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The annual Conference, of Chambers of Commerce is to be held in Wellington on November 28 iind 29. The order paper includes Ihc following remits:— Customs Tariff. "That in the next amending Tariff Bill provision be made lor the removal of tue disabilities imposed, on JSew Zealand tfiiipbuiUtcrs under existing regulations as compared with those of tnc Australian tariff, ino position being as follows:—If ar sh'p is built in Kew Zealand and is transierred from the Kcw Zealand to the Australian Kcgistcr, she has to pay' a duty of 25 per cent, to tho Australian (jovernment, but a ship built in Australia coming into New Zealand is admitted free, further, it the engines and boilers oi' a steamer built in New Zealand have to be imported, a duty of 22} per cent, has to be pitid on them, while in the. case of a boat built in Sydney, engines and boilers arc permitted to come in free if it ia shown to the Customs Authorities there that the ehip is being built for export. The shipowner therefore placing an order .with a Now /Jeaiijnu firm of shipbuilders is penalised to tho extent of 22.J per cent, on all machinery (Aracklaml.)

Empire Trading and Trading Relations,

"That with r view to encouraging thb establishment of new industries in the British Empire, and giving a measure of confidence and securily to 'capital to be embarked therein, as well as ussisting the expansion of existing industries, the Governments of the Empire be urged to make it obligatoiy on all Government Mopnrtments, municipalities, railways, dock and harbour boards, gas, water, and electric light corporations, and all such bodies spending public moneys or enjoying charters from Government or other public authorities, to purchase Empiremade goods and to place all contracts with British firms, exceptions to be made, by special permission of proper authority, only in cases where such a course is considered to be at variance with public interests."—(Canterbury.) "That this conference re-affirms tho resolution passed by last conference that legislation bo introduced making it compulsory for all goods imported into the .Dominion lo have the country of origin clearly marked on tho goods and packages. In every case tho seller should be bound to give true information regarding tho country of origin."—(Wellington Central) "'Hhat tho New Zealand Government be asked to stipulate when peace negotiations aro in progress, that as a basis of future security in tho .Pacific, German Samoa be retained as a British possession, and in view of the future development Che Government be further requested to appoint a Trado Commissioner to cultiyato commercial relationship botween the island and the Dominion."—(Danncvirke.) Draft on Wool. "That steps be- taken lo abolish tho practice of allowing lib., per cwl. draft on wool."—(Canterbury.)

"Tliat conference, again iitrc Ilie- abolition of 11b. per cwt. on wool."--(Welling-ton Central.) Export Trade. '"That the Government be urged to miikn such arrangements, either by purchase or otherwise,' to pcciwo Ihp necessary shippinjr in (bo fuluro, to enable the ready transport of our frozen meat, grain, and other uoramudities tor export."—(Marlboroiigh.) "That, in order to prevent Ihe exploitation of New Zealand foodstuffs by any truet or organisation, the Government bo urged to contiuue and expand the presoiit co-operation between the Imperial and the New Zealand Governments with, lmrticiilnr regard to provision being made for after-war distribution of such foodF, and that Iheir tratiis-oce.'inic shipment shall bo owned or controlled by the two respective Govcrnmonte."— (Rodney.) Main Arterial Roads, "That tho Government be requested to solve tho difficulty associated with arterial, roads, by putting into operation a scheme similar to the Viclonau system, or that of the Central _ Government of the United States, which provide for construction and maintenance on a. basis of 50 per cent. Stato payment, and a, 6 per cent, time repayment system for the balance, apportioned amoDg interested local bodies. Such a. scheme would be useful in furnishing employment for unskilled returnedeoldiers."—(Wanganui.)

"That it be a recommendation from this chamber to the annual conference that the great main roads, 6uch as the Auckland-Wellington road, be constructed and maintained by the Government, 86 under the present system of control the moans available are wholly inadequato in comparison with the supremo importance of improved .arterial roads." —(Hamilton.) "That the present dual control of roads being altogether unsatisfactory, the Goveminent be strongly urged to take over the control of all main arterial roads."— (Mangonui.) Land Settlement and Immigration. "That it is imperative for the Government to expeuue tuo opening up for settlement of me large areas of idle land in tho Auckland province, eouc'iLrreut with a more vigorous public works scheme for railing and reading the same."—(itodney.) "That the Uovernment be strongly urged to design aud carry into effect witn duo promptitude a more adequate scheme for the repatriation of Jvew Zealand soldiers, and that this purpose bo mado the'h'rst consideration m wliatevor system of land settlement is suggested to encourage immigration."—(MarluorougJi.)

"That the Government bo urged to consider tlie advisability of settling returned soldiers on virgin country in lieu of highly-priced so-called 'improved' land."—(Mangonui.) "That in view of the nearing close of the great war, an enlivened immigration policy be urged upon the National Government witnoufc any delay, whoreby much greater knowledge, facilities, and help shall bo more tully afforded lo all suitablo immigrants."—(Rodney.) > ."That the attention of the Government ba drawn to that portion of the Kauri Gum SuperintoudonTS report dealing with tho suitability of the- Big Mat, Waiharara, and Pausiua's Flat, Waiharara, as demonstration areas and for fruit-growing. That the Government ba requested to establish the fruit-growing industry in this and other northern districts on a. secure basis."—(Mangonui.) Postal and Telegraphic Services. "That the Government be urged to arrange for telephonic communication between the North and South Islands. This should now be rendered possible by the luying of an extra cable recently."— (Marlborough.) Department of Commerce. "That in view of the paramount importance of promoting the commerce and industries of tho Dominion, the Government bo urged to reorganise tho Department of Commerce and Industries as a separate Department."—(Wellington.) "That this conference recommends tho Government to favourably consider the appointment of a Minister of Commerce, advised by a council of experts."—(Wellington Central.) i Hydro-Electric Power. "That this conference impress upon the Government the importance of carrying out hydro-electric power schemes throughout fbe Dominion, with the view of cheapening the Dominion's production and fhi'ustries, and enlarging tho soopo of production, that tho producers in tho Dominion may in tho future be in the best possible to compete against over-sea competition."—(Wellington Central.) General, "That in view of the la'ge profits lining made for years by tho banting institutions of the Dominion, the exchange charges should be abolished, being also unfair and irritating upon the community."—(Kodnoy.) "That steps bo taken to obtain legislation necessary to permit of Government nnd municipal loans being raised by the system of premium bonde, as successfully adopted in most of the European countrios."—(Gisborne.) •"'That this chamber urges that the riuWTon of adoption of tho metric system of coinage, weights, measures, etc., be- agniu considered, and that tho Government be asked to tulce the matter up. II ie considered by this chamber (hat the adoption of this system is in the interests of both international trado and genoral eiciencj."—(Marlborough )

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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 36, 6 November 1917, Page 8

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ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 36, 6 November 1917, Page 8

ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 36, 6 November 1917, Page 8