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.'A warning to shipping,, fishing boats,; etc. ,'■ will' be. found in another, column. It' isissuedby the Defence Department in connection with , big gun-.'practice _to be carried but at. the ;■ forts on Saturday-, afternoon.- This 1 advertisement.' is, as. usual: published. at ; our own cost in the interests' of pur:readers. > The fact that the advertisement was'-refused, to the paper by : the Defence Department serves to illustrate the lengths .to; .which the •boycott of The Dominion in the matter of State: advertising is being carried .by. the-Government; Even the public,safety makes no appeal to those in: authority where the.warning,of the public. , involves also a departure from.the .boycott of .tins' journal. '■■-. ; K,'s ': ■ ''■■■'■■■• ' : .-V ■''■' ■•^■'.-

The forty-third annual, report.of'the Dominion 1 Laboratory was presented; to Parliament yesterday.. For analysis, no fewer than: 327.0.samples' were .received, during- the year, -'as against '1530 ■:. in 1908./; This increase .is mainly due .to 1653 '--samples' of milk ; taken . f ronY; a large'?numbe_r :of farms, :'with the: object of: determining the quality; :of ;;New: Zealand .inilk' during tho,.later, months 'p£-th'e year. Special attention is,;called 'to the, analysis': : of, ; water.' -from;■'.: the thermal springs on' White -Island. "■. : The .'.water-., is .remarkable" for'.'!its complex character,' and particularly , for; the .very large amount of free hydrochloriq acid it contains;.- The presence/ of interestingj more especially'as it:occurs in''.'larger,!amounts than" are. found in some' of the, Tuscan waters used;fbr ; : the: commercial', production.:qf., ; boric acid." Of/eyen greater soientino.interesti'however, is the, occurrence of .pentathionic .'acid,; not : previously ■; detected; in 'natural waters.;,.;:/; •.'.v '. ::.?.:;". ':,•':. ; l ;,;; .-

... .In; 3«esterday!B,',issue/it, was-'..-■ stated that: the' prosecution, by ..the. .Public Health Department v against. ; G.J.;l)uffy (Mr. A.-.L:'; Herdman). was. .a'diourned; sine die.', ; ; Owing to a■mKurideTstanding,' .we', haye' been tasked; te siate, that; the' charge' was .not one of selling 'milk'containing -a %; greater guantity.' of;.. water than.: is permitted; 1 .but; of-selling .'milk below;the standard in fatty solids;..> ■;:

: The secretary ,to/ : the. Hospital Board has received from Mrs.'F.-C;.- Williams a donation ;of'£lso"for.'additione:to;the, balcony- and; yerandah.:at: the. Victoria mariM , . , Is., .■and.'per Miss Greenish' a: sum : .of :145./:-as -.donations the Children!?, Hospital. ''■..Mγ.' George. King. : of.:Petone, .has.'presented a number; of; shrubs for grounds.;-,;;^^;;■:■.;.;■.

•' -The. Court':■'of 'Appeal, .'■• having V nbw : heard, all '■ .'tie; casesythat/.were entered for the' October sittings,' Ka's .'adjourned, until ■ 10,30 ;a.m£ to-morrow,'; when; it. is expected :that some; judgments will- he ■ delivered in -cases that have occupied it during the; past,.fortnight..y'; ,-■ ;v Y y

ciety for, the.'■■ Prevention,of.' Cruelty_to' Animals desires -to; acknowledge 'with thanks the rfollowing'-ddnatiohs ; ;'to' its fundi (received at its; meeting'-' yester-. day):—Pnion Steam ';. Ship: A .Company,. Smitn, Jjtd./i 10s. 6d.. : each; Mrs:;Han-: nah,los. ; Mesdames. J, : Duncari;'r--fPal-liser,:J. Brown,:ss.'each; .Messrs; E.\ T.\;Watersi;A.:H:,Barnettv'J.;:H;;Farquhar/ Tripe, arid! Ellis,: Elfis "and.; Man-i ton,; W.. Naisiriith' and Co.; : , C: M. Banksi' Ltd;,- and 'Evans-Bay,Timber;Cojj■■ 55.; Miss •Richmond,:. Messrs.VHi L; ■C; , 'Matthews^ ; J.Lenhie, "and '.'iFriend,';' 2s, 6d: each: total donations.' £5 ;19si

has now'been! , completed, \ s : and •: duly' handed ' over to. the /.Wellingtjon- ;Hos-. pital -Board by, the contractors (Slessrs. , Hunt' and.. M'Donald). /There, as'-iabw in. hand the laying-out ; of .the grounds, awi tenders. have beeir called for; the ' iig is expected: to be ready for' the- of&cialnqpening ( about^ , the;middle of November. , ; At its meeting/yesterday;';,the; Hospital; Board 'decided ; .:toV invite' 1 . His Excellency the ;Governor -(Lord Islingrton) to: preside at; the "official, openjjbg. ;•

~ According .to i a return' presented': the'members of the■ '"\yellingtoh Hospi-' tal ; and;; Charitable -Aid' 'Board :'_yester,dayj- the total cost, of the Otaki. Sana-, torium' on.:its J completion; wa5•.£10,257, and,/since .then, a;further:£l66B:has been expended\on, additional .buildings and equipment.' Theexperises of main-: tenance ; for the year;l9o?-10 were £2113 9s. 3d., 'as against;£2o73' 7s: lid; .for. the; previous, year.'.; .; :='■... '.iv^yv;^ : ' : . : L

:• : ; .Under tie auspices'- of the' Charitable Belief ■ Committee ■of ■ the ..Wellington/ Hospital, and Charitable,, fid. Boardj. reUef-was afforded in; 39- cases during , September cases -for indoor relief and' 245 : for; outdoor 'relief, v -At' the end- of, the month;there.were:.Vl33 inmates: at "the- OhirolHome, an:v:;.increase of : three on the number for; the previous'.'month;,,;; ';■ •,■ ■■;.".,'■'., ' ;■:'':?:: ,•/:

•:: The' committee appointed ■'; by: • the House'; of : Representatives ;to ''consider the Gaining.Bill will meet to-day. . JThe committee will appoint a chairman and decide.-.whether, or : .not evidence should be taken. ~.' "::"-]■':.:' '■',- '■.;••;' ■{:■'■ .; '".'.';■..."'

'■' The railway classification list for; 1910 was presented ; to .Parliament .jester-, day.; .' .■:-.. : ■'-. . .■■'■ : ■■. ' '. ' ; :;..::: ;

', Moimara: Island, ; -at the Entrance ; to Queen Charlotte Sound, has been found unsuitable as a depot f or' the - meat'; Angora, goat-herd,,, which, has been removed to . Bickerstaffe.. /The goats are proving useful -in the. destnic- ; tion of certain noxious weeds and bushes, and there is a. great demand for. tliem. : , .-■:': ■■■■■.■:■.' ■■

■ Referring to boes,'the annual report of the . Agricultural Department- states that the environment..of the apiary at' Woreroa; Experiment!' Farm is unsuitable, and the apiary is to be removed. '

Tlxa Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated Jewish community of Wellington yesterday. A special service was conducted in the Synagogue iii tho nioruing by the Rabbi (the Rev. H. Van Staveren). .The Jewish, New Yeai , holidays will terminate, at; sunset on AVednesday next. -.'■-..

' Mrs. Rolleston, 'Hair Physician, 'and' Toilet Specialist, has returned. Appointments may be booked for the latest and most scientific Hair and Face Treatments, Electrolysis, eto. English, American, and Continental experience.- i Willis 'Street,- -Wellington.' 'Phone 1599.— Advt. - •■-.--'• ■••■•■■ >•- v v .:.;,.--

■"My experience," -said Mn Justice Cooper, in the Court of Appeal yesterday, "is that the very worst,witness you can get is a solicitor.-.'

Somewhat unusual was the cause that •recently led to the resignation of a Pahiatua Borough Councillor. A meeting of the council was adjourned, reports a local newspaper, at 8.30 p.m. to enable councillors to attend the Anglican mission being conducted l there by the Rev. C. Hepher., The motion to adjourn was only carried on division, ■ and the councillor' resigned his. seat as ; a protest against the business of the borough being hung up for the sake of any mission. The opponents of the motion contended: that,- had the mission been under the auspices of any other denomination than:the Anglican, the resolution' would never have been ■ brought forward. '.:. : ;'' .■.■-./■: ■; ; ;| .

Among the; first of- the ' illustrated annuals to come to hand is tho "Otago Witness." This, old-established . paper' sets itself a new standard 1 in.half-tone printing,' achieving a'.'-. photqgraphic quality that is equal to the very best. The chief article is an interesting history in narrative form of "The Mighty Molyneauxi", by Mr. Frank Hudson, which'gathftfs much interest from the .scenes" reproduced which ' ; the writer, touches upon. The beautiful'scenery of the Lakes and- down 'the Clutha: and Beaumont is ■ also capitally (-illustrated. Two large supplementary./illustrations take as their subjects Mount Hart, on' the Milford Track, arid, the iPurakauriui Falls, in the .Catlins district. : ; ;■ h

. A relic of .the early'days of; QueenStreet, 1 Auckland,'.;has-, been unearthedby; the: excavations ,- for!: a new ..building that ;-ie ;being. erected.;' It, consists 'of ■the!; stone masonry-, covering :qf- a part of the. old-."Ligar:' Qarial,' ? -.'which,, as the -early .plans of the; city show; .and .as ;old:residents remember,. ■-:'■ followed the; course of;. ;the:..old : . Queen .:-Street gully,■; and. for;.a , considerable■:• -time, served- -the '. purposes. '.ofV: a. sewer.v.'A. portion of thei old'."canal," which not in .the ,Me; : of.-Queen , Streetj'has" apparently/not ..been -disturbed.; 1 ■It :is is still carrying a'certain quantity /of',:storm- .water.;:;: The':-.:pld sewer;'which resembles ;a;stbne.wall, ; is' about .eight feet; high ;'and. about .'five, .feet wide- ; at .'the. '.point ■; ih';'; question. , ; Other;portions:of. the' old' "canal" have been removed .during the;.oonstruirtion; '.of.'.'Mme';of::'the'.'Vmodeni-' : :buildings,' : .'-bijt, it .is, believed, that:'a -small lengtiiof it still remains under one-or" two .of -the; older:structures. ■ •..,:'■'::' ,Vi :/;': 7;. : ; . ;

' /With the. idea'of ;discussing tibn. of its ,staridardv 0f..-shoot-, 'ing; : the. 'Karbri;.Rifle:.Club ■'; has;;con-, veried .a' ; generalimeeting.; of ; ; its "members,, for Friday;evening next,?at'-..the .Garrison- : HallJ: : -;:;:'■':-.■;;, ■^V-α;.:,,,:'..;':; :^;

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 951, 19 October 1910, Page 6

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 951, 19 October 1910, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 951, 19 October 1910, Page 6