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N,Z, JBUTTER & CHEESE By Association-Copyright j, Ottawa, August 2. Dr. G. C. Erednian, the Principal of * Ontario Agricultural College, who is en route to". Ne#. Zealand and Australia, in 2 .ari'interview said ho wanted./to discover •why New Zealand was gaining such £ -headway in the butter and cheese trade. • • .-*—: ■ J Quite n large number of residents attended tie demonstration at Ehahdallah on-tlie pruning of fmit trees given by Mr. T. C. junr., Orchard Instructor. Pruning of tlio apple, pear, peach, and plum trees was keenly watched, the instructor showing those pre-, . sent ■ the Dest way to utilise space in a .Ismail./garden, by training the trees to grow, as cordons or espaliers. A lecture was given on scale insects and fun- t gus diseases attacking fruit trees, and ' c spraying material. ' Sir. Webb mention-ed-the three important sprays now on , the market, —red oil emulsion for nil c sucking insects, arsenate of lea'd for all j leaf-eating insects, and Bordeaux mix- •■ tureifor all:fungus diseases. It is necessary that the trees should bo ] sprayed regularly to keep down these J diseases, and it is tothe grower's own ' ' advantage to 'write to tho Department of Agricultare arid ask for the instructor to go and visit - their place so that they may be advised as to which is the best method to,proceed with their trees' that have, been neglected.' Several ladies were'present, aud showed keeii interest, iu the' demonstration. Mrs.'Harkncss supplied afternoon tea to those present. , ■'.:■£ :,'-'We".'at6..'agent3-for.."Alfa Laval" Separators, and tho ; "Omega" Milking Machine. 6 If is "the strongest combination in the , world. "Omega" took tho first prizs "against in England, and Alfa . Laval Separators beat all others. For \ prices and particulars, write Wanganui j Fresh Food and Ice Co., Guyton Street. c "Wangauui. We'also buy your c arated cream.—Advt. ' J Ever considered the advisability of installing a'water-wheel on your property? There's a lot of power running to waste in that swifil stream—enough, to drive all your farm machinery- This is a, good j sound proposition—means' money to you. t i Write for particulars. A. J. Partem, i Shoet Metal.and Plumbing Works, Car- t terton'.—Advt. - . j COMMERCIAL ITEMS " :.' : . INVESTMENT SHAEEB. A,pathetic display of courage is made by the •Wellington Stock Exchange m meeting' daily, for there is no business doing, ( and'shoro values'arc 6teadily on the de- >■ cline.. It would be far better to close down altogether, say, for a week, and then •give'the matter further consjfiiration and. close, agaia..if,,necessary. There was, of j course, no "business done yesterday, and , tho quotations, were as under:— * .«-'"« Buyer*.- Bellexs. 1 ■ ■' ' - £e. d. £s. d ( Bank (»>fc. !d.) ... - . '10-15. 0 i N.Z. and Eiv'er'Platfl ....:. ■ —. 2 2 6 Christchurch Gas (£5) , ,' . ? WeUingtonoaas -.(£10) 16 17 6 15 5 0 1 Wellington Gas "(pref.) ... 0 19 6, -11 National Insurance — ■ . Zl4 0 j -N.Z.- ! Insurance- — •. §12 0 Gear".lleat'4£4)" .'... - ' 1 , Beat' Meat (£0 - 3 W J 1 Union Steam (ord.) — 13 9, Union Steam (pref.) 10 6 Taupiri: Coat &=.' :.. - •Ijl 9 « Wostport Coal ..-....; — HI 1 Kauri Timber "(155.)......... . - 019 6 s Leylnnd, O'Brien .;..... — ■ • 116 D.1.0.. (pref.) :....... - . 11,0 Customs duty collected at the poTt of Wellington yesterday amounted to £6086 i . " '"-"■■ ''HIGH'-COMMISSIONER'S CABLE. '":'"' - The - Department of Agriculture, Industriesi!.andLCbmmerce has.received the following cablegram from the High Commis- ■ sioner'''.for"'New Zealand,, dated London, August 1, 1914. (Note.—Quotations unless other-specified-are average market prices " . .Mutton—The market is firm, with an upward tendency.- Canterbury. 4 6-Bd. per lb. for light-weight; heavy-weight, 4d.; North Island, 4 3-Bd. for light-weight. ~ Lamb.-Thoniarket is weaker and slightly /lower,- -as -a-result of; heavy arrivals dur- ,: ing last month. Canterbury twos, per lb., 6d.;, heavy-weights, fours, s}d.;'other than "Canterbury,-5 -7-Bd. for lightweight. The demand is chiefly for very lieht-weight. Beef.—The market is very firm. .New Zealand hinds, 6d.; fores, 3 5-Bd. Supplies of American, chilled beef are small. Hinds, -6H.-;-fores,-33d;--' ' .Butter.—The .market is very unsettled on account'of-the European situation.'Danish, steady, 131s.'to 1345.: New Zealand, firm, 1205."t0 1245.'; Australian, firm, 112s. to 114e.; Siberia-, in good demdnd, 110s. to U4e.; Irish'creamery, 118s. to 1205.; unsalted, 1203." to 1225: "■'. " Cheese.—The market is quiet, bnt 6teady '. "at present;Jaud is not affected to any extent by-tho European situation. Canadian, white and'coloured, per. cwt., 635. to 656.,- : Now Zealand, .white, 665. to 665. 6d.; colour- ■ -ed, 645. to 655. '..-'.-•■ - . , :''■ Hemp.-7-The market is lifeless. New Zea- • 'land; good fair, per . ton, £24 lCs.; fair, £22 10s.; Manila,. fair. current, £25. The output, from. Manila for the week was' ' 16.0C0 bales. . Kauri Gum.—Nothing was sold at auction . thk-week. Dark/hrown selected rescraped. £7; dark brown three-quarter scraped, £4 ~; 'dark brown chips, dressy, £2 Es.; pale - - amber,' Tcscraped,' £12; pale thrce-qnai-ter scraped,; £9; diggers' chips, good, £3 10s. " MVobl.—The market is quiet. , . Grain.—The excitement on the market continues, and prices arc still rising. New Zealand wheat, 395. c.i.f.; "A" Grade Gartons oats, 235. c.i.f.; New Zealand peas, (Partridge), per 5041b. 549..; New Zealand beans, f.a.q., (new crop), per 5041b., 355. 6d. Honeyl—The market is quiet, with small -business..doing. New.Zealand finest, per cwt, 455. .General.—Business is et a standstill on all markets except for food supplies. There is nothing doing because cover for ■ war risk is impossible except at prohibitive charges. Quotations are nominal. FROZEN MEAT-.MAEKET. Jtessr. Gilbert Anderson and Co., (Messrs. . :Mellsop, Elliott and Co., local- agents), , writing under date London, June 26, report as follow on the frozou meat market:— Home-grown:—Supplies very light and prices much higher than, last week. Beef. ', —Scotch.'.sides,-'7d.-7d. ; English, 61d.-63d.; Irish, 6d.-6id. Mutton-.—Scotch, Bkd.; English, small,- Bd.-, large, 7d. Lamb.—Scotch, 9d.-lCd.; English. 9d.; Dutch, Bd. PoTk.-53<1.-6Jd:--Vealr-7Jd.-81d. Frozen,mutton— Cheap chilled beef and a sluggish demand have been responsible ■:. for a- set-back in prices. Canterburys 'remain unaltered, 48-56,-4 5-Bd.; 56-64, 4 3-16 d.: 64-72. 3 7-Bd. Best North Islands, 56-64, 4 l-16d.; /ordinary, 3 7-Bd.; ewes, 521b„ .. 3 "9.16 d. Australian wethers, 46-60, 33d./ second quality, 35-55, 3 7-Bd.;. ewes, 30-50, .- -3 il-16d.v South American wethers, 56-72. 33d: : ewes, '48-64, 3 9-16 d. ;, <'Frozen-tamb.—ln conseouence of the inci'cased..arrivals the offerings on the spot ' -'are plentiful, and,there is a., lack of confidence among buyers for the future. ' Can- ■.. terbury lambs, up to 36, 65d.; 36-42, 5 15-16 d.; .-. 42-50, 5:7-Bd. ..-Small second quality Canter- - burys, -6-l-Bd. Selected North Islands, ;; 2842, 6 l-16d. Southlands, 28-42. 6d. Ordin- ■ ary North Island.. 28-42, 5 15-16(1.' Austra'lia6, best; 28-42: .5 11.16d.;.fnir,-. up: to 36, , 53d.;..inferior, 5 5-8(1.' South . American, :ZBo6, 5 - 7-Bd.;-36-42, 5Jd. - i' f"Beef.-The:.markct has been adversely af, poor quality Monte-Video chilled ibeof-eellingat about 23d. fores, 33d. hinds. - -Average prices of chilled, however, ,'arc 3 l-Bd. fores, sd. hinds. Frozen New Zea- ' l«nd-fores,-3 3-Bd.; hinds, 4 7-16 d. 'Aijstrlian crops, 3 5-16 d; hinds. 4 5-16 d. South American fores, 3 3-Bd.; hinds, 4 5-16(1. .■:.,. .ARGENTINE SHIPMENTS. '• . ...The Department of Agriculture! Industries, and Gommerco'ha« received the fol-lowing-cablegram from Buenos Ayres, dated August U— - ——The following shipments of produce were dispatched from the Argentine to the - United -Kingdom during July, 1914 (com- . pared ,iWith r ,My,. 1913, in brackets) — Frozen beef * quartere, 119,000 (143,000); chilled beef;' quarters, 354,000 (254,000); frozen • mutton, carcasses, 206,000 (72,000); frozen lamb, carcasses,'lo9,ooo (37.0C0); butter, cwt., 791 (853).":..;; <i. ■ ■. W-ffißJVr AND FLOUK. By Tdleera-'ph—Pres3 Aeeociation—Copyrieht /;. 11 .-■ :l) fO London, August 2. ..The wheat: market is nominal. Australian cargoes afloat, 425. to 425. 6d. - -Australia"]} j flour on spot, 30s. The Chicago markets are weak; there has been ; heavy sell rag.":' September shipments arc quoted .88, cents to 92 cents; December, 914 cents to 96.-cents; May, 96J cents. The wheat rflid flour 'afloat for the ■ United Kingdom is 2.455,000 quarters. For t£,^ t, 'H e -k l - m ' m Atlantic shipments, 9,974,000 ; r .PacifTc, nil. Total shipments for -/ i-uropo-a-rc 1#60,000, including 8000 from . ( : Australasia, .


LONDON MARKETS. London, August 2. Copra-.—The market is dull. South Sea, in bags, £23 lCs. • Hemp—The market is dull. Light point fair, June-August shipment, is quoted at £23 155.; June, no quotations. Rubber—Fine hard Para is quoted at 2s. lOcl.; plantations, 25.; smoked, 2s. 03d. All nominal. Cotton—August-September . 6hipmcnt, 6.28 d. per lb. Tallow.—ln, stock, 3923 casks; imports, 3904 tasks; deliveries, 4226 ensko. Galvanised iron, £16 and £13 15s. per ton. Fencing wire, 1375. ; 6d. ■ SILVER -MARKET CLOSED. ' Tho silver market is closed till Tuesday. '.' MINING NEWS ' WELLINGTON SHARE MARKET. The mining market lias slumped very considerably, and the prices ruling display the panic of the holders. Yesterday's quotations were as under:— Buyers. Sellers. £ s. d. £ s. d. Blackwater ' — 0 16 0 Consolidated Qoldflelds ... — 0 12 6 Rosa Reconstructed — 0 2 0 Swastika —! . 0 4 0 Talisman '...' 1 4 6 16 0 Waihi 16 0 18 0 TVaihi R-cefs Gigantic — 015 0 Wiuhi Grand Junction. 019 0 10 9 Waitangi .-. — 0 12 . STOCK EXCHANGE., (By Telegraph—Press Association.) Auckland, August 3. Sales: Talisman, £1 ss.- 9d. Waini,£l 9s„ £1,75. 6d. ' Junctions, £1. '-'N.Z. Insurance, £5. . Ounedln, August 3. The Stock Eichange- is. still' depressed. Sales:— Waihi. Grand Junction (two parcels), £1. Sales reported:— Waihi Grand Junction, £1- 2s. 9d., £1' 2s. 6d. Wcstport Coal, £110s. - ■ . ' NORTH BRUNNER MINE. ' '•: Creymouth, August 3. V Preparatory to reopening, tho North Brunner mino was recently taken over by a new company.s] Several - hands' to-day commenced work, and it is. expected that in two weeks work will be in full swing. Mr. James Armstrong lias been appointed manager. • KEEP IT DARK MINE. Reoften. August 3. The return for the past month from tho Koep It. Dark Mine was from 1220 tons quartz, 4030z. 6tlwt-s.; from cyanide, 141oz. 16dTrt;, or a total of 5450z. 2dwte.. which •with concentrates arc estimated to yield £2500 for tho month. This is the- beet month's yield for ten -years.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 8

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FAMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 8

FAMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2219, 4 August 1914, Page 8