wellington), 2; S. Cameron (Wellington), 3. Maiden Marches.—S. Cameron, 1; J. Mac Neil, 2.; K. Murray, 3. JUVENILE DANCING. Boy or Girl, under 12.—Highland Fling —Adeline Burnette, 1; Alice Stevenson. 2. Sword Dance—Gwen Ward, 1; Alice Stevenson, 2 Sheauntriubhas—Gwen Ward, 1; Alice Stevenson, 2. Highland Fling (novice)—Betty Wills, 1; Grvta Baillie, 2; Owen Burnette, 3. Boys, over 12 and under 16.—Highland Fling (N.Z. Championship)—Malcolm Robb, 1; lan Boyd, 2. Sheauntruibhas— Malcolm Robb, 1; lan Boyd, 2. Sword Dance (N.Z. Championship)—Malcolm Robb, 1; Macdonald Boyd, 2. Sailor’s Hornpipe—Malcolm ■ Robb. 1; lan Boyd, 2. Irish Jig—Malcolm Robb, 1; Macdonald Boyd, 2. Girls, over 12 and under 16. —Highland Fling (N.Z. Championship)—Gladys Smyth, 1; Ruby Biishby, 2; Evelyn Wright, 3. 'Sheauntriubhas—Gladys Smyth, 1; Evelyn Wright, 2; Gladys Needham, 3. Sailor’s Hornpipe—Evelyn Wright, 1; Trixio Boyd, 2. Irish Jig— Evelv Wright, 1; Gladys Smyth, 2. Reel o’ T’ulloch—Evelyn Wright, 1; Ruby Bushby, 2. ADULT DANCING. Mon. over 1G (open).—Highland Fling —Gordon McCombie, 1; Angus Cameron, 2 Sheauntriubhas —Gordon McCombie, 1; W. G. McKenzie, 2. Sword Dance — Gordon McCombie, 1; W. G. McKenzie. 2. Ladies, over 16 (open).—Highland Fling —Jean McLachlan, 1; Phyllis McMilla.n, 2; Ilori Needham, 3. Sheauntriubhas — Jean McLachlan, 1; Hori Needham, 2. Sword Dance (N.Z. Championship)—Jean McLachlan. 1; Phyllis McMillan, 2; Hori Needham, 3. THE SOCIAL SIDE Ths annual “Caledonian Night” was held in the . Concert Chamber on Saturday nrglit. There was a record attendance, lind the Mayor (Mr. C. J. B. Norwood) presided. The chief of the society (Mr. R. H. Nimmo) congratulated ’ thoss who had taken part in the sports, and the officials responsible lor tho organisation. Credit was due to the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, coupled with the name of Mr. A. C. Kitto, for their conduct of the track ■events. A vote of thanks was accorded ’tli’e association for its loyalty and assistance to the society over many years. Appreciation was also expressed to the Ladies’ Committee, the. City Council, the custodian of the Basin Reserve (Air. Brewer), and the Director of Reserves (Mr. McKenzie). . The Mayor said the gathering at the Basin Reserve was a credit, not only to the society, but to the city of v\ elhngton as well. Ho expressed appreciation of the work tho society was doing in helping to raise the physical standard of the young men of the city. Mr. Norwood presented the following championship certificates, cups, and medals:— New Zealand Champion Sword Dance (ladies over 16): Miss Jean McLachlan, Wellington. New Zealand Champion Highland Fling (girls over 12 and under 16): Miss Gladys Smyth. Now Zealand Champion Sword Dance (boys oyer 12 and under 16): Malcolm Robb. Broughton Cup, for Piping: Mr. C.. C. MacDonald, Wanganui. Ninnno Medal tor highest aggregate points for dancing: Miss Jean McLachlan and Mr. McCombie. Miss Babs Coy Medal for highest aggregate points for. dancing (girls under 12 and ov-?r 16): Miss Gladys Smvth. Moffatt Cup and Clark and McKee Medal: Malcolm Robb. Donald Gillies Cup and Medal for highest aggregate in athletic events: G. Zander McDonald Cup and Albert Hotel Medal: R. Leech.

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Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 79, 28 December 1925, Page 5

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CALEDONIAN SPORTS Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 79, 28 December 1925, Page 5

CALEDONIAN SPORTS Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 79, 28 December 1925, Page 5