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jWeddingjat■ St..;LiikK;!/;: : ; *;J ■■] :■.;■-■■ A.'.\Veisr";pre'fty,';wedding;was; celebrated ' inf., St .', 'Luke's,-/Wa'des^'ownli-'oh-'Wedues.:; day/ afternoon; When/Miss - Margaret -, Lil■Jiaii.vMiFchell,. daughter!'of-/Mr. < J.'.'.W. ■Mitchollj' of Wadestown'i:-was married to' Mr.;- Thomas ■, Gibb' 'Thyne;,' The.; Eev. - T.' ,'iG : '.;Kay:;was; the /officiating^clergyman. jThe church was beautifully decorated and- : ,:Miss'.;G6yder,,presided at, the organ.:;. The Ibride. wore_a' pretty dress'of: white saTin;; itrimmed ;with pearl. embroidery, and ■ veil and .'..orangei blossoms.:''. She..; carried ■ a lovely bouquet of; white flowers. There, ".were two'bridesmaids', Miss Lena Mitchell, ; ahd Miss Ivy ..Mitchell; sister of ■ ithe/bride;-both wearing -pale- mauve Presses/with lace. yokes',and ; hats to match. ■ jMr.'George Thynowas best ; mah and-Mr. ; Gilberti!omtbhellf:'actedras''' , :po'6msman.' •■ After::the : ceremony a reception was held ! at :"Ea'eb'y,"; Wadestbwh, : .'tne'residence of' the'il)rjde',s;,parenfa.!:;.The.:.prKents..were' numerous; 'including : many cheques; i Mr. and; Thy no. left for the north amidst ichowers" of rice. Their future home ,will .f-be. ijtv.Karori. ••-. The: going-away -'dress was, .blue. coat: and; skirt"' and ' hat to- ; match,;'with ; pink roses.. The: wedding ,I'w'as';'to have. taken! place .later, in the year ibut)as both 'bride- and bridegroom -wished )th'e ; ; s vicarr-Mr.;,Kay^to. perform ; the cere•mony.i.the'-;' wedding' lias -taken' place: a. ,'little earlier;before; Mr.. departure. :!;:;.' :^. ;!;:":;,:, ; \}i. ;;}.-■ jiDomestic,; Helps. }.;;': yV .;!..,! ;■;;::

/ :•.' "There";are- good reasons; for : believing ,-thafc some of.' domestic helps are ': constantly/ applying for -.fresh servants/to .take'jthe-:plac"o.of- .those, already in- their /: employ,-,;and that the .labour: exchanges : .■■'.; are ;nsed:by'these persons to/enable them .tb/exploit the whole market' of domestic ■ -. -Bervjce'.".'-:Such ,is-.the ..note: attached by: h Mr^D^MTJaren/ M-P-i'toVa question: he' . -is. aslrihgSthe--Minister-:for '..-Labour.':'os to ■':' /whether,'' in "connection- with.;the compiled . lahdtpublished-records-by: the' Labour De- : . v/paffaeht,: giving the;- numbers, of /those ' for/domestic servants •.and the ' tnumbers...; applying, for .'situations,/, any,t6/.'make certain v.that,. '. ihoseiwho'are/a'pplying':'for:domestic ser- / fivnnfe' are:-bpna ; £ae in waht : of the- same.: / ;Wedding.//:v////,-' : ; ; v'//.: //■ .; ,'iH AM very-': pretty '•'wedding/-was celebrated. ''[in^Sti^ ■'• Columbia's , Church,v/yHavelock /..iNo'rthi/'on/Wednesday,-r.when:''Mr.. Roy ./ Malcolm Andrews, : . manager .of. To Haroto ' [Station, and youngest son of.Mr. : and Mrs. of. P.uktapn, /.was;/ married to ! Miss Jeahie / Muir, second .daughter of/ .. ; .North. ::v..-TKo : : ibereinony- was'.'performed, .by: the Rev.-' R: ■/■^itgn^-''th©';bride/-.'.whp.:-was.''giYen/:'aj^ay ; -.rby.'her/brother; .wore' a pretty: white /em-i-' ■llroidered. Persian: muslin /dress with "the : msual veil and orange Jriosspms. She car-/-ried;a;>beautiful-'shbwer;boug,uet;,of;. white : :: lilac,. V; smilox, -and / maidenjhair/; •. fern.. ;■-.There/were'; two'bridesmaids/' 1 Miss".Lilian' . Swearing .'cream .'silk .striped, ; .voile ; . dresses: ...trimihedr with lace 'and insertion, with ; h'a"ti/to 'match. jshower/bqu- -. .quets. ::Mr,:]sdwafd? : Aiidreiv > s,,Tl3rol;He'r 'of, ./•.the:bridegroom; 'carriea/ put/the 'duties .of '.' ilwst::maii./;A: reception;.was. 'afterwards. ield' at the- residence: of, .the;/bride's .. [mother; .where a: large/ number;.of a guests iw.ere;entertained and -toasts hbn-, -;oured. :-'/The.bridegroom's present'.to the ■'• ;bride,-was :'a 'handsome, cable, bangle,/ and ; -ito .each' of the;bridesmaids gold crescent ./brooches .of/emerald. 'The'ibride's present' , ;to. the; bridegroom: was., a''pair.'.of, silver-' -";mounted.ebony,brushes. Among themany. : -presents j'Teceived;'by J.Mr., and - : Mrs.:-'An-i , jfrorj:the:employees of ;TejHarbto.Statioh.'; ■'Thefbride: and bridegroom left; in: the . i'afternoon:for. the.north.; Mrsi'.'Ahdrews's;; 'travelling dress was, a'tailor-madec'ostume; ' jof -green.-Harris-'tweed,.with :black' v jhat rand.iplumes'.:-.■:-,'- ■-■/:--.. J^l :-:; V; ;'\V/< : :'.'-< : -.'.

(.-., It; wasa/very .'enjoyable "at. home".that | wass given." 'at;,' her '.'■. residence.,' 1 Hobson Street Sby;:Mrs..'R; -A! -Harding and.:her. r ldaughters'yesterday afternoon. >~'The';fold-, ■ ttngrdbors ; :between the.'drawing-room 'and ' |the'ydihing-room.. .were/thrown \back,: and the frooms were/bright .with; the'.most' ex-' vouisiteiflowe'rs.' ,Tea was:'served at one end of ,the ;large. r dining-ro'om;;' : the: table., being' ;arranged/with:anemones, while the' dain■:tiest' little;'sweet ; .baskets,.-■ made;,to -resemble almost gave': the; imprest .jsionr'that.;those flowers were still in seaisonlf: TrndaV.string iband played' delight? Iful.f music/at "intervals'; during;the after-, inooh."' /Mrs.':.; Harding, :■ who. /received her iguests; in' the drawing-room, wore a 'dress 'of .black/.velvet, with; a;berthe/of-white ilace"; 'Miss ' Harding,■ a .dress "of reseda igre'en,. silk; voile;: Miss : ,E;/.Harding, a ; pretty/soft;green", frock; '.and/Miss ■ H/ Harding;- a /white dress. /.Among'-: those ■ <whb "were; present :were: : Lady Ward, Mrs. /Findlayi t Mrs'."Bra'n'd6n;--Mr's. Collins, Mrs. :-Wilf6rd J /,'Mrs.-:Larnach,-Hrs. ; P.-M.'B.; .u?isher,: Miss: Bauchop, - Mrs'/': Quick, Mrs. :CEdwin;."Mr's./:sflarding: /(Petone), .Mrs. Chaytbr,"-Mfs. .Gorton," Mrs.' D'Arcy Chay-'torv-.Mrs; .-Field,/ Mrs. : Chatfield,- /Mrs. LecMe,; Mrs.-. Salmbhd,"- Miss ' Edwin, Mrs. Tripp,- Mrs.;-Butts, and Mrs.i Duncan, ,Mrs:;-Head, ; Mrs,.:Ewen,' and ; Mrs; -Izard. /Friendly Society. ;;; :-;!/• : // A;special meeting of-the" Girls', Friendly iSociety:.washeld!-at ! the lodge last eventing,; >he.n ,;Prebendary H. /B. Stuart: ad'dressed,;a .Jarge., gathering of ..members. Representatives of the associations /were -present/from ■ the" ( 'Hutt;;' /'Petone, : and /Brooklyn, and the -greatest- interest was .'manifested ,; in?-thb'.address,/:which'; dealt /with;:the. high■'■■;ideals/which ithe society: ißhould-i'set/before itself,;: and: especially Tvitli; the. ways in which members can -lelp.on;«tho -work of 'the Church.' 'kMi-s. ■Wallis,:, .the president . of the Girls' .Friendly Society,*, was present,", as' ,weiu Miss .Greenwood/ Miss I. Morrah,- Mrs. •Redwood;,-; and ;,Miss -Whitaker,.: all: of i whom.:, are /very energetic/workers; in ' the' society. .Prebendary - Stuart' is connected with 6rie.of the largest' Girls'/Friendly .Societies in England./ ;, /; /." '.''.;.■ .- Complimentary Recital, the : complimentary evening .-to be tendered to Mrs. Sutcliffe promises : to be very successful/., '.Lady/Islington, '< Sir' Joseph and Lady Ward, the Mayor and Mrs. ■Wilford, and Dr.-and Mrs. Findlay, and Mr. aiid-.Mrs; ■■- Herdman have extended their. to the ■ movement, ;andwith the. exception; of.. Lady- /'lslington, .will be present''./• ■.'-. ''"

'Palmprston -North News. On./ Wednesday' afternoon Miss Constance.Pickering, third daughter of Mr. Arthm lL Pickering, was married 'to Mr. Marshall, of the local .railway staff, at All Saints' by the Von. Archdeacon Har-per.-After, the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Pickering: entertained . a., number of friends'at-the Manawatu Tea Rooms,' where tho health of tho happy couple was proposed in a neat speech by his Worship tlio Mayor. The wido wore a hand-some-princess robe, of ivory satin trimmed with lace, and was attended by her two sisters as bridesmaids. Among the. guests-were Mrs.; Marshall, mother of the bridegroom; Mr.\and Mrs. : W. Pickering, Mr. arid Mrs. Nash, Mr.'and Mrs. Johnson. "-. Mr. and Mrs.. Marshall left for the north -by tha : Main Trunk express, .and, in the evening, Mr., and Mrs. Pickering entertained a large number-of .friends at their residence, Waldegrave Street.

■ Miss Dickson and Miss Dobbie, of Dun-edini:-.are visitors to Wellington." .Miss!Neville,of Napier,;is on'a- visit to Wellington.-.;. .v.,.';. - ! -s ;'- MrsVand Miss A. Kehnedy.left Wellington on -Wednesday for Eotorua. \- Among the visitors staying-at the Occidental/Hotel this week are Mrs.; Guthrie (Feildihg), Mrs.- Clark-and Miss Mason (Hastings), i Mr. and Mrs.; Wicks (Blenheim),' -and .Mr. and,; Mrs. -, Hole . (Onehunga). i■:■.'■ ..;-:■/!':!;',//*' ' Archdeacon; and Mrs. Harper are/' in Wellington for a couple of days for. the conference with the; missiohers. - Mrsi: and IQss Eiddiford are spending a few days' with -Mrs. -.G. 'Potts.-. • ; -.' u .Mrs. Pulton, was; in Palmerston .last' week visiting her' sister,; Mrs: Waldegrave. Captain Dudley-Hewitt left for Wellington.', yesterday eti.;route; for . Sydney, whence he,, sails to rejoin his regiment in Iridis;."'-..'X' V .-.-:■'';' ■'".,■'■''.'' ! '" .!■"•"■'■:.'' .'!■■■; Miss Lloyd,.:who has been paying ..-'a lengthy .visit to, Palmerston, has returned to Auckland.' ..; •'.''••■ ■> • '.-1 -:■■ Mr. antKMts. Mostyn- Innes-Jpnes have left-Palmerston; for the Waikafo. ■;-'-A-; very'enjoyable risking. party.: was given/in the Empire' Hall-,- by Captain Dudley > Hewitt./, on Wednesday ..evening.. Refreshments wore .served. oh' the stage, orchestra played selections during the evening... Among those : present; were Captain, Hewitt,.R.N., and Sirs. 'Hewitt,' Mr. and Mrs. Porritt, Mesdames Russell, Potts, Monro,'; and;F.'■; Eiddiford, Misses Russell; -'.Monro,, Cargill;; Turner, Eraser, Hewitt, - Eiddiford, 1 ■arid .Abraham, ... and ■Messrs. .Abraham, ] Arkwright, Barraud, and-Wilson;' / ; '/ n ,' ,- '• : fA'-very- pleasant afternoon tea Was given by .Mrs. W. Keeling on Wednesday afternoon-at;-her.residence, College Street, as, a. farewell to; Miss Margaret Walde* grave,:'who;is leaving.for England at the end of the .month. /Each, of, the guests ■took a little souvenir for.-the guest of the afternoon'/: : and: an amusing competition was won by Mrs. Harper.-: Mrs. Keeling received: her guests in the/hall, and tea wasi served!in the: dining-room, the cakes and other dainties being,most artistically arranged :oh a dark: green table decorated •;witH. boughs: of iwestaria: blossom.'.Among: 'the 1 •■•; guests were : Mesdames 'Warbur.tbn,Harper; .Waldegrave,;, aiid;, Bell, and Mi6ses.Warburtoni Hewitt, and Robinson.

:'/ 'The"annual 'athletic sports of 'the boys belonging .'.'to. the - Croydon/ Preparatory School are/to:be-held, Wellington* College gTonnds on. the morning of November sr.'.'V -"":" v : ,•'.'•; '•"■"'/■'';'-'.,. -.''.y."-"V :."

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 9

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 9

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 9