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SHARE MARKET. There was no sitting of .tho Wellinßton .Stock Exchango on* Saturday,, and, consequently, there are no Quotations to record. The Exchange will be closed to-day .also. ■ PENINSULAR ANI> ORIENTAL STEAJI NAVIGATION. Tho'report of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company for tho year endsd September 39 last states that the-net surplus of tho'year amounts to £275,981. in* •cludinß £66.<89 brought forward from tho last account. After deducting'tho amount of the interim dividend of 2i'per cent, on the preferred stock and Si per co:U. on tho deferred stvk, the balance admit* of a further payment of 21 per cent, on the preferred and 6i per cent, on the deferred stock, together with a bonus on tho latter stock of 3 per cent. The distribution for the year is therefore cnual to 9 per cent, oh tho paid-up capital. ~ A balance- is carried forward to tho nest year's account amounting to £67,181. The .directors recently acquired the steamers and business of the Blue Anchor Line, which has held a high position to the Australian trade, via tho Cape, for many years. Tho steamers, fivo in nfcmber, asKrosatinß 30.CP0 tons, appear in their place in tho. fleet, list. They wore taken over 'at their original cost •prics.v subject to an annual depreciation at tho rate of 5 por cent, for every year they had been at work. At this rate tho Cost of theso ships worked out-ap* proxiraatojy at £250,000. In addition to this sum, the company paid Messrs. Luiid. the owners, the sum of £25,CC0 for Goodwill and compensation for . the loss of raanasremer-t commissions, as tho work will now. be altogether in the liafids of the company; ' • ■ - - • ..

.-.•CUSTOMS.. The Customs revenue collected at the port of Wellington on Saturday last totalled fl 1 ? 2 9s. 2d., the amoui'.t for the week boinc £9439 2.3. lOd. Compared with the corresponding perils of th 6 previous vcar, the receints for tlie past cisht woska'-show as under 1910. : .1309. ' •£ £ December 3 % .V. !.... 19.249 16270 December 10 12.969 • 12.3ns December • 17 21.347 17,374 ' Dccombor 24 ... 13.9 M 11 629 • , Dccembor 31 11.950 10.996 T . . 1911. .1910.. January 7 • 8.143 30.599 . Jamnry 14 24,024' 17 693' January 21 9,439 7/6$ Tlio beer duty for tho- week totalled i>J2l 15s. 4d., in compared with £197 12s. in tin corresponding week.of last year. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURN. By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyrte'a*. London, January 20. Tho Bank of England return issued for the week ended Wednesday', January 18, is as under:— Issue Department Koto Issue — £52r205.000 Gov. debt,.,. £1!,015,08') Other Bccuvitjo* •••' 7.431,000 Q oW ... 33.807.000 £32,256,000 $52,256,C0Q

Banking DepartjlCnt. Proprietors' Govt, secuvicapital £1-1.553,000 tios £M,955.C0D Public do- Other securiposits ... 10,057,005 „ ties 27,411,030 Other cicjiosits ... 40.035,000 Sotes ... 24,5i0,C00 Best, 7-day and other Coin... ». 8-55,CC0 liills 3.118.000 id 0.051.003 £58,001,C00 Tho leading items or tho Bank ot Enslaud return afford iho following corn, parison:— Thisweok. Lastwook. Last year £ £ £ Bullion 33.807,000 oMIj.OM 35.502 OM Reserve ...I ... 25,695,000 23.15i.000 28.011,00:) Nolo circulation 27.41U.0C0 47,81'5.C00 ffI.COi.OOO Public Deposits 10,037 .COO 8.706.U1J IUW.OXI Other Deposits 40,033,000 40.3,0,KJ0 u,SDO.WO Proportion of rcsorvo to liabilities ... 51.23 17.83 60.75 ■GOVERNMENT SEOUKITIES. . Tie following aro tho latest quotations for.. Government ; securities. with a comparison *of thoso ruling last week:— Variations ■ _ compaiecl Pries. with ' ■ . last wcok. ~ I ' ' ' £6. d. 25% Imperial Consols 70 17 ti ss. higher 4 ■ ..N.S.W. 1933 Jan.-July 103 0 0 Unchanged 3i „N.S.W.lSlßJi'ar.-Scp. E-'J O 0 Unchanged 3 „N.S.M'.U3SApI.-oct. 87 0 0 Unchanged 4 „Vic. 192UJan.-Juiy 102 1-2 li 12s.6d.liiRher 3i „ Vic. 1921-0 Jan.-July 07 0 0 Unchanged 5 „ Vi0,1029-40Jan.-July MlO 0 Unchanged 35 „ S,A. 1916 Jan.-July 05 10 0 Unchanged 3 ~S.A. lJlti Jan.-July il 15 0 ss. higher 4 „QTdl9ls-'.il Jan.-July 10i 0 0 lOs.hUior 35 ..ti'l'dlihii-SOJan.-July 25 10 0 Unchanged 3 „QTdlS?±i.47Jan.-July S3 10 0 Unchansed J ..X.Z.MJSMay-Xor. 10110 0 10s. higher 5j „X.Z. 10)0 Jan.-July 03 12 ti Unchanged 3 „N.Z. 191r. Ajiril-Oct. 85 10 0 Unchansed 3j „ W.A.lMMOliray-Xov 57 0 0 Unchanged 3 j W.A,1015-3551ay.N0v 8310 0 Unchanged 3l ,;Tas. 1940 Jan.-July 07 10 0 Unchanged 3 „l'as. 1920-40 Jan.-July 86 0 0 Unchanged

BANK RATES OF DISCOUNT. Tho Bank of England rate was reduced on June 9 from-.4 to 3 per cent; on September 29 it was advanced to 4 per rent., and on October. 20 to 5 per cent., On December 1 it* was lowered to 4J per cent., at which rate it still stands. The Bah!; of France rate nas reducd from Si to-3 per cent, on January 23, 1908, and at tho latter fimire. Tiic Imperial Bank of Germany on January 21,19C9, lowered its rate from 5 to 4J per cfent., and on February 10 to 4 nor cent. But on "September 26 it was raised to 5 per cent., at which rate it remains. MARKET RATES OF DISCOUNT. Tho following, aro the market rates for best three months' bills:—' * London Paris Berlin » fate. • rate. rate. percent, percent percent. This wosk 3fi 2h' . 3i • Last week 33 23 .21 Last year 215-16 2J 3A Short loans are quoted at 3i per cenU as against 3* per cent, last week, and 22 per cent, a year ago. <•

COLONIAL AND OTHER PRODUCE. Wheat.—The markets arc easier, owing to the continuance of heavy' shipment, and thcro io r.ome pressure--to eel! River riata lines, but buyers' are inactive. ' Holders arc asking ofa. 3(1. per o.uartcr for South Australian September shipment;' 365. for Docemberi and 355. 3d. for parcels. SouthAustralian and Victoria December-January shipments arc in small supply. AuGtralian spot is, Quoted at 365. 9cl. to 37r. 3d.; New Zealand is in moderate demand, the average being 335. to 33e. 6d., and 3<!s..for the best.

Flour.—Tho flour market is quiet. Australian cpot ruling prices are 255. 3d. to 253. 9d. j?ct sack. Parcels on the way, 243. 6d.; January-February shipments, 245. Oats.—Oats are in small supply, and there is but a poor demand. ' Gartona are quoted at 775. 6d.; sparrowbills, 17s. to Is 6. 9d.

<Baricy.—Australian is nominally 265. 6d. to 273 . 6d.

Butter.—The. butter market ie firm. There ir, a fair, trade- doing in all 1 descriptions. Prices are ,\ practically- unchanged. • Cheese,—'The market'is very firm. - New Zoaland white is. bringing 5Ss. per cwt., and 595. to 60s. .for-coloured. . > - • Sn^ar.—German bcot susar is'unchanged, at 9s. per cwt. for 08 per ccut. fc net titte; nnd lln.- for first marks Granulated f.o.b. Hamburg,

Kauri Gum.—At tho kauri sales 487 cases wero offered and 25 cold. Prices \verc unchanged.

Bradford Tops.—The market is unchanged, bub a more cheerful tone prevails. The current quotations arc:—64's, 253 d. ner nound super, 60's. 252 d.: common 60's* *2*? d.; 56*5, 21d.; 50's, l&Jd.j 46's, 14id.;' 40's, 13d.,

London wool sales; MORE SPIRITED BIDDING. Dy Telegraph—l'ress Association-Copyright London, January 20. Tho wool rale was spirited, with' more geueral bidding. Prices havo a tendency in sellers' favour. . (Rcc. January 22, 5.5 p.m.) London, January 21. The wool sales have been postnoued owing to fog. Yesterday's sales included "U.S. over T.," top priec, 12id., ■ average price, lCd. .' SHEEPSKIN SALES. At the sheepskin sales 71C0 bundles were offered to as avcraee atte-dance. Bidding was fairly brisk at tho outsat, but dragged towards tho Australian merino combings and erossbreds showed a; Jd. decline. Now Zealand combings *d. to ?<1; decline, and olothing sorts 3d. to gd. decline. Messrs. Murray',. Roberts and Co., Limited, havo received the following cablegram from Messrs. Sanderson, Murray and Cd., with reference to. tho ehocpskins sales:— 'The market shows a decline of a »d. per lb.

LONDON MARKETS. By Telegraph—Press Associatio'n—Copyright (Rec: January 22.> 5.5 p.m.) • London. January 21. Wheat.—An "Australian cargo sold at 365. 3d, per quarter. Hemp.—January-March shipment, - £20' ss. per ton. Copra.—Tho market is flat. South Sea in bags; £23 7s. 6d. per ton. . Cotton is o.uoted at 7.B<!d; per lb. . Rubber.—Fine hard Para, 4s. lCd. per lb. New' Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company.- Ltd;, have received tho following cablegram from their London house, under date January 19:—Sheepskins: Coinbinj? merino and clothing descriptions, short .and shorn sheepskins.asd crcssbr.ed larabr. have dcclui'.'d ?<!.; and crossbred combinff s!d. per lb. .Wool: The sales, progress firmly, but thero is little American demand .for crossbred wool. ' THE METAL 'MARKETS. " By Tolccrapli-l'rcis Association—CoprHffht. Pig-iron.—A halfpenny lower, at 495. Bid. per ton. (Rec. January 22, 5.5 p.m.) London, January 21. Copper.—On spot, £55 ss. per ton; three months, .£56 2s. ,6d. £57 10s. Tin.—On • spot-,' £189 per tou.' Lead.—Soft, foreign, £13 per.ton.v--Silver.—Bar silver is quoted at 24£ d. per ounce standard.'

LONDON WOOL IMPORTS. Messrs. Dalgety and Co. advise that the imports of wool for last year into the London market have, amounted to 1,271,000 bales. Tho principal importing firms were as'follow:—Dalgety and Co., Ltd., 67.0CK) bale.-; Union liank of Australia,- Ltd., 45,000 bales; N.Z.' Loan and Mercantile Agenny Co., Ltd.,, tf.OCO' bales; Bank of New Zealand, Ltd.; 42.CC0 bales; Sauderson, Murray and Co.; 38,CC0 bales; James Morrison aud Co., Ltd., "31,000 bales; N.Z. and Australian Land Co., Ltd., 30.CC0 bales. PETROLEUM REPORT. . (By Telcsraph—Press Association.) • New Plymouth, January 21. Th" Tr'rr'iMti Petroleum Company's No. 2 wjcll yielded during tho past week fourtoeiVoarrcls more than the average, or fully 110 barrels. It has discharged a quantity. of mud, apparently owing to stronger gas fircfcJure. and i? now flowing more freely. Mr. J. D. Henry, tho English oil export, will reach here ou Monday, making this his headquarters during his two months' Btay iv. New Zealand. FEILDING MARKET REPORT; Messrs. Atkinson and Co., Ltd., of Feilding, report on Friday's sale ac fellows:— Pigs were .j:ot in heavy supply,,and were dull of tale. Poultry came forward only in moderate supply, and sold at usual prices. A onantity of produce and fruit was marketed. Good potatoes are coming in. from all. iiuartervbut are slow of f-alo. Quotations:— Poultry (at per pair): Tlcns", 2s. 3d., 2i'. 6d., 35., 3s. 6d.; roosters, 25.; chicks, 1a.,. If. 6(1.; ducks, 55., 45.; ducklings. If., Is. 6d.j pe?:c, 'f.; turkey?, 7a. 3d. Pigs: Porker?, 17s. tn 205.; stores. 65., 9s. 6d.. lis. 3d.. 145.; wemurs, 65.; slips, up to 7-s. 3d. Produce: Potatoes, <s. to 6s. per owt.; peas, Is. 6d. per big; beans. Is; cauliflowers, Is. 3d. to Is. 9d.; onion 3 (1211b. bag). Is. 9d. to 25.; cabbages,.up to Is. 6d. per bag; plums (per case),-Is. 9:1., 25., 2s. fid. to 35.; cucumbers?, Is. to Is. fxl. per case; factory bacon, side, 7d. per lb.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 8

COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 8