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AUCTIONS. - .«'■'■ TO-DAY, : .•FRIDAY; 21st OCTOBER,• 1010, ... At l|3o o'clock. ; BEAITH WA ITE's"" CITY' AUCTION -'■ ■ ■ ■•"■.■• MART, ■■"'•' ■ -• ~'SI MAN'NEES. STREET. • SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD ;.;.-v .-., . furniture. . Contonts 'of'a Gentlemnii's • Residcnco, ;. romo.vcd to our., Mart for convenience of sale, and.which includes— 1 Upright ;Grarid Piano,'iron frame, tri- . chord action, G.Heyd; a nice- ■ .toned instrument .' .I.'All-Brass Italian Bedstead. ! . .' 1. Magnificent ■ .Mirrored- Sideboard, ■ sft. Gin.'; canony top, and collarette .1 lixtensiou fining lable, y'ery heavy legs, ■extending to 9ft. ■'■'■'■.".' Handsome.Bedropiii Suite, including largo ' '■'":% Mirror Wardrobes,'Duchesse Cheval ■ and. MarMdrtop Mirror-back' Wash- !•,■': stand... '■ ;■, ■:■:... -.-. ■ ■.■;■' . ■ : -.-■'■.. l'lVoiv Royal, Drbpliead: Sowing Machine, •'■'■ 5 'drawers■:.::••--.•"■'■;; ''.-■''-' ■■: I'Singer Sowing Machine, '7 drawers . Dnchcsso. Pairs, 'Bnchesse; Chests, Duchesse Dressing Tables ■ .'. i :■ ' ■ 2 Heavy Brass-mounted Bedsteads ;•' Ottoman Coiich '."'. '..-':'. ■ . . Ovormantel, vB.E; Fenders,and Irons , : . Carpet Square,. Linoleums','. Tables, Chairs Wicket Settee,. Easy i Chair, -Single. Iron '.'.■'• 'Bedsteads- . :'-;-j,i ; -' ; : ; ■■-' '- '■'■•. Wire ■Stretchers, -Toilet-.Tables,. Toilet Ware : •'.,." "■',■-' ''■'■■ '.•''.• '■■■. : - ' - Whatnots; ■. Sideboards; Piano: Stool' . . ; Fire.•'Screens;.'.'■Palrii' Stands,, Oval Swinp; ■ v '. ; Glass'-■-,;";-: :' : '-V ;v ':'-'' ; ~■'■- .; •■■.' Linole'itms, Lawn 'flower, "Clocks, Lamps, ': Bedding '':':•: ';. V': ■ - '- 1 --.":: And:-a;'goo'd lot'of; sundrieSi'. . ' ■■-;i-.' ; Mlsb- ! .;;: : :■:,':./'■,;,:'.•:■ 1 ;Gent.fs"' Bicycle,: 1 Lady's Bicycle, both : Mn:perfect.order.'v^:.-; ; ■/'..; .. , : ■_•'; the' most attractive'catalogues:;of;;Household: Furni-. ture ever offered r toiine : public, •and ,ive wish .to ; draw-..sneciaL attention to 'its excellent condition.-and- quality. ■■ ■'■•'-■.. .-..A11-f for,', AT3SOLUTE-: SALE,;,, by-order of bur 'client; :whb is'.:leaving for America. •jOn-yiow- from:;9. : ,o.'clock this -morning. ' ■• :. : ;i : ;»;■?:"5^ ; ;W:' , "■. ■ ' : .- : ft'f'.-.-: : ':'■;":' -"'■ '■ ■■'■ Auctioneer. ■:. ' Jxi^QTEL , ~TBNAJJ i r;'.WANTED:-: ' ', ■■OTANTED; ui^entiy,..within next three days,; Buyer for':a,vHotel. in thrivtrade- nearly .'^lo0 Vweekly.' Price £23001 small ~ '.amount r\cash.■:■"' required; urgent' reasons';for".selling ! .at once .This is the'tchance , of ;-a lifetime;'! Apply .-', ' ■-■:':'^>^;--^ : ---i^t)WAN-BROS.r : . -■■■ ;>> :VV : ,--v>. ;WillfS:Street,; 'Wellington...-■'V';.3:.^pIEL;TBJjIINT-'.W^TED'. ! .'V-:.'.;' ': ■' i:We' ; nave ■ been', fetructed ■' by•■' Mr.:; Wil; .of vhis. interest- in 'the ;'^yimbledoh '}■ Bay., Smanr.-aiDount/cash.-required. 'This. is\a' !gobd:hotel'.for"a'suitabK.mari with a good. ! working ! wife,:', as' it iis ;theVoentre 'of, a. very' ■laTge-' : ■passing' V.the' di)br.'.'' The,, property'.must ■ be :dispos»i'"-;ojE■■ immediately, .'/Apply : . ;.v . • : 'rf :: . ;! S!])WAN;iBEOsi,-. 'I''.:' "■ : ■«,;:•/K;,ii.Willis-ijjtreet.-.Wellington.^' v-X-:^;'^\v^oS.;S^^r^\'-.;;-v : :^-'J ■''600 'ACEES ofjinprpyed .drained Swamp land iin the.-Waikato, -near;' tho' , Morrins--ville.'Railway'^^Station;.'serjed: witKgobd roadei'^First-class* dairying .and : agricul- : tural: country;: being l all ploughable; very fertile.':^-.-;' > ■:. '''rA'-^^'-'- : f''■■■'■■ '■'' ■•*■'■!'■'''" : ■'-•■' ;■■» It twill.,be.?sold;:in ; :;prder" to square, up an ■Estate, ; at- the''remarkably lo'w.rate ; of .acre j ; deposit.4os. ;per:acro. ; .rhe-balance, can: reinain:' on "'mortgage f or a'long.-;numberipf>-years : a't a lcw;rate,bf rjri , t«r^;' ; i.:^.''^'vv , ji , ;>/-if>A':'-iv.V■;.^.' ;s '..' •;- : : :;:/ ; WlLlis ;S^EE^WELLINGTON/ : ■ V:: : Y'vE^' : '::'vV v^^pi(-^.; ~^r'--^?: : ?-: ; ; ■•■' E^CEPJTIONALLX :,S/is^'-TERMS^ ■ TTAf^CRES/ ':;giassed,-.10 :acres ■ r^-*-^;pl6ugiiea^: ; B,::ipaddocks,; ..carrying 'capaeity-j.3o^milking-;'cbws.:V:.Gpod : house '.'and; outbuildings;. : Lahdy:':to'- cheese'fac-, t'pry;".gp'od roadsV ,:> : Only. .;-'i!33o (cadJi SyTeqawed;.;-'/;-',' . ; ;; 'i. ■;-.. Vi'f-f.f 'O-iA .'■.'.;. ; -; .!.;■;', •.: ; ;.'-' : . i^JApply/'eharp.'-^/'vy',■,'•'*,::.:; vr.-.':: ; •/;;.,■ ; ;LTD I, ; j ■p'UKD^^)i?^?:vA(&TSi''p^ ; •i■: ; Uf- %rS : Esm&svN\i-:. ;■; -7: ,-■£■ ••'!',; K'HOUSE ■ , AU.C-J :-.V Vv;■:..TIONEERS, : AND .SHARE- .>■ v 3 '■'v'l;' ? :': ; '. ORIENTAL: BAY froin" tram'^. ,i.'.'.Superb Villa;Eesidenc'e,i6; rooms,' one i-yrivfloori' 2 bays,'elec.,-light, , ,gas, ; ;'.■'v'water,- etc:;':land A 4U/x aiSft. ' Price :v.'fbr quicksale, ;. .9172 TINASORI'-ROAD (near (Bowling" Green) ;':,..--Thoroughly sound Dwelling Grooms, '-.!' ""Tenovated , ; -tlirpughout;*.' "■ "'ally '■'■ cbnyeni-: ■'i':'-"eace3;V-..Cteap;;"at. ; ''';- ■•.■, ! l , .;; '•■' ■': I Overlooking' ;v. .Specially.' built-to-o'rder' Residence f>B. ..,. i .rooms,■ together:'.'with',furniture; choice' ;.- . selection; .'laud:,42 :: x :■ 130 ft: j glorious ; ;\ .Prico^llSO.'v-.:':?-;."' ' V.999S ; Lp\yßE ' HUTT ■:■: (close■ : --,to.'-. etation)f6V'.■'■'. ropnied Eesidence, -with'rall necessary .■;'■;■! feqiiii'emeiits;.- 'splendid secttbn ii is :'': ■■•145fe-..J?rice' , .-JEsßo;' ! 'ieso. cash. ' U205 'TINAKORI''.. ROAD' : (central) One-floor ';'•,'•.■.-••Villa, ! s , ',robm's',,.r'with'.,.every ■'conveni30.x,88ft;Price i 825.'9868 Tl A( ?P? S, '" p ?'^^ ton :; North; Dis-' :-i-V± ; ■:trict, ; (all ■ grassed; fenced,. .arid : well watered; :goo'd 1 .:5-roomed: house, scul-lery/.-pantry, '.cbwbails,' trapshod, "•.wash-. house,"-5 .paddocks,."'all-.lying ! .to the sun/ and;is iwarm, nice'■■'dairy-':land; school, 4 miles;:-cr«aineryv/3 'miles,.-metal roads. Price,:-.£l3'per acre; terms,:'.'JiSOO cash,: balance -arranged..:' -:,-,■/ v:-'■.: ■'../ • :Y>.. ■'■. Q Kfi ■'ACEES,::■Manawatn; : ...Boo'v'acres'&Q\l "■ . mixed grasses; ■ 150 ■ aiires . milling'bush, (firingiiig, in-a royalty now, of "6d. per; 100 ft.); 'ring /fenced,;-,'6'' paddocks; permanbnt: water,: good;, buildings, dip, yards'; carried/alUwiuter'looo shoop . lGO'cattle; one .'paddock', of 120 acres has been carrying 3 sheep ;per acre.since February, last; ' I,; ."mile's from srailway, town,; Bchool. ,: .yPpce,i.''^6->176.,:'6d..per -acre. Terms. can be .'arranged;;.../: ~ : > 8013 ,-l'o>Jfi:'. ACRES;.;:Manawatu, 900 acres •JLO Iv v grassed,, bah'neo. milling bush; :75vabres".'noTV.:'pro'ughable; 8:. paddocts, pemanent- water;; easy-' terrace land of good quality; ..8-rbbmed house and' 3' whares'of'i;rooms,each; stock, , 1000 sheep; some cattle.'...'Lease"- has I years to run; rent;- .£375 per annum, ; 'r;o.p. at £5 10s.per acre. Railway a miles;'school alongside, creamery 3. miles. Price, ,£3 per acre.- Terms, XIOOO, cash,, balance syears s;per'Cent. !■:;:;■ ■ .'■ . '/::••■' : -.' ■ 7937 lAn ACKES (65; O:B.P:; ; 35 L.i:p.); lj i.UU -miles. Taibape.. ';■ All in grass, fenced, subdivided;. 1 ) paddocks; will easily, carry' 30 cows and 100 sheep; new -6--roomed; house, washhouse, ■ dairy,. ■■ storeroom, cowshed,-36 ;x~l2,.'etc. Rent to Gov10s.'a year. Price, £14. per • acre.' Terms,, .£BOO cash, balance, 5 years at 5 per cent..-:/:../.S:, i ' ■• ■;, ■a op ■ ACRES.: (100 '. L.I.P. and 38 Ed JLOu: lease). Ed..lcaso haj.ll years to rmv with right of- renewal, for 21 years; rent, SA 2s. Gd. for 1 years, and ,£6 a year ' for 7 years.-Situated 10 miles.from township (Main Trunk),; handy, P,O. and telephone office on eoction; brings in £25 a , year. All-in, grass except .15 acres bush. Carries 2\ breeding cw<s or 3 dry sheep to the acre; 3 paddocks, well watorod; 4-Toomcd cotfage, etc. Price, the lot, .£900; ;<MOO cash"required. Ana ACEES, 0.R.P., at 275. Gd.; 23 'tDU miles.Taihape; 330 acres felled and grossed, balance good 'bush; ringfcncdU, i paddocks, no broken countryj can' all bo ridden over; 2-roomed cottage and gigshd. . Stock now on, 1150 sheep (650 breeding ewes, balance hoggets), 15 horses, 4 head cattle; can bo niado freehold now. Price, ,£l2 10s.- por aoro. .' A> G. CUWSMJWGHAM, ■. ~ ■ '■. LAND. AGENT, TAIHAPE,

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 953, 21 October 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 953, 21 October 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 953, 21 October 1910, Page 10