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■ -y- ,;-y. '■;■[ ,':;amusem ENts,yy V; > : . : ;''y M } HIS ;': V MAJESTX7S >V.' ;;THEATRE.v"y ; -"y: IS.;-.--;'-. MAJESTY'S'::;;, : ;.THEATEE. y';y;y;y -. -Props., John: Fuller and Sons.;-. ■ ~M.;,;y;; ;■;'.• ■' FULLEESH'PICTURES;■:;.:.- v •■:■'-. ; '"FULLERS'''PICTURES:;:;.;, '■;' yV-ft: v'.'; AND. SYMPHONY v?< LAST .-" ','.•'-- 1 ::THIS 'BRILLIANTfrt';;';;' NIGHT '. :: '',':'' : 'C0I1ECTI0N;W:;::{; TYPHOID/PEVEB MICROBES.;;.;;;,-;;;'*;:« . : ' . .(Only at,Fuller's)i':;::v.':',,;;::;V:;.: i /yy THE'FIRE CHIEF'S ;, ANTARCTIC: EXPEDITIONS;;: ■•'.' FREDDIE'S VACATION,>W ";;»■;-';#:; •'•..■'•■ ..-;-•; SWEDISH': AETILLEitY.>v y yv-i vyyfey«, ;y : ',-':'"-.V-.vSlUGGlNSi i .ViC.^.';'vv':;:.;v T Behind' the Scenes -of a' Cintmatbgrapi '■*. -:■. ;';;.: :'-.i' ■::--■'- ""■ -.- . : : .Theatre:.- i -:^.-'i|-."'.;;•.;:'-:-::-iy>;fS? / ; ' OF:AOSTA;'J ? : 'When; Strength' : :•.-.'-:■. '--Brittany—Pearl'; Fishing.; /:?v-^S ; ;';;, ! /:| Vvv v :: ': '. AndvMariy. Others;-;'' ; r : :. i- ; ;:- ;-;'a ;/- ■:'■ TYPHOID FEVER;:MICROBES,',: >■;£s£% '•■yComplete' ; ;Chango;yofy:Progi^mey;'l\K;:yy^ :morrow; - .': y -'X/. ;■:;:'.:■ :;:■:--'::'::".'';■■"--:■.'-;; '}:• i : V?^ ' ; D.C.Jand OiSi:ls:- JStalls- (Tip-iip)^G(L;' m : /:-i ;Plan: at.;Christesoh's;;,^'Phoney3ls3: : :;) g : .y;;ji y-N.8.-^On;requesl:,ytrams stop;at.;Po6r:y;^;;y;y T' ";'H : E: Props-v; John :Fuller-:ahdVSohß.::y :^; 'i;S i :y:;; ;FULLER'S'-;VAUDEyiLLEIyCOMPANY.;S;;y:y!v . 'Messrs; Fuller presenting; for.the/nrst;timeyin:iWelling»;;:';j-;': ■ ton; their latest.: STAR' : importation;;;;: \%;s?s.■■ ' ■-~• '.'::■■.'-Direct,'fromWNew-^York;:;"" ' ; r v .'?■ GRAY AND: GEAHAM,??y;:yWSJ::; ; ;;y;s '•'. '.'GRAY.AND-GEAHAM,-;:-::.^,; v ' J TERRIFIC i'NIGHT.;:;;:;;-;.; t ; ;' Universal v .Never .was a: HEARTIER ? 1': accorded, y nor :i a- \ :,ss, scored; thaii Cast. Niglit by;; • '. Fred-r-GEAY ; ::aid.'-'GBAHAM-^lellie'.-AMERICA'S; FOREMOST.-EN-TEETAI* ..;■;/,;'-; •'■■ ; ERS,: v .-'-:: : l' ';■'.'COMEDIANS,;in''T : ;Cr^v;; ; -- : ; ; ; ; ;;y ,; ; : /'THE MUSICALy; BELL--BOY;:'y;,; ;; )yyyyyy Introducing .'the:ylargest; '.Saxophone'.; ia y.'y-r,;.. : the world; and : provirig.-byj.its;-'siinply ASTONISHING: and-.-- OVEEWHELMINt}y;y;:;y 'aVPACKED: ; HOUSE, ■ IN-;; vI:A TOXICATED-'With an'dyi;EU.::y ? ;"'H THUSIASM, the"Greatest;and-;;;•;;..';-.' 'M'^-\ ':v*'--1 / -'FUNNIEST MUSICAL;SKETCH;::. : y Ever' Presented: :; ;ence.y A Comic .''Opera, > Circus, -. a.-Chamber' Contest,: and'; a Ban 4 Contest: :-. ALL INVONE.:--:;y '''?. '-/."■ ,'vLAST ;THREE;NIGHTS: of --; ,HANCO./-r.Nothirig.ioh;earth;;,:;.:;;;; i ;K':'K ■ : ■ ;■';.. HANGO." --can:-hold -him;;;-: -'.-'M x 3 pi'<i-- •> SPECIAL .'•■ CHALLENGE..;-TO-NIGH3!!. iy !, .''{■ ,THE' ; APOLLQyBEOTHEES;;yy;;yj';JvAy; Strong :.Meni': Heavv-Weight?Lifters,-':Ebv: ; ; ; ■, ■■;,- ) -'-' : •' TWO :ROSEBUDS,fv:sy*sW'.jt 's? : l ,Eefined; Singing'j;anU.-Dancing:,;-DuoiAy{;k.S-.-; i - BERYL: =■-■■ SCOTT- GIBSON;'-Scottish' Comedian: fj\f-vßf : HORACE yDENTlCE;,Jnvehile.Co;me'diaii;y:j;;S; ::'';.! .- And ;Up-td-date; Pictures -'by ;%££-;?.■;;!$; •-.".'THE .'BRITISH ;BIOGEAPm;.:;;-a?ai;-yyK 2s..:and i :ls;^yßoxes;.£ls;J:Plah i yat;;Thea'ii^y':;gr^ QT:': THOMAS'S "-HALLV ':'NEWTdWIL3; ''$3 >3 r { ■:■ :'.- STAE'PICTUEES;'n;.y;/:e.ff: !; r;a-«i Tb-NIGHT : 'A: GREAT-PRbGEAMMEl'ai'viy.; .';-':'. 6d;:;'Enll;-,of ?G.6od ; ; Everyone; Should;S^;;Thisy.pTOgi^my^yt;jyyg? CHURCH,-; fl^ : nfIHE: ANNUAL"'SALE ■■oiwQßXtffc mM, :£'•.;- "connection-with,the'Ladies'..WOTldnffy.yi-;.';.' Party)iwiU'.be;held : ;ih-St;:-:Peter.'syHalb7yi. ; v;:;: Ghiiznee '■, Street;::' and,;!®;;;; .THUESDAYii; ' GRAND ; v ENTERTAiNMENT?;;'; EbSiyK?3y Evening :-by 'THE-;FOLLIES,KiihdeE'. tho'';;-'•>■ ; direction .ot rty^y !■: DA : NCING^BY;':PUPILfe CAMPBELL; ahd'-Many -other :AlSctiomv»^Sf; ';.,Adraisiibn;:yls.;V^^fte^ ■yV; EO HOLLER : --;';''6 an'd£?.3o ■^MX^ : -/:o<}ii:.(;pf^ ;: ;: Aa^issionveLadies;V6d^i;Ge'ntlemeh,: (Privacy cfcy.; '-Skates);;Gd:- ; ;:; : ;; ; ;ijuested;t6 rcallifbr.;;theirv:^a^^j;^-?y:;yy;-yy (I^ELLINGTON :;yS/rixi-CAB * : ;;ANBt S|M r 'YVV'rv.-TOURING-. Cab; CO. Y>v;i;-=;%: ; £yy^ -y : ! .:Taxi-Cars;atY'oVdina^ 'Sp^iai;termstto;Doct6'rs';an^lCpmn«rpii^y^ ; '-No 'disappointmeiits.vy'Phone;opeiKdajyxK;s ■;ahd iigh^^j^^ riM ;£; ii P : UB, i-l C; N q^ic^^§^^^:^ THE'- COLONIAL ■% MUTUAt ;. ■■■, SURANCE- SOCIETY;'LIMITED;";'S=:ys;g:| ' --;, :'-':-;■• yi'LOST; POLICY.-; v '^*;.S'ySs IT as: the ;intentibn : ;b'f -the 'above; : - on'and 'EMBER; 'to fesue"a;Certined,:';Copy';in <MH; :pl ace :of -/Policy Francis; Pilling,'; which ;isy ;tb:have>'beenylost.i;:;y •/'-; ■:;;::;'':•'.'.:';;';----.;'; :y .y.;::-;;i ;'..;.•;: ;.' Wellington, ;;bciober;:is;::i9lo.:;y:yyg ■ '' -NOTICE; bF^'pnCATiON^ ;'• -!. vVjtTEANSFER; [ OF;LICENSE:::'::Iy-'v-::;.yfdfi: 'J :-. -WHiLIAM?-EGBERT';WILSON; iet:-t'Hs A 5 i Hotelkeep'er, j.-y-being.- .■■»,- -hdlde'r- of -a.Publican's;License in' res'pecl..f?;^-K--of ■ tho 1 'premises'; situate Tiit.yPetbne; • and •; ~;;-yj do ; hereby'give notice .thatv-l; desire; to-lgt.'Ji :obtain;-;andjwili;; : at;''the;/:Tiext : Meeting, -to'be; hold J at" the /Magistrate's -;..;; S J ■ Court;-:,-Loifor'.Hutt,- -on : the.Sth-;day..ol j;V-m .'.. i,cEMBER, : '1910,; apply' for";a; transfer 1 of the.:saiu.uicehiie;from jnyselfrto;James ■SmithyFlotcher;- myirappbintee.;;; -y ; ;;;;yy .-"' Dated: :Sopteniber;: : i910;;::;;: r : : :':;■'.'!.;' -. E.;BEEEEj-i:; : .':W,: R.yWILSON,;'; ; w;.j .y.j'.-'jSolicitors.;;y;;;'. J . x "):i<i£'&^i?&M w'""'- •'• '""''''.' ''" : .!.,.. i-^M'? '■"■ ■ : ;23r^i : b^OBEBri.l^i'^?^ ; & •■' • '■" : V';.'\' : AN' ADDEESS * -■ i: (ME.--W. SKINNER;;of yi; To/^orkingiMen/a'nd^allyQthers:^ ~" ;''•'■ ■'.-'I : ; :'Wbrld's/Pfaye'i^Ahswered.-/;>;M;v/' "■•/-■'' /Admission -Free;:;/;.Np : Colle^ ./■;;;;r: : ';' : Bnng':jSanke^s;;(^inis^ -,;:.; :rjIHE Book:for : ail'who'are"aisfress'ed.'bjr :!:';.£;s; ;JL"':■'■ Clerical.;. Doctrines ; and-; : ;Clencaiy;; and /-who,-; therefore, /desire ',■ tdyy:yj,/y: become ■;' enlightened :/as ; ' to vthe: - bes'tywayy v/y-yfy of deliverance'-:frpni'':tho-cohfusiblis,'/disi";:y;y4i putings;V'arid'"/'contradictions- of tate.-world;,,/AcceDting;the-Scriptures;of.-/•;; ; ? s -.'the- .Old - Testament'/as/Christ;; /accepted'./y-ySyj (and;"consequently,/;.// tauient■/also); it/;ribt'/bnly/;dembustratea.v;;;s;:;;: tliat-'Christendom/ isV" astray ;■; but.yfaith- y;y;*y lully/'exhibiti ; ;''the;' I truth"'-frohi';Svhi6h;,j;y-/:y it. has"departed.-; a-new/ book:/.tb/ybu;'*-":;•' !/For loan'/frbmyH;yffilverton;;.Taihape.v;/y;y/y;y; BtENCILING'" ./Brooke's: Art ;Medium;:9d:;Stericiiy?;c;/v Boards:'4d^'Oil: Cpl<mrs:;sd.,';/at;y. Rob ■Martin,' Ltd;i-Manners Street;/Wellington;;;.;yy§J -'A < NGUS- 'TURNER'S: New Hairaressing'fc / K ;i3L 'Saloon;/ Horel';.Windsor;; Briildings,l; x ;?:-/:■? Willis' Street,-is brie ,of /the "most., np^tb- ':is,\Z\ L ;.y date Salbbbs in'/the/City. ', Finest:BraridsV;iS*; ,of '-Tobacco, /: Cigarettes.'.yyand y/ Cigars/-ft'yyy ■/etocked.yy.-■ y/.y :"//;:y" v /-.;"/■ '■: c /;/ : / r '/";:'"'':¥y-;ft/-;; MILITARY 'AND NAVAL', -,; '■ •;■.: .;■/;;';>:-y ; -wS^W-??;;i Miss/'//'': aV':; ; /'b// '' oi®£sxyN&&?& / -.! No; 2 PERCIVAL;.STEEET i :■■'■:'/::■■■ '•■;-'V':.;'Phdnb..3o7B.^^: V Estimates ''given:/, fbr /;Banriers, : /jlLbdgi:yfeS|; Regalia; Badges;(gold;,/;silver;-: andij: silkfcy>;;«-* Club MonogTams.-.yet'c;,//etc.', -.;Eccl(!sia'sti>;;;.;i:;.?;/; caL Embroideries a ; S^ecialtjc : -, : '«]j////'||?;Siyus;;

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 1