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AUCTION SALES FORTHCOMING FIXTURES. TO-DAY. 157 Lambton Quay. Wellington. 10.30 a.m. — sale (Johnston and Co.). Dominion Avenue. Welinffton, 1.30 p.m.— Furniture sale (Vine and Wilson). Shannon Yards, 1—Stock sale. TO-MORROW. Paraparaumu, 1230 p.m.—Sale of stock and implements (Abraham and Williams). 157 Lambton Quay. Wellington. 1.30 p.m.— Sale of unredeemed pledges (Johnston and Co.). Johnsonville Yards, 2 sale. . FRIDAY. Clifton Terrace, Wellington, 10.30 a.m. — Sale of timber (Johnston and Co.). LGNDONMARKETS HIGH COMMISSIONER’S CABLED REPORT. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated July 9, from the High Commissioner for New Zealand, London :— Meat. Market quiet, demand is moderate, and prices are affected by forced sale of English meat, on account of hot weather. Stocks New Zealand lamb are very low, and supplies from ships •discharging continue in active demand. New Zealand mutton, light-weight, demand is good:—July 9, BJd., BJd.; July 2, B|d., 9d.; June 25, Bd., 9d. New Zeeland mutton, heavy-weight, sale difficult to effect: —July 9,6 d., 7Jd.; July 2, 6Jd., "id.; Juno 25, 6d., "id. New Zealand mutton. Government ewes, no better demand:—July 9, 4£d„ 5Jd.; July 2, 41-d., 5Jd. Patagonian mutton, light-weight:— July 9,7 d. New Zealand lamb:—July 9, Is. lid., Is. 2d.; July 2, la. Id., Is. l£d.; June 25, Is. Ijd., Is. 2d. New Zealand beef, prices firmer for best quality:— Ox hinds: July 9,6 d.; July 2, 5Jd.; June 25, 5Jd., 7d. New Zealand beef, best qualify. Fores: July 9,4 d.; July 2,31 d.; June 25, 3Jd., 4Jd. Chilled beef, prices firmer. Hinds: July 9, lid.; July 2,10 d., lid.; June 25, lOd. Fores: July 9,5 d.; July 2, 4|d., SJ-d.; June 25, 4}d. No demand for Now Zealand inferor quality and cow beef. Butter. Market firmer. Irish supplies small on account of hot weather. Danish, supplies small:—July 9: 2145., 2345. per cwt., is. lid. to 2s. per lb.; salted, 1865., 190 s. per cwt., Is. 7Jd., Is. Bjd. per lb. July 2: 2105., 2145. per cwt., Is. IOJd., Is. lid. per lb.; salted, 180 s., 186 s. per cwt., Is. 7Jd., Is. 7jd. per lb. June 25: 2045., 20fis. per cwt.. Is. 9 id., Is. lOd. per lb.; salted, 1785., 184 s. per cwt., Is. 7d., Is. 7Jd. per lb. Irish: —Unsalted: July 9, 1985., 200 s. per cwt., Is. 9id. per lb.; July 2, 1945., 198 s. per cwt., Is. BJd., Is. 9jd. per lb.; June 25, 1905., 198 s. per cwt., Is. BJd„ Is. 9id. per lb. New Zealand, first and second grade:—July 9, 1935., 2005., per cwt.. Is. BJ<3., Is. 9Jd. per lb.; July 2, 1945., 200 s. per cwt.; Is. BJd., Is. 9fd. per lb.; June 25, 1935., 1965. per cwt., Is. BJd., Is. 9d. per lb. First grade: 1785., 180 s. per cwt., Is. 7d., Is. 7}d. per lb. Australian, first and second grade together:—July 9, 1725., 1765. per cwt., Is. 6|d., Is. 6Jd. per lb.; July 2, 1725., 178 s. per cwt.. Is. 6Jd., Is. 7d. per lb.; June 25, 171 s, 174 a. per cwt., Is. 6Jd., Is. 6id. per lb. Argentine:— Salted and unsalted: July 9, 1305., 160 s. per cwt., Is. 2d., Is. sd. per lb.; July 2, 1305., 1745. per cwt., Is. 2d., Is. 6Jd. per lb.; June 25, 130 s, 160 s, per cwt.. Is. 2d., Is. sd. per lb. Free: July 9, 1665., 1705.. and up to 1745. per cwt.. Is. s}d., Is. Ofd. and up to Is. 6}d. per lb.; July 2, 1605., 1745. and up to 178 s. per cwt., Is. 5d., Is. 6Jd., and up to Is. 7d. per lb.; June 25, 1605., 1665., and up to 170 s. per cwt., Is. 5d., Is. sjd., and up to Is. 6d. per lb. Government, ex store, advanced for period July 8 to July 14, inclusive, 10s. to 40s. per cwt., but no sale yet reported. New Zealand:—First and second grade: July 8 to 14, 2205. per cwt., Is. lljd. per lb. j July 1 and 7, 1965. per cwt., Is. 9d. per lb.; June 23 to 30, 1925. per cwt., Is. B}d.. per lb. Australian:—First grade: Julv 8 to 14, 200 s. per cwt.. Is. 9Jd. per lb.; July 1 to 7, 1765. per cwt., Is. 6Jd. per lb.; June 23 to 30, 170 s. per cwt., Is. 6d. per lb. Second grade: July 8 io 14. 185 s. per cwt., Is. 7Jd. per lb. First and second grade together: July 8 to 14, 1975. per cwt., . Is. 9d. per lb.; July 1 to 7, 1595. 3d. per cwt., Is. sd. per lb. Argentine, sorted to marks. Salted and unsalted:—July 8 to 14, 1705., 185 s. per cwt., Is. 6Jd., Is. 7jd- P er lb.; July Ito 7, 1525. per cwt., Is. 4Jd. per lb.; June 23 to 30, 1525. per cwt., Is. 4Jd. per lb. Cheese. Demand! active and market firm. English finest farmers, 1405., 1455. per cwt., la. '3d., Is. 3|d. per lb. Canadian:— White: July 9 118 s., 120 s. per cwt., Is. OJd. per lb.; July 2, 1065., 110 s. per cwt., UJd., lljd. per lb.; June 25, 100 s., 102 h. per cwt., IOJd. per lb. Coloured: July 9, 1145., 118 s. per cwt., Is. OJd., Is. OJd. per lb. July 2,104 e., IOGs. per cwt„ lid., Hid. per lb.; June 25, 985., 100 s. per cwt., lojd. per lb. New Zealand White: July 9,118 s., ,1225. per cwt., Is. OJd., Is. Id. per lb.; July 2,110 s., 114 s. per cwt., lljd.. Is. Old. per lb.; June 25, 1025., 104 s. per cwt., lid., per lb. Coloured: July 9, 1165., 118». per cwt., Is. Old., Is. OJd. per lb.; July 2, 1025., 108 s. per cwt., 10Ja., llj-d. per lb.; June 25, 985., 100 s. per cwt., IOJd. por lb. Australian : —White: July 9,116 s. per cwt., Is. OJd. per lb.; July 2, 1045., 108 s. per cwt., lid, lljd. per lb.; June 25, 945., 98s. per cwt., 10d., IWd. per lb. Coloured: July 9,112 s. per cwt., Is. per lb.; July 2, 1025., 104 s. per cwt., IOJd., lid. per lb.; June 25, 925., 965. per cwt.,’ OJd., IOJd. per lb. Hemp. Manila market is dull, with a downward tendency. Spinners holding off owing to the absence of orders for cordage. "J" grade, May-July to August-October shipments quoted £36 10s. per ton. It Is reported that with a view to clearing accumulated stocks, weak fibre, Philippines Government considering prohibiting production and grading of lower quality from "J” down. New Zealand market quiet, with sellers, high-points, July-September shipment, £36, and fair, spot, £34 per ton. Wool. At Hull yesterday 20,500 bales were offered on account of 8.A.W.R.A., mostly Australian, principally merino. Keen competition from Home trade and Continent, and good proportion sold. Prices generally fully equal to last London rates. The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Co., Ltd., Hamilton, received on July 11 the following cablegram from their London office: — Government butter price, New Zealand, .£ll 35.; Danish, .£ll ss. Cheese, New Zealand, £5 Bs. Six pounds rise, dramatic. Due to mild weather. Messrs. A. H. Turnbull and Co. have received cable advice from Messrs. W. Weddel and Co., Ltd., dated July 8, in which they quote dairy produce as follows :— .

Butter.—Home and Foreign Produce Exchange. Danish, 2145. to 22-fe.; New Zealand, 1935. to 2005., but Government has increased to-day New Zealand 2205. No sales reported. Now Zealand white cheese, 118 s. to 1225.; New Zealand coloureel cheese, 118 s. to 118 s. Market linn; good and’active demand; likely to go higher. Messrs. A. H. Turnbull and Co. have received cabled advice from Messrs. W. Weddell and Co., Ltd., dated London July 6, reading as follows:— Tallow, good demand, prices unchanged, on the average. Mutton tallow, first grade 375. 3d., good mutton tallow 365. 3d. Beef tallow, first grade 435., good beef tallow 385., gut tallow 30s.

WAIKATO MARKETS A GENERAL REVIEW. Reporting on the Waikato markets, the Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Co., Hamilton, says:— Beef.—The market is fairly steady at late values. There is a scarcity of prime beef in Waikato, but this appears to be counteracted by plentiful supplies in other districts. A much keener demand was anticipated than at present exists. Mutton—The market is still advancing, and indications point towards continuance. Store Cattle—Tempted no doubt by the better reception accorded, store cattle have come forward in much greater quantity, and practically everything that. is submitted changes hands. Intending buyers seem- this year more inclined to pause and consider the general situation and outlook, and to base their calculations for purchase more on the realities of last season than on unwarranted optimism re gaiding the next. It is io be hoped that this safeguard will not bo abandoned Forward bullocks and cows remain about recent quotations. Two-year empty heifers are in brisk demand, with few offering. Steers of the same age, though not equally in favour, are steadily improving. Calvos and yearlings have shown a mere rapid increase than any other class,good heifer calves especially inducing strong competition. Store Sheep.—All classes are in strong demand, and advancing steadily. Forward wethers and ewes are keening in pace with tho finished article. Ewss in lamb which a few weeks ago were neglected have suddenly assumed marked prominence. There is just a danger, however, of popularity- over-running good judgment. Lambs are steady nt rates lately quoted. Dairy Cattle.—Are still the- subject of strong inanity, with values somewhat higher. Most of the good lines of fully matured heifers have been disposed of, an 1 it is difficult to satisfy the present demand. Pigs.—-Owing no doubt to short supplies the market has considerably advanced for all classes, bacont-rs and porkers making up to lOd. per lb. Slips and weaners are also keenly competed for. Horses.—There is not co far a very strong demand, but. no doubt another month will witness improvement. We ouote ns follows:—Bullocks, heavy, prime £l2 10s. to £l5, medium .£9 to .£lO 155. ; cows, heavy £9 to £ll 10s., medium £5 lOS. to £7 li>s.: cows, forward, £3 to £4 155.; steers, 3J-yenr £6 10s. to £7 10s., 21-year £4 10 s. to £6. 18 months £2 10s. to £4; heifers, 18 months, £3 10s. to £4 15s. • cows, store, £1 ss. to £2 55.; heifers r w.b., 2|-year. Shorthorn, <£9 10s. to «£l- - 2-ysbr £5 10s. to £7 10s.; calves, best steers £1 15s. to £2 ss„ best heifers to <£2 17s. 6d., medium mixed 15s. to ss ; dairy cows, best <£ls to «£2G, secend quality'£9 io £l2: wethers, prime heavy 235. to 275., medium 19s. bd. to 225.; ewes, prime 17s. 64. to 215.; wethers, forward 4-toot.h 17s. Cd. to 21s. Gd forward 2-tooth 14s. to 16s. Gd., store 14s. to 17s ; ewes, store Bs. 6d. to 12s. 6d.; lambs fat 16s. Gd. to 215., store (shorn). “7* 9s. 6d. to 12s. 6d.. medium 6s. to Us. Gd.; pigs, bnconers £4 10s. to £7, -2f 2 7a Gd. to £3 155., slips £1 ss. to £1 155., weaners 10s. to £1 55.; horses heavy draughts £3O to £4O, meditim draughts £22 to £3O; light draughts £l7 to £M 10s.: harness horses, £7 to £l5; hacks, £4 10s. to £9. WHEAT POOL FAVOURED BY VICTORIAN FARMERS. Melbourne, July 12. A ballot by the Farmers’ Union and the Chamber of Agriculture on a growers' pool or an open market for the sale of wheat, resulted: For a growers’ pod 13,142 votes; for the optrn market, 21 JI votes. —Press Assn. WANGANUI WOOL SALES By Telegraph—Press Association Wanganui, July 12. The Wanganui wool sales were held today. Coarse wools sold freely at low levels. Prices averaged as follow:—Crossbred, fine and super, 4ld. to sjd.; crossbred, fine, 44-16’s, 4d. to 4Jd.; medium crossbred, 3Jd. to 4d. coarse, 38-40 s, - • to 3|d.; inferior and seedy, 2d. to 3d.; medium and fine lambs, 3Jd. to Jud.; inferior lambs, IJd. to 2Jd.; bellies and pieces, Id. to IJd.; locks, Jd. to .d.; crutchings, lid. to 2}d. Tho Now Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Distributing Co., Ltd., report that their catalogue at the above sale comprised 633 bales, and 85 per cent, was disposed of. The sale opened to an average attendance of Bradford and Continental buyers, but America was not operating. Competition was keen up to a certain point, and a good clearance was effected, at prices slightly in buyers’ favour, compared with Wellington and Napier sales. The firm realised top price of the sale (13Jd.) for a nice line of Southdowns, on account of Mr. J. Allison, No. 1 Line. Prices obtained for other lines catalogued wore as follow:— ■’Opea” A hoggets, 4Jd ; A ewes, 4Jd.; B ewes, 4Jd.; lambs 5Jd.; Manganui, ewes, 4Jd.; W.J.T.-T.W.0., A crossbreds, 4d.; H within diamond, crossbreds,. 4d., J —, Tonanu, hoggets, 4id. HONEY CROP PROSPECTS The Director of the Horticulture Division has received from the apiary instructors the following reports concerning tho honey crop prospects:— Auckland.-The weather during Juno has been exceptionally fine, and the beos in this district are wintering well. Prices remain unchanged, both for honey and beeswax. Wellington.—The rains experienced during the past month will assist materially to lav the foundation for a good honey crop during the coming season. 1 lant growth at this period of the year is exceptional for the district. The temperature for the winter thus far has been very mild, and brood rearing is proceeding in consequence. Prices are remaining firm, as reported last month. section honey is scarce. Beeswax is quoted at 2s. 3d. to 2s. 6d. per lb., according to quality. Bulk lines for export continue to come forward to the grading stores, but this month should practically see the end of last season’s crop for export Christchurch and Dunedin—The market is firm for all lines. Pat honey is scarce, and consignments arc readily taken up. No bulk lines offering lhe bulk of the crop is now forward foi export. Prices are on a par with last inontlVs quotations.

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Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 247, 13 July 1921, Page 8

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FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 247, 13 July 1921, Page 8

FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 247, 13 July 1921, Page 8