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Tho following .lists..contain' statements of the principal results; of tho examinations. hold in January, last. In the preparation of the.,lists• consideration has been feiven to - candidates' successes at previous ex- r aminntions for . teachers' certificates and at university examinations, of which due notice has -been: received. • Tho first list (I) contains the -nairies of the succeßßful candidates for Glasses A./B.C, and I). Teachers': eortificates, will be issued to such of these as have - produced; satisfactory evidence of age and pood character, have passed tho, special , medical examination prescribed, and have fulfilled, the necessary, conditions as to length of service and efficiency in teaching. The second ; list (H) gives the nanies of those who have passed the examination for'a certificate except in one or two subjects. Thoso candidates for the Class 1 0 bxamination,who,'though not entitled -t0..-bo placed in tho second list, passed iii a "section" under Clause' 26 of tho. : regulations, arc included in the; third list an). . _ * ;-/• The next . examination will take place about January 5, 1910. Notice must bo sent to : tho. Inßpector-General of, Schools, Wellington, as .to reach him not later than Septomber : 3o; / Candidates who have ob-.'-'partial pass" must observe this rule ;eaually 'with ; other candidates, and must not expect to. receive any further in-i I timation'of ;,the • date at which tho notices becomo- due. " 1 Certificated' teachers, who:' ; have s gained promotion • at this examination, may send their certificate's to the Department for. endorsement. ' Passed for Glass A. . Jessie" '0. -Aberhetliy, Edith. M. Hind, Margaret F. L. Olliver, Owen L. F. Opie. Passed for Glass B, •'"A.-P. Uarrell,.T. Blain, T. Douds, Marion G; Farauharson, H. A. W. Gillman, Alice L. "W.- Gruar, J. Hutton. A. F. Johnson, E. E.,Law,.o..M'C.arthy,; Amy I. .Wilson. 1 ' Passod - for Class c. 1 . Edith: Ainbridge, Nellie W. • Anderson,R. Anderson, Agnes 0. Andrews, Katherine N/Armit/A. Bain, 0. P. Bates, G. H. Beilby, A; Bell, A. .Benton, Isabel ,W; Best, S. J. Bishop, Gertrude, L. Blair, A. R. Blank,' E.' A m Bond* Ethel K. ,M. Betting, A. -.0. Bowbyes,;.F. G. Braithwaitc, R.: Brintrans, a. E./Brockctt,-. D. C.ißrown, M.-G;-Brown, Mary. : Brown, .Elizabeth. Budd, Evelyn. P. Bull,; A. Carson-Dunning, G. E. Clay, W. G. Ooolison, Lily M. .Cornish, .H. W.Crawford, A. H. ! Dare,TY. Davidson, .Edithß. W. : F. Dean, N. H. •Dbmpster, A, H.- Dene, Janet. Dewar,' M; }I. Dixon,, A.. Douglas, Alice -Down, H: J. P. Downard, Cecilia R. DromgoblrJVK. Edie,Isabolla , Edwards^.' J. EJ Elliott, G. H. Espin'er,- H/Fawcott, J. W.' Fawcett,. Ai E. Featherstorie, S. - H. Ferguson, N. S. Foxj H. P.. Gabites,: Doris M. H. Gavin, W. R. Gillespie, E. J. Gilmour, J; Graham, A. G. Greig; A. J. Hall,= A.. Hannah,-. Amelia .W. Eannay, R. : J.. Harris,'/ E./ Hart,' Ruth, Harty, Matilda E. Harvey, Ancela Hastings, -Eliza *-A.. Hawk'es,- E.' M/'Hewlett, W. E; Hird, Mary A. Hunger, 8. J. Irwin, H. W. Jackson, V. :,R." Johns, G. "A. Jones,: J. Keane, ;A; P.; Keys-Wells, E;. A/Kins, A; A; Labes,G. Lawn, M. J. Leith, J.' Lenihan, V. ' W.!.Lindauer,-; Alice 1.. Litten, '0. M. Littlejohn, G. H. Lord, Bertha' A.-Luke, .Adina 'M'Callum,- .Elizabeth L." ;M'oorkindale,. P. M'Grath, -A.- MacGregor," P. 1 J. M'Kay, T. '' D. 0. M'Konzie;*. Elizabeth M. M'Loughlin,- Eileen A. Mahon, Ivy A. :Mar-: ryatty H. Marshall,- W..,Masson; R/.W; D. Maxwell,,..Ernestine.,#.H. Messenger,,' J.> Metson, J. M.-Millar, D. Y. Moore, Annie ■ E.*>Morcom,' Sylvia' W. ; Morley,.: Annie :Mur r . phy, Elsie' Newton, Mabel G. Nicoll, Selina Ri Oliver, C.;Parr,-Elsie, M. Pearce* *Flor-. :ence •:<Pearson;' Ellon/ G.. Plnhcy;"Ada . M.' Powell, Mary Ralston, -Ivy, M./A. vßapley, 0. 0. Rawlinson, "W/P. Roberts, 0. Robert-, son,:;J.; A. Robertson, Elizabeth-A. Robinson,' Mary N. Rogers, Margaret E.' Robs, W. H.- Rushbrook, : Eileen. N. ; 1 Sampson, Elizabetha Schoidt.Margarot. A. Shanahan, Euphemia Simpson, Bridget Slattery,'B. B. Smerdon, "G; : H. : Smith, Mabol Smith,';W. P. Stansell, Marianne: A. Stephenson; T.. Stout, E.;Strack, G,.5.; Strack, S.- W. Street, Lavinia. J; Strong,' J. E.. Sullivan, J. ton,' Kate L. - Tasker,. Riwai- H.Tawjiri, • Mabel; Y. ;Tayler, ;Edith' Miriam Thornton,' R. W./Wade, J. : W. A. Walker. Margaret A'.- S; .Walton, ; J. -.Mv • Warn, ''W; S. Wau--chop,;. Hild- M; Webb,'-E.. S. i West;:.Millicent IM: # Westwood; -T. ; J. 0. • WilUius, .E; A, - Williamson, W. C/' Wilson; Kate R. Wright/ Sarah ( -:RaojL.; )'■ ■ r Passed For Class'D. ' R. ;0. Abernethy, : Lilian, A. J. AinsworthV' Poris : ,N.: Allan/ Margaret' Anderson^Sarah' T., Andrew, o.' A. Astley, : Mercy.; Aylmer,. HoUy:: H. ,H. Badger, ; Elizabeth 'E.. Baker, >Elizabeth" : E. Barber, f Miriam V. Barlow, Muriel :L. Barr,\lna- P. Barriballi. A." Benton,; J. -W. Bird,; .Mary- S; Black, 1 Isabella .. Blair,: Myrtle Blank r .Jessie Blue, ; Ethel-E/.Bond;, Amy I. Dotting, Jessie Bradfield, Alico M. Brookless, Isabel Brown,'.• W."'B.'.Brown, Winifred E. Brown, Margaret J: Bryce, C. A. 'Oaigou, - Annie .Cameron, ; ~E.H'G. -Cameron,- .Alice' ; Camptiell, - Elsio 'Carter,. Marion 0. Cavell, Cicely M/ jOhatwin, Ruby. A, Clarke, Etbel M. Cleary, Marion, H. Clulee',' E;;A. P. -OockrofV A..R. Coltman,' Olivd A. :Oongrove,- Gertrude* Mi .Cooke,; Riith fE. Cooper,<: Margaret :L. Corbett, ; Edith-: M; Cornwell, N.: A. MTj. Cowic, Ivy . I.' Crawford,/ Dorothy . M.-' • Cumberwortlv Elenpr Dixon.- Phyllis 4 Duncan,' Ruth-' Dyson, , Lily .Feist,' -Eva , M. Felton, • Alethea Pergusson, J;. H- Pioldhouse, Elspcth A.' Pindlay, M. D. Flaherty, vT. A. Fletcher,Gwendoline M. Flux, N. E.'Fogelberg, Olive A. Frenoh.'V.'. J. Gamble, Julia A-' GanTinn/ Laurel L. Gascoigne, Emily B.' Gates,- Doris M. H. Ga\in,.F, J." Gaze) W. H. D. Gazzard, Anna Geaney, 1 Catherine ML' Gibsop, Ellen Gibson, .Elsie.E.\ Gibson,': Annio Gillanders, Mary. C. 'Golden, Martha' E: ; Gordon, Sarah' P. . Goulding, • Yyvienne;. Gowdy, Jane.; C: .Graham,. Annie J;/Grant, Louio Gray*. G. F. , Grifflthsi" Sarah ' H.- sGuy," H. F. ! Hall,"' Lily- E.:Hall, Violet: E. Ham, Isabella. !).'■ Hamertoni Eva; Hammond, • .A., Hannah, Emma J. Hare, Alico' E. Hargreaves,- D. : • Hartstonge, Angela- Hastings, Mary H. Hityden, Olive M. Howett, '-Mary' E.. Howlett,' Stella ;Hickey, Muriol E.' Hodges, Mary P. P. ' Hogg, Alice -Wv Hogwood, Annio I. M. Hogwood, 0; •J. 'Howarth; R. ;A'. Howie, Clara.' Ai M. Hulston','.Winifred M.' "Hunt, \Josephino Haynes,; Isabolla :M.: Iverach, Esther D. Jameson, Eana 8.-Jeans, W; H. Johns, ,T. Kelly |; .K.- P. Kerr, Ida:M. Kerslake; 1 , B. -M. 'Kibblewhite,' Minnie- H.-' King, Helen: M. Kininmonth, Eliza. Knox, Blanche A; E. : Ladley,; Winifred. F. .Lauchlan, Ber.tha M. M..,J., Leith, Ada 0. Lloyd, Helena Lockwood, G.' M; Luke, ;W. 0. Ly»' all, .E. Si' M*Bean, Adelaide ' M'Carthy, Elizabeth :M." M'Donald, Olivo V. M'Farlane, Minnie' 0. M'Gonagle, M. S.; M'Grael, Christina -M. Mackay, Charlotte E. Mackenzie, ,P. E... M'Kenzie, R.-A; M'Kinnon, Agnes :M'Lean, N. M'Lean, May R.: M'Nally, ;D.: A. -M'Pherson,-Honora M'Swceney, Maggie E. Magill, Aileen P. C. Marsrieri, W.'A. G Martin, Bertha • K.: G. Matthews, P. D. Mauricc, Francos I. Meyer, Mabel I. Miller,. J. E.; Mills,' Christina .T. Milne,- D.'.V;. Moore, Amy-'Bl-'B. Morga Morrison,' Mary : A.= Moyle, A. P. Murphy; > Olarice A. F.' Murphy, Irene. M. M. O'Connor, Agnes E. O'Sullivan, ,Mary . A. O'Sullivan, Ruth E;, Palmer,.-Jean G. Parl:, E.' Partridge, Elsie'M. Pearce, 'H. E. ; Prenderga'st, Ida. Pick-. ering.v Wiriifrod .Giy?Player, J., ; F/ .Potter,^ ~E.. Pratt', H. :D. Pritchard, , Doris M. Prints zen,-Mary- E:-Radford; G. H.'Ralph, May. Ramson.i Kathleen '-R. Reyling; Lilian ' G. Emma, I; ' Reynolds, >Lillie ,1;' F, Robinson,. W. B. Rule, D. A. J. Rutherford, I Elizabeth 1.-Salmondi Elsio F. L. Sapsford," ! Mary' I;; Saunders,. MargarettL.. Scarlett, I Ethel: C. Schofiold, P., Shroeder, Ethel M. | Siddolls; >T.'H.- Sissoris, Mabel E. .Smith," Joan J. Spencc, Olive 0. Sproat; Isabella M. Statham, Isabella A; Stitt, ( Gertrudo A. Suckling. : Adelaide L. ; Sym«s, Isabella ; S.' Taylor, Ethel Thompson, Laura-son,-Plorenco 'M. •; Thomson,' Beatrice vE.'i Turneri-" H. "Vause, Elizabeth M. Vincent! Ruby ' E. YoSs, R. H. Wade,; D., A. S. Walker, Elizabeth; .J. Wallace, Mary. R. Walls, Inn. 0. Watt,- Margaret S.-Wauchop, Hannah ,M. Webb, .'J, F, ~Wells, ; Amclia M. West,/ Anita M. West,-J.: Wh'ito, J. P. Wil-' liame; W. P., Williams, E. A. 'AVilliamson, A. L.t 0. Wilson,-D.. G.: Wilson,. Marion. Wilson, 1 Ellcn.:W.'.Wylie.. ; ; Partial Pass for Class A. : Annie P. Ironside. ' . t Partial Pass for Class,C. . » . D. A.; B. ! Allison, Clarico- M. Ambrose, Isabella C. Anderson, .A.- F. v IV Ansley, 0. F. Arnold, : L. G. Austin, Wenonah Bailey. R. Barton, Caroline 'A. B. Bisset, J. Bolton, .W.\ J. Bishop, Elsie M. Bland, Emily Blenncrhaseett, H. I. Blow, J.; H. Bocock; It.' W. S. Botting,' Augusta Bourke, F. H. Bowler, Jcssio Bradford, J. Brown, Marion A. Buchanan, Emily M.. Burgess, P. R. Callaghan; Hilda M. Carrick, Elsio Carter, Ethel R. :Choat, Herbert'J. Clemance, Marion IT. Clcwlce, C.. F. Collins, Ethel H. Cook, Olivia M. Cook, H. J. Cooper, Henrietta Cormack, Edith M. Cornwall, R; Cowan,- R. ■G. 'Crawshaw,.-Muriel K. Orellin, A. G. Crickctt, 0. Crispe, J. A. Cushon, Lucinda R. Dagg, 0. W.'Dallaston, N. D/ Day,' Janet B. Dewar, W. A. -Diack, Elizaboth P. DuiTus, Ruth Dyson, *W. W. Edgerley, Victoria" H. W. Egen, L. R. Ellie, D. .P. . Evans, - Gladys G. Everett; Dorothy C./Farnie, .Elizabeth M. Fawcett,Hannah E. Feist, R. H. Ferguson, T. Finch, ,R. H.; Florence, Gwendoline M. Flux, Jo. hanna C.. Fordycc, Kate Foster, A. Fraser, Lcnora J. • Prayne, •. Christina I. Garnham, Emily B Gates, Ifolcn F. Gibson, Kathleon Gilmour, M. Goldsbtiry, A. Goodall, E. Greensraith, Lilian 0. do 0. Griffln, Stella Grisc. Lib Halo, A; J. G.-Hall, H. P. Hall, Jcssio Harknc33, D. . Hartstonge, D. D. Henderson, Olive M. Hewett, A. T. nonoro, H. 11. Homer. G. F. 0. Hosking, R. L. Hov, Margaret cv . Uughes, Elloa J. Hunt, JWe L

Syncs," P. 11. Jackson,, Laura Jamie6on, Eana.B. Jeans,.. E./G. Jones. S,. 0...J0ne5,.. T.-R. Jones, H. Y. Jordan,' Jemima Ken* nedy, Kate. F. Kerr,' B. M.- ICibblewhite, Helen Kininmonth, T. L. Lancaster, Har•riett B. Lanyon, Norah- E. Lawry, Irene,. L. Laycock, Helen P.. Leversedge. R. 0. D. Lightbourn'e, Mabel.F. 'Lockwood, E. R. Long, Ruby E. M'Alister; Margaret: M.* M'Oormacy,- Mary M'Donnell, Robina L. M'Gill, 6. M'lntosh, Davinia, R.- M'lntyre, Mary 0. M'Kay, Margaret J. W. M'Kinnon,. Charlotte E. Mintosh,'W. M'Larcn, D. A; M'Pherson, A. P. M'Rac, J. M'Rac, Hoiiora Zenobia-Meads, A. T. .A. Miller, A.-;L. Miller, Mabel I.• Miller, Alice E.. Minchih, -Maggio Mitchell," - M.. 0. - Moore, Alice F. • Morgan, Amy • B. B. Morgan, 0. W. Moriee; A. P. Murpliy, Annie ,0. Noble, Mary K. O'Oallaghan. M. J: O'Connor, F. J. Ohlson, Eleanor A. E. Oliver, .R. J. Parry, J. E.-Patrick, Amy S.'Payne, Jessie Pelvin, W. 11. Pnilip, Annie A. Phillips, •Doris Pilcher, Doris M. Printzen, D. Mi Rao; H. Rands, G. W.- Rapson, Jessie 0. Rennie, Helen : Ritchio,- A. i 0. Robertson, Bertha Robson, 0. F. Rock'el, • Duloia M. Rockell, Adelaide W.- Robs, Hilda-Ross,-E. H. W.Rowntree, J. Russell; Magdalen li. Russell, • Elsio F. L. Sapsford, Jano D. Sargent, E. A. Bearlc, Lois H. Sheen, Harrietts M. Skellon, Elsie G. Smart,; J. 8. Smart, Ellen 0. Smith, Stella I. Smith, .E. F. Snell, Laura E.'Snowball, G. A. Somerville, Rebecca E.rSteele, J. G. Stewart, E. 0. Stretton, Margaret- A. Sutherland, Taliesiri. Thomas/ .W; W. • Thomas, ' Ethel Thompson, L; J. W.. Thwaites, Fanny M. Turner, W. L. Walton, Margaret S. Wauchop, J. 0. .Wobber,''Eliza White, Elizabeth Wilson, Mabel Wilson,. E.'A.--Wood, Bertha J. Woodhouse,; J.'H.' Worboys/ , Partial Pass for Class D. v--0. S. Algie,' Olive Anderson, E.'.Andrew, Ida M. Anthony, Doris G. Armj strong, R.'Armstrong; 0; F. Arriold/Edna IM. ,-Bannister, Ida'E. Bastin, -Mildred-Bat--, i kin, Ethelwyn" Jl ' BeaUie,''' Gertrude .E. 1 : Beresford, T.\R. Peset, Winifred' M. Black-; , more, A. W. Booth, Phoebe F/ Borthwick* J. Bowden, D. : 0. -Bowler, /Elsio ,H. T. Brewer, Elizabot^ A Brick,*. •'•BlizsJufo S. Brims, A. Briugr '3.;, T- yc. B.;oadga-te, Lavinia E. Btop'' ' s l«i. : .'M.< .Brown,' Lilian\A. Brow) wnirig, W. H. Burgess, J; Burt,-x... Cameron; Willa. E. Arietta A; P. Castle, Dora/yif'tf.t,Chappie, Gertrude Clark, E. G. Coddingtoni; Gladys ; Compton, R. P, Oonnell, 'Ethel r H,. Cook, J k G. Cowen, M. Cowen, Evelyn -H./'M. ' Crawford, /Ruby M. Crawford, Nellie" Crickett, -Susan' It. Daines,,;Rho'da 0. : ?Daldy^'Flora Dalzell;' Clarissa M. Daplyn, Margaret-Ei Davidson,' F.i W. Davie, Mabel A.Dempsey, D.' Diok, Mabel L, Ditford,. Mary F. Doak, Minnie Duif, Eveline E. Duggan; Minriio A; Dunn; Eveline G. Dwyer, OUve F. 'Eagar, Mary E; Eaglesome, ••Charlotte, M. Earl, Flora Ellis, WV England, Edna'.J; Enaor, : Zelma : A. E. Entirig, Daißy/ A, M. \Evans, O."':F. •Evetta. Daisie Fairweather, •; Eva L. Ferguson, Gladys Fitch; R;' Flctcher, 'A. B, •Fordyce, • W. E; ' W. - R.' vFossette, - F. H. H.Foster, . Mabel -K.- Foster, W.-; A../ Foster, Elizabeth 'Fraser, Helen 'M. .Fraser, Hilda E. Ganley, S. 0. 1 Gascoigne,?-J.. G. Gas- ; parich,- Inez R.- Gibson, N. : -D. Gilchrist, EUen ;E. Gordon, J. A.; Gordon, ;G. Graham, Eva E. Grey, Helena I. Hadcn, Edith ; .J. HalljvMcre- H. .Hall, G.M.. Hames, Catherine E. 'Hamilli Dorothy L. Mi Hanham, Minnio K; Hare, : Constance M. L. Harney, H. R. Harre, Jano'B. Harris, F. D. Harvey,''B. G;.Hawkins;.E.:'HayWr, R.. Hayter, Myrtlo A. .E. Hayward, E. ; H; Howard, Ellen R. Hewlett, Nora"M.-Hick-, man, G. 'H. Hoare, 'J. .8.-'Hogg, F. ,G;„ Howell, Winifred B. Indor, t .Emma H. Jenson; B. Jones, Linda M. Jones, H. T. Jor-' dan, J.' Kay, .Ernestine M. von-Keisenberg, R. •D. Kelly, Margaret Kennedy, Katheriric Kenny, : Lilian ,E. King, Flora' 'E. - Kininmonth, Lulu .A. Lake; - Katharine A. Langford, : F. 0. Larking. B.' M: Lavery,T A. I, Leyland, Ethel M. Livingstone, Josephine M. ; Lloyd, :F. 0. r Lopdell.V Agnes' L. London, ' Janet'. Lymburn, • Sarah Lyriskcy; A. D. Mac Arthur, / Mary ;A. 1 M'Conauffhy, Dorothy' L.-.M'Cullough, AJoxindrina Mac- ; donald,- : Sarah.. H; "• M'Donald, Edith 0. M'Ewan,. Flora M'Ewah, .J. ,\f. M'Gcchie; Sophie/ Mlntyre, : Clara' I. . Mackay,:. A.. M'Kenzie,; Li, A. M'Keiizie, Alice E. M'Kay, Elizabeth- M. "R./M'Lean;' Esthor M'Mullan, Ella ;M. Mahoney; Florence N. ' Mahoney, - Malloy, J.- S. 'Marsden;, (Mrs.) ; Jano B, ..Melton; A. Mohzies,' Alico'.' Mills, Constance' Mills, Elsio E. .Mills; Eva' Mills; Ros.o A. Mitchell, 8., P. Moodie,' Mi '0.: Moore. . Agnes Morton/ F. J. Mottram, .Em-, ily. A. 'Moyna,, Mildred E.; Musket, Neilson, L. R. Neilson; -Alice m M. Ncwmarjn; Elizabeth Newport, I. Norris.'D: O'Connor. •Annie N. O'Donnell. IR. Opio, .Marion J. : N. Orr, Francos T. O'Sullivan; Una' M. O'Sullivan, Piata • Park; Margaret ; B; Parkes, Dorothy G.- Parsonson,, Catherine L. .Peart, Mildred E..Peele, Pieroy, FannyPirider, G. M. -Piper, Elizabeth' Grace, Princo, Elsio Quill, Jane G.K Ramsay, G. H. Reader, 0. 0. Reichel, G. C. Revoll,. Gcorgina; Boborts;-' F. E.. S. Rpckel,.W. B. Roe, 'H. Rogers,' Elda H. Roscoe; Annio Ross;* Hazel Rotheram, Blanche C. Rout, Evangeline Seymour, Florenco E. Shone, :-Annie Simpson, Frances N.. -0. Smith,: 0. 0. Southey, Alice J3. Stanton, R. B. Steele,,'.G. ,F.,Stephenson, Elsio M.-Ste-venson,'<J. Stobo, Florenco Mi Strong; Marion, E.i Strong, .Flora P, M.-Sunaway; N." .Sustins,. Vida B. Sutherland; J. . A.- Tatton; , Florenco T. Taylor, • Caroline E. Thorpe; Maud Towers; ;M. A'. Tremewan, Margaret M. Turnb'uil, •: Edith, Mi'; Turner, Lillian . Margaret' Tumor, Marion , J. Turner, Helen M. 0. Tweedie, Mary I. I Wadsworth, .-Annie- Wnldibr Annie - E.E. 1 Walker, :,W.. -Walker,- Beatrice - J,. B. Watkins, M.' M. Watt,.Beatrice' J;.H.;Webb, Elsie. E.; Webber, Maria H. - Weitzel, 7 Anni"e • E." Wharfe, Arigusina: M« White. Olive' J. M. White,' Florence A.'.Widdowson, .Isabella A. - Wilkinson, F.- Wilks,; , Dorothy. Willcox, Elizabeth- Willetts, Margaret M. 1 Williams, Mary Wills,. Jessie Wilson,. Margaret M. Wilson, Mary E.'Wilson, ; H. W. Wood.-.Ber-* tha J. Woodhouse, Ida/WoodrulFe, Alice M. Woreley, yiolctM.: Wrig)it, AdaE. Wylie 'Annio. -Wylie,/ Clara' -E.,;Wylie'.'; Margaret' -Young/,'.-. Passed In Pivo Subjects ("C")..V Elizabeth ST. Harsant,.. Isabel..M'Dougall.. • Passed/in Four Subjects ("C"). Amy J. Alioy, L.' ~F. L,' 1 Broadgate, Helen/M. Fraser, Myrtlo Garland, Mabel M.. Graham, C. J. Harden, J. .P. Hawko, J. Marwick,. B .P. Moodie, 'A. E.' B. Richardson; H. M. Stevens, D. B. Waddell, J.-A. Waddell;: • : , / PassoU In Three Subjects C'C"). : '"H.'.Hi Allison,'G; 'Barber,- E, Bissell, Ella li BreWer, J. Bringans, Brown, Kathleen A.'M. Currie, Lily Foist, Muriel B. Gibb, W. F. Gilliffan,,Eilon' Glanville, ,J.. B.^Grant, ;A.;F. Grenfell, Eva Grey, Gladys Griffiths,' Jane' Harris; Nellio Harrison, Pearl Hutton,' Esther Jameson, Helena Lockwood,. Constance LovellSmith, Margaret M'Culloch, Norah M'Diarmid, Ohristina Macdonald; Isabella Macdonald,: May M'Nally, Margaret M'Naughton, Emily Mitchell, J. J; Molloy, M. J. Morrison; ; Elvina Mullay, Katherine Mur 1 - phy, J. J. O'Reilly, A'. F.'Palmer,.E. Partridge/ Cherrie Pattrick;\ H. -S.; M'G." QuigJey, W.' H. Reeves, 0. ; M. , Rope; Ethel Roseveare, J. D.. llouiston, Lavnne Rugsted,Elizabeth' Salmond,' P. Shroeder, Margaret Smart, P. E. Stevens, H. B. Taylor,'A.'W. 'Thompson, J. F. Thurston, Beatrice■ Emily" ; Turneri Frederica XJllmer, Gladys Isabel | Walker, Robert: Stephen ./Webster, : j Rosa Bertha Wiesher, Elizabeth Willetts," James Reid Wilßon, : Alico Ethel Wishart, Ellen Winifred : Wylie. . ./• Passed in Two Subjects ("C"). Samuel Baird, Edna Muriel Bannister,Florenco Invcrerne Baston,. Ethelwyn Jano' Bcattie, William. James /Bennett, . Robert Louis Delap Blair,, Jessie Blue/Bella Ade-, laide / Bryant, Eva Burton, Dorothy May Cumborworth, Rosy ' Darling, • William Dickie, Stuart Duncan, Edna Annio'Evans, Ethel Beatrice Ferrier, Elizabeth Hannah Firth, Norma. Emmelino Fogelberg, Ernest William Fossette. . Olive Annie French; Victor John Gamble,' Sidney Charles Gascoigne, Anna Geanoy, James Robert Aird Gifford, Dorothy Helen- Gillespie, Sarah Frances Gouiding, ; • Louie Gray,.G. G. Hancox,.'Emily .Harrison, H. Henderson, T. N. Hewlett;/Constance. Hill, Muriel Hodges, 0. J. Howarth, Winifred J. Jemison, Ruth.B. Jones,' Violet M. Jones; J. G. Jordan, Thomas Kelly,- Margaret King, A. M. Kirby, G; W. Kirk, Blanche A. E. Ladley,Ria Macalistor, Jessio E. M'Ar:thur,. Myrtle M'Elwain, J. D.. Macleod, Caroline S. Marshall, F. D. Mauricc,: Annie • :M. Miller, Roberta .0. F. Mitchell,C.' J. Murphy,..- Ellon Murphy,, J.' M. Nicolson, Florence O'Brien, Agnes E.. O'Sullivan. . Passed In Two Subjoots ("C"). /' E. G. D. t Patterson,. L. J. Planki J. F. Potter, Elsie M. Quill, j Teresa Rasmussen, Eliza G. Ritchie, Ethel Rowntreo,, Mildred Rudd, Ethel'/M.., Siddells," - Anne; Simpson,Hilda E. Small, Jean J. Srcnce, Iva M.' Stace,.Alice E.. Stanton, Elizabeth. A. Stanton, Gertrude A. Suckling, N. Sustins,. Florence M*L. Thomson, Nellie Turner, H. •Vause, •Ruby..,E. jVoss, D.■ A* 8. Walker, Mary R. Walls, Amelia M. West, Martha 0. West, Mildred Western, 'F. Wilks,' D. G.' Wilson, Patience A. Windust, Claro E. Wylie. / • Passed in Ono Subject ("C"), Lilian F. Ai'nott, Alice M. M. Barker, Gladys . C.. A. Astley, . Mercy, F. -Aylmer. Olive E. Baylis,, A. H. Bromner, E. G. Cameron, Jennie Cameron, A. R. Coltman, Ruby M. Crawford, Esther M. Day;- Phyllis Duncan, A. B. Fordyce. Frances H. Fob-tor,-Elsio E. Gibson, Helena . I. Haden, Janet H.' Haldaue, Isabella D. Hamerton, Emma J. Hare, Myrtlo D.z Harris, Lilian A, Hart, Emma J. Haslem, Jessio F. Hay, Mary E. Hewlett, Kathleen Ililliard, B. M. Lavery, Ada.C. Lloyd, Aunio L. Lucas, W. 0. Lyall, Margaret J. -Macaulay, J.. M'lntyre, Margaret J; M'lvor. J.' -Mackenzie. Graco Y. M'Lcllan, Helga M. Mayne, W. J. Moor, Lucy 0. Ktowbray,-. Elizabeth 'Newport, Ruth E. Palmer, H. E. Pendergrast, Esther E. Priest, F. J., Proctor. Elsie E. Rankin, Edward H. Rpgers, Olive C, Sproat, Adelaide L. Symes, Winifred V. Thompson, A'. D, N. Train,;LiliaiiJL Turley, Lillian Turner,. Annie E. E. Walker, Myra J. Whitcombe, A. J.' T.. Withers.'

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 11

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PASS LISTS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 11

PASS LISTS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 11