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; — I —^ —. i MONTHLY MEETING OF WELLINGTON BOARD The monthly meeting of the Wellington Land .Hoard was held yesterday. There were present: Mr. T. N. Brodrir.k (Ocinmissioner of Crown Lands), in the chair,', and Messrs. J.. Dawson, -J. Georgetti, "H. T. Dllingham, and C. M'lntyre. The following applications for land were (ipproved:—Section 28, Block XIV, Mt. Hobinson, 1 acre 16. poles. Cash. M. Qcrringe, > Section 11, Black XIV, Kaitieke, 7 acres 1 rood 20 poles. Cash. J. W. and AV. H. Holder. Sections 10, 11, 12, 16, Block VIII, Pohangina- Township, 1 acre. Cash. C. N. .Wildbore. Sections 41, 43, 15, Block' X, Pohangina' Township, 2.roods 38 poles. Cash. C. G. Culling. Section' 4, Bartholomew Settlement, 29 acres 3 roods. L.S.B.L. John T. Baylis. Section' 8, Block VI, Hunua, 62 acres 3 rc'oda. 0.1t.P. George 0. Oldham. Section 15, Block VI, Hunua, 92 acres. 0.11.P. Mary Stephens. Section 16, Block VI, Hunua, 96 acres 3 roods. 0.1 i.P. Annie Gregory. Section 18, Block VI, Hunua, 101 acres. O.R.P. Francis Thompson. Section 20, Block VI, - Hunua, 100 acres'. .O.R.P. Arthur H. Parker. Section.22, Block VI, Hunua, 108 acres. 0.11.P.; Alfred • Anderson. Section 39, Block VI, Hunua, 87 acres; 0.E.P.; Helena T, Claxton. Section 40, Block VI, Hunua, 112 acres 1 rood 37 poics; cash) August Carlson. Section 41, Block VI, Hunua, 105 acres 1 rod 18 poles; 0.R.P.; 15dward Siggelkow. Section 42, Block VI, Hunua,, 101 acres 33 poles; 0.R.P.; Erie W. Stenherg. Section 1, Block X, Hunna, 100 acres; 0.R.P.; "William Bos. Section 2, Block X, Hunua, 109 acres 2 roods; 0.R.P.; Aleiander Hay. Section 10, Block X, Hunua, 100 acres; 0.R.P.; Georgo T. Bryan. Section 11, Block X, Hunua, 73 neres; 0.R.P.; James H. Hyde. Sections 4, 5, 29, Blocks X, IX, Hunua, 3-14 acrc3 B.roods 14Vpoles; 0.8.P.; Beatrice A. Woodcraft. Section 4-3, Block X, Hunua, 77 acres 2'rods 20 poles; 0.R.P.; J. L. V. Larsen. Sections 17, 30, Block 11, Hunua, 91 acre;, 2 rods 1 pole; 0.R.P.; Leonaid A. Stevens. Sections 18, Block 11, Hunua, 152 acres 1 rood; O.R-IP.; Mary Tacon. Section 26, Block I, Hunua, 55 acres 1 rood 8-1 poles; 0.R.P.; Emily O'Malley. Section 27, Block 11, Hunua, 102 acres 2 roods; cnsli; Amelia Dix. Section 1, Block -XVI, Te Kawau, 116 acres 3 roods 7 poles; Herbert Hands. Section 2,,810ck XVI, Te Kawau, 11'5 acres 3 rods 9 poles; Reginald Davis. Section 5, Block I, Hawtrey Settlement,. 14 acres 2 roods 10 poles; L.S.H.L.; William Ivrug. Lot 1 of Section 315,..810ck 111. Oroua, 136 acres 3 roods 18 poles; lease; L. T. M'Lean. Lot 2 of Section 315, Block 111, Oroua, 119 acres 1 rood 12 poles; lease; L. T. M'Lean. Lot 3 of Section 315, Block 111, Oroua, 123 acres 3 roods 18 poles; lease; D. H. Jl'Lean. Lot 7 of Section 101, Block I, Otatioua, 17' acres; year-to-year; M. J. Gallagher. Section-106, Makuri Township, 1 rood 8 poles; year-to-year; Thomas Bigcar. Sections 22, 23, 24, Block IV, Makuri Township, 2, acres 3 poles; year-to-year; Thomas -Biggar. ' Section 45, Block XIV, Makuri, 8 acres; five years; Thomas Biggar. ■ ~ Application No. 22764. Part Section 19, Block VIII, Mariganui, 3 acres, year to ■year. Ronald Isaacs. Applications for timber licenses -were approved as follow:—Section 18, Block 111, Makotukai, 128 acres 2 roods; milling license. Rang-atawu Timber Company, Ltd/. Crown lands, Raetihi township extension,.milling, license; Maiigawliero Sawmilling Company. (Tender accepted at rates offered provided company agrees to pay for any totara thereon at 2s. per 100 sup. feet.) Part Section 22, Block VI,. iMakotubu, 5 acres, splitting, license, J. G. Martin. Permit to pump water, Block X, Ohineirairua, year to year; Arthur R. Fannin. —Approved. • TRANSFERS. Transfers were approved as follow:—: Section 11, Block XV, Makuri, 200 acres, C. 'J. Davidson to G. H: Gillard; Section 12, Block XV, Itakuri, 223 acres, C. J. Davidson to : G. H. Gillard; Section ■ 2, Block V,! Kailieke, 833 acres 2 roods. J. E. Lund to A. M.VLund; Section 35, Block - XII, Belmont, 5 acres 14 perches, \V. T. Bubb to S. J. Gardner; Section ' 40, Block VIII, .llangitoto, 92 acres 1 rood 28 perches, J. Ausin to R. Kreeglier; Section 28a, Block. XIV, Oroua, 87 acres 2 roods, J. O'Callaghan tu H. P. Mai ; Section 79, Block I, Makuri, 20 acres 3 roods .08 perches, W. Sheehan to H. V. Stephens; Section 36, Block V, Karioi, 2 acres 2 roods .05 perches, G. W. Blacklock to P. J. Schrieber; Section 15, Block VII, Umutoi, 538 acres, C. 0. Jiggers to L. V. Sixtus; Section 3, Block VI, Manganui, 1154 acres, W. Kendall to 4. P. 0 Connor; Section 38. Horowhenua V.S., 10 acres, representatives of J. Dowds (deceased) to N. Walker; Lot i of 116» ralmerston North, 23 1-3 perches, Manson and Barr to C. Akers; Section 57, Block XIII, ICairanga, 3 acres, E. Noonan to M. Noonan; Section 26, Block IV, Tararua, 200 acres, T. M'Millan to 11. Guy; Lot 3 of 58, Ohnkune V.S., 1 rood 1.6 perches, R. J. and J. H. CJimo to J. H, Ulimo. Other transfers were dealt with as follows—Section 1, Block I, Manganui, 1253 aore9, H. J. Banks to (Mrs.) S. E. Pepper—Refused. Section 19, Block VI, Puketoi, 50 acres, T. A. Burling to H. Burling.—Approved. Section 49, Block XVI, Makuri, 300 acres, M. S. Thompson to M. A. Hanna. •-Approved. Section 53, Block XVI, Makuri, 86 acres 2 roods, M. S. Thompson to M. A. Hanna. Section 50, Levin V.S,, 10 acres, -E. Campbell to P. J. Dillon,—Adjourned for ranger's report, - Section (i, Block VIII, Ngamatea, 486 acres 1 rood, T. J. M'Quinn to J. F. Casey and J, Woodhouse.—Adjourned for further particulars as to transferee's intentions regards working tho land. , SUB-LEASES. Sub-leases were approved as M!ow:-, Section 20, Block VI, Puketoi, 400 acres,' H. Burling to P. Jennings. Section 19, Block VI, Puketoi, 50 acres, H. Burling to F. Jennings. Section 14, Block XIII, Ituahine, 200 acres, representatives of AV. M'Kean (deceased) to J. M'Keifti. Section 8, Block XIII, Huangarua, 374 acres, C. M. Robertson to J. Baghurst. Section 57, Block VI, Hautapu, 1 acre 1 rood 7 perches, representatives of J. T. Carr (deceased) to J. P. Carr. Section 10, Block 111, Kaitieke, 512 acres, W. and 1). J. M'Lennau to D. Martin. Transfer of sub-lease «;as approved of Section 45, Manunui V.S., 1 acre 1 rood 16 perches, M, A. Henderson lo D. Henderson-, FEE SIMPLE. . Applications for fee simple were approved as follow:—Section 11, Block XV, Jlaungakaretu, 200 acres, E. Bishop;' Sec ?, Bl?,ck XJJ, .OhinoKMrua, 324

■ acros, G, \V. Batley; Section 2, Block • XVI, Tauakira, 1988 acres 2 roods, L. O'Neill; Section 1, Block VII, Hunua, Ul3 acros, G. B. Gibbons. ' SHOW CAUSE. ■ Section i, Block XVI, Mangaone, A. ; M'Leiui; residence. To be advised that ; the Board is indifferent as to the building site chosen by him to long as ho complies with the conditions. Section 3, Block XV, Otahoua (Poroporo Settlement); Hnrold Skeet, residenceExplanation satisfactory in the meantime. Section 14, Block XV, 'Otahoua (Poroporo Settlement). . .1. G. Donovan; resi- ; dence and improvements.—Extension granted until next autumn. MISCELLANEOUS. It was resolved to determine K. J. ■ Walton's permit to occupy part Section 19, Block VIII, Man ganui, and issue a fresh permit at the same rental to Eonaid Isnac3, R. Clifton havingr paid portion of his i arrears of rent on Sections 31\to 38, Marshall Village, it was resolved to rescind the board's resolution of June 21 last, declaring his interest forfeited. It was resolved to determine Miss M. H. Jl'Lnurin's temporary' permit to occupy Education Keserve, Section 13, Block I, Poliangina township, and issue a fresh permit at the same rental to Mr. Leonard Thomas Harland. G. Jlilligan applied for a lease of a narrow strip of open land between the Raetihi-Pipiriki road and tbe Mangaituroa stream, cast of and adjoining Section i, Block V, Makotuku Survey District.—Granted in terms of the ranger's report. * It was resolved to re-offer Section C, Block XVI, Betaruke, area 473 acres 20 perches; as second-class land, under Part 111 of the Land Act, 1908, at a capital value of .£795, weighted with for improvements. It was resolved to re-offer Section 5, Bartholomew Settlement, area 12 acres 2 roods 3 perches, on renewable lease, at an annual of J219 7s. of 6ale to be given under Section 21 of tha Land Laws Amendment Act,' 1913. It was resolved to re-offer Section 7, Block XII, Ilaurangi Survey District, area IJ3O acres, as second-class. land, on renewable lease, at an annuul rent of .£lB6. Notice of sale to be given tinder Section 21 of the Laud Laws Amendment Act, 1913. It was resolved to accept tho surrender by the Railway Department of its interest in agreement to mill the bush on an tuea of about 736 acres, comprising part Section 1, Section 2, Block V, and parts Sections 6, 5, 1, and 3, Block I, Karioi S.D., and to approve of a license being offered by public auction for the right to mill this timber at an upset- prico of i£7iG6. The license to be loaded with cost of improvements effected by Railway Department. Term to be eight years. It was resolved to offer the present occupier of Sections 26 and 27, Pohangina Suburbs, area 10 acres,, a license for: a term-of five years, under Section 130 of the Land Act, 1908, at a rent of ils per annum, subject to the usual conditions. A report was received from tie Crown Lands Ranger with regard to applications from Messrs. Anderson, Chamberlain, and Dixon for licenses to cut timber on Crown land between the railway and Sections 2 and 3, Block XVI, ICaitieke S.D., also to take tramway through and cultivate on tjio said land, and it was resolved to adopt the, Ranger's recommendations and to decline the licenses applied for. W. Steplien applied for a license to occupy Sections 1, 2, 3, i;. Block 111, Kini a Township, and also for a permit to plough these and the other sections in Block 11, which he was; Tecently given a permit to occupy. It was resolved to grant him the license for a term of five years under Section 130 of the Land Act, 1908, at a rent of 2s. (id. per acre per annum, subject to the usual conditions, and also a permit to crop all tlie. sections occupied, subject to a proper rotation of crops and to tho lands being left in permanent pasture at the end of term. It was resolved- to grant G. W. Rumniell a permit to occupy Section 3, Block IX, Mangaweka. North. Township, I rood, from-year to year, at a rent of 15s. per annum, under Section 130 of the Land Act, 1908, subject to the usual conditions. It was resolved to give twelve months' notice to Mrs. Crosbie that her license to occupy Seotion 61, Block IV, Mangabao S.D., will bo determined at expiration of that period. , I .It was resolved to Igive H. C. Riley, twelve months' notice of determination ?| T license to occupy Section 11, Block \ I, Makotuku/, 1 acre 1 rood, and to approve of his being granted then a now license to occupy from year to year at a rent of il per annum. With reference to J. Kelsall's license" to occupy a strip of Railway Reserve, Block VIII, Kairanga Survey District, which, .la accordance with the board's resolution of July 29, 1015, is to be determined on February 3,1916, it was resolved to grant new licenses over the said strip to the new 'occupiers,of .sections fronting it, excepting that portion fronting Mr. Badger's Section 51, .whicli is to be let to Mr. Badger at a proportionate rent . from year to year, subject to the condition that lie does not cut down or damage" the plantation. ' •'. •The Commissioner read a circular from the Under Secretary of Lands, rolative to dealing with application for land by returned soldiers. It was resolved to determine permit to occupy Section 9, Block I, Pohangina Township, in the name of Thomas Harland (deceased), and issue a fresh permit at the same rental to Mr. J\ Willis.. The Masterton County Council submitted a. scheme for expenditure of "thirds" accrued to the council to March 31 last, whicli was approved. . . The Pohangina County Council submitted , a scheme for the expenditure of i "thirds" accrued to .the council to March 31 last; asked to be allowed to use the "thirds" from Section 24C, Block VII, 18, and 18a,. Block XVI. Apiti; 6, Block 11, Gorge'; and 4a, Block IV, Pohangina, as ordinary revenue; and sought permission ; to utilise the "thirds" from certain sec- ■ tions 111 BTock X, Umutoi, towards the construction of a bridge over the Pohangina River, at Piripiri Crossing. Resolved that the application to use "thirds" as ordinary revenue be refused, that those from Section 0, Block 11, Gorge, be handed over to Woodville County, subject to terms of rangor's report, and' that the expenditure of "thirds" from. Block X, Umuitoi, be approved. •. Mrs. A. M. Bustard applied to surrender her leaso of Section 27, Block IV, Hawtrey Settlement, 1 rood, as she desired to obtain a transfer of a. large section, witli a residence already erected thereon. Surrender accspted provided rent owing is paid up.

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Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2551, 27 August 1915, Page 10

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DISTRICT LANDS Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2551, 27 August 1915, Page 10

DISTRICT LANDS Dominion, Volume 8, Issue 2551, 27 August 1915, Page 10