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AUCTION SALES FORTHCOMING FIXTURES. TO-DAY. Sales will be held at:— Feilding Y'ards, 9.30 a.m.—Sals of Highclass Blood Stock (Abraham and Williams). 65 Manners Street, Wellington, 10.30 a.m. Salo of Mr. Jensen’s Furniture (B. Johnston). 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 1.. J) p.rn. —Furniture sale, account of the Official Assignee (B. Johnston). 78 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 1.30 p.m. —Sale of Furniture (C. W. Price). Dominion Avenue, Wellington, 2p.m. Sale of Furniture (Vine and Wilson). , TO-MORROW. 88 Ross Street, Lyall Bay—Sale of Furniture (Vine and Wilson) “The Manor House,” Haywards—l.3o p.m.-Sale of . Mr. W. H. George s House Furnishings (E. Johnston). 15 Heretaunga Street, Petone, 1.30 p.m. —Sale of Mrs. Clark’s Furniture (Vine and Wilson). . „ ~ Paekakariki, 2.30 p.m-Sale of Sections Awatea Subdivision (S. G. Bathan). MONDAY. Marton, 2.30 p.m.—Sale of Mr. G. A. Withell’s Farms (N.Z. Farmers Distributing Co.).


WOOL MARKET CROSSBREDS BRING HIGHER PRICES AT ANTWERP. London, November 28. Wool sales at Antwerp attracted an offering of 5000 bales, of which 2000 were sold. Medium and low crossbreds were 5 to 10 per cent, above September rates. A few merinos were sold.— Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn. RECORD PRICE FOR SCOURED AT SYDNEY. (Rec. November 29, 9 P-m.) Sydney, November 29. Scoured wool sold at 541 d. P 6l ' lb*— the season’s record. —-Press Assn. WANGANUI WOOL SALE * Messrs. Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd., in conjunction with Smith, Webster and Co;, report as follows on the Wanganui wool sale: —Taken as a whole the offering may be classed as ot medium to low quality wools, with a sprinkling of lots above average. Very few really super wools were shown. We sold’in our catalogue the undermentioned wool: —A.A.A., 6 bales hoggets. 13d.; 3 bales ewes, lH d -; A*/Raukura, 5 bales hoggets, 13d.; Ohia, 4 bales hoggets A, 14fd. ; 5 bales ewes A 13Jd.; 6 bales ewes B, lII d -.; ° bales bellies and pieces, BJd.; Waiau, 12 bales hoggets A, 16d.;; 3 b^ e ®^ g * gets B, lljd. ; 5 bales wethers B, 10td-, 5 bales ewes, lOijd.: 5 bales Southdown, 20Jd.; 3 bales Southdown, 15d.; 7 bales crutchings, 15d.; Poito, 9 bales hoggets, 14Jd.; 14 bales ewes A, 13fd.; 6 bales ewes, lljd.; 19 bales wethers A 123 d ; 6 hales wethers, Hid.; o bales crossbred, lljd.; 3 bales crutchings, 6fd.; Oporiki, IS.balesA, 13}d.; Kohunui, 6 bales ewes B IOJd.; 7 bales wethers A. 13d.; 3 bales wethers B, 103 d.; Ratanui, 3 bales hog-e-ets 143 d.; 3 bales ewes, 113 d-; P.F.W., 4 bales ewes; Hid.; R.S.T., 9 bales ewes, ll}d-; Tablelands, 10 bales crossbred, 11jd..; J.8./M, 22 bales crossbred, 12d. ; Opiako, 7 bales A, IOJd.; Highland, 4 bales (crossbred, 93 d - ’ ’ LONDON TALLOW SALES (Rec. November 29, 9 p.m.) London, November 28. At the tallow sales 1400 casks were offered and 1199 were sold. Good fine advanced about a shilling a hundredweight ; ' low sorts were! unchanged. Fine mutton, 475. per cwt.; medium, 475. 6d.; fine beef. 445.; medium, 41s.—Aus-N.Z. Cable Assn. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having received the following cablegram from their London house,

under date November 28: —1400 casks of tallow offered. 1200 sold. Since our last wire tallow, medium and inferior descriptions, prices unchanged. Other descriptions Is. per cwt. higher on the average. We quote mutton tallow at 455. per cwt., beef 445. 3d., and mixed 435. 9d. „ , » , The Bank of New Zealand, produce department, has received the following advice from its London office, under date November 28:—Tallow: there is a good demand. Good mutton, 455. to 46s per cwt. ; beef, 435. to 435. 6d. per cwt.; mixed, -13 s. Cd. per cwt.; gut 355. 6d. to 375. per cwt. Tiro New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., have received the following cablegram from their London house, under date November 28:—We quote present spot values for the following descriptions: Fine mutton, 475. 3d. per cwt. ; good beef, 435. 3d. per cwt.; mixed, 375. 6d. per cwt. Market active.


OUTBREAK OF REDWATER IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney, November 29. A large shipment of West Australian potatoes is held up in Sydney owing to the Queensland prohibition against the admission of produce from Wes* Australia, on account of the outbreak of rinderpest. It is expected that the consignment will be used in New South Wales. The Government medical officer at Murwillumbah announces an outbreak of redwater on a local farm, and the authorities are tairing urgent steps to protect herds that are not affected. — Dress Assn. STOCK IN LARGE AREA BEING DESTROYED. (Rec. November 29, 10.30 p.m.) Sydney, November 29. The Federal Minister of Trade, Mr. Chapman, states that every precaution is being taken in West Australia to prevent the spread of rinderpest. A cordon of mounted police is drawn round an area fifteen miles long and ten miles in width, and the cattle within the area are bteing destroyed. This is the first occasion on which the disease has broken out in Australia, and it has not vet been ascertained how it reached here. Ono theory is that the infection was brought in South African maize imported by New South Wales and transmitted to West Australia in maize bags used to contain bran from New South Wales supplied to one of the dairies.—Press Assn. ANTHRAX IN PHILIPPINES (Rec. November 29, 9 p.m.) Sydney, November 29. Owing to recent mortality on cattle boats trading between Darwin and Manila, a Federal stock inspector has proceeded to Manila to investigate. He reports that the cause of the mortality is anthrax, of which there is an outbreak in the Philippines.—Press Assn. BUTTER IN “EMPTY” CANS DAIRY COMPANY FINED. By Telegraph—Press Association. Nelson, November 22. A case of some interest to dairy factories was dealt with by Mr. T. E. Maunsell, S.M.. in tho Magistrate’s Court to-day, when the Waimea Lairy Co., Ltd., was charged on five informations with making false statements on railway consignment notes by stating that cans which were being returned to suppliers were “empty,” whereas they contained quantities of butter. A plea of guilty was entered on four charges, but on the fifth one of not guilty, in order to allow the company to make an explanation of the circumstances. After In aring evidence, the Magistrate imposed a fine of £5 on the first charge and 30s. on each of the remaining four. Costs amounting to £5 Bs. were also ordered to be paid by defendants. IMPROVING THE FLOCKS SHEEP FOR DOMINION BREEDERS. The Turakina brought out a fine lot of stud sheep for various Dominion breeders. Though they were all consigned to Auckland, they will go to all parts of New Zealand, some as far south as Waimate, whore Mr. A. R. Flint is awaiting three Southdown ewes. • A Shropshire ram is going to Sir James Wilson, of Bulls, a wellknown Shropshire breeder. A Ryland ram is going to Mr. E. Averill, Hawke’s Bay, and some Suffolks to Mr. John Self, at Auckland. There were aboard 22 Southdown rams, 16 Southdown ewes, 2 Ryland rams, 1 • Suffolk ram, 10 Suffolk ewes, and 1 Shropshire ram. The Ryland breed is not very widely known in the Dominion, but- it has been here for years, and has been taken a great liking to bv some breeders, as it produced goojL fat lambs. The carcass is compact, with a good loin and well-filled leg, and the breed has the advantage that a large percentage of the lambs fatten well off the eives, instead of requiring topping off.


At the last meeting of the Council of the Clydesdale Horse Society of New Zealand, Mr. J. A. Johnstone (president) occupied the chair, and there were present Messrs. R. AV. Lockhjad, J. Birtles, J. Gow, J. D. AVyllie, and A. Hunter. The following 28 names were added to the roll of members: —A. Bathgate, Outram; A. Bannatyne, Matakaka; E. Dow, AVedderburn: A. Lambic, Crookston; AV. Reid, Omihi; J. Thomson, Maungatua; D. H. Dunlop, Pine Bush; J. McCallum, Ryal Bush; AV. Millar, AA r ondon ; P. V. Bailey, Springston; AV. Black, AVaihao Downs; F. Charles, Geraldine; Neil Cook, Amberley ; L. C. Craythorne, Riccarton; S. Crossan, Lagmhor: J. Faulkinder, Little River; AV. Fletcher, AVillowbridge; G. AV. Kime, Dunsandel; F. J Lemon, Culverden; J. Legg, Killinchy; Northern A. and P. Association, Rangiora; AValton and Dickson; Cheviot, Leonard AVhito, Rakaia; C. O. T. Rutherford, Blenheim; D. J. Willis, Greatford; J. H. Graham, Waitara; J. T. Dixon, Mokauiti; A. R. Turnbull, Fort Galatea. The treasurer reported that the sub-committee had purchased £6OO worth of New' Zealand Government,

per cent. 1938 inscribed stock at £97. Tho secretary reported that satisfactory arrangements had now been made with Colonel Young for identification at ths port of shipment, by officers of the Department of Agriculture, of animals bring exported. On account of Messrs. Leonard White, L. W. Storey, J. W. Harding, James Blair, and the Moore Hunter Estate, two stallions and 33 mares and fillies had been submitted to vetterinary inspection, and all had passed with the exception of two mares rejected for sidebone. Since last meeting, the stallion Pittedrie Footprint had * been imported by Mr. G. Youngson, Wendon. No export certificate from Britain had come to hand, and apparently this had been neglected. The importer had not yet applied for registration. The following awards of trophies were in order and approved:—Wright, St-phonson Cup, Mr. J. Patrick’s Eddlewood Topline (20,332 x (1550) V. 6; reserve. Thomson’s, Ltd., Brilliantshine (1524) V. 6. Mr. Patrick has now won the cup outright. Union Steam Ship Cup at Manawatu show, Mr. J. W. Harding’s Alma (1715) V. 4 * reserve, Aloore Hunter Estate s Rudabeh (2221) V. 5: British C.H.S. medals at Hawke’s Bav show, stallion W. B. Campbell’s Montrave Sum c°ss’ (1384) V. 5; reserve, Donald Estate’s Craig McKay (1305) V. 5; mare. J. W. Harding’s Alma (1715) V. 4; reserve, Moore Hunter Estate’s Lingerie (1378) V. 3.


WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES At the morning call yesterday a sale of Huddart-Parker preference shares at 20s. 6d. was reported. At the afternoon call the sales reported were National Insurance shares at £3 165., and Huddart-Parker ordinary shares (two narcels) at 41s. There was good inquiry for gilt-edged securities, with buvei-s of 4J- per cent, stock, 1939, at £96 12s. 6d., and .£96 15s. for other maturities of 4J- per cents.; £97 15s. ivas offered for the 5 per cents, and £lOO 7s. 6d. for the 5$ per cents., tho latter showing an advance of 2s. 6d. Bank shares were also in better demand. and there wore bids of £4O cum dividend for Bank of New South Wales shares. £2 Ils. and £2 9s. 6d. for the respective issues of Bank of New Zealand shares, and £l4 17s. for Union Bank shares. Buyers offered £BO for New Zealand Loan and Mercantile'ordinary stock, 40s. 6d. for Huddart-Parker ordinary and 20s. 3d. for the preference shares. Timber shares were again very firm, and Rotoiti shares were a shade higher at 225. There were no changes to record in the miscellaneous section.

The Stock Exchange will be closed to-dav (St. Andrew’s Day). Yesterday’s buying and selling quotations were as follow: —

SALES IN OTHER CENTRES Br Telegraph—Press Association. Auckland, November 29. gales: War Loan (1938). £96 17s. 6d.: ditoo (1927), £97 12s. 6(1.; Soldiers’ Bonds. £lOO 7s 6d.; New Zealand Inscribed (1938). £96 155.; ditto (1927-41), £9B: New Zealand Breweries, £102; National Insurance. 755. 6d ■ New Zealand Insurance. 28s. 9d.; Auckland Gas. 255. 7d.; ditto (contrib.). 30s. 4d.; P. and 0., £300: AVaihi. 295. 3d.; Grand Junction. 4s. Cd. Christchurch, November 29. ' Salo reported: Huddart-Parker. 41s. Sale on change: Electrolytic Zinc. 9s. Dunedin. November 29. Sale - New Zealand Loan and Mercantile, £Bl. SALES OF B.A.W.R.A. WOOLS STOCKS ON OCTOBER 31 According to a statement issued by the chairman of the British Australian AVool Realisation Association, Ltd. of the Australian wools held by B.A.AV.R.A., 1000 bales of merino were disposed of during October, and a total of 1000 bales were on hand at the end of the month. Disposals of crossbreds included 43,000 bales of combing, 9000 bales of. clothing, and 12,000 bales of carbonising wool/ leaving stocks on hand of 138,000 bales of combing. 34,000 bales of clothing, and 53,000 bales of carbonising. The total crossbred disposals amounted to 64,000 bales, with total stocks on hand of 225/000 bales of making a. grand total disposed of 65,000 bales, and a grand total of 226,000 bales on hand at the end of October. There were no disposals of New Zealand merino wools during October, and stocks on hand at the end of the month totalled 1000 bales. A total of 18,000 bales of crossbred wools were disposed of with stocks on hand at the close of' the month of 70,000 bales. Disposals of slipes totalled 8000 bales, and there were 23,000 bales on hand at the end of October. Of scoured wool 5000 bales were cleared, and 17,000 bales remained in stock. Of the stock's of wool mentioned, one half of the Australian wool and the whole of the New Zealand wool is the property of the British Government. The other half of the Australian wool belongs to B.A.AV.R.A. Hie association will bo distributing over £5,000,000 to shareholders in February next.

COMPANIES REGISTERED Tho “Mercantile Gazette” records tho registration of the following new companies:— Nevar-Tiar Pneumatic Heels, Ltd. Registered November 16, 1923. Office: Wellington. Capital: £lB,OOOl, (into 18,000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Wellington—W. B. Lees 1 cont., A. E. Whyte .1 cont., H. A Smith 960 f.p.u.. J. T. Martin 1 cont., A. J. Toogood 1320 f.p.u. A. P. Smith 1 cont.. H. A. Brown 1 cont. Objects: To purchase or otherv/iso acquire letters patent, brevets d’invention, concessions, licenses, and general incidental.

Whitehead and Pears. Ltd. Registered as a private company November 20, 1923. Office: 122 Cuba Street, Wellington. ,C!apital: £25,000, into 25,000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers : Wellington—A. I*. Whitehead 12,500, J. Pears 12,500. Objects: To purchase or otherwise acquire as a going concern and to carry on the business of general drapers heretofore carried on under the style of “Whitehead and Pears,” to carry on die business in all or anv of its branches of general drapers and furnishing and general warehousemen and incidental. Pain and Kershaw. Ltd. Registered as a private company November 22, 1923. Office: Martinborough. Capital: £20,000, into 20.000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Martinborough— J. W. Kershaw 18,800, C. Kershaw 1200. Objects: To acquire and take over as a going concern the business of grocer, draper, milliner, ironmonger, produce dealer, importer, fire and accident insurance agent and general merchant now carried on by John William Kershaw under the style of “Pain and Kershaw,” to carry on tho trade, business, or occupation of merchants and general incidental. Feilding Transport Co.. Ltd. Registered as a private company November 24. 1923. Office: Manchester Street, Feilding. Capital: £lOOO, into 1000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Feilding—P. G. Guy 500. J. Kenyon 500. Objects: To construct, equip, maintain, and work motor-cars and motorlorries. or other vehicles for the carriage of passengers general incidental. Martoc Junction Brick and Tile Works. Ltd. Registered as a private companv November 24, 1923. Capital: £l4OO into 1400 shares of £1 each. Subscribers : Marton —W. Hainsworth 1399, M'. J. Hainsworth 1. Objects: To purchase or otherwise acquire as a going concern the business of manufacturing bneks. tiles, and pipes now carried on by Walter Hainsworth and William Henry Davies at Marton Junction, to carry on the trade or business of brick, tile, and pipe makers and limo burners, and to purchase, manufacture, sell, and generally deal in all materials and substances required for or incidental to the manufacture and preparation of bricks, tiles, and pipes. WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE The annual meeting of the Wellington Stock Exchange was held on Wednesday afternoon. The office-bearers for the ensuing years are:—Chairman, Mr. R. Wynn Kirkby (re-elected); vice-chairman. Mr. A. S. Mac Shane; members of the committee, Messrs. G. T. George, S. R. Hornabrook. and K. Marshall. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS By Tblxguaph.— Press Association. (Rec. November 29, 11.25 p.m.) Sydney, November 29. Oats, Algerian feed, Tasmanian, 4s. 9d. ver bushel, white. 4s. lOd. Maize, local yellow and white, 6s. per bushel; South African, ss. lOd. to 6s. 2d. Potatoes, local £lB per ton; Tasmanian.. £24: West Australian. £22. Onions. Victorian. £7 to £7 10s. per ton. Adelaide, November 29. Oats. 3s. to 3s. 2d. per bushel. WAIHI SHARES. Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn. (Rec. November 29, 9 p.m.) London, November 28. Waihi shares, buyers 28s. Id., sellers 295. 3d. CALCUTTA TEA MARKET. Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn. Calcutta, November 28. With tho exception of Pekoes and Orange Pekoes, which were somewhat quieter, the Calcutta market is firm, with good demand, particularly for useful to clean common broken sorts. Dusts and fannings met with a keen demand at improved rates. CUSTOMS REVENUE. Customs revenue received at the port of Wellington yesterday totalled £6391.

Buyers. Sellers. WAR LOANS- £ s. d. £ e. d. 44 p.c. Insc. Stir.. 1939 96 12 6 97 0 0 4* n.c. Inac. Stic., 1938 96 15 0 97 0 0 64 n.c. Insc. Stk.. 1933 100 7 6 — 44 p.c. War Bonds, 1939 96 15 0 — 44 p.c. War Bonds, 1938 96 15 0 —— 44 n.c. War Bonds, 1930 96 15 0 — n.c. War Bonds, 1935100 7 6 — 5 p.c. P.O. Bonds. 1927 97 15 0 —• E n.c. P.O. Insc. St.. 1927 —— 97 17 6 DEBENTURESWellington Gas — 106 0 0 N.Z. Breweries —• 102 0 0 Eastbourne Borough, 6$ p.c., 1952 ~~ 106 7 6 BANKSAustralasia —— 13 4 0 National —■ 6 17 6 New' South Wales (cum.) 40 0 0 —— New Zealand 2 11 0 2 11 6 Ditto (new issue) 2 9 6 2 10 3 Union 14 17 0 14 19 0 FINANCIALGoidsbrough Mort —- 2 5 6 N.Z. Loan and Merc. (cnm.. ord.) 80 0 0 83 0 0 Well. Trust, Loan — 5 18 0 GASWellington (£10) — 14 2 6 Ditto 'pref.) 0 16 9 — INSURANCE—' New Zealand — 1 9 3 NEAT PRESERVINGN.Z. Refrigerating (10s.) 0 11 0 — Well. Meat Exp. (£3 12s. fid.) — 2 2 0 TRANSPORT-Huddart-Pnrker (ord.) 2 0 6 — Ditto (pref.) 10 3 —— Union Steam (pref.) ... 10 6 — P. and O. def. stock ... 310 0 0 TIMBERKauri (cum.) 1 8 3 — Leyland-O'Brien (x-d.) 1 18 0 — Rotoiti 12 0 — Taringamutu 1 14 0 — MISCELLANEOUSAustralian Glass 18 6 — Crown Brewery 2 16 3 — — 2 12 0 N.Z. Paper Mills — 1 2 6 MM 12 9 Sharland and Co 1 2 3 Waira.rapa Farmers’ — * 0 17 3 Wilson’s Cement (x-d.) 1 8 0 MININGWaihi 1 9 0 M~

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Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 56, 30 November 1923, Page 10

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FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 56, 30 November 1923, Page 10

FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 56, 30 November 1923, Page 10