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\^0;0y ] 0/ : :.' : AUCTIONS. ■'. :'■ -'/ £&;/w/v///,;shannon' sale. .'' - •'; / ■ : -- : V: : '-V;t6j)ay. ■/-,"■ ■'-'■■'■. ■" /•• ■ N ; >:'; fVi: 'FRIDAY, aist./OCTOBER, ,-1910. . *''' ! ' : - h ABRAHAM';'aJJD; WILLIAMS, LTD., t:?•>.-."£s. , wilUeell" above;, at. 1 -p.m.— .■:-■..; K//iO 130 owe hoggets (all"one ear-mark). !;v- : -'."■:-; ISO■2-' tooth-, to ■ f.f.m. -Romney : ewes; v-.:::' , -•>. /:•'■".Kith over: 100.per (sent, laniba vi.'lO fat nnd forward: ewes / ■•.-.. •■ •,.■ ■•;.■ j /;!;://Jl2O/gopdpwo hoggets ; ' ;; ■;■■■''- - f-Kv>;.^.'':.; ; -r 15-monthv; 'Jersey, bull V . : V' . ■ t'-'v'i'-'V-V'i-- 5 2-year -elnpty. heifers/•■-:!■ -:■■' ■ ■ V ls IS-moEtlis.gradO;Jersey.heifers ; fe^-'-.lllß : inbnths'rsteerS'; ■:'■■};■■_:?. ■■...!;..•';■..;:! "■• ' ;. ; B^v'S^"-A , 3-year/steers :":: ; //;;.:C: .-'I : ' J f .'-; ■•■■-' ■. ihS:// in; lots ■•/.x- ; Vi ;: :/; ■■'.;' '■':•:' ..Sstoro;pis9 / ' ,-' ■•V'':'-:: ; v; , ;.,;;■ './■;..■;/ £ ■■£■/ ■■:"• ■'■l;Spring : cart : horse and 'harness-; i -v,';.'-.'-l().-15-nipiitlivsteers- ;■ : ;-' ; .-/."':• ; /' : ' .■ \'\'- : . ■$:'■:: " ! 10 15-mbnth: 'heifers : "w V-.:: ; ■'■■i ■"..'< , -.;; \,i^:'.S:: <;10 mixed yearlings ■■';'. ■ ■ ;■:, y ; ,'; :f : '://: v ; ' ■ ££?• --M • ;' "■'; :. ■ (MONDAY;" 2ith~'. bCIOBEE^mO,'.;/ |svS6PECIALvSALE,?6T?;TOUNG^ciTTLE; |S"i';^ALGETY;' ; AND : '"^MPANYi;'LTD:; '{$'$&£*. .: have/; receiv«l::'.'ittstructions .-; from ;->;.'■;:• Messrs.- Anderson/ ,'.'Bell [ in. tho. ..■■.;' iSJ'S. •'# 250' yearling "-I tbv/15 : inpnths jji?. <-. Angus *"fi-'.'-'fy'' -> :! ■■';', ; i^steere.'.' , i'.;-' 1 /- '"-'^//A^/: , ?- v^ , .;; , '.■;■'« !''£?,■:, y€arling : 15-months /I|.;.Angu3 f- : -rS^ ; '^;^ r . : ' : iheiferir''i?'v;■■■'■;■; 'V v ! .- : \ jr^i';:;', : -y.' ; . 50 2-yeai7pld'.:Pi:.'Angus steers ,■;■'",■; i';k.K vH! i 100 ■ yearling '.■ to 15-nionths '■': f Shorthorn/ c®;Vr ;,' ; -;j.':6tcers' v~ r : '■; /-;- ■■:'•!"?' / *j '-/A'-:.•".■;.v,'so'yearling. ". to- '15-mpnths .'Shorthorn ! ;;;;20;3^eOT-oWrShorthom;'steer3.";;:-; r ,; ; jv^SS-'inctibnec'rs , : v- Npte.—Thef'/above; ■:;are . well-bred,:,; .good f ;';v/;c.' : liriea 'of.: station'/cattle,-- and ;-will;,.be 'sold k:K/: ; practically- without/ reserve, (in ..'numbers f'Mii- to suit^purchasers.':/'''/■ /;,;■/./',;■;/''■• fMo^mA3ik:-:Am) JWILLIiMS,': LTD.,i SIULCffITY;''AND ; I:CO;;-';-liTp.i. F/J'5.5 jl'p.m>T-,<i:.';•.:-■;■: :): h ".' ';f 20 % good' Hoggets 'iv : ': : -..- ; J: :■'■ -•:-• :/ : l5 n'iiied:-yearlihgs - ; .V'^";;:V-'V : -'' v r-:- : Vi^-^'H-jVi' forward'-i'empty:/;i»ws'i V?'i--iv'"^;- ■: ■:-; K/ij-ii? : ' : '/V20";18-inonth;tP':.2 r yeafc-heifers' : 'y-. : ';-:■;, I' ■ WJ"i -'■■ ■•-'"' I*-- ''dppMc'-. buggy, shafts.-and/pole ~'/■■/■•. KP«'^--;^^-^ : b9 A !P^i|^TS^^;^A'! r-S;p vVj TpffiliiT)' ! ispN(^EM3BEp:i9lO;Sy ; HTOLmrSi:;iLTD.v ; ! r/'d-.'i :-.23L-'ijyiU-;Sell:'at:their: Yards;: Eangitikei' Street at M2;-Noon:- ; '■S-!-';;- vr spy ! -( :^; ' <>rtrt ; - ;, WEIJJrBEBp/: CATTLE; ; • com-' y &ii''?;£ 150 : iaij and-forward ■.&]■ and; S-yeaf ;MK' triS-'.M-'ft'V-.v; v blocks I?'; V>;-,v : '.'i; ;;",'■ r B. : -;? ; i' : 'ft^::300,2,. : 3,-"and:;4-year;.bu!lookßK;>r-;.: 1 v :J : KK:y:>.^'ff2oO'yearlingi^steeraU'^'»/■■>: Vfv-?: !;i 200-y«arlinßiheifers' v -- ■&!&vM!-i;^,\? : ;:- : f,y?':; : . '','•/'" 250 -selected ./'yearling '■>;.) tp;:v L heifersK; : v Witti ■■ V' ■'? Ni',: ; ? |^^^y=^!(iiE*SE^^«,E'xbiSANGEiJ^ P&5I::? P*OQ 'AbEES^'good:'sheep-,.• and^(cattle f#i;Jf.(,«/pif 'neair::Bslnipnt'; ; : fciJsvK'^U'i'gMM^^ l^* o -'^''*^''^*'.? l^, '"'-^''?? 111 *S i ''' ; ,'3ipuse; - cojffsh'edi'. aid: .ontbuild-; L-piS^ingsjftleose'ypr H ''■ iy'eats'=at iffeV }■ ;^ particulars ■ toy &'4%:^'i' Sec." : :Bslmorit land;'Co;v!.Liniitedi' ,f- : ; .'v;}?A^Hawera^;;kyV' :: jH blNti^Cbiicent- •;'icrraiV.iease.,'>!:6! p ; ?V: , p : x;y^l : ; :-watßred;s:vcaTry.j:2sv..cows; : fei , cpplied ) : i atc.y f-'.-Por' ?;Sale,,. f>-'i'Sta/.(^qi^p6hi!em;\<iMludi^ :, -l(r; f : ,?''.cowsi: liolrss.v cart,harness,: pigs," etc.,- etc. Uij|;3?ricei J?360 ; k MORTON v AWD.-;'CO.V : , Land, jliioa^;l , eiidmß'. ; :^A , v&^'-i'jy^ffi?. ;; s^v'; ISSv^TOTOS^fa^^ijCentr^Tpwa-Propertar,- , good- rental,^for^Farni:or i"s:i!s Countryi Store. 'v'Apply-."Qood 'Eichange,?', Cp'hperiu: : .close.:;t6 Kidtt-tfU. g ; .38 cp'Ws!iiftand xbminffun: car.t, ; milt-. jj; cans, ■■•'et'olij •,nioderii;; i hbuse; -$. pream: fSI?-'i"eryi;stpfe, ! pti'st!office; ■ lent,-.25a;-acre.;.' , JJNorth; :Vfit &0 ;?£s., ?japv<-goo.d''house/, 18i bails,;;4l' cbirs.lcalyea,-. K£S: ipigs.ehpirse^rdrayvviiaris,: "eto. , -;.; J- ,£Bs\;; p'er: ;:;:-:'r\ abraj'Uerms;pranged j creamery,vpbst''of-- :'■ i;S; ifice,- ■ Nash 'and: Coi./PaU. 'P;r;:&;ffierstoh>NorthV'-;vv'i'Sg.;:'' l ; /Vi' ; VKHv'.-'.';^&,r fe ililkV Walk towni p;f;SSffloing:22'gallonsi: mornings':only;W 20, p'SJ^iH6rso7:,cart,':-harness, - cool^etb^and'-dO,' ?!'K i 's'e^s'-.l eas ?4-J^t?-?™^' : '■■; ~ f-iwfe,^'-;.,;?J:;;T;.:;BAEEY-:AND'CO^ : -: ; 'i''R-- |-; : ;;i:y?ftsS:iS[^ i tfK : s ; ::V;-Peading.\;i;-^ l®%jldE ;; S4LE;OE-J!SCHANGJi; goodiProperty>returiung.o'. not- ; atJ l an : <sVper':cen^^net, : :l2,Oop)Acres/ :: PrM ''• imilest irqm;«coastal vj;to\wi;->' ¥'' v.witt>:i2,ooo:; : .slisep ; iand- ; iiaidbs;.--Bo6'' $:■ Vfi'iead/V-otypattle,'■ ' t';f •'iiS/gteaaiVil'aiginejv; ands.saw ,-.;plant.isJj'eariag-. fcS'(;:inacaihes,etc'r;;As';'a/g'pjng;opneeri:, Prict' ft S ;■ :; rNb,'- itrincipils fesVUnly-dealt KVitt-V^WEiLWOOD -;AkS' |>';{;;ffflEEL^Op^Hatog9 v i;V^^ I \ t';Will -J milk> •:"' epl4ndid |\Kv;; ; Eentj:^;ls:,\.p.c'v'ap ; ie2l.;in tViw'fif °ri;7j ':^ : : .'-; : ..-'-?. - -~r : 'v, ;v; ; ;: |;SilS^lM : :^!^^y ! i'i#i'^ ;: [IP^^LAND/ANDJ-'e^aTE^ : ri' : ??P'-SUNNY. >'-; , : ,;A.uck-; i%'r;-|^.^ : Jarid;':riCS..''pcr.. ; 'acra;.;2(lo;'acr«s' : .good' ! ' vi -itlahd,',Bo.-noir6s : -ilrdsi,-.^ , acres Jitfth'j! mostly r-,'r-'VvifiU 'plou^liiiblp,''S/adroa in oats;'all fenied," fc.'i->A'9-saddbcksrhpuso\fi:roonis'ji stable,-.cpw-j i sh^dv(B>;bail!o^o ; :irillo9 : from ;.rnilway,\2' ; t.ffi^ , \\i-inil«':;fi»oi:'--8ch661.' ! ;'."--' :: '£-lß. miles" from ''Auoltland. city j. easy tonns. : '^iQP i Qp--i'iirm::-ln;,a ; jo<>d'.'dirtrii>t,,;aiO'. J'.'■; ii<tjLv.^o^: : aoro) US■ aorcs all:■ fenced ■■ and' feVJveubdivided.;.into-tf;■ ]paddocks,vhalf grass. ■;'.;- •■;Sbalaneb. : rough- feed;;house 5 robras.- all ! : ■.'-;'. Beceßsary outbuildings j creamery, ■ eonoolj j:-':^.-;'.churoh/:Post,and'Telegraph Qffice.2niilos.'. KvSv'Balonce Spoors "at IV per :cent. ' yr]'y ■; 1';';; r:-V ; ':;,> : ;.-;:,I:;;.; ; :'ijAKI) , \AiGENT.V:.-.--'"-v'''v; !<S-" ; -,,;. VTJLCAN .LANE.'AUCELAND." " r 1./ ■'•!:■:. : -' : ■- " ■■-.-■■-'- ■■. ■ ■■■ .■■■•■ ! ; Uv" ;^-r-.-; -jf-'■■■;:'■ •V^.-'--.':"'.-.' -■■.".::~ : : -:-'- : | ; U;v •■•■•'.' CHPICETARM FOR SALE. .' : ; -'JV'..; | ; A : sl OKoi •iA'CBBS,' near Peildinf; nil, in' ;.;.-. ...X/vU't/ ■'"grass, -with, some patches bf •: : . ehclter b\ish. ' This is soino of tho finest ' :: . -'-land on , this boast, and has :a..'carrying ''"■-.-■: capacity', oi Si'slieep. There, is. a; real. :'. : "-;■-.- 'good residence. of.7. : roonis on: the\pro- '' ■ : ' '■•■*■- perty; besides woolshed andrall iiececsary' t'- ■'outbuildings.: .Tliereare 200'aores,plough-' ;■ . '■ c : able,' w«U fenoea, , .-subdivided.-mid .water-"- ! -'■ 'ted' . Joins" tho "Sohool and .creameryf : 10s. per, aore. ; Terms' ; ar-'; 'Cry-. ':'ft«iii:ed-..''-'",:':' : '".--y'i-■'.'■'-)'. :,;!0 -■>': ;:'-:.:':-B-ws-[':'•'Further.'particulars.from ■ p "■•■:.-', \M : v.. .■■yictofi" E.; smith,.. ■ >'-:, '•'-'':';. ■■'■.' : ■■. ~'S ■'.' - : " •' ■''.■'■■ ■. : '' .■■' ■ li■■//[ "jrjiHE/ Eesults". obtained Advertisers !■'•-:,:■' in "the .Columns- of "Tho [■'). ..^Dominion"-are such as to .confirm their j. ■:;.■: y belief that tho paper, has a wider..circa--l ; . ■•;:'■,■ lation',than'any :"other; dally; journal l ' in ■ ";;/■ :-'.- ; -He«r'-.-Zealand.. ; ; ; ■ ■'■:■.: •:■ ■■■.. •'-"■■■.".;" '-. '' i:.vSi : :f :', : ';--- : -( : -: : :? : : . : \;'\:.' )■■ :: [

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 953, 21 October 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 953, 21 October 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 953, 21 October 1910, Page 10