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■ ; , ''• »r-r- . - SIX MONTHS' WORKING. • A SATISFACTORY EEPOET. Reports on the working results for six months of •'the -Corporation Tramway, Power Supply, and Electric Lighting was presented to the committee of the City Council yesterday by Mr. Stuart Richardson, engineer and manager' of . the City Tramway and Electric Lighting De-. partment. Tramways. ■ Referring ■ to - the , tramway and power revenue and expenditure, the manager states that the ■ revenue for the six months-.'shows an-increase- of '£W\il over last year, and the working expenses ■by A'l(j9?. ' After allowing for;capital charges, the net result of :the half-year's operations' shows a-deficit on this account' of NE79, as compared '•■with. .£487 last year.'. ■ • Power. ■ The revenue from sale of ■ current for the half year shows the satisfactory increase of ,£554.'-• The''working expenses have at the same time increased by,.£215. After allowing for proportion of capital charges, the net iresult is a surplus on this account of MSS, as compared with .£215 last year.. ;; ' . ' ; The total net result of these two businesses for the siic months is a surplus' of .£378, as compared with a debit Balance last .year, of; ,£244.. . -_.. The revenue , from . traffic for the sixmonths ending September 30 was ,£60,236 145. : 4d.,. an increase of ,£2268.95. fid. 'over .the same period of 1909, when the -return was.. ,£57,968 is. Bd. The receipts for mileage dues from Karoriand Jliramar show decreases: for the period, Karori of. d£36 6s, 6d., and Mrra»ar of ',£219 2s. For • the sis months, this year Karon's dues amounted to .£1798 75., as against iJlß3l'l3s. 6(1. for the first "half-year of 1909..: Miramar's figures • are :■ 1910, 19s'.; 1909, £1728 Is. The total revenue, including carriago- pf mails and, passengers, rents and sundry items,: was i£63,975,' as, against 95.. lOd. for, the 1909 period—inorease ,10s. '2d. , •■■'.. ,' The total' working expenses amounted to •■£46,238' Us. 3d. as against ; ,£44,541 12s. lOd. for 1909, an- increase'for the half year of JE1697 Is, sd. Traffic expenses amounted . to, ' .£25,590 . 15s. Bd. (1909, .£95,179 13s. 10d.), an increase of JB4II Is;) 10d.; general expenses, Os. Sd. (1909, .£3743 10s.);: power, .£6979 14s. 7d. : (1909, dC6112 12s. 5d.), an. increase of .£867 25.*2 d.;. repairs and maintenance increased by i3sr 75., the figures being,'.. 1910, 3s. 7d.'; 1909,.£9505 16s. 7d. llie excess of revenue over: working, expenses for the 1910 period wa5.417,736 ss. 9d., and , for 1909,;: £17,341 175., an increase 'of £391 Bs.'(id. . .; '

The total capital charges—interest. ..£9259.> (1909, .£9317; Bs.: Id;), .sink-, ing fund £2227 -Is. (1909, £2238 Ss. Id.), depreciation £6329 Bs.' Id. (1909, £6273 10s. IdO-amount: this half year, to.- ,-£17,815 -18s.. sd.,: : asagainst £17,829 '6s. 3d. foT 1909; a decrease of £13 :7s. 10d., and -leaving a debit balance of, £79 125.,,8 d.; as against a debit balance of £487 9s. 3d. for 1909.

.;!;■ Sale of Currant.-.. The revenue. from current to consumers' shows' the . substantial increase of 10s: od., the figures being: 1910, ;£3063 6s:l 3d.;"' 1909, • £2523 155., 9d., For track lighting,, £2072 9s. 3d. was re-' ceived, as ■ against £2057 :ss. 3d. The. totals:, 1910, £5135 15s. fid.; 1909, £4581. Is.; increase, £554.145...6 di ..' ..... s '• The total - working expenses shows .an', increase of £215 195., the figures forvthis, half year being £2188 9s. 4d„ and. for' 1909,, £1972 -10s. 4d.; thcy«xcess. of .revenue being for -1910' £2947 6s. 2d.,' 'as against £2608 10s. Bd., an: increase of-,'£338 15s. fid.. After- meeting''capital charges, for';the, Os. 10d..f0r,f1910, £2365 13s: for 1909—there, is ;a net surplus this year of,- £458 -,ss. id.,; .against. £242 17s. Bd. last'ydarV "I ■' 'i :'"■'_' ' ' '■'',' The units supplied to traffic amounted for: tho six ' months, to 2,264,251, and for' 1909, 2.134,001, an increase of 130,250. ' The units used .per car-mile for traction were 2.03, an increase of .07 over ,1009, whenjthe. .figures ■ were ,1.96; the power .expenses. perunit were .76d. against .70d. :'■;'. _^ The number" of car miles run on city lines was 1,049,585 this half year, against 1,015,030, an increase of 34,555. Decreased car miles-were run on the three suburban lines), the. figures for this year ami last being respectively :-Karon, 35,332, 36,062, decrease, 730; Miramar, 17,964, 21,294, decrease- 3330; Seatoun, 12,056,", 13;108,';; decrease'. 1052. The total car miles run were':. 1910,' -1,114,937;: 1909, .1,085,494; inr crease, 29,443. : -y - * t h„j 'The . • passengers carried totalled 10,852,054: for, -this .half .year, •■ and 10,469,545 : for.Hhe ,1909 period, an'increase 0f'382,509 -'"-The traffic'revenue from tbe citv car lines per mile works out. at m7d7as agairist 13-71 d. for .1909, while tha traffic Expenses : P er mile wore 5-51d'. for 1910, and 5-57 d. for 1909, decrease of .06d. The total expenses per car mile were :13-78d: and 13-79 d. respectively,, a decrease this' year'-.d .Old. .Comparing, the.revenue with the expenditure, there is a 'net- deficit, this year; of ■ .Old, instead of year,-a satisfactory decrease Vstmmory ,of 'the. totals shows: the total revenue 'from current this.half year;to be £69,110 15s. 6(V, 8d The ' total working expenses-1910, £68 732 25.,10 d.V 1909,' £66,709 2s ; 5d.; hSwfe'teafiS os. 6d.r leaving a netsurplusof £623, 4s. 3d.- ,\ ._ - ~:-■;•

.... :' ; .'. ''■'■-. Electric "Lighting..; , y !' 'The returns of. electric. lighting revenue for -this month shows an increase of ffiESer." and for S the haU-year.ended September 30, 1910, set out that.the enu© for this month shows >an SSf u! co'mpated withVthe, corresponding period last year, whilst expenses have decreased by .£59. . The number .of consumers increased; during the. month by .&, as-compared'with six last y ThVrevenue for the'six'months to date shows an increase of as compared with last year, g Afto nenses' have:decreased •■:by ±1718.. .A I ™.*' providing for, tho half year's interest, sinking fund; ! and .depreciation^ charges,, Ithe -net result to date, is a credit balance of £Sm, ; or, J51543 more than, last year. The department has now 4941 consumers taking, current; as compared with 4d04 ion the." same'date'last year. The in-, crease, in- consumers during ..the six months has, amounted to 440, whilst for the corresponding period last year tne. number of consumers only increased by

168.- ''■> ■' ..'■• .■''■'. The sale of current for the, month •. of September for public and private lighting, power (besides, sundry .revenue), amounted to ,63857 3s. lid., against .£3778 Is. 4d. for the same month last'.year*-an increase of £79 '2s.' 7d. -'- The totals for--1910 amounted to ■JE27,645 4s. 3d., and for 1909 -J827.176 6s. Id. ■ ' • .'• The total' working expenses tor . tne month was .£2035 3s.- this .year; and £2095 Is. 2d. for September,' 1903—a ■ decrease of ,£59. 18s. .2d.. The generation expenses for last '.month show- a decrease of' £347 0s 2d. over the' previous September, the figures being £1162-6s. 3d: and £1509 6s. od. For the half-year the total working expenses for 1910 were £11,915 ss. 9d., and for 1909 £13,633 os. 10d., the gross surplus brought' down being £15,699 18s. 63. for 1910, and £13,513 ss. 3d. for 1909. After meeting total capital' charges for the month there is a credit balance for last September of £327 ' 3s;. 10d., against £295 6s. 7d. for the same month of the previous year. The credit/balance,to' date is set down at £6730 15s. lOd. this year, against £5187 3s. 9d. last year. The total units sold for September, 1910, was 182,999, against 173,751 for last year; and the totals-read: 1910, 1,175,629; 1909, 1,215,083.

■ The average units used, by- each consumer last month was 74, and the revenue 'from-each cdnsumer 13s. 5d., against the figures 104 and : 14s. lid;' for; September, 1909.' The average revenue for this year from each' consumer was '£4 18sV id., against £5 10s. 7d, for 1909.

A proposal of the' London County Council to change the name of Aldersgate Street • to "Aldersgate," ■ to renumber 'it and incorporate the portion of Goswell Road to the junction of Old Street, is strongly resented by Aldersgate Street business men who, at a meeting; passed a unanimous resolution against it.. .' Mr. J. M. Glover, the .musical director at Drury Lane Theatre, created some astonishment by desiring that there should be no music nt his marriage ceremony in .Westminster Cathedral. •


ANNUAL MEETING. "GOING HOPEFULLY ON." -, The annual meeting, of the Unitarian Free Church of Wellington was held last evening,. Mr. -H. M. Geddis . prosidiug. over.a largo attendance of members. ANNUAL REPORT. ~ The committee in their • report'. congratulated members, of the congregation upon the successful'passage of a year chequered by much -trial, and difficulty. For six months after, the departure of Dr. Tudor Jones the church was without a minister, and but for' the assistance of

a few. faithful, volunteers . the regular services coidd not have been carried on. Many of the activities that only a settled minister. could properly undertake had of necessity been suspended. Attendance declined, and the revenues fell off. The work, however,, went .bravely on in this strenuous, timet and the church was now pushing forward in prosperity. The congregation owed a deep debt of gratitude to Miss M.'E. Richmond, Mr.. J. Gamlsell, and Proiessor Mackenzie, 'who carried on. the services .during the six months' interregnum, with occasional assistance from Sir Robert Stout, the Rev. .D.. Headowcrolt, Rev. W.: Jellie; and Mr. Joseph M'Cabe. Despite adverse circum-: stances the financial.position had., been maintained. There was a' bank overdraft, of £141 and a debt on church, property of £1500J It. was hoped; that a- concerted effort would now be made to. place the church in a safe: financial' position. The British ;■ and Foreign .Unitarian. Association had generously voted an annual grant to the. congregation of £100. The committee brought nnder the notice Of members that,, at. a committee meeting held on February ■ ; 23 last, ; .Dr'. '■•■.■■ Jones stated that he' would raise-:£500, among his Unitarian'friends at Home, on. condition that: the committee' raised; £400. Mr. Shannon; haying'.kindly, promised another £100" on' the same -condition.'.

Mr. Geddis,' in moving'" the adoption of the report, said,, that : the services of the three willing ..■voluntesrs 'who' had car-ried-on the work'.-, of .-the'church" while tha pastorate .was vacant should he held in ever grateful;, remembrance.- : .;Tliey'had, been 'at.'length :fortunate'; in. lighting; upon a minister' would bo difficult ;to find;, In. there existed' a•monuinKht toiMr.-'Jellie' dn' the., shape. of. a:church,.''free' of .debt,; and' a,, centre of,- physical,, moiral,.' 'and spiritual agencies of'eV.utmost- value.' Now that- their inost,pressing.difficulties had . bci;n surmounted ■'they :; should not damp Mr. . Jellie's-..enthusiasm by 'any lnke-warnmess,.. but'.;.; should second his endeavours ,in''every', possible way. ,: '.•■■Mr. John - Gaminell,.who'seconded : the motion) i- announced:'. -: tliatii a:;, gentleman;, conneeted . with ■ the.-;congfegation,> vvho did not wish his'name disclosed; had promised 'the; sum..of £5, , 'followed ,later by 7 an equal'' donation,;as.,the h'noleus' of a .sinking fund''for .the extinction of .church' debt.v|-.-.■■'•'..■■ ;'- r .',.•.-,■;■■'■.' ; .■■';■.,-'.'".-:': .-'

:) Mr. Speed 'thought it:unnecessary- that so much'stress shouldj'be.'laid;,''on the extinction of debt,, ..They, hadjva.'large surplus of assets' over .liabilities,, .and there was ...a. danger i'that if; they had /no-: debt at all they- '■■'might • not -work: . In;' tho absence of. a debt, they would beVapt'. to fall into a cornplaceht'attitude. ■",.-■" ... .The report was'.'adopted.;/.:'.,,, ..' ■'..••■' ;- /V: •■■ ■' OFFICE-BE^RERst' ■-:,- •.-,, V;, ':■", Office;bearcr's -were .--"appointed ;' a's ..- follow :—Committee, v Messrs. Beagleholo,:. J.' M;;\Geddis, : J.;GammeU,. v H.' Joosten, J. Morris,. -W.-.C. Stephens,:, and -Thompson, Professor..-Mackenzie, Mesdames Darling, :and ; Fell,,and Misses' M.'E. Richmond and J.'-O. Browne; auditors, Messrs.' Biss and; Forrest. Mr. 'Bsaglehple-Jwas appointed •Sunday..School '.treasurer, "laid' -Miss.Geddis. flower; 'secretary,', ,'.; ; A .strong., social, 'committee., was .ais'6.'elepted..■ '■■>"•■■■"," ''/" - The.congregation recorded its.thanks to ,-Miss J.'O.. Browne'.(so"cretary),; , -Mr.,.H.: Joosten' (treasurer),: Mr.: Beaglehole (.sunday: School superintendent), and other off!-, cers and -members'of.the ; coiuiriittee;.wh'o had carried on' the .-work .of the .'church; during, the . past . year.; A.:, special vote of thanks was passed ;to.\ Miss. M; -.E., Richmond, Mr. J.<Gramniell, and Professor Mackenzie, - for the able' arid', satisfactory' way in which they carried on the-ser-vices: of the. church from .February "to August, and to the ladies. 1 who.had carried oil the ' work of the Sunday , School during the. year. . ':::,'.'.'. ! '• v'V'i"''. The thanks of, the congregation the British; and, Foreign" Unitarian;:;. Society, ,were also : recorded. :-..-•;.". :;" the motion : iof Professor; Mackenzie, the congregation decided cordial, greetings to;■ the.-.sisteiv-church': in, Auck-:.

land, and hearty good wishes for the success of the cause in which they were all working. ...■•'


Mr. Jellie congratulated the congregation ■ heartily upon the state of things disclosed in. the reports. It was, he said, remarkable that so much had been effected by an organisation that had existed for only six years, and had had experience of a minister for only four. What had been effected augured well for the future ■ success of the Unitarian cause. Dealing with the question of debt, Mr. Jellie accepted Mi\' : Speed's view that a ; debt was a good thing.for a church to have, but it was also.a. good thing to pay off the debt at the earliest possible moment. The church was faced by necessary expenditure, and'.while tho overdraft' existed they had not a- penny to call their oiyn. , At the. same time, Mr. Jellie declared that, as he' looked around,, he felt in no way discouraged. They were not small. Their numbers might appear small as compared with those of their orthodox friends, but they had a part in a movement that was world wide and had honourable traditions. In all countries Unitarianism was spreading, and its members were prominent, not only in religion, but in every good work that was carried on. He hoped that as time went oh they' would be able to weld a compact instrument for doing go,od '■ in the community in' which they/ dwelt. While'the "debt'-.was 'very heavy, iftlaey concentrated in the work external and internal, that lay -, before them as a congregation, i the debt would dissipate,; of itself. :One part of the ideal they ought to realise should be to wipe. off a certain part of that debt year . by-year. If tioy decided-'to wipe off, say, .£2OO of the debt that year, in addition to the. overdraft, they would.,no doubt compass it, : and: in doing so ;they. would. compass many other, things -as we)l. :.,'■■', •-..;•■ ;;'.- Mr. Geddis said they had assets amounting to about £2600, more than their liabilities.. Inspired by ; what they, had done in the past,-, the'y migh£ go '.very hopefully on.--.V-. .-'.•',..-.• ■ '.- .!'■-,

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 8

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THE TRAMWAYS AND POWER. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 8

THE TRAMWAYS AND POWER. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 8