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TCfEBB"-. STEBET.-Eand : : 34ft.v6inV x TGft:: Gin.-B ■ rooms/^cullcry^bathroom;'; , » ».-. wnshhouse, .out-hoiisbs, gas,'arid: conveniences.:This'■.property .lias, just;;been , H"'°?.?Wy and is-in .tin-topVorder. Price, -,£BOO.- =-'V^ • M AiAiiAi.—Land, | acrq; superior. .!)-roomcd liouso,: .pantry ,-■:. .scullery,-bath-; room,, washhouso,: linenpresses,, gas cooker.gas, liot.and cold .water,* plastered..' throughout, .wainscotted hall and. every oonvenionce.'iThispropbrty'commaiids-a:, .lovely., viow of Evans;.Bay and the Straits, and■ the*grounds'"are■'beautifully \- laid;, ourm lawn, flower and vegetable gardens,- etc., 'arid is within.. five ; minutes walk >• of.tram. - : - . ;■ . ■:- ■.■■•■•'•. :■■..■■ -,•_■"■;.: \r--\. ■■■''.■■■■■:,■-. y .:-::K : ' v :y--,'^}' , :: -3813 G \|7'EI,BTJRNE.-Land 40ft. x" 19Gft.; splendidv Building Section;i :; good i viow , ot.S' •"-*• harbour arid.straits; five : minutes'.walk from tram.; Price, .£200; easy.termsi;>« piTY (CENTRAL POSITIONJ.-Land■-. Kit x ■ 165 ft.; "; 8 large ; rooms,' bathroom, washhouse, hot and cold water, gas, and every, convenience... Th< | grounds aro nicely, laid out in large.lawn, Hower and vegetable gardens,' concrott' paths, etc. This property commands a lovely view of harbour .'and'town; and is withm-five minutes' walk of tram, Price, JEISOO. ■ ■ ' ~ . '... 3G3S; ■ rfYRIENTAL BAY.—Land 58ff. x.3B£t.; superior . : 12-roomed residence', /scullery, V bathroom, washhouse,. cupboards, hot and cold'.water,- gas,, tiled 'hearths, , carved innutelpieoes, steel ceilings, and every:'modern convenience Tho.. grounds; aro beautifully laid out in flower gardens, etc. Wo. have no, hesitation; in■rc'coih-"' 'mending this property as a first-class investment.' ■■ .". .*.■,:.. 3521 [ .TJATAITAL-Sections for.Sale from £i to .i) 0 per.'. foot; beiintifnl ' sunny j JUi. positions, and only penny section to Courtenay Place. ■ Intending: purchasers .'■ will be conducted over tho property. .'. '.".."-....■■■ > ..; ■,'■-:~■.■■-■-.1^'1.-:;:..- -'.".'. >J- ... . -.■'■ , , /PANAMA,STREET'WELLINGTON. ■; •'•■';■ -;:'; v -:; ,; : .', \ ~:. ;*';.';poß:/wBi.MNGtiGiN'.; MBLii.-suppa.Yi': ; i ; .>;- 1 Oiy ACRES,. 5-roomed Hcuse, cowshed, etc.,' good fencing, all -ploughable, ,best/ & I of soil, (grow anything), carry. 11 cows. V by two stroaß water j. races. Price, as going concern (including-10-cows, 2-horses,'pigs, : .cart,"oans,.etc.),' \ X 1150; This property is cheap,: and : is eminently.' euitablo for ■■Wellington Mills u Supply,..being, handy to.Levin. , For, further .particulars; apply -;„, ..■■.-.- "> 'v ■ ■■, -PARKIE ; 'ANP^IKGENT;> :: : W :^{ : ;;,••;;■■' '.:'.'....-.■■,... eeal:;estate.; levin. '."■/.;': :; 1 : /: '.;RJOMBfIOMW'' ■'DqWwSv'eSTATEi^■WASkAtb..'. y :^[ WE havo'.been instructed, to-offer, for Private the* above; well-known.) Estate, comprisinp! 9130'Af.res Freehold Land; 5000 acres', have', .been,well -!, improved and grassed, 8000 flat and ploughable. the. whole property, being well';'; fenced, and; watered by-permanent; streams.. has-been surveyed'into' ■■',' sections from IGO acres up to' 1500 acres, and is well'adapted for dairying.>Th'ere . j 'is a splendid .Homestead,: consisting of 10-roomed ,Eouse t : largo wcolshed, with ;' shearing machines,Vand other,buildings..-; Stock -on. .'property,' 9600- sheep;., and; 300. ■'.'> head, cattle: Price,' £i> ss. per .acre, in'oludiug stock.:' Terms ai-ranged. ■"\l?or-. full ./. ■ particulars, apply ■'. . ;■' '.■■.•■,■''>■■■■ ', ' ■"'.'■ ':•'■■'■ ■'■'■~.■■■". ;':;;■ ,:■'■; ■,-')■. -■'■'•'■■■■ '''H'liji : - '■ S ' ' ,'■' : :-, -'■ ',:- :: '' '■;-"-::, : i':';",-v l ", '-V; ::■':' .\'WELLLSGTON. ■:■".; -aov' CHOJCE ' PRORERT |ESi^;^-> \'l^'W^.'C^ -j QKA ACRES,■''TABANAKL-γAll good-papa "oountiy,' : -first ; <nese"'; , Bbeep."..liiilej- ; .' : J-tJUVf fronlinggood 'road, .four miles from Township ■ and: Eailway, ia. progiesss .: 450.acros:in grass, and the balance good>bush country; whsre, .sheep '■■; yards, '•, two :}, miles sheep-proof;fences; i£l per acre.:.:Price,,>i!2,per acre;': terms, ,£501) .' cash,'and balance can remain for 5 years at 5; per ceiit.-. ,; •:■;,,. .", : ■';'■,;,;..1 jniorv ACRES, TAIiANAKI. —Freehold; one :-of: .Dairy Farms; all level .; iVoU and: well watered by streams; good .house, .large ' cowsheds;' and', water- }i power for uiilkiog siaclunes; handy to tactory,'school, and township; good roads..;.j i- One of the cheapest farms offering. Price, ..£ls 10s.'"per acre,,.; Reasonable, term*' } ■ can bflj arranged;' -;v. :-:■■' ..:'■ ■■■■:■ ■-;■' :■■■?■■<■■-'■■ ...;_■■...'„■_'.'.;:-■■. .■.;;■•.•( ' TAEANAKI.—FreehoId; first-class Coast Parm;.all;level/and rich.. ■ &Q\S land, well watered; Housej large cowshed fitted up with.milking ~ ' machines; wall fenced and subdivided; factory opposite/section; at present milkin| ■■:-;J S5 cows, which are ia good crder and condition. 'Price,: jßlß.r.por., aore,;,' terms,' • about £VM'. cash', arid bulancecin be arranged for. :..:Stock,: can; be. : taken' al : .. valuation., , '.■■■' ■'-■ ■ v- ■;.-' : -- : - '■ ; -;■'■■■'- ' ' '■' :' : :' : 'y::~ v ■■■;•.-■■.-. ;■ > ■ ■ -,■■;-;,.,-;■.■. .-•■ f-.-.v-. , ' ..- -j an ACKEB, TARANAKI.—FreehoId; all level, anq. woll running .; .■XIjCw itreams; nicely planted about homestead;, gouddwelling.houEebreroomsiv. man's rooiu,' with fireplacoV cowshed and piggeries; :'cal£paddockslplanted.''with;."...i shelter" trees; all:rich land;.handy, to factory, .school, ■•railway,: and.->toitnshig.j, ;■ .Price, i2B per acre.: Owners selling to.divide interest. . ■■ ~: ' :: ; -; ■ ■;• ■■ :£-. ■ ■';■■..-■■ >| '■■-.' I haveou my books for Sale a large number of Dairy, Farms, Sheep Euns, Bjsni-,i Properties; Store.Businesses, etc., and sh s al( be pleased- to-show; intending-buyers \;i t givo the'm the benelitjof'iuy 30 years', experience '.' naki Lands. '■'.".'■'..'■'"■ /'■'* ''.■!':■■ ■'■■.-.' : -"-?-' '.'•■•'": ,c :,v. .-■-;':/ •.■.-'- :'-"■■ _': : ■'il'''- r --'" vs] ■' : - ' All correspondence' promptly attended to. Loans negotiated. ..Terms arraoseiv"-,'^ '■■ T EASE 109 Acres,-carries 37 'cowe/weli, .h0W,;,10 cow. bails,;:andVoub;' f buildings, 6 'years''to run; £h per acre'..:. Goodwill, : ;,\ . . : :. L 7QA ACRES, carrying 9 cows (with feed for 112)'. and,-.1--,-horse; .-good- •'r-roomed, ; ii~x house,(cowshed, hayshed; piggery, and orchard/.;near town. ~Pricey^Boo.,,l i£2oo : cash required." Stocki; including cowe,. horse, 10. pigs, 100, bees,;.'. */a°OAA AGEES- together'. Mα.- winter stock: of: iSOO. heavy sheep and i 3lO cattleiSOO.;! . ■-t/i\}<J acres good cropping; land, .well fenced;, complete, homestead'.;and. 6tatipn : ; ■■ Handy position. ::;if 21,'going, concern.:;; -'-vV.'^v.':- vi-'y-". ; ;:;:-Vlatha;w.^ A'•'. GOOD PATIN<i\FI<AMiLL in the Manawaw'District,'.prpduoing; FIHSTr; ,i. I'■ jSl'.' GRADE' HEMP', at minimuni :;cost.. .■: ■[■■:-\. .'■,: 'vVV';, ■:■.:.;: ■[ ''.'' ";y j ; ; v,:/..... V; vWE-HAVE BOYERS,FOE' GOOD:/FAEll;,PEOBEETrES.: :;■ v :^1;-' : ; EXCHANGES .'NEGOTIATED;:. SALE. ";; . '■ ? ; ]■'■> ■■'//;, W^XliS ; j|rßlEETi ; : WELLINGTON.:h;';. v rV-(-. ;.V;|

I ■ ■■'■'■\- : -■■-'"■.', ■■■.-.■ ;•■•■■ ■.'Z^.';'•:;.■' f ;■•'■ 1 poiesnotpnkprburst |-:• I; Atit yxjwr Stasitepafot Donlqp BtwA | - ' |. r THE OUNLOP RUBBER CO. '" 1: i - '.'■;■■■.-■.'''■ : ,' OF iUST, Lip.i .-.V' , -V,"- "*l i '.;■ . Melbourne,'".Sydney! Adelaide,' . I '■'■.' jjL \.'■ Bftabaiie.- Talh & Chrlstchurch. '■-■■M -' ' :,' VvSUBSCRIPTION.^ATES;fe.;I ; '": ■. :;i' - ,' : "': : ' POSTED.:'. ;V. :=:■■.; l^M ' ■■.•/-■. ■11-Year'I 1 -Year' "..: : :: ; .''.;. ■ ; '.;..S9s.'vv; ■^ : !^ . :?G Months. ' ;:. ■> ..V"---l!)s. 6d^'.-■•';■'? :.- : ; 3 Months. ,f; ■•/;v/.'--.^-;V.'-' , ;9s: Od.';-.-. , .---H If paid) strictlyvin'■".'advance': tor..full- 13!? ':;■'■■:".;.■■ ' > ..'■-ilpnths,-.265. '■..'■ ..';; : / ; <Y;'-.3; : ■:.-V-; ;-;; :: i ;'; ; :-:'4; " ; ' : ■:•;-■! Year" l ..:'': .i^^Ms "Ji ;•:■■ ■'.::.■ "6'.Months- ...::;: 135.: I;,. ;':.;3 Mouths ..-0 :.:;' ■..:., 6s.' ed..". , p^; Spooisl Koto Jto Country Subsorlbers." "> ~ For : the convenience .of ■ Subscribers i ■'.■ - residing in districts where there is no , \f ' ■■ •: local■ agent, ;"TKE ;DoMlNloN" : ,\vill■,! be postoi regularly on receipt of 28si;'.r ■- '..■ bains ..One . Ye-u-V -Subscription : " if-,* ~'■ VAIDI.S ADVANCE...:;;,:.;,: :.':s:s ; ■-, ■;.;;"THE; : bbuiNibN.";V;.: ' ;. '..;OVERSEA. AGENCIES. ; -5. •■ r. ;^l_ FOLLOWING ,'are-ijhe names ■ of; the ■( ■ Oversea"■ Agencies, whero copies of : |t '•THE DO-MINIuN," iind partiouiara re- | gardinjj ; Advertisement; Rates., may; : be ."( obtained, and-files inspected:— , ■■/■£.. ',-':: 'LONDON s'v;lieEsrs.-.-''j." : Oy.:: Smith; and , Co.; Dailts; Sun ;House;; '1& Scraiid.- i ."'. syDNliY,v'N.i-W.sf llcssrsi'-Gordpa"- -[•:': /aud;Ootcli;j|Piu; ; •- L '' , f v ; J , - ,MELliOUKNK::^llessrs.; : Gordon;;-'and :; V ;;; Uotcli,... Street. ■:■■;-;!..;;.. ■:;; -.j.'! ■ HOBAkTri[essr6..T.'L : .;Hodd ■..;■; --■; S5;: lilizabetliWtreoJi ;;.-.; : \

The Latest Msdel "T." , ' Sβ H.P; 6 SEATEK,: ' Solo' New Zealand AgeatsTHE ROUSE AND HURRELL Carriage , Building Co., LttL, COUKTENAY PLACE. WELLINGTON. LANKSHEAR'S Annual Sale of Stationery and leather Goods HAS COITITENCED. Absolutely Genuine Reductions. ss. to 10s. in the £. Note tlio Address— ' LANKSHEAR'S BARNSBURY PRINTING .4. PUBLISHING 'WORKS, •WELLINGTON. Special attention is paid to coantty orders. OF APPROVED BRANDS, ALL SIZES. Gas Filings. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. Burners. BRASS FITTINGS AND ALL ACCESSORIES. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. N.Z. ACETYLENE GAS LIGHTING CO., LTD., No. 25, King's Chanibars, WELLINGTON. - FOR A @QOD FUM ISl&l&M DRINK ONLY ' ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL CONNOIS--1 SEUES TO BE ABSOLUTELY Brewery nnd Oflicas: Molosworth and Murpny Streets. nnilD results obtained by Advertisers I. in the Classified Columns of ■'tho Dominion" aie such as to confirm their buiicf that iho paper has , a «idor circuktion than any other diily journal in Haw ■ Zealand.

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 748, 22 February 1910, Page 10