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-4 N.B.A. TOURNAMENT. SEMI-FINAL AND FINAL GAMES. WYLIE (NEWTOWN) THE WINNER. The last ctaßos of tlio championship rink match of the Northern Howling Association were entered into shortly alter !l, yesterday, in tho prcscnco of several hundred bowlers, who manifested tho keenest interest in every shot Bent up. Tho green was as slippery as ice, but tho teams engaged wore tuned up to great tilings, and tho bowling was of a high average quality. Speculation had j been ,rife as to which of tho threo skips —Still (Wellington), Walker (Ponsonby), and Wylie (Newtown)—would como out on top, there being a general consensus of opinion that tho Ponsonby skip would not l>o far out. As a matter of fact, ho was not far out, but it was far enough for tho Wellington Club's representative, who put up a magnificent fight against odds, boating tho Auckland skip by tho narrowest majority. Tho final gamo was played yesterday afternoon between Still (Wellington) and Wylio (Newtown), and resulted in. a well-deserved win for tho rink skipped by Wylie (Newtown). Tho following wero tho results of tho semi-final and final games:— semi-final. 1 Wellington—Neilson, Simm, Allen, Still (s.), 22. Ponsonby—Casey, Gardner. Sneddon, Walker (s.), 21. This game proved to bo a battle of the Titans—if such a term can bo applied to bowlers—for Still had come through his final section games without a loss, and Walker had only been beaten twice throughout tho whole tournament. The gamo opened in favour of Walker, who got 1 in tho first head, 2 in the second, and u in the third. Still moved in the fourth head, and plugged away steadily to wipe off tho deficiency, until on tho ninth head the scoro stood 8 all. Then by steady drawing on the part of Gardner and Sneddon, Walker got a 2, and two singles on tho nest threo heads; Still a single on tho thirteenth, and Walkor one on tho fourteenth, making the scoro, Walker 13, Still 9. Then for four heads Walker hung like a limpet to the fateful figure, whilst Still put on three singles and a 3, which made the soore: Walker 13, Still 15 on tho eighteenth head. Then came tho tug. Walkor got olio in on tho nineteenth, Still two on tho twentieth. It looked all to nothing on Still, but on tho last head Still's men lost their nerve. Siinm (No. 2) played both of his bowls lamentably narrow, and Allen was very narrow with one and strong with the other, whilst Gardner and Sneddon piljyl thorn round tho jack, until it looked as if Walker had at least four or fivo when the skips went down. Still failed to alter the position, both his bowls, well placed, going right through tho shot bowls. Walker managed to draw another shot with his last howl, and it looked all over, but oh the measure being produced it was found that Walker only lav threo, which ■ made a tie of it. On tho extra head Allen drew the shot for Still, and was lying when tho skips wont down. Sneddon smoked the shot bowl out with leaving his skip (Walker) lving. With his first .bowl Walker tipped on of c,?M, n s , front bowl s into shot position; Still drew another, and Walker ariving tdok out one of the shots, leaving btill ono sliot and tho game. THE FINAL. Newtown.-Warwick, Duff, Pollock, Wylio (s.), 22, 1 WeJliugton.-Noilsen, Simm, Allen, Still Uw, 10. I lie final game- for tho championship provided nothing sensational for tho 500 or 600 people who assembled yesterday afternoon to see it. Still's men did notscem up to their game, and al times played some wretched shots. Still himself played , swat steadiness throughout, but mffht a |,?,° up l tpctical errors which might hpo changed the whole of the game. One occasion was tho play on the a}/}& &when, n V".* o**0** 18 Ae\\towii had three snuggled ud to H al !f tk ° back save one. btili, lathei than attempts yard gone shot drove hard and carriod tho jack and liic' WWi P baCk f h™ l itch, giving Ujlie no fewer than six shots. It was a calamitous.blow for Still and -l ™ dorl'ul slice of luck for Wylie 'On th« sixteenth head Still again got within toTtiU'- , S and thanks to Stills never-say-die shots, got'within te« 01100 n m 0 1 n tu-emieth head ( , ?)• 0" " le last head Wylie's men got nice and comfortable round tho jack 3?L Wer °J>n ng tn '°/ken "lo skips went down. Still essayed a couple of drives, w r 1 " f "I® °, f thcm shifted one of Wylio s front shots. The other stood, and gave the Newtown rink the gamo, and tho championship. . Still's team covered itself with honour m . sopuring second honours; Probably of all the teams entered by the parent club, the ruuners-up wero given the least chance of doing anything of moment, vet they weathered through in great style right to tho hnal. Still proved himself a skip ot much skill, and resource. Allen, who was inclined to be a little erratic yesterday, is a splendid draw; Carnegie" Simm played with great steadiness throughout the' tournament, and Neilson, who was not in his best form yesterday afternoon, led throughout in good style. Tl;e winning rink is well known. It has been playing together for throe seasons, and all are strong, reliable, and consistent players. A year ago tlxev were the runners-up. in tho Wellington 'Centre tournament, and, generally, arc considered one of the most formidablo combinations in Wellington. They are good Bports, and deserve their win. At the conclusion 'of the game Mr. Jajncs Keith, president of tho Northern' Bowling Association, speaking from tho exterior stairway of the Wellington Bowling Club, said:— "Ladies and Gentlemen,—l havo to announce that Mr. Wylie, of the Newtown Club, has won t.lie championship. Mr. Still, of the Wellington Club, takes second prize, and Mr. Walker, of tho Ponsonby Club, will play off with the winner of tho 'Last Try' Match to-morrow (Saturday). I have 'also to announce that tho priros will be presented by Mrs. Keith (wife of tho president) hero (the Wellington green) to-morrow afternoon." Hearty cheers wore then given for the winning rink, and tho runners-up. THE "LAST TRY." The "lost Try" match for section winners not engaged in the semi-final or final 'games was commenced on tho Wellington Club's green yesterday morning. The following are the results so far:— Krst Round. "Look beat Bell, 21—13. Second Bound. Kerr beat Macdongall, 27—15. Hemingway beat Craig, 18—13, Sneddon beat Land, 19—15. Gordon beat Lock, 23—18. Third Bound. Gordon boat Kerr, 21—14. Hemingway boat Snaddon, 27—20, The -Semi-Final. The eemi-final will be played off between Gordon (St. John's) and Hemingway (Victoria), and will be played on the Wellington Club's green at 9 a.m. to-day. Tho I'inal. Tho final game of tho "Last Try" between tho winners of tho somi-final and the Ponsonby rink, skipped by Walker, will commence at tho Wellington. Club's groon at 1 p.m. 6harp to-day. CONSOLATION MATCH. The following is tho oontinnatkm of the preliminary finals in tho Consolation Match Second Bound. Webb beat Bland, 18—9. Jackman boat Meroer, 22—If, Parata bent Manson, 21—6. Byes—M'Grcgor, Prinoe, Ewington, Hollard, Cooper, Parrinjjton,-Nash, Hueston, Brackenrulgie, Bull, Baildon, and Mason. Third Botind. M'Gregor beat Brackenridge, 16—lfl. Prince beat Baildon, 18—13. Hueston beat Hollard, 21—13. Mason beat Parata, IS—lO. Wright-son beat Nash, H—l2. Vosscler beat Cooper, 20—IS. M'Grcgor beat Braekenridge. 15—10. Partington beat Jaekmau, 19—15, Webb beat Bull, 11—9. Fourth Bound. Prinoi beat Wrishtioa, Iff—J. Mam teat Purrrngtoa, IS—l2.

Macgregor heat Voaaol&r, 17—Uf, Webb boat Hucston, 22—13, Fifth Ronnd. Prinoo beat Mason, IJ—ll. M'Grcgor boat Webb, 13—10. THE FINAL. Tlio final of llio Consolation Match between Prince (Newtown) and M'Grcgor (Carlton) will bo played on tho Wellington Club's greon ut 9 a.m. to-day. Tlio gilino will go tbo full 21 heads. DIVIDED OPINIONS. At tho conclusion ot the championship final yesterday thcro was a good deal of dissatisfaction expressed as to tho manner in which ihc iinal gainea wcro arranged, and several Iwwlcrs expressed the opinion Uiat each nf tlio thrco skips left in at Hue cud should havo met caeh other, instead of allowing ono rink, to havo tlio advantage of a bye. Tlio argument against this and in favour of the executive';; plan was that, it' each rink met one another and each had a loss, tho position would bo "as you were," anil they would have to draw a bye bo reach some finality. As a matter of fact, tho three slrii>s wero called before the executive and informed how the final games wcro to 1«) played beforo tho draw was made, and no one raised any objection to tho procedure (viz., that two teams should meet, and the final should bo played between the winners and the rink which drew tho bye). Of course, thcro is eomothing to bo said in favour of tho ailround play where three are oonoerned in a final, but wlion u rule is laid down and tacitly agreed to, objection should not bo raised afterwards. f HARBOUR TRIP. The Wellington Bowling Club entertained visiting bowlers and their wives on tlio harbour steamer Duchess last evening. Though quiet rain began to fall at 8 o'clock, it was decided that tho excursion should tako place, and though the outing would havo been more pleasant had the weather been fine, the company was so good that it hardly could havo been much more enjoyable. A capital programme of music was presented, under tho direction cf Mr. E. J. Hill, and a most appetising supper was temptingly served. ROTORUA TOURNAMENT. Th« Rotorua bowling tournament is to commence on February 19 this year. This is always a popular fkturo with Auckland and Wellington bowlers, and is likely to attract entries from both centres this year. During the tournament tho luncheons andjiftornoon teas at tho various greens have been supplied by Godber's. Both local and visiting bowlers are of opinion that they wero never looked after more satisfactorily. It was a big order to look alter dOO hungry bowlers 'and their friends twice a day for a week, and Mr. Godber did it in a manner more than satisfactory.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1336, 13 January 1912, Page 3

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BOWLS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1336, 13 January 1912, Page 3

BOWLS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1336, 13 January 1912, Page 3