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- V n—■ — . , msmm of interest from fab m>. -mwwk, IBt IMOOSS.]

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Wedding at St. Paul's. TJie marriage took place at; St'. Paul's Pro-Cathedral on August If of Mr. James Collins, of Wellington, to Miss Clara. Carr, also ,of Wellington. The' bride ivas given away by licr brother,. and attended by/ two bridesmaids, the Misses Lucy Can- (sister) and Nellie Waring (of Earaka Bay). Tho bridegroom was attended by Mr. 'Arthur Rendles (of Woodvillo). The bridesmaids' gifts from tho bridegroom wero gold bangles. The presonts included a marble engraved clock from As employees of the Ngahauranga freezing works, also five cheques. Wedding at Havelock North. The wedding took place at the 'Anglican Church, Havelock North, on Wed-, riesday, of Miss Maud Walden, eldest daughter of Mr. Jo'hn Walden, Have-, lock North, to Mr. Arthur G. WaterWise, eldest son of Mr. Waterhousc, of Nelson. Tho Rev. Mr. Lush performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father,', wore , a gown of; heavily embroidered silk trimmed with pearls and silk fringe, and a. veil with orange blossoms. Miss L. Walden attended as bridesmaid, and wore a frock of figured silk crystalline with a black chiffon velvet hat trimmed with' white poppies. Mr. D'Arcy Waldon was the best man. Mrs. Walden, mother of the bride, was in grey figured crepe de chine with, grey furs and a black .velvet hat. Wedding at Khandallah. At her brother's residence Khandallah, Miss Cora Harrington, of Opawa, Cbristchurch, was married to Mr. John J. Welsh, farmer, Hukanui.' The ."Rev. J. Cumming, M.A./ performed tlie ceremony. Mr. Charles Harrington (brother) gave the' bride away,' and . Miss L. Harrington (niece) was the bridesmaid. Tlie wedding-" breakfast was held at tlie residence ofMr. ,W. 0. Harrington, Khandallah. ' : Soldiers' Room Fund. The hon. treasurer, of the Soldiers' Room Fund acknowledges tlie following donations:—Mr. A. M'Cosh, Clark (Auckland), £10;. Mr. W. Nathan, £5; Mr. J. P. Luke, £2 25.; Mr. Mas Eichelbaum, £2 25.; Mrs. Murray (Blenheim), £1 Is.; Mr. W. H. Triggs (C'hristchurch), £1; Mrs. L. 6. Reid, £1; Mrs. W. Meek, £1; Mr. Lovesay, 10s. • Mrs. Davidson (Napier), 55.; Mrs. Langdou, 55,; also tlie following monthly subscriptions: Hon. Sir James. Prendergast, Lady Stout, Lady Ward, Mr. A. do B. Brandon, Mrs. W. H. Moorehouse, Mr. W.' H. Moorehouse, Miss Fraser, Mrs. W. Natjian, Mrs. Jacob Joseph, Mr. G. Hunter, Mrs. A. Crawford, Mrs. .0. Barle) and Mr. Peat, £1 each; Mrs. G. Trine and Mrs. Miles, 10s. each ; Mrs. Adamson am Miss Corrigan, ss. each; Miss Booth, Mrs. E. Salmond,' Mrs. Willis, and Miss Young, 2s.''6d. : eacli. Music at the Front. Great efforts are being inado to supply the men at the.front with music (states a London correspondent). Lena Ashwell has just, returned from a tour in Franco' with tho Three Arts; .Club Bureau, where they liavo given nearly 400 concerts, visiting 11' centres. Thoy have also given mauy .concerts here in England, but havo decided henceforward to "concentrate on France" (with an eye on the Dardaii&lles), where tho need is greater. Dr.-Walford Danes says:' "Mujsio has already - proved l itself a necessity and even oho of the means of winning the nation' 6 battles." An army cha.plam describes it as "worth, much physic and not a.few sermons." And' Miss Aslnvell remarks: "Every human being needs a little happiness,'as well as boots and rations, to help him on with his work." , Miss Ashwell is endeavouring to work up funds so that tlio eighth concert party, shortly to be \sent out to the front, need not he the last.' •. , Members of the Prjme Minister's family are much to the fore at. . present (states a London correspondent). Miss Elizabeth Asquitli is taking to the stage and is to' appear with the well-known actor Mr. Gerald du Manner at a'.big matinee in aid' of tliß Red Cross Society of the Order of St. John. Miss Vioiet Asquith has"' apparently been lightening the heavy toil of Downing Street with tlie refreshment of romance. Her engagement'to Mr. Boulam Carter, Mr. Asquith's private secretary, is an- ! nounced.

Mdme, Janotlia. , Mdmc. Janotlia, of whoso recent; 'deportation from England, the cables gave nows, has been a. prominent figuro in London society for upwards of a' quarter of' a. century. A lady now in Sydney, who mot the pianist several years ago in Lonfon, tells of her that for quito a long whilo now Janotha's eccentricities havo been known. They have increased as time has gone on. For a favourite, she possessed a large black cat, given to her by Princess Henry of Battenberg, called Mute Heather (for luck). Notepaper and envelopes bore for a seal the embossed figure of "White Heather," who accompanied his mistress in all her visits. Janotlia, was at one time (about 20 years ago) one of a trio of friends constantly in each other's comilany, the other two being Lady E-andolph Churchill and the late Mrs. CfaSgie (John _ Oliver Hobbes). Before her eccentricities grew upon her, this brilliant pianist was a great favourite at court, and used' to play duets with Queen Alexandra Military Hospital Guild. Mrs. J. P. Luke, acting-treasurer of tho Citizens' Military Hospital Guild, pro tem, acknowledges the following monthly subscriptions:—Women's Political Reform League, per Miss Speed, - £10; Miss Coates, 10s.; Mrs. W. F. Massey, ss.;' Mrs. Hogben, 55.; Mrs. Rariwell, 4s. 6d.; Miss Robin, 2s. 6d.,; Mrs. Morgan, 2s. 6d. At the Lyceum Hall, tower Hutt, next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, a patriotic sale of work .wall be held by • the ladies of St, James's Church Working Guild. The proceeds are to be devoted, to the purchase of leather _waistcoatß, for our troops iu Qallipoli. The various stalls are in most capable hands, and include plain and fancy needlework, produce, flower,' and sweet • stalls-, not •- to mention a jumble stall whore can be obtained anything from a ribbon tea roller" broom. ■' A Christmas tree, bran tubs, and various''competitions should prove to be attractions' to the young people. A concert will be given eadi evening.- ■ Much interest is being taken in the danco which is being organised for the benefit of the Mayor's Patriotic Fund, and is to be held in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall on Monday evening next. The committee (which'"was responsible for, a successful dance in the Boulcott Street' Hall a month' ago) has ail arrangements well in hand, i and is sparing no ti'ouble to ensure the success of the .occasion. The honourary secretaries are: MissP. Gordon and Mr.. B; C. Magee, and the ch'aperones Mesdames'W. F. Massey, Lady Ward, Mrs. J. P. Luke (Mayoress), Mrs. F. M.-B. Fisher, and Dr.'D< E. PlattsMills." "-.-■■■ ■ ' ' Miss Dorothy Bulkley' has returned to Wellington from Christchurch, where she has been spending the past three or four months. . Miss Helmore' has returned to' Christchurch from a visit to Wellington.' , " The St. John Ambulance and B-ed Cross Socioty wishes to acknowledge the following Mrs. Wells, ,3 face .ck-ths; Mrs. Sanson, 2 balaclavas; Jack Jackson, 1 face cloth," Mrs. Rawnsley, old linen; the Manaja Ladies' Committee, 46 pdlow-slips,- 2 blankets, 10 balaclavas,- 1 scarf, 1 pair mittens, 3 day shirts, 24 pairs Books', . 2 pairs bed-- , socks, 24 handkerchiefs, 11 towels, 12 face cloths, 2 pillows; the Feilding Ambulance Committee, ,60 .lriany-tailed bandages, 20 triangular bandages, 13 eye bandages, '28 head bandages, 136 surgical sponges,': 39 facecloths,. 25 under-pants, '21 suits of pyjamas, 13 ishirts, 30 under-shirts, 25 body belts, 26 pairs- bed-socks, 2 scarves,. 8 balaclavas, 1 pair operation stockings, 6 : pairs, mittens, 13 pairs socks, 12 nightingales, 16 bed-jackets,, 15 writing pads and pencils, 35 surgical towels, old ' linen, 31 cushions;'. Mrs. Francis, 1 1 balaclava, 1 pair slippers?;' No- Name, | 1 1 box of flowers; Clyde Quay School Patriotic Sowing Club, 2 pairs slippers, ■■ 25 ; handkerchiefs, 4 scarves, 7 roller ' bandages, 4. many-tailed- bandages, 4 1 eye-bandages; 11 face-cloths, 1 pair mifc--1 tens, 2 pairs cuffs, 1 balaclava, 1 ti-i- ---' angular bandage, 1 pair bed-socks, 35 ■'. 6mall bags.

For the : Wounded Soldiers' Fund. 'Miss Cooper and Miss Moss, who are selling flowers every Tuesday and Friday in Roufch's Buildings, opposite Miss Tendall's tea-rooms, for the benefit of the /Wounded Soldiers' Fund, wish to.-ack-nowledge gifts of flowers (and some pot plants) from Mrs. Johnston (Highden), Miss Davies, Mrs. C. Bidwill, Mr. W. Moorhouso (also some pot plants), Mrs. G. Kay; Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Hulme, Mrs. Kebbell, Mrs. 'Stanford, Miss Se'aly, the Otaki Sanatorium, Miss Duncan, •Mr. Webster, Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs,. , Bristow, Mrs. R. Bevan, Mrs. Hassell, Mrs. Beckett, Mrs.-,•Hirschberg, Miss Edwards, Miss Skcrrett, Mrs. R. Camp-' bell, Mrs. H. Freeman, Miss Henderson. Gifts tof pot plants are very much- appreciated,

A bazaar in aid of St. Thomas's vicarage .debt fund is to be opened in St. Thomas's Hall, Ncwtoivn, on Wednesday afternoon next by Her Excellency the. Countess of Liverpool at 3 o'clock. Tho stalls will te arranged to represent all the Allies, and will present a very attractive display of goods of various kipds both useful and ornamental. Various amusements have been arranged.for each evening,- as the bazaar will be continued on Thursday and Friday as well. Captain Taylor-.and Miss, Taylor, of Wellington, are visiting Napier. r - and. Mrs.' S. Chambers, of. Napier, intend leaving -for England shortly.' • ■-. Recent visitors to Mahaxa. Souse," Waikanae, include the following Mrs. Kenneth Gordon (Te Aroha), Lioutenant and Mrs. Purdy (Hutt), Lieutenant and Mrs. Turiibull (Christcliurcli), Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe (Ngaio), Mr. ,and; Mrs. Lewis Bright (Auckland), Airs, and' Miss Mackersey (Masterton), Mrs. and Miss Brooke (Dunedin), Nurses Brown and Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford, Mr: T. Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. Coleridge, all of Wellington. "Her Excellency's Knitting Book" in' its first edition was in such great demand that the whole of the copies were disposed of within one week of publicaOrders axe flowing iii freely to tile publishers, Messrs. Ferguson and Osborn, and the second edition of'a much larger number than > the first issue is expected: to bo' available to the public at. the .end.of nest week. There is every probability that the sale will continue into further editions, and that the funds of the St. John Ambulance, Base Hospital, to which tho proceeds of sales are to be devoted, will be materially bene-' filed. ' J


. Eneland has called .011 American sureeo'na to man her newest and largest field hospital* (says the New: *ork "Times",).. The medical schools .of Columbia. John- Hopkins, and Harvard Universities; V as. the three foremost centres of medical learning in .the United .States, offered the' men and nurses; and the Director-General of the English' Army Medical Corps accepted tho offer. ' Thirty-two, surgeons and physicians and 75 nurses were to be sent in Juno by. the three .American universities to man the hospital. Sir .William Ostler, formerly of John Honkins University, but now Professor of; Medicine in Oxford University, con-, ceived the idea of having the new held hospital manned by American surgeons, nicked, bv men with whom he was.professionally associated' in that' country The idea met-the approval of Lord Kitchener. -Sir William Ostler cabled to the' three - universities that England thought very highly of the ■ work done •bv volunteer American 1 surgeons, but> that he was irixious to add to the laurels'. won : by: medical men from the United States by 'having a, unit'in'.charge of men. sponsored -by, the three American medical sohools most highly thought of .in Eurooe. ■ : ''; ; Sir William Ostler asked that among the 32 American mcdical men there should be included three skilled surgeons of high reputation, one physician, one 'pathologist, .one radiographer, and one nose,' throat, and ear specialist. These were to be men of'eminent'standing;■ The ' universities. will:-bear the expense of the corps, including.the nurses, Equipment and transportation will be paid' for by England. ■ The servico of the surecons and nurses -will be practically 'voluntary, for, : while' they will, receive the ,'army pay of English surgeons and nurses...this sum will be comparatively small. ' An extra' touch_ of the romantic, is added to .the project by' tho _ circumstance that -the Americans _ will' have ho idea where they are going. They .will be entirely subject to the orders of the English Army heads. '~ 1 , Tho doctors who have 'made possible the mission of the American • medical men to the l battle-front made it under-: stood that there was no pro-Allies' motive back qf : their offer. They were, actuated-, bv 'humanitarian motives alone.

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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2552, 28 August 1915, Page 10

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WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2552, 28 August 1915, Page 10

WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2552, 28 August 1915, Page 10