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PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. M'VILLY SHIELD. WON" HY WELLINGTON CLCR. The Wplliiiglon • provincial amateur championship uiceling was hold on the Basin Reserve on. Saturday afternoon under Hie auspices of the Wellington Centre of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association. The weather was fine, but a. moderate southerly breeze, which blew across tho ground, gave a chill touch to the atmosphere, and this combined with counter attractions to affect tho attendance, which could scarcely have numbered 1000 people. In the majority of events only moderate performances were registered as the best of. tho Dominion athletes were not competing. Special mention should, however, be made of 1). Cashma.ll, who won the mile championship walk and tho three-mile handicap walk from scratch, getting well within standard time for the latter event. This was the only standard p?rformance during the day, for though Duncan was credited with lflsec. in the 100 yards, the performance will not lie recognised on account of the breeze behind the competitors. Much interest centred in the championship on account of the fact that Mr. I!. W. M'Villy, president of the centre, had presented a sheild for inter-club competition. The clubs which entered for the shield were:—Athletic Football Sports Club, Victoria College A.A.C., Wellington A.A. Club, Brooklyn Harriers, Civil Service Amateur Sports Club, Wairarapa A.A. Club, Petone Junior Club A.A. Club, Karori A.A. Club, I'ort Nicholson A.A. Club, Wanganiii A.A. Club. When the final event tame up for decision tho Wellington Club was leading with 28 points, while Athletic Club was close up second, with 27 points, but J. Wilton's victory added 0 points, and made the shield secure for the Wellington Club, whilo the Athletic representatives failed to gain a place. The following are tho results: — 75 Yards Handicap, First heat: .1. Wilton, 41yds., 1; L. A. Chapman, syds., 2. Also started: A. C. Williams, 4-Jyds.; A. P. I'astorelli, syds.; R. L. Lawrence, syds.; L. K. Cialbraith, 51yds.; G. W. G. Davies, oyds. Time, 7 ■t-oscc. Second heat: A. E. Dale, G'.yds., 1: S. 0. Jones, 7.1 vds., 2. Also started: ,T. S. .TnlelT, 51yds."; .1. S. Scott. Ovds.; and G. llilderbcc'U, Svds. Time, S l-ssec. Third heat: If. .7. Adams, GJydfl. 1; C. Bold, Svds., 2. Also started: 0. O'Connor, Glyds.; D. J. Casey, 7yds.; J. Gut line, 7!yds.; and G. 11. Stevens, 91yds. Time, Ssec. Final: 1.. A. Chapman, 1: A. E. Bale, 2. Won by a foot. Time, Ssec. High Jump Championship. Previous champions, 11. A. Hodge and 1... M'Kay (equal). Amateur records: World's lift. 5 5-Bin., 11. F. Sweeney (America), 1835; British, Gft. 4}in.. P. J. Leahy, 1898; Australasian and New Zealand, L.. 11. Kelly, Gft. 1 3-lGin., 1911. Standard, sft. Tin. A. Evenson (Athletic), sft. Gin 1 11. A. Hodge (Wonganui), sft. sin. ... | A. C. Williams (Wanganiii), lift. Sin. | t Dead heat. Also jumped; I'. K. Dovle and L. M'Kay. 220 Yards Championship. Present champion, K. Opie, Canterbury. Amateur records, world's, 21 l-ssec, 11. J. Wefers (America), 189(1; English, 21 4-sscc, E. G. Woods, 1887; Australasian, 21 Msec, Nigel Barker, 1905; New Zealand 22sec, 11. Opie, 1911. Standard time, 22 l-sscc. First heat; A. T. Duncan, 1; P. M'Kenzie, 2. Won easily. Time, 23 1-ssec. Second heat: Maurice P. Pool, 1; A. Bold, 2. . Won by a couple of feet. A good race for second. Time, 24sec. Final: Maurice P. Pool (Athletic) 1 A. T. Duncan (Victoria College) 2 A. Bold (Pctoue) 3 A great finish. Duncan looked to have the raco won 20 yards from the post, but Pool finished strongly and got up in time to win by inches. Time, 23 l-sscc. Half-mile Championship. Previous champion, .7. F. Wilson. Amateur record, worlds, lmin. 52 ■l-sscc, Eim'lis Luughi (Canada), 1909; English, lmin. filsec, M. A. Sheppard, 190S; Australasian, lmin. s(lt-ssec, G. A. Wheatlev, 1905; New Zealand, lmin. 5S l-ssec., Hector G. Burk, 1905. Standard time, 2in i n. V. J. Byrne (Brooklyn Harriers) 1 J. F. Wilson (Civil Service) 2 E. E. Fisher (Wairarapa) 3 Also skirted: M. Iggulden and L. M'Donald. Wilson led from the start and at the end of a .lap was five yards ahead of Byrne, with M'Donald running third. Byrne soon after commenced to overhaul Wilson and 200 yards from home ho ran to the front and won all out. by 10 yards from Wilson, with Fisher a poor third. Time, 2min. 4 l-ssec. 100 Yards Schools Championship. First heat: J. Mueauloy (Terrace), 1; F. Cotton (l'etone West), 2. Three others started. Time, 12 2-ssec. Second heat: 11. Blair (Mount Cook), 1; C. Davies (l'etone West), 2. Two others starled. Time, li 3-ssec. Final: G. Macauley, 1; P. Blair, 2; C. Davies, 3. Won by a yard. Time, 12 l-ssec. Putting the Shot. Previous champion, L. M'Kay. Amateur records, world's, 51ft., K. Pose (America), 1909; British, 42ft. 2in., D. Morgan, 1897; Australasian, 41ft. 3in., W. O'Reilly, 1902; New Zealand, toll. 3in., It. G. Rains, 190(1. Standard, 3Sft. Gin. A. Bissett (Wellington), 3Gft. Gin 1 L. M'Kay (Wellington), 36ft. lin 2 T. Walsh (Civil Service), 33ft. SJin. ... 3 Also competed: E. E. Fisher, A. C. Williams, H. A. Hodge, and A. Evenson. Mile Walk. Previous champion, G. Turner. Amateur records, world's, Grain. 25 l-ssec, G. H. Goulding (Canada), 1909; Australasian aud New Zealand, Grain. 27 2-ssoc, F. 11. Creamer, 1897. Standard time, Gmin. nCsec. D. Cashman (Athletic) 1 G. Turner (Wo'-'ngton) 2 T. E. Johnson (Wellington) 3 Also started: E. 11. Schofield, 11. A. Hedge, and A. B. Sievwright. Cashman took the lead early and as the race progressed, drew right away. He eventually won by 50 yards. Hodge was ordered off in the third Lip. Time, 7miu. Isec. 1000 yds, Handicap. J Pig"-, 70vds., 1; H. W. Thompson, 35yds., 2; S."O. Jones, GOyds., 3. Also started: F. Turner, 50yds.; 11. Collins, 50yds.; C. J. Gore, 50yds.; F. Hodson, 55vds.: A. C. Murray. 70yds.; C. O'Connor 70vds.; J. L. M'Donald, 75yds.; G. Mabey," 75vds.; J. J. Carmody, 75yds.; J. M. Coleman, 85yds.; E. Peid, 85yds. Entering the last lap the held was bunched, but in the last furlong Pigg and Thompson singled themselves out, and in a good finish the former won by a cnu°plo of yards. Time, 2niin. 20 4-ssec. 120 yds. Hurdles. Previous champion, R. M'Kenzie. Amateur records: World's and British 15see.. F C Smithsoii, IOCS; Australasian and New Zealand. 15 3-10 sec, G. I'. Kcddell, 1911. Standard time, 1G l-ssee. First heat: A. Evenson, 1; I{. M'Kenzie 2. Al=o started: If. A. Hodge and P. E. Doyle. The la-.t-n.imed fell. Time, 17 3-s?ec. Second heat: R. L. Lawrence, 1; G. S. Strnck, 2. Also started: A. C. Williams. Time, 17 2-ssec. Final :- A. Evenson (Athletic) ] P. L. Lawrence (Civil Service) 2 G. S. Strnck (Victoria College) ,t Fivensou took the lead at the .«eoond hurdle, and, gradually drawing away, won by three yards from Lawrence, with Straek a poor third. Time, 17see. Long Jump Handicap, T. (.'.'Hubbard (9in.). 19ft. .lin„ 1; A. O. Williams (2ft), 18ft. Jin,, 2j J. N. Mil-

lard (scr.), 17ft. 9in., 3. The only starters. One Mile Championship. Previous champion, J). Binnie. Amateur records: World's, lmin. 15 2-ssec., J. P. Jones (America), 1911. English, 4min. Hi 4-s>ec, .(. Winks, 1902. Australasian and New Zealand, 4min. 22sec, A. Shrubb, 1905. Standard time, lmin. (Msec. C. 11. Pugh (Civil Service) 1 T. I,'igg (Victoria College) 2 J. Bradbury (Wairarapa) (1 Also starled: M. Iggulden, J. F. Byrne, V. J. Bvrnc, and L. .M'Donald. Biadbuiv led for a. lap and a half, when Fugii took the lead, followed by J. V. Bvrnc and Bradbury. Entering the last lap, T. Pigg ran to the front, but be was passed again by Pngh. who ran in an easy winner by hilly 20yds. from Rigg. . who was a similar distance in front ol Bradbury. Time, imin. 40sec. 100 yds. Championship. Previous champion, R. Opie (Canterbury). Amateur records: World's, 9 3-5 sec, D. J. Kelly (America), 190G; English, 9 4-osoc, A". F. Dufl'y, 1901; Australasian, 9 4-ssec. W. T. Macphcrson, 1891; New Zealand, 9 4-ssec, W. T. Maepherson, 1891, and J. 11. Heinpton, 1592. Standard time, 10 l-ssec. First heat: Mark P. Pool, 1; R. Messenger, 2. Also started: .1. W. Nicholson amf S. C. Hunt Time, 10 2-ssec. Second heat: A. T. Duncan. 1; Maurice P Pool, 2. Also started: A. Bold and F. Hubbard. Time, 10 1-ssec. Final:— A. T. Duncan (Victoria College) 1 Maurice Pool (Athletic) 2 R. Messenger (Wairarapa) 3 Won by inches. Time, lOsec. Hoys' Half-mile Walk. G. Hickling, 85yds., 1; R. Rose, 35yds.. 2- J. Hickling, scr., 3. There, were a number of other starte'-s. A line finish. If. Rose caught G. Hickling about 50yds. from the post, but G. Hickling came again in the last few strides, and won by a foot. Time, 3min. 27 2-ssec. Hop, Step, and Jump, Amateur records: World's, 49ft Sliu., ,T. J. Bresnihan (Ireland), 1904; Australasian and New Zealand, 47ft .lin., D. Lane, 1911. Standard, 44ft. I! M'Kenzie (Wairarapa), 43ft 3in. ... 1 L. M'Kav ('Wellington), 42ft llin 2 ,T W Nicholson (Wairarapa), 41ft Biu. .'! Also competed: A. C. Williams, R. Adams, A. Evenson, L. C. Galbraith, and F. C. Hubbard. 220 Yards Schools Championship. .1. Maeaulcv (Terrace), 1; It. Blair (Mount Cook) 2: C. Davies (Petono West), 3. Also started.: R. H. S. Cording, W. Hansen, R. Dalton, F. Cotton, and 11. Cook. Won easily. Time, 29 2-sscc. Three-mile Walk Handicap, D. Cashman, scr., 1; 'J'. E. Johnson, 385vds., 2; G. Tumor, 35yds., 3. Also started: A. B. Sievwright, 400 yds. Three laps from the finish Cashman drew away and won by over 50yds. from Johnson, who was nearly 100 yds. ahead of Turner. Time, 22miu. 35 t-S.-oc.—beating standard time, 23min. Throwing the Hammer. Seven feet circle. Previous champion, A. Bissett. Amateur records: World's, 184 ft. lin.. .1. J. Flanagan (America), 1909. Australasian, 132 ft. 2in., F. J. Morgan. Standard, 130 ft A. Bissett (Wellington). 89ft lin 1 L. M'Kay (Wellington), 70ft. Sin 2 M'Kay had first throw, aud then Bissett threw and broke the hammer. 440 Yards Hurdles. Previous champion, A. C. Kitto. Amateur records: World's and Australasian, 57 2-ssec, J. L. Davis, 1911. New Zealand, 58 4-sse<\, A. If. Holder, 181)7. Standard lime, (ils.iic. R. M'Kenzie (Wairarapa) 1 A. ('.. Kitto (Wellington) 2 C. H. .!•!. Strnck (Victoria College). 3 Also started: H. A. Hodge, A. C. Williams, A. Evenson, P. L. Lawrence, A. G. Hugh, M. Iggulden. Kitto led over the first couple of hurdles, but was then passed by Lawrence and M'Kenzie. About 100 yds. from home Lawrence dropped out, leaving M'Kenzie to win by about Svds. from Kitto. Time, Gl 3-ssec'. Three-mile Flat.. ; Previous champion, L. E. Baxter. Amateur records: World's, l'lniin. 17 i-lisec, Alfred Shrubb (Wales), 1901; Australasian and New Zealand, llmin. 49sec, W. F. Simpson, 1901. Sandard time, ISniin. lOsec. C. 11. Pugh (Civil Service) l J. F. Byrne (Brooklyn Harriers) 2 J. Bradbury (Wairarapa) 3 Also started: H. T, Thompson and H. W. Thompson. This was a good race. Both the. Thompsons dripped out before the last mile. The order then was Pugh, Byrne, and Bradbury. In the final lap Bradbury passed Byrne and challenged Pugh, but the last named drew awny and won by 20yds. from Byrne, who displaced Bradbury again in (he last half-furlong. Time, lGmin. Ssec. 440 Yards Championship. Previous champion, .7. Wilton. Amateur records: World's, 47sec M. N. Long (America), 1900; English, 48 2-Ssec, W. Haswell, 1908; Australasian, ISUec, Nigel Barker, 1905; New Zcainnd,'so 2-Sscc, W. T. Macphcrson, 1891, and L. B. Webster, 1903. Standard time, S2sec. ,7. Wilton (Wellington) l E. E. Fisher (Wairarapa) 2 R. Messenger (Wairarapa) 3 Also started: R. M'Kenzie, Maurice Pool, G. Mabey, A. T. Duncan, J. W. Coard, D. J. Casey, and A. Cunninghame. Wilton kept in a nice position behind the leaders untillOOyds. from home, and then came out and won comfortably bv a.bout eight yards from Fisher, who* was live yards ahead of Messenger. Time, 52 2-ssec. The Officials. The officials for the meeting were Referee: Mr. R. W. M'Villy. Stewards: Dr. A. K. Newman, M.P., Messrs. \ Maryatt, W. F. Parkin, and R. E. Bannister. Track judges: Messrs. A. J. Abbott, C. E. Bridge, and M. Burnett Field judges: .Messrs. J. Doyle, W. 11. Jones, L. Cook, T. Ponaldson, and P. M'Namara. Timekeepers: Messrs. T. Crouch, A. Laurenson, and W. NY Tucker. Standard timekeeper: Mr. ,7. H. Pollock. Judge of walking: Mr. J. Ellis. Marshall and clerk of course: M,r. ,1. C. Cusack. Starter: Mr. 'P. W. Leslie. Marksmen: Messrs. 1,. W. Couzcns and F. Crewes. Press stewards: •Messrs. P. ,7. M'Govern, B. A. Guise, ami W. CI. Talbot. Result board officialsMessrs. W. Auld, W. E. H. Mackenzie, and A. Curtayne. Call stewards: Messrs. IT. 11. Dawson and D. Bennie. Number steward: Mr. .7. B. Jordan. Hon. handicappers: Messrs. A. C. Kitto, ,7. W. Ileonan, W. 11. Jones, and W. L. Dunn. Hon. treasurer: Mr. A. C. Kitto. Hon] secretary: Mr. W. L. Dunn.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1361, 12 February 1912, Page 4

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ATHLETICS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1361, 12 February 1912, Page 4

ATHLETICS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1361, 12 February 1912, Page 4