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" THE .DOMINION " has the widest and most influential class of readers in New Zealand.. Advertisers, please note.

'/■.' -AMUSEMENTB. i. v ';; r Q Pe!'E./A ; . ;■ '■{. H : OIJ 'S E,' '] Lessee and Manager— . y/- : ■'. ; . ' " J.' C. WILLIAMSON,; LTD.. .;:-' . ' MR.' J'.'C'. ; WILLIAMSON'Presents, i NELLIE'STEWART ;'/ : sv • NELLIE STEWART -. >:; '- : ,NELLIE' STEW ABT ■•:•■■..■•.", . NELLIE. STEWAET ■;.;. Supported by.;''■.'■• "-.-"■;. : y _ ■ :'.: HER.POWERFUL DRAMATIC: .' / ' '■'.;•• :;;;■/..' v COMPANY.. '--.-..;..-'■.: ' ■' - THIS'.(TUESDAY) '.EVENING,'- ':. ''" . o THIS .(TUESDAY);; EVENING,Vy :.■ / ■■'"!".' And Following Three Nights, ;\.'' •-. '■'■. GRAND PRODUCTION';/ .'" On a Scale of •"' './.;- • ;'. .'. '..; : "DETAIL•.'- ■.'■'..'/■' ".'- ;, f'j"-.' Aiiilt thei. '• :." -.:'.. 'GREATEST.;CAST-;oF.characters; ; ;Ever known.'in ,-tho Dominion-'/./:■_.'' ..-'.•'.'■ Of Du-Maurier's Powerful-Play, .'.'• ■: ' .; ■',-■■'.''. :■■ -.''TRILBY." ■'■"•:'i' v '--:- : '.;..'' : -./ ;;"TK;ilb y." ■;.y;-,;;.;.;.;;.; ' ;.y,y;Nellie'stewart'/ -;,-.-'/ v'..' ■>■;■;- ; 'As-'Trilby;-:; : .;' :;: ''.' : ' ; - ' For the First Time'/in/Wellington. - A ; ■'■f ■■. CAST: OF-'CHARACTERS.. _.-.;' .;.'•' Alesande'i- M'Alister.v;.....Har'courtßeatty. . i-.'. (Called; "The Laird of Cockpon.") , „ Talbot /Wynne .;'.:.-:.".:;'.....'■ Eardley, Turner ■•' . • .: :-• (Called /''Taffy.") ;./;:,;'-.' William. Bagot;.'..' A. J.;Pearce : -.•'-, ■'. (Called "Little.Billee.").'-. •.'•- . ; Svengali-....'..;....:...;.:........;. Gaston Mervale' . -~(Out-of/the: Mysterious/East.) ',-/-/. Gecko ..........';.......... George Thome, :jun. .■.;^:-(Second .VibJia,'at; the; Opera.) ■ yy//: Due de la -Bochmartel....Gregan M'Mahon ; - ■■[■:.<:■.;.<.. (Called>Zou-Zou.") • ; :'i, v- ; . , Theodore da la Tarce:.....:.-.. A.'J. Patrick ; : : ,-:-:• ";.;-:(CaIled ; "Dodor.") ;/ r', ■ -'.:':, '; Ant0ny.'.....;..'.'...'.'.'.'.;. iJ. Stuart, Clyde . Lorimer ;......;....;......;..;..V.t.. ,William';Ladd ;••! ::-." ;;V(Art'Students'.)"'.-..'-.:/:•".■,;'/;,:- . 'Colonel. Kaw ;..'...;..:.;.'.:; Norman Campbell. ' ' V ;■ '.V'■-. (A'Theatrical Manager;)■'■'■;.-■' ; ':,._■! •': Ravi 'Thomas'. Ba'got';;.;..' James Atholwood '.:..- (Uncle to: ''Little;Billee") .;;';:'. ; ., Mrs.'-Bagofc': ..:.-.;.... : .....'-Madelaine Meredith'. ; . J ■::'• .(Motherof kittle; :Billee.'!)' ;: :i ■ jMadame'Vinard •;...;,-..;-;.;..■„;yßosslyn Vane ■''.'•'...- , 'rV : ((A.-'ConciergeO'.:'V''.:'.-'":V;;iv-:. ' ;Arigelo:'...'.'..'.' i r...V.^.:\..;iV..":.. : .:'..;.'Edith .Lewis '. Hon'orive.'..'.'.'iV....:;..-..... ; . i ..:.-Gweii Burroughs' ; ;■ ■'"- ■.■■'.:. - ■ --'..(Grizettes.),. .-.-,' ■'• .V ■' .•'-:,■;;-i,-o'>' : :- :And.'; :■-.;:':■: : ;.- : :\ i ."";.'■. TRILBY.'O'FAREELL' (An- Artist's Model) ;y..i:."1:-NELLIE ,^TEWART.; -;;;;"\ r . -The' Play^pVoduced-byMr. GastonMervale. SATURDAY,-!22nd : '>V" "/ "'oV-/'. ; : : ; /'K;/-l . MONDAY;. 24th ••;.-.-..'-i'SWEET; NELL;..', i: TUESDAY; ,25th''-.'■■'■■'■ '-. .'OF ■'.-: 'v WEpNESpAY,\ 26th;--OLD-DRURY-ipv : . Box:; Plans' on::vie,^vat;;;the, Dresden, where "seats.-may-. now^.beVsecured.ifor.' any ; performances : of; tho : ;season;,,. v.v;.; ' : ;.;:. i r ' : :;Dayvsales''at.Chnsteson's.'ift;.;';;;s.;y; '■;,:;• ; ; : ':Pripes , ,:s3".''3s., , .'ahd;2s;-'.Early ! ,Doors to:, ' ■ Stalls'and; Gallery;;(id;Lestra^y; ; y3;;;:y,;: ; ;S:: mHE ;f ; *g:KiN#S;ff;:;;J : ■ ' WEST?S ; '-■': iV ' PERFEC'TTON '•<■ ';v: i/EOYAL" '. :royal; v ;*;;; pictures:-: : :;;;0west's . 'Propye|6re.:'^\y.est's; : ; v;v ' JS!^ : ;]ifhleySahd : i : Donofan; ;S;>yi-V";'-; TO-KiG.HT,V'i:at;-^i;p;cipck,>vTO^lGHT ; ; , '• : . ; "'.'•■','. Vi'iAiv-'i Last-i'Night-of -..';,';.-;'-.' ■.:':'■■■'■':.-x ; SCENES;AE.OUND'SYDNEYHARBOUE': ; ."•ri^r.r;;-i','^;;.-Eds.t. i, Nigh't: - 6f-::/ " : :y/. ; :v; ' :'iTHEi;-FIREI;CHIEF'S;;- : DAUGHTER:;L\ ■: ' ;i''Vf ;;^-vO.:: i Las't''{Niglit 4&i'&ts:::- ; vV : r*jdARRIAGE^OF>;.MUGGINS.;i^V;*:; f-\U. ~ -;V■;'"; "iTILLY^GOES^BOATINGK"- ■£?;* - :' 5 Our' Prices; ' and- 3143.-v----x ; TO-MORROW! ••.'■ :'V ; V : NEWvSERIESi ¥;vVi i :;.v; 'NEWiSERIESMviS- < y- i ;.i.,'OF>NoyEETiEs.'.g:; ! ;Kg; i i ;'^#risTic- ; pH6TbGRAPHY^g^ ; :-?^; -ti. 1 ' .■The, : :real J a'rt : ;in-;Pho; ; produce the True.Likohess.and;Characfcer ,of | the' Sitter.'. This.'art. can oh]y-,'be.' : ,ao-: , quired 'by,''years; of 'earnesty/effort;;'and study. :Sv-'-.'- : -' v "";".■', : :V''::'■ ::: -•'.;",:':':■ : ..-;'■■ ;: :yALAN;SPiCEE,,. . v i-;y;;;; -'.■' PHpTOGRAPHERi:/CUBA(STREETy- . . AC' : ''/ : 'i , .. has. had 30 -years'.' experience in; the- Best' ■ Studio: of,•'Australia. ,•-,';'. ■'■'■ '■". ',' v- :?:;■;.!■ +~. -.-:' SMAS : PHOTOS. - • (i"-; ; V ..;.;,AT :HOME.;;'..' ';'V;;* : : ',f ;:'.: v .'y:';.- ; .'. Those desirous of sending; a. good Photo, of .themselves' to Friends' or> Relations in England or elsewhere-as a ,Xmas. Souvenir,. ■ should -make -appointments .with'; :MR: : SPICERnow.^;;/:. --Wy; ;■■:■/; .v^'-.'iSo-y;' G : ARTER/ ' ; AND - THE V; CUBA'! :• .'■;' .;■'.•:■; STREET -vDRAPERS," ;.■ : iMPOETESSJ.FEOM:'a'c/TOAL: MAKERS' 'JUST Coriithic, Novelties . in '.Millinery,;.Ready-to-wear'fiatsr. also,'' : -New .Straw;ahd, Crin; Plait;, New ..Flowers. -rJUST ■ 'OPENED,;':ex: Corinthic,VNew. : : Embroidery,'- 2d., up;' New' '•Hose, : ;.'.ls.';.np; New' Gloves,;ls;,.ls. Gd.;. New Neckwbar,', ' ; 6d/ ; ;to:;4s>iid. , y : ;:;;:. : ;v i ;y ; ; : ;.. ' ;;-^;ttjyX';:: /; v 'JUST:OPENED, 'exiporinthic, a.Lovelj;: ■ Lot'-'New. Blouses, 2s:"'lid. up.'-, New.: Cor-' i ' EotsV'ali'best makes, ; 2s.",l7s. f 6d.- . :■■• CARTER AND' 'CO.u.hold ''a ; . Splendid : ' Stock, of all' kinds .up-to-date. Drapery, Blousings. ;and ', Linen; Dress; Materials, -. 'cheap. •'..''.-'.'. '•''.•.'■•:''.'':'' '■.. ,-;;"•''■ | ; . ■': : TRY CARTER AND. CO.|->C.UBA STREET '.■A ,B;E . JfL . 12s. a ! Box:of 58,'.0r 6d..'a pair.' ■ •:-;■:'::;■■;■■■';.: . ; :; '■ SMOKED H.4PtIKAj •FlLLE.TS;'';6d'.';'lb. ,; (Cash' with Order): Fresh.Fisb..-;Daily.:, '';,'y;-; RITCHIE AND SONS;V;/;,';; : 54 MOLES WORTH ST;,; WELLINGTON:; ■'■ Box sent to' any 'address in the Coin--try.-. ;Telephone, ; 3os2.' v ;:;::,.;; .;■;;; ■■ '\'y> ■-.-, •".''•." : :-'.'. '"YE LION,"v ; ./' ri RILL : AND v SUPPER. R00M5,;.152 ■ XX" In'gestre Street, -' off " : Cuba Street. " 'Five-course Lunch 9d. Six. tickets'- ;• for'is.-.;:':''';•;:.'.'■'■'.;;'■" ■: -.;','■ ''■>' '..i v '- : \\ '■ ■' WE ARE RECOEDINQ;;'y"y ; ;> '. : :. v SUCCESS -UPON SUCCESB;V'|: ; ;* :i WITH THE : VISIBLE i 'TOST , , ' . \ v : TYPEWRITER. : -o "p ; \% ; Positively, the . prettiest V work ;of ■ yaliTypewriters, - , . -; _-~. '.;.:■;;' y; '■"; .i ' :•■ '■.■ ,' Nd'Ribbons—EveryvSlachine.guaranteed," -''"'-.' THE OFFICE APPLIANCE C 0.,- '.'■■' •':;' ; " ; 'i7/and' : l9:Cuba : Sl^t,'''-.--. :: -"'-.'":' : v'- . 'WELLINGTON.' ;:0.;;:''. ; :; .-; :;';'Phono. : ;lG76.'- ;; : .;./;'.y r ' :' ' '-y'yyK; ;' VISITORS TO PALMEESTON NORTJB ' . AKE INVITED TO VISIT THE •' ■ ..-AUCTION ROOMS OF, Tin- o ; U N.S-E-'Y.:':-. ;. qq y Corner Ra'ngitikei and Queen Streets. ; : i Hundreds of ' various. articles are sent "- in to our Rooms to bo sold. ; We may liave tho very articlo youywant. '•■"'■' .-' ' CALL AND GET PRICES.:;-y V: !\ . .WANTED KNOWN. v : ";:.;.;' ] BUY : your Furnishing Drapery' at RADFORDtS, 50 Manners Street. ' Hearthrugs,. Is. lid. and 2s. lid.;- Cush-' ions,. Is. Gd.j Door Mats, 6d.; Sheeting, 3d. yard; Oilcloth, 9dJ; Carpet, 9d.; Mat- I ting. od.; ,' Bushrugs,'.- Bs., Gd.;'.Blankets, ( 7s, 6d. pair, .Cheapest House in town. | ( ': '■; i: -■■' -.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 1