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IA Greytown Wedding. A wedding-' which -considcriable interest took place on Thursday, afternoon in tho Greytown Presbyterian: Church/ when the> Rev. G. K. Stowell united m marriage Mr. Thomas Frank Hayman to Miss Isabel Sarah Garnty, eldest..daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. S. ; Garrity, of-Grey town.- The. bride, who was , given; away; by •■he/ father, wore an empire dress of creme silk taffeta, . with- tucked net,, silk.inversion, and silver bullion: fringe, and'wore the 'Veiland orange - blossoms -vithat. r- her mother • wore when she-was married. •••.She /chief rbridemaid was' Miss Lizzie Garrfty,: who, iWore';a creme, cloth: cos-, tume, and- a crinoline hat, with brown trimmings; The 'other .bridesmaids :were Miss ?Maud Garnty, - sister, and Misses .■: Isabd : and :Maud?: Judd/ 1 - cousins of the \ bride;;.: who; wore blue Sicilian silk dresses endv,.white ennobne -hats. ' Mr. J. J.; Hodge officiated as best man, and Mr. Ji.- Fuller as groomsman. Miss Bnght :officiated at the organ.' ■.». The bridegroom's gift ;to the bride was a : hand.some]:gold. .neck-cliain, and ■amethyst .pendant; to Miss L.- Garrity j - a gold >tdrb bangle; to Miss Maud Garnty, a .gold j bangle and to, the Misses : Judd,, • .-The bride's.-£ift to her. ihusband was a set of gold/sleeve-links. . iAffer the ceremony was performd; about: ' |100' friends and .relatives adjourned. to the Foresters' Hall, where the wedding breakfast was -held. t.Tlw usual toasts were'(proposed: "The-Bride .-and the by Itev. G. K; Stowell; responded to by Mr. Hayman ;■ and "The ißridesmaids,'.' by : Mr.': ®.-.-Playle, re-: fiponded to by Mr. J. Hodges ; '.'The'Parents of the, Bride," by Mr.*. J. Ilodge, sen , responded to by Mr JS Garrity |Mr. .and Mrs. Hayman received numer- :' |ous-' wedding: ©fts.;'^h J Iternoon. train en Toute for the north, where tho'honeymoon "' is to 'be''-spent-'.' [Mrs., Hayman's travelling costume was i ia .'cjiampagne-coloured ■ poplin,-vv-faced' with-v-silkj" rand? wore!.: a ' pretty , liat,' Hrimmed withjpink i<?sesv- s . k CyvS/? v- : -- : -■(■Mr.-. Herdman's Meeting, ■ . , This evening, Mr.: A. 'L; r Herdman, ; tihe,': member' for' .Weflingwn 1 North,'.'.will ■.'jad'aressrajmieeting Sydiieyi.Street ! Schoolroom on" various political mat•.tors.n Mt; Herdman - is always a very jmtel&tirig^^ tTiiat r : h©; lias' '«which:ho deals, ;and' speakl'abouf'them : ■onlyjbecavise'he thinks it accessary that leveryone else should be acquainted with •matters.ithat are so to : the' welfare of this country. The 'address is being looked forward to with a com- '.- /Bid^rable^; ambuntojbf-. -interest.;^;

■A Children's Dance, _ ,V/k On"/ Saturday^ y- eve'nirigadisplay- 'of ,'/ dancing by the pupils .„ ,belonging to /; 'daiicing .cla^s^s/.was' fin' the Sydney Street Schoolroom, dud . .:mas thoroughly. Enjoyed by the- friends /,; land relatives oftho children, who were ; able .to bo present. '.The dancing - was . rve^:£r&iy. r -- pen ,'looked- very fresh and dainty in . lthein;whito frocks and . differently coloured: (according-to' tho- class 'they ./ "(WMieJia) saslies-and'hair-ribbons, either vipihkyj blue, : red,ror!; all?whit<3//iExercises ;. fin .: various steps and rings were performed by the elder girls, of four ifdtisses,-. led by- Miss - Eunice- Garland, ■ )an exceedingly pretty : Ilussian duo, was. -. (delightfully danced - by -twb /small girls, . rthe-' Misses Valwai:Gore and Owe Hay- *. •/.tMtftomeMittle'ilancei^ 'Morison wastheiiext performance, and itben: followed a Scottish dance by IMISS; Eena Dymock.;' ,Tho Misses. Ali- : ison Balcombe Brown- and Jean : Shirt- , ■clifio (lanced ao: very pretty "Teasing 'Dance." Then/followed- a statue dance, :- ;by; Miss Doris. Robitson. A Viennese . .-dance: ; by -Miss ■ Evelyn- Myers, and ascarf dance by Miss.' Marjorie : Balcombe 'Brown,fthe.colours of the scarves being - «U'.oi autumn tints. Perhaps tho" : jg^test; 1 interest;wiis taken, in the very [small'children;-:aged about four or five, . iwho, went through .their class .work with ■: ithe most;.; splemn/'cpncdntratidii' of. pur-. : "j^'se,/determined not/to forget'a single ■ ictep/ . They were , most - quaint and lamusing. - A spccial dance, a fan : ga•votte, was given bv the tiny Joyce . cousins. A spring dance, by another .one, -Thora Skinner, :and a-\ Marclio jMihtairo by Peggy Itoeves and Onie [Haybittlo. When the children's dis- :. jplay ■ was , brought jto /an;/ end, general " (dancing took" place,/; sever'al/ot the 'on--1 'looters; joining iii-and: dancing.,with' the :. jchildreh;/;. Among v .thoM. : ;preseht,'.were \Mrs. Holroyd' Beerc, and, of course,' ■Miss Beere, Sir William and Lady -Steward, Mrs. Firth, Mr. and Mrs. John;Ellis, and Mrs. H. Gore,, Dr. and Miss Bakewell,, Mrs. ; Balcombe Brown, Mr. and Mrs.. 0., Beere, Mrs. /Elder, .-Mr. and Mrs., 'M.» •■Myers,:-"Dr. jand-Mrs. Gieson, Mrs.- -Dyniock, Mr. 'sand "Mrs.'..-Morpeth, Mrs. Tringham, Mrs. Sliirtcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kirkcaldic,' and many others.

An Afternoon Tea. On. Saturday ■afternoon,, at Her homo m .Ellicc Street,'.-a. very- enjoyable tea .'wits'.' given by. .Miss Sybil Jftapley for Mrs.. Vigor Brown, of Napier. , The

rooms .. were 'prettily decorated with spring flowers, and;' and' recitations helped, to entertain - those present.;., Miss Sybil llapley. and her : sisters woro pretty , white ( embroidered frocks. Among tliose. present wero Miss Biilkley-jr the 'Misses Cooper; (2), ■ Miss Crawford, the Misses Pavitt (2), tho Misses Van :Staveren., (3),'/Miss AVatsou, Miss' Evitt, Miss, Wilton, Miss Gill, and Miss Geddes.

Sports Carnival. '. 'The .arrangements ."in" connection'.with the forthcoming "Grand Amateur Sports Carnival,"-/to- be, held in the "Newtown Park' on. November 5, are, making very satisfaotory.headway; / There will be all kinds of attractions, * as well' as .'.the sports—a, fancy -dress • cricket—-match, competitions '/for.' sibly. Punch and Judy- shows. The committee,'consists/of Messrs. J. / E. Fitzgerald,;'F. Crowes, M;: Leslie, W. Butler, Knox Gilmer,', S; J. Moraii,M'Donald. (treasurer), Mrs. T. Ci. M'Carthy ;(joint treasurer), Ford (assist anfc secretary),'Aniodeo (secretary)i'Captain Seddon, Dr; Izard,, and Dr.Cahill, and Mr. Fold An Elocutionary Recital. v On 'Saturday. evening, in tlie Congregational schoolroom: 'in Bo wen Street, an interesting;:elocutionary../.recital / was; given ;■ by,Miss : Christiiio'JPicot :and Her pupils. A very, varied programme was 1 presented,/ comprising songs, • ; musical monologue's,-pianoforte solos, and recitations. Miss . Picot rtcited /delightfully "Katherme's Advice to Wives," from■;the "Taming "of the Shrew,'' and, later, on "An Old' Sweet, of. Mine," and lier- brother,: Master Frank Picot, gave;a',veryclevcr performance when "he rqcitijd the complaint of the lazy schoolboy, ■"Tired of.Bern' Bossed;" ■' It really seomod Heartfelt. Mrs. Daphne Dryden, a small,, pupil ,of .about, recited very prettily/and.quaintly /'When Grandma: was a Girl," and m the second %alf of, the, programing, "Entertaining/Sister's Beau." /,Mr". .CaiT's ;cotitri-; bution, a Maori, eanpe song, was greatly': appreciated. Several of the items were encored ; .Those performing; were Mrs Daisy ReiJ, who played Mendelssohn's Sclier/,o' ; , Miss Edith MfEldowncy, a "Tho/ Intercepted Letter"- pMiss -Earp/two' recitations,.-(a). "Tired .Mothers," and "Since: Mother Took lip. Cliarity" ; 'Mrs/ Fanny Warren, a pianoforte solo; Mr/ 11, M'Lean,' a rocito tion, "The Stage-Struck-Hero'-'• Mrs; F.Ballinger/recited "Mrs. .Bateson's Tea Party"; Mrs. D. WeUan, a recitation',"That Telephone";" Mrs/ Arfdimn gave : ', a "iiisical - nionologuej - Christmas Bells,".'which was Very enjoyable; and Messrs. J. K. Edio and G. P. Williamson sang a'duet, "Tlie Mooii Hath Raised her Lamp Above." Altogether it was an enjoyable.evening, and many. of Miss ; Picot!s . pupils " showed considerable- ability' and promise of things, to come. .. .< :

Bldwlll: Street Tannls Club. - r On' Saturday afternoon the Bidwill Street| Tennis Club opened its courts; in delightful weather, a pleasant little 1 speech, suitable to tlio.occasion. bein'u : madoJy Sir- Edward. Gibb'es.Hlie prosit"' dent of the Club. A : delightful ted, to which the fresh. air rna'de everyone do justice to, was suppiied by the committee. This is the fifth year of the club's existence,., and the committee comprising Mrs, Moore, Misses Morris and Kirby, Messrs. Hamilton, Hazelwood, and Crombio, are to be congratulated upon for tlieir untiring efforts in making,the club such a 'success: from every point of view. Among those present were: Mrs. Moore,., wearing, a white, Swiss embroidered muslin frock with'white hat; Miss Morris, white silk; Miss Ivirby, white linen costume, with blue and white hat; Miss Archcr' crome serge, . with black and (white' hat: .Mrs. Morris, grey, with touches .of red'and; black; M& Gentles, tussore silk, with blub and brown hat; Miss Evans, pinlc linen; Miss D. Morris; pink shantung, with pink and white . hat ;. Miss, Brown, pink cloth and 'pink and. white - hat; Mrs; Bennett, ■ Mrs.' Vossler, Mrs. , Dodwell;. Mrs, Minifie, Misstis 'Briggs, .-Bates, Minifie', Warren, Coventry, Reid, MacHarrison, Morris, Britson, Sir Edward Gibbes, and Messrs. W, H. P. Barber, Moore (2), Hamilton, Crombie, Hazel wood, Morris, Minifie, 1 M'Lean and Maramore«

This morning at 11 o'clock a meeting of the committco wlio have the arrangements in hand for tho garden fete which is to take place in the grounds of Awarua House on Saturday next will bo held in No. 1 room of tho Town Hall. It is hoped that all tho members will be present as there are various details to be discussed and Settled upon. Lady Ward will preside at; the meeting. . : . ;

Mrs. and' Miss Deviiie, of Welling-' toil, are .away at present on a visit to Auckland and Botorua. ••

The engagement is announced of Mr. Chester E. Percival, eldest son of tho late G. A; Nelson : Percival, United States, to® Beatrice Evelyne, eldest daught-or, of Mr; Huston Ciirlett, "Braidwood," Christchurch,: N.2i.' ;

Mrs.. Rolleston, of Willis Street, who was a passenger by the P. and 0. Mahva from England, arrived in, Wellington on Saturday. . i:

Mrs. AV.-Bidwill,'of the Lower Val-. ley;; is . visiting AVellington, and is staying with Mrs. Tweed. '

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 949, 17 October 1910, Page 11

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 949, 17 October 1910, Page 11

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 949, 17 October 1910, Page 11